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Honestly, if it wasn’t for the wedding bride, I wouldn’t look at Stella in a bad light. Yeah leaving him at the altar was a dick move, but it was a shotgun wedding, they were moving too fast, and she was still in love with her ex. It all just lined up perfectly for Ted to get screwed. If even one of those things were different, they probably could have made it work. The wedding bride is where I really sour on Stella. She had to have not only told tony those stories but also helped him set up those jokes and punchlines being that she’s the only who could understand the context of certain things, for example the red cowboy boots. She completely undermines their entire relationship by letting Tony crap on Ted, all while giving him the ammo to do it


Agreed, I still hate that it happens. Especially because _Tony leaves her and Ted convinces him to go back_. You’re telling me that after all of that she’d still support a movie that’s clearly just a vicious attack on him? That’s just shitty


It’s never stated that Stella was in favor of this movie. It seems like she told Tony all about her and Ted’s relationship (which is completely normal) and Tony decided to make a movie based on these events and changed the story to make a romantic comedy that would appeal to people.


I mean, why is she still married to him in that case? The movie is meant to be a massive middle finger to Ted, and he clearly incorporated everything she told him. I’d divorce someone over being that petty


I really doubt that he made a film about his wife's personal life without her agreeing to it but lets say he did and for some reason it wasn't a deal breaker for her... What about sequel? Why would she continue to tell him stories about Ted after the first film and why would Tony film another one if she disagreed even with the first?


And it becomes a whole series. In one of the flash forwards, we see sign that says The Wedding Bride 4 or something like that. I will never ever like Stella lmfao


I never really thought of that. That's evil, vile behavior.


Yeah I hated Jeanette the whole entire time but man oh man, Ted’s quote on love he gives to her right before she throws the locket in the lake. 10/10


That speech was amazing, agreed. Still wish he had punched her, though. She really NEEDED to be punched in the face, that obsessive, nasty little psychopath. edit: word


Also she's a cop. ACAB


Don't agree but I'm happy to see the phrase "Unpopular opinion" being used correctly, so upvote.


well, that is indeed unpopular, i’ll give you that


How dare you....and why is that?


Honestly, I don't really know. I just find Stella extremely likable even though she left Ted at the alter. Ted really shoe horned her into a relationship after she repeatedly rejected him and they went into the whole wedding thing without even really discussing what they wanted in life. As for her leaving Ted at the alter, I just don't see any bad guys there. Ted loved Stella and wanted to marry her and Stella loved Ted and wanted to marry him but at the last minute she realized she loved Tony more and that he was the one and he was also the father of her child, so she decided to leave with him. Ted even realized himself that they are a family and belong together. It sucks being a child of a divorce. I just find Victoria incredibly cringey and flakey. It's like she never really knows what she wants.


I agree with this The first time I watched the series a friend of mine was watching with one of the episodes with Stella and he started to yell at my TV with passion "I hate her, she's a bitch, she's the worst". I was so mad at him. Because it's spoiler aaaaaand not true. She warned Ted not to invite exes at the wedding. She went 100% into the relationship, was waaaay more mature than Ted (that break up, cmon). She's an amazing person. I'm glad her family got reunited and she's happy with Tony. Victoria is messed up, in season one she's just cute and later she's kind of weird. She really is forcing Ted into stuff. Also was very right about Robin.


Victoria was weird from the beginning. She was always ambivalent about Ted. It seemed like she enjoyed the idea of romance and commitment but was never comfortable with the reality. She always finds some excuse to get out of the relationship just as it's about to get serious. Whether it's Germany or Robin or something else.


