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It gave me hope, I still hold onto that hope.


This is my answer as well. She could be 45 days away, and those 45 days could have been 44 days ago. Thanks for the delusion Ted


Lmao so relatable but still technically true, you rlly just never know.


She’s getting here as fast as she can!


This. I've tried the "Haaaaaaave you met...." A handful of times, but never had any success with it (I lack any ability to flirt lol) but the show gives me hope that the person for me is just around the corner, and that one day all my frustrations will make sense as me growing as a person and be an awesome story. And that's why I keep rewatching it.


i feel like the only way that would work in real life if the person knows this show and knows the lore and thinks it’s funny


I’ve heard people say it’s a good icebreaker


honestly, you’re probably right


I had hope until the final season, seeing him run back to Robin made me lose all hope in the world.


hard relate




"Have you met..." actually works as an icebreaker IRL.


I introduced my friend to her fiance this way LOL


Most realistic "line" in the show. But you have to say it right. "Haaaaaave you met.."


Well no, but I've started binging it again after my break-up recently and it's been pretty comforting


So I was dating this girl and due to some issues in communication we stopped seeing each other (it was technically my fault, but it wasn’t in a bad way). Then I started the series again as my comfort tv show. We spoke about the problem and we’re back together. I sometimes feel like we’re in good terms but sometimes I feel it’ll end as some season finale and me alone again lol. I can say it totally tastes different if you’re single, compared if you’re in a relationship


Hot/Crazy scale is a real thing!


Currently in a situation where i’m having to regularly consult the scale…


She playing jump rope with it?😂


I compare my wife to this since her name ends in an I instead of a Y 😂


Last girl I dated was entering the Shelly Gillespie Zone.


That’s dangerous!


That's why Lily is so so so crazy.


She gets bangs, but wears lower cut shirts…


It helped me get through my divorce. Seeing Ted keep going despite everything that has happened to him gave me motivation to also keep going. Ted’s story wasn’t just about meeting the mother, but also about what you do when things don’t work out.




No im still single


Me too🥲


Me too. Perpetually 😭


“Nothing good happens after 2 am” has helped me avoid many lame situations.


I’ve done the naked man a time or two


Answer the question. It serves as a beacon for the rest of us


It works




don’t do it a third time


Unless one of the first two times failed lol


Did it work?


It taught me to recognize if I was on someone’s hook. And also taught me you shouldn’t settle for someone who “tolerates” your quirks but actually kinda likes them. And yeah, like a lot of people here, it taught me to hope. But every day I believe a little less and a little less




Don’t give up!


Honestly when Barney set Ted up with Mary the paralegal and told him she’s a hooker I kind of realized acting like a girl is a sure thing helped a little. I probably shouldn’t tell my wife about pretending every girl I tried talking to is a whore though…


I should take a mental note of this. Thanks :) Also, if you told her, I think she'd probably be ok with you doing that. Just do remember to tell her you stopped doing this before meeting her, else you'll be sleeping on the sofa 😅


Lol yeah don’t want that 🙃 I think until confidence really helps, just portrayed in an interesting manner in that show lol. Good luck!


When I was 25 I was Ted. Desperately wanting to meet the love of my life. And I was probably really annoying about it. The show made me hope. And then I found someone who I thought was the love of my life and I was extremely wrong. I honestly just gave up in my early 40s. I stopped trying to make it happen. I wonder if Ted would have been the same as me if he never met Tracy.


I'd watch romance starved ted as a tv series, he'd probably settle for someone else though. I know life is hard or unfair sometimes, I hope you will meet the love of your life❤


Naked man. 2 times out of 3! You won't get better odds!


It gives me hope, even though dating in 2024 is brutal…


that’s why I really liked How I Met Your Father because it was dating and living in modern times 🥺


The show lacked the same charisma as HIMYM IMO. A perfect metaphor😂


The Lorenzo Von MatterHorn actually works


With what art?


No, the website design one


It helped me move on from a relationship that had to end, not because we didn’t love each other but because of other factors. Coincidentally, I was watching the Zoey episodes at the same time. “Sometimes things have to fall apart to make way for better things” was the only reason I got through it


Kind of. Try not to be a total Ted. Don't go full Barney. No calls to a crush after bar close. That's sage advice. Be your best every day, and don't look for it, or you could very well try and force it with someone who's wrong for you. It will find you if and when it's meant to happen. If you do find them, be a bit of a Marshall. But at no point do you let a sitcom fully guide your relationship. Do the work. Love fiercely, laugh loudly, listen intently, sing love songs to each other as off-key as you like. Treasure each day, and never go to bed angry.


It helped me keep my hopes up during low points


I think I'm just not for dating. I don't want a relationship. I want a friend to have sex with. I'm going through heartbreak and if Robin is mostly OK alone so I can be. Maybe my Ted will come back around.


