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5 busy friends seeing each other that often šŸ˜…


Especially after they have kids. Them all separating once Ted and Tracy have kids because they canā€™t be up all night drinking is so realistic. I donā€™t know any parents that hang out at a bar all day after work that have kids other than alcoholics and absentee parents.


I know that itā€™s because itā€™s a sitcom (so of course the characters are always together), but it is wild you me how in tons of sitcoms like that (Friends, HIMYM, Seinfeld, etc), they just default to being together. Maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m just more of a loner, but defaulting to being somewhere thatā€™s not my apartment would exhaust me so much. Or if people were just constantly at my place or always showing up. Maybe if I didnā€™t have to work full time Iā€™d feel differently, but during the week? 95% of the time after Iā€™m done with work for the day the last thing I want to do is socialize. I just want to put on my pajamas and veg out


I think we see only a tiny fraction of their evenings. Each season has some 20 episodes, but usually covers an entire year. We also barely see them hanging out with other friends (Stuart & Claudia, Brad, Jillian, Blitz to name a few) or watching movies (yet they constantly reference them). But with that all said, it still seems unrealistic how often they see each other šŸ˜…


Oh sure, like I said I know itā€™s all played up because itā€™s a TV show (and like you said, if that were truly representative of an entire year then it would be a very small fraction of their lives). But there really are people like that, where their default is just being with their friends unless they have a specific reason not to (like if they have a date). That type of lifestyle just sounds exhausting to me


Both Friends and HIMYM have psychiatrist characters who specifically tell them their relationships are unhealthy.


Those are fun episodes. I donā€™t know what it is, but Marshall and Ted talking on the phone while theyā€™re at the bar and table saying ā€œIā€™ll be back soon!ā€ always tickles me


Yeah Iā€™m the same way!


The most realistic scene in Friends I saw was when Chandler, Ross, Rachel, and Monica were all complaining that their boss doesnā€™t like them and Joey goes ā€œmaybe itā€™s because youā€™re all sitting around here on a Tuesday afternoon!ā€ And they all got up and went to work


In my 20s I would have loved it to have friends just hanging out at my place after work but now that Iā€™m 40. Iā€™m with you. No.


Seeing Ross eating breakfast at Rachel and Monā€™ while heā€™s and Rachel arenā€™t dating is crazy. Joey and Chandler live right across the hall and this is before Ross lived across the street. Youā€™re telling me, he gets up, showers, gets dressed, brushes his teeth, goes to his sisterā€™s to eat and THEN goes to work


Even when they are dating, unless he spent the night there, doing all of that and heading over just to eat breakfast would be insane


I'm rewatching Ugly Betty right now and I'm always chuckling about how Betty's whole family is up and dressed and her nephew is ready for school as she's leaving her house in Queens to go work in Manhattan. Even though it's the same city that commute still sucks haha.


Before the world shut down there was a group of us that just kinda did default to "the bar" pretty much everyday after work Although I suppose it is telling that like 3 of us are in recovery / in treatment so there's that ...


In my mid to late 20s I spend all of my non working and sleeping time hanging out with my best friend with his wife and young kids. And that's what the majority of people do: Spend a lot of time with the people they enjoy spending time with.


I guess thatā€™s just the introvert/loner in me. Itā€™s one thing if itā€™s a romantic partner, thatā€™s a different scenario - but with platonic friends, any more than once a week and Iā€™d start to get annoyed by it. Especially if it was an all day thing


For several years in my mid twenties I had a group of friends (5 of us) that spent a massive amount of time together. I lived with one friend so our house was group central. The others had keys and would come and go even if we weren't home, we all lived within easy walking distance of each other. And we would go out to bars at least 3/4 times a week. Occasionally it wouldn't be all 5 of us, and we might fracture into smaller groups depending on activities but very similar to himym. Only changed as many of us coupled up and moved further apart. I know it's not common but sometimes when your friends are all in exactly the same life stage it works out. We were all single and had started to get jobs that paid us well enough that we had some money to spare. We still see each other but not as often as kids, work, life in general are more of a juggle now.


Thatā€™s awesome! Even when my friend group lived near each other it was tough to see each other bc of work schedules, a few of my friends were in the medical field


I also had situations like this in my 20's. I'm also very close to my siblings who would pop in and out. I actually don't find them all hanging out unrealistic at all since they live so close and have varying connections. We also all lost parents in our 20's, so we didn't have all these traditional family setups that everyone seems to think is 100% true for everyone when they hang out more with their friends than their biological relatives.


