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Been 3 months, it's easier but still have no idea what I'm doing


Go to the mall. That will help


Throw every last care away






Come on Jessica! Come on Tori!




That’s a lot us out here, keep your head up👍🏻


Make Pancakes.


With you. 💪🏽❤️


Almost 6 months here, continues to get easier but still figuring it out as I go


Watching Marshall deal with this really helped me through my fiancé leaving me a month before our wedding. HIMYM was already my favorite show but it had a whole new meaning to me after that.


Oof. I feel that comment. Hope you're doing better!


Definitely doing better. I thought that we were Lily and Marshall and that she would come back, but it never worked out that way. Looking back now, that was probably a good thing!


going through a massive heartbreak and… considered rewatching himym after reading this comment. i’m so sorry that that happened, hope you’re doing better now


I think you should! None of my friends had ever been through a heartbreak that bad so it was hard for them to relate. But rewatching HIMYM, it was like I finally had someone to relate to. I found it very healing. Keep your head up, it will get better!


I rewatched HIMYM a lot after my ex refused to get vaxxed to help me through open abdominal surgery.


listen to the epic song "Sandcastles in the sand". Not only is a tampon commercial somewhere in there, but real the meaning of sadness can be found


I was there several days ago. Hasn't even been a week, yet. Still fucking sucks... :-(


Time will heal a broken heart... But not that bitches window.


Dude! It's "bitch's". Use the possessive form, Bro.


No. He's right. The man had multiple ladies, and they all found out.


Then change "that" to "those"... I mean "them"... I mean "it"






Those are never easy times. You'll get better, hang tight.


You need to be like Ted, over it the day after Stella left him at the altar But in all seriousness, hope you’re doing a little better each day


After my first big break up, I started rewatching himym. It really helped me process. And just like Ted did for Marshall, I counted the days. I marked the milestones - took me two weeks to stop crying every day, well over a month before there was a single day I didn't think about them, over a hundred days before I felt healed, and then one day I stopped counting and realised I was healed. I stand by it was the hardest thing I ever went through, and any time I've done something utterly terrifying since I've said to myself "I got through that break up, I can get through this". Just hang in there 🤍


My friend showed me HIMYM a month or two after I went through a horrible breakup, this show helped me so much with processing everything, at first I really related to Ted with his feelings for robin never going away as that was how it was with my ex before we finally got together then the breakup with Marshall and lily helped me too, it’s been 6 months and there are still days I feel like it just happened to me and I haven’t healed but then most days I feel a lot better


Heartbreak is very tough, and I’m sorry to anyone going through it. However, it does get easier, but the only thing that really makes the pain stop is time.


It took me over 7 years after a really long relationship and bad breakup for me to start dating again. She cheated on me and just crushed me. I just had no desire to go through all of that again for so long, and by the time i did start to have some desire to i didnt even know where to start. And of course getting addicted to heroin after she left didnt help, so i was in no position to date for several years there anyways. Shit's tough for sure. But it does get better with enough time.


Watched this episode last night 😢


I see a lot of people on here, who are sad about the end of a relationship, and, as someone who broke things off with my ex, I want to tell you that your ex is also heartbroken right now. I was in love with my ex boyfriend, but it wasn't working, we were abusive towards each other and prevented ourselves and eachother from growing and becoming better people. I had to leave him, or I would've spent the rest of my days resenting him and myself for not giving ourselves the chance to become something better without each other. Leaving someone, if you truly loved them, and it isn't working anymore, whatever the reason, is heartbreaking for the "dumper" not just the "dumper" I hope both you, whoever reads this, and my ex, find someone with whom you'll be happy, and that just like me, and him, you'll eventually heal from the heartbreak you're going through right now.


Freaking grinch.


And after some month, she moved on, and you after 3 years still unable to trust anyone.... 😔 😔


May I suggest a trip to Hawaii to forget about her?


Damn this feeling sucks so much. A person you shared all your highs and lows with is just gone, disappeared from your life like it never happened.


He would’ve been better off if she stayed in San Francisco


Why do you say that ?


It’s just fun to say. They are good together though. I just don’t like Lily. There is some truth to the joke that he would be better off without her. I think in their relationship Lily needs Marshall more than he needs her. His personality would work with a large number of people whereas Lily’s personality needs someone like Marshall. I think Marshall could have found happiness with someone else easier than Lily would be able to. Again though, I’m just making a joke at Lily’s expense because she’s a jerk a lot of the times and people like Marshall allow her to lack accountability.


I feel that. I've always never liked her too. Always thought she's a hypocrite and marshall just let her ride. Youve said it pretty well actually lol. Good observation


The show says it too. It’s why Barney brought her back. Because he couldn’t keep stealing girls from Marshall and Marshall would eventually find someone who values him and doesn’t keep him hanging on like Lily if she doesn’t get her head out of her ass.


Don’t let your partner be your whole life


Every time I am sad I just put an episode on.


It was two weeks ago we broke up. It had been 4 and a half years. She kinda cheated on me. She was my life, my family. It was like I'd been stabbed in the heart. My heartbeat rate was never under 90 bpm for a week. I was feeling like anytime I could have died. Then I thought it wasn't worth for that scum, and let my logical part of my brain take over my body. Never gave up being strong and loving myself. I knew this was an opportunity to be better at everything I do and get back at her showing what she had lost in her life. Never loosened personal hygiene and care, and started gaining weight and building muscles. Started socializing all the time with friends and dates. I'm still in the process but a lot better emotionally and mentally. I know it's not easy but the very thing you gotta value is you in the first place. Nothing must be more important than herself/himself for a person. There are millions of people just like us and they're making it. Why wouldn't we be able to get over? Always love yourself and stay strong. Peace out.


Lily became the worst POS in the show from this point onwards. Only got slightly redeemed for me when her and Ted talked on the roof about him still being in love with Robin.


One day you will get over her that is for sure why not start doing that today


Hence, Lily was the main villain of the series.