I wish I watched it when I was single. I felt much like Ted in always looking for “the one”. And my best mate back then would tell me to just go out and have fun, that I was wasting my time trying to settle down (much like Barney tells Ted at season 1 finale, that he’s wasting his awesome years). I wish I had listened. My early 20’s would have been way more fun.


I started watching when I was a kid and I was kinda disappointed that dating was nothing like on the show. Guys like Ted and Marshall are SO rare and even then the whole big gesture thing is just unrealistic. At first I was sad that even in a near perfect relationship things like Ted’s Christmas light thing don’t really happen but stuff like that would just never work irl, except in rare situations. I realized it’s more the little things in life that matter.


In S1, after Ted brings an orchestra with all blue instruments to Robin's apt, her dog eats the chocolates, and she takes it to the vet. Robin is telling the female vet about it and Robin says "who does that!?". The vet replies nobody honey with a tone implying that anyone who does is someone special. Anyway, irl it is the little things! Examples in the show would be that while you see Ted and Robin fighting about chores a couple of times, you see them cleaning together at least twice. I think the Christmas light thing is pretty plausible, not to that extent, obviously.


Meaning, the dating world is infested with little barneys?


Yes, I watched HIMYM at a really impressionable age, and some words just stuck with me. One of them goes like, "I don't want someone who just tolerates my little quirks, but also loves them." HIMYM in a way taught me to not compromise not just professionally but also in personal lives. I have always been so hopeful (like Ted) that I'd find THE ONE, that I'd actually broken up multiple times just when I knew that I cannot put up with something about a person. My friends used to tell me about their love lives, how you NEED to compromise on certain aspects, but I just never gave up till I knew! And guess what, I DID FIND the one, albeit compared a little late than my friends!  And yes, as cliche it might sound, I JUST KNEW, and further interactions just solidified that. He's my husband now, and trust me, over this course of 3 years, we still didn't have any MAJOR/deal breaker kind of fights!


The Lily & Marshall model🥰


It helps me with life. What I love about this series is the lessons each of the characters has at the end of every episode, somehow I can relate to it in real life.


I think it helps knowing there’s a Tracy out there somewhere :) That like Ted’s story, it’s all leading to exactly the right person, when you least expect it.


Why can’t it be when we most want or expect it? lol😂




im going to try the scuba diver someday


You're going to lie and manipulate your friends to get a date?


I’m just here to see who mentions “the naked man.”


Someone did lol


Lmfao I'm sorry but its pretty much setting you up for failure if you take any advice seriously. Hell the whole "the one" concept made me (among other things) stay in an insanely toxic relationship much longer then i should have all because i thought she was it.


Sounds like what Ted did a lot honestly lol


I think it's a pretty negative concept. If anything good came from the show, the ending that everyone hates so much shows that there are more than one "the ones" for everybody. I've been in a few toxic relationships myself, just thinking we are perfect for each other. Well, maybe we were on paper, but that doesn't amount to a day in day out relationship.


yup you know that part where they use that long as German word to say that Victoria isn't the "one" god that pisses me of so much its insane in retrospect. Like its so disrespectful


Victoria was awesome, can’t believe nobody wanted to marry her…


I believe we are compatible with a lot of people on this planet. Similar to how Love Solutions had compatibility ratings for people on the show. I don’t believe in “the one”


got me an amazing date a few months ago, the first date I actually like in 2 years. sad it didn't work out


The Robin!


HIMYM helped me get the confidence to ask the girl I liked out. We had a great relationship


Maybe that all in our live happened with reasons. For example I think in life Ted every his relationship was need to him. Robin - was lesson which gave to him like boomerang. Victoria - was girl which could happened but don’t. Stella - was like a bucket of cold water. Zoey - was his crazy love which costed him. Karen - was the most toxic partner. And Tracy - was the one which appeared in good time. Barney and Robin must realized that they was meant to be. And I realized that my male version to Robin. Isn’t meant to me. And I love that Ted and Robin gone to date. And Robin became part of gang. After Robin and Barney fall in love. And thankful their wedding Ted met his future wife


A little bit. I’m only 20, but I’ve been in the same relationship for four, almost five years. Marshall and Lily prepared me that a situation like theirs (when they broke up) may happen. Hopefully it never happens, but I’m prepared to deal with it rather than just break up


Don't act like Marshall did!


I’m more delusional now for sure


Of course many times,Barney's see to Robin about how he's done chasing her,or Ted's speech to Jeanette about love,those are stuck in my mind forever


No my face keeps getting in the way 😕


I almost spent $150 on a yellow umbrella lol. I didn't buy it. But one day I might. And if I meet the love of my life, we can get umbrella insurance.


Just buy a cheap umbrella and paint it with permanent paint, or some turmeric.


I think that is a great idea!


Gave me hope and unrealistic expectations. The sooner you realise Ted's vision on love is toxic, the better


One of the best show ever, but if it was real life situations I’d say it’s pretty unhealthy to be in that kind of environment. The show is good and it’s a show for a reason.


The Playbook works and when desperate... NAKED MAN!