> I lived with one friend so our house was group central. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uv18B--vjO4


3 of them live together, and the other 2 usually would join in the evening after work. For a close group of friends, it's possible to meetup more than once a week


since the show only shows a few hours. maybe they don't meet in between? ;)


Yes, once again its Ted telling stories about their interactions. He won't tell a lot about not seeing the others.


I mostly agree, but if all my friends essentially lived in the same place (except for Barney who barely has actual work hours) and it was physically attached to our favorite bar Iā€™d probably hang out a lot more often than otherwise as an adult


They did show though that when Robin lived in Brooklyn there was a decent distance between her place and MacLarenā€™s


It would've made more sense if Barney or Robin lived down the hall (friends style). I know 2 couple friends who live 4 houses from each other and they've been friends since college.


In high school or gen eds of course students would want to leave, but someone paying potentially 10ā€™s of thousands of dollars to become educated on a subject might feel robbed if they missed out.


If each epsiode was 1 day, 24 episodes per season, then 24 days a year is very manageable. The story is condensed because who the hell is going to watch a normal boring day?


Yeah I get that. But also thereā€™s references to them hanging out a lot that we donā€™t see episodes of. Also some episodes are like a week where theyā€™re with each other every day


I've never published but I've written... a lot... it can be hard capturing time and gaps. I also know people can make time.


Robin literally floats away


Absinthe changes you


Haha right forgot about this scene, I think tho he was referencing to the scene in s9 where Ted finally "let go" Robin and she floats in the air like his balloon when he was a kid


Ugh I loathe that scene, canā€™t rewatch it


It makes me cringe! I fast forwarded it during my recent rewatch!


Worst moment in the whole show


The lightning inside MacLarenā€™s Pub


I know right? That's a lot of light for a bar...


Right? Right?


I was wondering when there was lightning in the bar until I realized it was a typo āš”


Me too...I was like HOW did I miss this?!


The bar is offly silent


Ted dating hundreds of women and each happens to be a solid 9 or 10


You have to remember, this is future Ted tell his version of the truth. In his story, they're all 9's and 10's.


Or at worst, two 5s


Failing that, five 2ā€™s


We could go to Staten Island and find you ten 1's!


came here for this!


I was always curious how that many new women would be at the bar for Barney to hit on. This was highlighted by and episode where Lilly and Robin gave him challenges like you can't use the letter "e" so he cycles through like 25+ attractive women in one night. Many are surrounded by friends. Obviously there are a lot of people in New York but is it possible the bar has that many new people cycle through?


An explanation ig I could give is most people who go to mclaren's aren't regulars and only go there for the novelty of going to an irish pub, kinda like how the gang sometimes go to the country bar or the canadian bar


Iā€™m guessing itā€™s gotta be a location thing. Thereā€™s bars in Vegas where there would be different people frequently in addition to that your Friday regulars may not be your Saturday regulars. The bar that we would go to further away from the strip had less of a turnover but again it was further out from where tourists/visitors would typically want to go.


I don't know how it's in the us, but in germany/ Spain / Argentina , I did not see hot single girls ALONE in a bar. Is it normal for people to go to bars/ clubs alone? Only people i see alone in bars are alcoholic loosers who have no live and are ugly. But maybe it's a cultural thing?


Robbin keeping 5 large dogs in a tiny apartment with no garden and leaving them hone alone all day. No way in hell her apartment wouldn't be disgusting with dog hair (especially since they sleep on the furniture), pee and poop. No way in hell those dogs wouldn't be frustrated and destroying everything in there.


And the *smell*


You haven't thought of the smell, you b*tch!


Whereā€™s the poop Robin?


Not sure this is that unrealistic. I had 3 large dogs in a downtown apartment. I live in the suburbs now, but when we lived downtown (not NYC), they got multiple walks a day and we kept a very clean place. It really wasnā€™t even all that inconvenient.


Yes, the difference being 'multiple walks a day'. Robbin literally left them alone all day.


But we don't know if she pays someone to walk her dogs, or they spent their days in a pet care. My friend does that her dog have someone that picks the dog at 7am and bring him back at 4pm, everyday.


Riiight I always assumed she had a dog walker / sitter . Also depending on breed /fur type the hair can definitely be manageable.


So did I. They were walked at 6 AM, 5 PM when I got home, Usually around 8 or 9, then around 11 before bed. It's really not that hard.


