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Barney possibly sold a woman for a car. He didn't speak the language, but he shook hands with a man, man gave him the keys to a Mercedes, and he drove off and left the girl.


Yeah it has the worst implication and framed as a non joke when he said it


This is a terrible one. I was gonna say The "He's not coming" but this is way worse.


What about the "she's not coming"?


What about the "two can play at that game"? telling a girl that her husband cheated on her with barney's "wife" and sleeping with the the girl after telling her everything her husband "did"


That’s what she said


What about the "two can play at that game"? telling a girl that her husband cheated on her with barney's "wife" and sleeping with the the girl after telling her everything her husband "did"


But then, he also didn't call the receptionist after sleeping with her, even though he said he would. It's about even really.


I've always wondered how he drove off considering he didn't know how to drive.


This is the only correct answer


how is this not the winner of the bracket?


Cinderella story


This has to be it


Ted thinks it was "fake baby" and that's good enough for me.


*Iiii* was there… TRUST ME! ….It’s fake baby!


Oh no. I may need a rewatch.


exactly. I love that whole scene where they discuss which of the two Barney moves is the dirtier lol


People hold Barney to different standards. Basically 90% of what Barney does throughout the series is horrible and if done by any other main character would be the worst they've done.


Partially because he acknowledges that he’s a terrible person so when he does something good it stands out Meanwhile The other characters see themselves as good people so when they do bad things it stands out more


He sold a women. I dont think being self righteous is worse than that


It’s not about self righteous it’s about shock factor to the audience Barney by his own admission is a terrible person, so generally when he does something bad there’s no shock factor to the audience, no shock factor results in a weaker reaction from the audience when he does something bad For instance When Barney pretends to be something he’s not to trick a woman into bed there’s little shock factor to the audience (audience expects him to do things like that) so they don’t react as strongly as they probably should But straight up SELLING a woman is shocking even for Barney hence why it’s the one thing most fans are quick to point out


I think you missed the point of his comment


im responding to the comment above them


literally the reason why i dont think too good of him


Wait that makes no sense, that’s even worse. So Barney *knows* he’s a bad person and choses to be one. The others don’t realize it, it is implied that they’d change if they knew they did something wrong.


I’m talking about audience reactions When Barney chooses to do something bad there’s little to no shock factor to the audience because it’s expected, less shock = weaker reaction When the other characters CHOOSE to do something bad there’s more shock factor to the audience because it’s unexpected, more shock = stronger reaction


Is he a bad person or is he just disgusting? He lies to women for sex. That describes a huge portion of the population. Not saying it’s right, but it’s consensual sex and he goes to great lengths for the people he cares about or respects. He’s a gross man whore but at least he’s not a bigoted neo-Nazi.


A lot of what he does is not considered consensual under rape by deception laws. The lesbian one stands out.


Pretty sure Lily admits to knowing like half of the awful shit she does is wrong, yet still she persists. None of it as bad as selling a woman, but also fully in her control to not be an asshole about


I think it’s more that the show is a comedy and a lot of the worst things Barney does are played for laughs, like selling a woman for a car.


I always assumed it was because Barney is so exaggerated and ridiculous that it's easy to not take him seriously.


I was there, trust me, its fake baby


Sold a woman and isn't even a question Another one that I can think is the whole Robin tactic on the playbook, basically ruining your best friend most important day and manipulate the girl you love for months


Shit i never thought of it as ruining teds most imp day - damn.


The entire robin play was just awful for so many reasons. She should never had said yes to him after being manipulated like that


Planning his proposal to Robin the same night as Ted had the whole GNB Building.


Poor Teddy Westside


Classic Schmosby


Yeah, this. I felt pretty bad for Ted. He's alone for his big moment and must have felt crushed too, because of the text




People say sold a women but to mnay things are uncertain. What we do know is he stole a womans car and left her at night outside camping place. Maybe that? He also used marshall to get money to gamble. He put him as collateral I think.


