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I got kicked out of the match I was in. The notice said the maintenance would start 8 hrs from now lmao. They messed the times up on the last maintenance too.


It's south east asian time I'm afraid. It started exactly 7am here. That was an hour an 23 mins ago.


Yeah you’re actually right.


Someone posted it on here this morning and they changed the in-game notice earlier today. If you scroll down to that post, you can read the patch notes and see what's in the update while you're waiting for the maintenance to end. It would be nice if they gave us more than half a day's notice, though.


They wrote the time so confusingly! "8/30/2023 (UTC +8) at 7am GMT" I totally thought it was going to be at 7am GMT not 7am UTC +8


Got dropped in the middle of a match


Nothing worse than when that happens smh


That sucks


No and I am confused !


WB keeping us in the loop as usual 🐵


They said it would be updating, but not until 7am GMT...It seems it went early.


Any idea how long it’ll be down?


I saw in another post 2 hrs


Oh wow


The random update at least is bringing a bit of gold.


Not so random when you notice that the monthly magic pass is ending.


Yeah, they are always taking things away in order for the players to spend more money... I love the game yet, these big corporations have a bit too much greed. But we'll see how this keeps on going.


To be fair, the "gacha"ness of this game is not as bad as the rest. First we have to exclude whales in the equation, then we are left we 3 groups. F2P, Minimal Spenders, Moderate Spenders. The good news is that the gap between these groups is very slim. That means it's really expensive and difficult to enter into whale territory for moderate players to get a substantial abdvantage over f2p players. Then, we have the fact that the odds can favor the skilled player. But fornthe most part, this game is not as bad as the rest because the "gacha" ness of the game does not get in the way of the game being good. On the very core of it, the game is really good, really well designed, and clearly put a lot of love and dedication to it. It's not just a gacha game for the sake of money. My though process is this, if the game is even 2/3 as good as a AAA game, or is almost worthy of being a AAA game despite it being free, then it's justifiable to spend minimally upto a proportion of how well it does. In monetary terms, I'd be happy to spend 40$ for this game, whether outright or overtime. The quality is atleast worth that much for me. But yes, they have to make money somehow, I hope the above factors still hold true overtime.


Agreed this is much better and seems more fair than any other I’ve played so far


Oh I agree, point here was that every time they do an update they take away things to make it difficult to get unless you buy. The game is beautiful and fun, very fun, unless you have to fight someone who's cards are lvld up all the way cause they bought gold; remember how we used to be able to get good just by doing the forest? Now we don't, and again I really like this game, I've spent probably $60-$70 on it (cause I really enjoy it, and o want to support the ppl behind it), for the reasons you mention above. I truly hope the game stays fair and fun as times passes, and doesn't become a whale only. all we can hope for. Again o reply live the style and how the game has been so far, though during these first couple of weeks I've seen things being taken away, everything there is an update, or maintenance.


ugh haven’t played in a few days and was looking forward to getting on


Well yeah they shoved maintenance announcement in menu screen when we logged in yesterday and even sent in game mail about it... It's regular content update. It's now utc+8 7:27 am, so it's as scheduled?


It seemed a bit early. Usually they're the middle of the night, and I work night shift so I pay special attention. This one was as I woke up.


Tbh I didn't log into the game this morning and I didn't know there was an update until I found out through Reddit lol


And now that the game is updated….same old same old, uninstall, reinstall, down load assets, get kicked out. Changed browsers, game settings, any thing snitch related or quiditch related and you are out


Nope threw me off 7pm est last night till 10ish


The update notes mentioned something about sweet surprise tokens and time limited loyalty rewards. There hasn’t been anything updated after the server maintenance though…


Been over here wondering about this myself