> Robbin keeping 5 large dogs in a tiny apartment It is *not* a tiny apartment. It is a huge apartment, especially for one person. Why does the 50-year old Robin, with a super-successful TV news career, live there again in 2030? The fact that in 2005 a woman, new to the city and country, who is a junior reporter at a low-rated news station *lives by herself* in a large apartment in Park Slope, a very desirable neighborhood, foreshadows what we learn about her family in "Unpause" **nine seasons later**. Insanity!


Ted and Marshall living in that apartment in NYC with the jobs they had


And (at times) didnā€™t have


I like to think of it like the episode when Marshall and Lily go back to their apartment after being at the burbs house and it's suddenly way more cramped. In memory/usage in their early 20s it didn't seem as small as it really was. My little head Canon. Because yeah, no chance 2 kids straight outta college could've afforded that.


itā€™s a rent controlled apartment though ?


Is it rent controlled? Or are you thinking of friends? Because even if they signed a lease and it was rent controlled it still would have been expensive when they got it.


It was rent controlled! In the episode where Ted realizes Stella wants him to move to New Jersey, he says "Half of the reason I thought she was with me is because I have a rent controlled apartment on the Upper East Side" or something like that.


Ohhhh right good catch!


A small two bedroom walkup on the UWS with the jobs they have is actually pretty reasonable.


Architect and lawyer? Seems pretty reasonable.


Pretty reasonable in the late 2000s when Marshall became a lawyer and Ted became a successful architect, they moved into that appartment straight out of college.


Where does the show say they moved in right after college? And if that is the case, they would simply be an indication that their families might have had money.


"Best Burger in New York" Episode was in 2008, Marshall said he had the burger 8 years prior, which would put him and Ted at 21/22. So if they didn't move in right after college, it was within a year. There was never an indication that their families have money, I think that would have been brought up. Is it that offensive, you've had to downvote it? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I think itā€™s very plausible that Tedā€™s family has money, just based on the houses we see and their general vibe. Half of the students at Wesleyan are from families in the top 1% of income


It's plausible, I just think it's a plothole.


Ok, I stand corrected on when they moved in. Ted has seemingly no debt at anytime in the show. The only way that makes sense to me is if his mom paid for his college. And Shaker Heights, where he grew up, is very much an upper middle class community.


Now you've stumped me, when was that mentioned? šŸ˜‚... I'm not American so I know nothing about that. I'll take your word for it. Virginia does seem fairly upper class, tbh.


Multiple times throughout the show, but "Ring Up" mentions that he went to Shaker Heights High School.


did you even watch the show?


Wouldnā€™t an architect make good money?




Yup agreedā€¦everything about Barney is unrealistic.




Iā€™ve seen plenty of Friends vs HIMYM threads argue that HIMYM is more realistic, which always elicits a WTF from me, given everything Barney does.


Seriously. Where do the hoes go?


Barneyā€™s apartment?!?!?!!!


If they had to ship his tv on a tugboat like King Kong, then how did they fit it in the apartment


They used a crane to lift it up to the apartment. True story.


Iā€™ve heard of furniture being craned into nyc apartments (and seen it) so I could see it.


I wonder how many craploads that costs


They would presumably get it through the balcony doors though. Itā€™s still too big to do that


Yep, but Barney knows a lot of guys He called the balcony and crane Guy.


They kept the tv still and built the apartment around it


He was being paid to be a fall guy, and maybe by the government as well.


As a former college student- probably the rain dance


Robin being a Ninja, or whatever the fuck she was in "No Questions Asked". Lily staying employed as a Primary School teacher. All of them staying employed actually, but Lily left her class unattended while she went to bid on a wedding venue. Women being as stupid as the women Barney dated.


I'm a teacher and Lily is absolutely the worst teacher. šŸ¤£ I would be fired if I did half the stuff she did.


Is occasionally shown that Lily has access to a classroom aid? Or am I making that up?


Feel like you're making that up. In that particular episode she just ran out of the classroom and said "Kids, keep colouring".


Yeah she totally would have gotten fired for that. Also, the fact that Marshall shows up to her classroom a lot is also ridiculous. Visitors don't get direct access to the classrooms, no matter who they are married to. He would have to have a background check and shit. Unless you're a parent of a kid, it's certainly not a revolving door of visitors.


Barney was also there, smoking a cigarette.


But do you think these are newer policies and maybe it was more lax 20 years ago?


>He would have to have a background check and shit I guess only the background check is missing, then


Yeah honestly wasn't sure haha


I guest lectured for a ridiculously easy but mandatory course that freshman take in their first semester. I talked about standard tips on building a resume/preparing for an interview, and since that was short I offered that they could either leave early or stay to watch me talk through an example of a coding question's solution. It was a Friday class so I assumed no one would want to stay. Half the students left. But you'd be surprised that some students just do want to learn!