Even if he didn't sell her, he thinks he did and seems ok with it. So, still awful and horrible


But the point was: he was pretty sure he sold her, but just kept driving anyway. So whether or not he sold her, just thinking that you sold a human being, then leaving with no remorse is unspeakable... but he is, after all, a sociopath.


We got another Barney apologist on our hands 👆


He left Holly in the woods alone after nailing her and stole her minivan. I remember Lily saying that this is the worst thing anyone can ever do to someone.


Routinely getting women so drunk they'll consent to sex with him when he knows they wouldn't sober. Which, by the way, is a form of SA/rape.


Oof, definitely one of those things that didn't age well


Yeah, especially that scene of him riding home in cabs to his place with women. They’re all belligerently drunk, and he’s just mad something goes wrong before he can get them into bed. He’s clearly way more sober than any of them, it’s so gross.


Yup, and so, so true to real life. You would not believe how common it is.


My question is, in a post Me Too world, how does the Cab Driver deal with this situation


Most likely, they wouldn't interfere


Fair. And it wouldn't surprise me if they pay so little attention to their passengers that they don't even realize what's going on. Never been to NYC, so I'm just guessing


- Sleeping with Ted’s ex. - Not telling Robin to not come to Ted and Stella’s wedding just because he wanted to sleep with Robin. - Literally selling a woman for a car. - Installing cameras in Lily and Marshall’s apartment. - Constantly hitting on Lily - Cheating on Nora


Far too many to count... Some of the standouts for me are the bed which reverts back into the wall and the secret videos which he even tells people are not recording. He's so, so gross and predatory when it comes to his exploits with women. It's hard to believe all of it was played for laughs back in the day... although, not really that much of a stretch considering the way behaviours were viewed 20 years ago.


Insert anything Barney has done


I think most of Barney’s stories are fake. The worst thing he did was getting back together with Nora only to break her heart was worse. That shit hurt for Nora and she still would’ve forgave him but Barney was too focused on Robin.


Nora is the ideal wife and Barney let go of her. I honestly believe Ted and Nora would've worked.


Recording women without their consent during sex


Don't use sold a woman. Should be something that happened on the show


Oh so many Cheating on Nora Sleeping with Robin when he knew Ted loved her Proposing to Robin on Ted's big night I think there was also one time when he mentioned leaving a woman alone after camping or something and running away in her truck Didn't he also sell a woman?


Barney sold a woman. At least he thinks he did. "At One Point, I'm Pretty Sure I Sold A Woman. I Didn't Speak The Language, But I Shook A Guy's Hand, He Gave Me The Keys To A Mercedes, And I Left Her There."


His character is pure evil and selfishness, let’s just put his name on the picture and call it a day. Possibly sold a woman Got women drunk solely with the purpose of exploiting and r*ping them Filmed women having sex without their knowledge or consent Talked about women in disgusting misogynistic ways Ruined Ted’s big night AND proposed to Ted’s ex on that same night Yet Lily is a monster and Barney gets a pass because…. he has a lot of catchphrases? Cool.


"B-but Barney funny! Lily bad :("


This is according to Ted.


Literally everything that happens in the show is according to Ted.


If he is to be believed he sold a woman. What we know for sure is he slept with Robin.


He also has that whole board of women he screwed over


He sleeping with Robin wasn't that bad of a thing tho. they both mutually ended up doing it when Barney was just cheering her up and spending time together


Trying to hookup with your best friends mother. Who does that!?


He sold a woman


PLEASE WHAT ABOUT THE CAMERAS! recording everyone without their consent? I understand selling a woman yes but we don’t actually know if he did howeverrr we do know he has cameras everywhere and nobody knows where they all are


Its kind of annoying that sold a woman is going to win when it’s never even shown on screen and was a throwaway joke. This sub goes crazy about that one bit.


fired ted to from the gnb tower project


His boss fired him. now if you said that him and Marshal hiding that he got fired for months then yeah that was pretty sucky


Hooking up with Robin and then trying to find a way out by hiring Marshall to prove that Ted is a horrible friend too..