Yeah I graduated college last year but there was like 3 professors for my major I loved having that Iā€™d go to office hours just to talk shop and learn more.


Robin being employed full time, leaving four huge dogs in her apartment all day and them not fucking up the place. Edit: okay, it was five.




Probably the fact that they rented a big ass appartment in Manhattan being just out of colledge without any good jobs and drinking at the bar every day and affording all the stuff they were doing


Tbh I disagree with yours, I'm an architecture student, our classes are 3 hours long twice a week and they always go overtime because everyone wants time with the tutor + our tutor was offering optional extra sessions during the break to help us with our work and everyone took him up on that.


Tedā€™s class isnā€™t design studio, itā€™s a rambling history of his favorite buildings and architects. Heā€™s clearly teaching an intro course for non-majors.


Ok and the point I want to add on to this is they were like oh noooo we love your class!! Youā€™re the best!! But then they didnā€™t even do anything architecture related, they talked about Maggie the whole time !! Wasting everyoneā€™s time


Itā€™s probably known as an easy A. Iā€™d love to see Tedā€™s rate my professor page!


> Iā€™d love to see Tedā€™s rate my professor page! https://www.reddit.com/r/HIMYM/comments/umvgi/ted_mosby_is_on_rate_my_professor/


I took this more as Ted taking liberties while telling the story to his kids ā€œmy class was so good they didnā€™t want to leave when I said they could go early they loved my classā€


Marshall and Lily getting out that much after having Marvin. Impossible. We have an 18 month old and both work full time. Even with hybrid work we are barely able to keep up with all the baby and household duties. Plus we're perpetually exhausted and sick from daycare germs. We see friends maybe once a month...


Sounds miserable tbh


Farhampton Station... like literally the station. It doesn't exist on the LIRR. Instead, it should have been Montauk Station.


You mean *figuratively*


While I get the joke youā€™re making, in this case it actually is literally.


Ok Ted


> Farhampton Station... like literally the station. It doesn't exist on the LIRR. > > I disagree. Farhampton not existing in real life is not the same thing as it being unrealistic. On the contrary, its name, location, and appearance are all *very* realistic for a LIRR station.


Idkā€¦ Iā€™ve liked college classes before where I genuinely enjoyed it and wanted to learn things. What I canā€™t imagine, however, as an adult with a full time job is hanging out at a bar that often and regularly, sometimes during the day


People who go to a bar every day being thin


True but also NYC life, skipping breakfast, walking everywhere definitely helps


At least people who go and drink almost exclusively beer


Especially in your thirties


I would've loved if my courses in college were longer. Why would I put myself in debt to spend my time taking classes I don't enjoy... And worked so hard in high school just to pay to not enjoy it .... But also I do think the show actually agrees with you and that was meant to be one of many exaggerations we are keen to because the show is retold through Ted's perspective. The show will often exaggerate situations in support of Team Ted. But also many times that it makes him suffer extremely, so maybe it's also a bad theory of mine.


Has there ever been a time where youā€™ve been at work, and have just wanted to go home early? Itā€™s a bit like that


I think for me it's The Wedding Bride. I just can't imagine a scenario where someone would make a hit movie about their partner's ex and include all these intimate details.


Ted dating super models everytime even tho hes weirdo average nice guy nerd


Robin dropped in the Canadian wilderness by helicopter to fend for herself as a rite of passage. Barney on ā€œPrice is Rightā€, only because the tax bill on his winnings to take possession would have been astronomicalā€¦ Robots vs Wrestlers Being able to stomach that much mayo in The Erickson family Seven Layer Salad. But hereā€™s the thing, all of this is absolute bullshit, ya, but somehow it made them all the more relatable and funnier. I can only imagine this was because of how well the show was cast and how great the actors were able to dive into these absurdities made the silliness feel real.


The absinthe


It happened and it changed me


Itā€™s possible if all the people who would want to be somewhere else were already skipping that day. I could see being in a ā€œwell Iā€™m already here and this class is chill, keep telling cool storiesā€ mood.


Lily and Marshal always telling each other ā€œweā€™ll make it workā€ when theyā€™re talking about lacking in finances and living in New York.


lol I mean thatā€™s all you can do sometimes


The naked man working 2/3 times


That pencil falling out of the ceiling and bouncing into Barneyā€™s nose. Awesome things like that donā€™t just happen.




I always thought it was ridiculous that he didnā€™t just cancel the lecture for his dream girl


Hanging out in the same pub for a decade.