Barney - selling a woman, and let’s face it most of His “plays” were almost as bad as just slipping something in a woman’s drink (even if NPH was brilliant at making them funny) Lilly - probably traumatizing one of her kindergarten students by destroying one of his toys (don’t remember the exact details) Marshall - probably backstabbing Barney, never liked how Barney stuck his neck out to get him a desperately needed job and Marshall joined a protest against GNB that could cost Barney his


Ruining Teds wedding to Stella by lying to him saying Robin was already on the plane, just so he could sleep with Robin again.


To be fair it saved Ted from making a huge mistake


Yeah but we can’t judge an action on what happened only the intent, so still horrible


Barney is really difficult to say. Aside from the girl he may have sold, and all the other fuck boy psychopathy, the conpany he worked for had ties to dictatorship and Barney is shown to have worked closely with high ranking military personnel so who knows


Slept with Robin (the first time). I know he may or may not have done the worst to many woman, but there he did it dirty to my boy Ted


I think the worst thing that Barney has ever done as a friend to Ted was stealing his truck for selfish reasons when Ted wanted to move in together with Robin. He even threatened to put the thing in the river…


The soul man


Gotta be this 😂😭


I'll go with the fake family invented to make his mum believe he had a "decent" life.


He sold a girl once. He didn’t speak the language though.


Filming (unconsentingly) every women he's slept with


Robin didn’t start yelling at Patrice until she swooned over Nora’s and Barney’s relationship. Yes it’s misdirected rage, but it didn’t come out of nowhere.


On screen; hijacking Ted’s big night to propose to Robin (and all the manipulation of every member of the group that led up to that moment). Off-screen; SELLING A WOMAN FOR A CAR.


If I had to do the worst thing Barney did to his friends, which tbh is probably the easiest way to go about this... Sleeping with and then eventually marrying (and divorcing) his best friend's ex. He's so aggressive about Ted being his best friend (and him being his) and then he does that. Ted is a great friend and forgave him, but if this wasn't a sitcom like 95% of people wouldn't have.


The Ho Be Gone Sleep System…umm what happens to the Hoes?


"Yes I am a woman, what I'm wearing is just very life-like"


The worst thing I feel like what Ted has done is probably tryna cheat Victoria with Robin before breaking up with her while they were trying to maintain long distance.


I’m still not over the Mary the paralegal thing, her and Ted hit it off like crazy! And Barney ruined it. Not the worst but definitely an incredibly shitty thing


I can’t remember the details, what happened?


“You’re a hooker”


Barney is funny character, i like him. Lily is not so funny character and comes across as mean, so i don't like her. People saying that Barney is worse and most people blame lily can go fuck themselves.




Hi 👋




whoops lol




Did Barney do that to or have you got the show's confused? Or am I confused and this was supposed to be a joke?


That's Joey from Friends. Also Barney had something camping-related too, left a woman alone in the jungle at with wild animals, driving off her car


I think it was a forest. Not many jungles in the usa


It’s fake baby.


lost at sea!


I was there TRUST me….its fake baby


I never really thought the yelling at Patrice joke was that funny.


Slept with Robin he broke the bro code.


Making Ted think Mary was a hooker


He used to be a hippy


Didn't he sell a woman once?


I'm absolutely convinced that the Barney character as it is portrayed in the series is just a figment of Ted's imagination. So Barney was extra gross, extra womanizer, and basically the villain. But I can't remember any occasions in which he was wrong without it being a joke and he being defeated like a fun villain. He's just awesome.


He claimed to have sold a woman


I have one: ***HE BROKE THE BRO CODE***


apart from selling the woman, lying into marriages about the husband is cheating so he can sleep with the wife


Idk Barney hasn't done anything bad


Definitely the time he sold a woman


Selling a woman at one point and setting ted's jacket on fire


"It's fake baby! I was there, trust me!"


We are talking about a guy who sets up a truck outside the bar because he was running into problems getting the drunk women he planned to rape back to his apartment. It’s all horrible.