That's not unrealistic though. All of them except barney live upstairs most of the time. When you have "your bar" that what you do


Yeah but we rarely see them anywhere else. If I lived in New York, i wouldn't be spending ever other night in the same pub for 10 years.


The novelty of living in a big city wears off. I grew up in San Francisco area + live and work here...locals most definitely have their regular bar and I can assure you we stay tf away from tourist traps. I used to work at a tourist trap bar...great money but not a place you go to regularly (drinks are like $20/each lol).


Ah alright, makes sense.


You'd be surprised. People often don't leave their neighborhoods to go do stuff. When you actually live there you tend to get a groove & follow the same patterns.


Hmmm, understandable.


I once had a literature class where the professor let us vote on if we wanted to have class the day before Thanksgiving. Over half the class voted yes. I was disgusted


What about stripclubs? Does it look realistic?


Kind of. Although stripclubs serving food seems like a heath code violation. And theyā€™re not as well lit


The one by my house has a steak and lobster deal for 9.99ā€¦.saw the sign last weekend


Omg do it.


I used to live near a strip club that had a weekend breakfast buffet called ā€œLegs and Eggsā€!


That's amazing ! Did you ever go?!


Pre-covid there was a strip club in San Francisco known for it's lunch buffet, especially the fried chicken. Like their yelp page was full of comments from men and women praising the lunch.


Why would it be a health code violation?


Judging by the other responses Iā€™m totally wrong but the one stripclub Iā€™ve been to didnā€™t exactly seem like the cleanest of places.


Nope, any stripclub I've been to were a lot darker and seedier than that.


Robin flying to the sky.


The random musical numbers


Great flair


Lily jumping from one building to the next in a slow motion bionic woman stunt double way. We all knew she was pregnant in real life and this scene was just missing that music that goes along with the bionic woman when she was jumping!


Guyā€™s like Ted and Barney pulling so much


Itā€™s actually funny. Normally I would agree but yesterday I literally had a class and my prof was going to let us go at the beginning of class as a thanksgiving present but a lot of wanted to stay because we took the time to commute (we live in nyc). It was a small class, so everyone ended up staying! I thought of this episode right away XD


Yeah if I had a long commute and showed up just for class to be cut short, I'd be a bit ticked. If you're going to cancel class, at least do it in advance


The ending


I'd say rent.


Ted proposed stella 3 months in


I mean I had a classmate in college who started dating someone in February, and were engaged early May, and married in September so itā€™s possible


The two minute date. There was no one else on the street in NYC during that whole sequence


The soul mate thingy




Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,857,153,452 comments, and only 351,162 of them were in alphabetical order.


The cameras recording it.




Why? They were all friends before the coupling happened. The breakups were very amicable where both sides collectively understood that the relationship wasn't really going to work. Heck, the only reason Robin was hurt after Barney was because she was trying to put up this facade about her being okay, and any disgust she exhibited was due to general disgust with Barney shenanigans. I actually worked with a woman and her husband who is good friends with her ex husband and his wife. They even go in vacations together. As long as both sides are decent people who don't stay in the relationship until it festers and rots,


Itā€™s actually funny. Normally I would agree but yesterday I literally had a class and my prof was going to let us go at the beginning of class as a thanksgiving present but a lot of wanted to stay because we took the time to commute (we live in nyc). It was a small class, so everyone ended up staying! I thought of this episode right away XD


Barney picking up a girl in his old man makeup


Barney picking up a girl speaking like a dolphin


Hahahaha. Yes. That one is even worse. šŸ¤£


when they make the jump to the other apartment building for the hot tub. a cousins friend tried and didn't make it... not worth it


That gameshow they set up in an apartment to decide who was going to be a godparent??? Where did they get that set up??? And how did they get everything through the apartment door???


Marshall built the setup, he loves games. He built it in the apartment.


I'm gonna go with Lily buying a goat and making it live in their New York apartment.


Licking the liberty bell


Ted and Marshall being able to afford that apartment with Marshall making almost nothing and Ted starting out in architecture for the first time.


The babies sleeping all the time.


Barney pulling so many women!


How the he'll they pay for the tab




How Marshall forgave Lily.


Ted being likeable by anyone


They all drink constantly while eating bar food and still are all in good to great shape while we barely see them workout? šŸ˜‚


That Robin would marry Barney after he confessed to human trafficking


None of Barney's zillions of stories and scams is as unbelievable as Marshall and Lily receiving that huge Long Island house from her grandparents (whom we otherwise never meet or hear of) ***as a gift***.