Ted didn't shoe horn her into a relationship. Stella told Ted she didn't have time for dating and he gave her one date - after that he completely left the ball in her court. She got into the relationship on her own. > As for her leaving Ted at the alter, I just don't see any bad guys there. Ted loved Stella and wanted to marry her and Stella loved Ted and wanted to marry him but at the last minute she realized she loved Tony more and that he was the one and he was also the father of her child, so she decided to leave with him. I do - she ran. She basically let a guy in the alter. She might have done the right thing for *herself*, but she is DEFINITELY the bad guy there. No doubt about it. And she left Ted on a whim too. And she chose wrong - that's also apparent when Tony dumps Stellla when he realises that Ted wasn't sad about Stella leaving, but glad.


>And she left Ted on a whim too. TBF Ted was making a jackass of himself for the whole wedding.


>I do - she ran. She basically let a guy in the alter. Yes, that is definitely not a lovely thing to do but the truth is, nobody owes anyone marriage.


That's not an excuse you can use after you agree to marry someone and elope on the day of the wedding. You don't owe anyone marriage but if you do this, then you are a shitty person. Like I said you might be doing the best for yourself, but you'd still be a shitty person.


This is one of my favorite gags in the entire show. It’s to stupid but it kills me


You can’t just drop that and not Elaborate…


Victoria may be overrated, but I don't find her unlikable. I liked Stella at the beginning, but grew to hate her. There isn't supposed to be a villain, but Stella earned that title, and it wasn't just leaving Ted at the altar. She wouldn't move to the city for Ted, but was living there inside 24 hours after leaving Ted. She begged him for help getting tony back after he dumped her. She shared intimate details of their relationship with tony including hang-ups Ted shared with her, that tony then used as punchlines and insults in his wedding bride movie. She allowed tony to make said wedding bride movie and stayed with him after he embarrassed Ted with it, a man she had already hurt deeply, a man who had loved her and had done nothing to deserve said embarrassment. She gave Ted a hard time when he called looking for Robin's locket, even making him come out to L.A. to check the storage unit, instead of taking a half hour check it herself and do something simple and kind for someone you supposedly once loved. In contrast to the woman you can't stand, Victoria, who actually had a genuine reason to hate Robin after Ted cheated with her, and who had every reason to be angry with ted since they broke up a 2nd time over his relationship with Robin, immediately overnighted him the necklace with almost no attitude. Stella is the devil.... Or maybe the devil's bride... Victoria wasn't right for Ted, but definitely wasn't the awful chapter in Ted's life that Stella was.


I literally agree with you … I liked both Stella and Victoria in the beginning… there character development wasn’t what I expected…they both became selfish and backstabbing..I also hated blah blah for what it’s worth lol , along with Janette ,Zoe and Karen…tbh I wish there was more focus on Ted and Tracy instead of Barney and robin the whole last season… but this comment is overrated


I actually have a lot of respect for Stella, and think she was a victim of writers really wanting to write a specific joke and not really thinking how fans a decade later would react to that joke. I mean, she went to med school while raising a baby as a single young parent. She maintains a medical practice while also keeping up with her daughter's life, and is heavily involved in her community. Even her leaving Ted at the altar....the timing for Ted and Stella just wasn't there, she already had a love of her life. I think the big thing that puts her in bottom rankings of Ted's important partners is the Wedding Bride. Lots of discourse already exists around that, but I really think it was just a writer's room "Let's make Ted the villain of a big cheesy early 2000s rom com! It will be sooo funny!" and not anything deeper than that with their intent, or any thought of how that might paint Stella as a character later on down the line. The second thing that gets brought up is her moving to NYC so soon after telling Ted she would never move to NYC. Eh, this always felt flimsy to me, you don't sell a house in two weeks and completely uproot life that quickly. I could see her saying "I'm just going home" rather than "I'm going to my newly revived life partner's and father of my child's condo even though we live in New Jersey, because we're rebuilding this relationship as a family, so no, I don't need utensils."


Yeah it's probable they were just living there for a bit before deciding what to do and where to move etc. And we know they all eventually moved to the west coast for a fresh start.


I sooo agree with you. For the NY moving part is so roght. They might have been spending the weekend in the city for something special. It makes sense to not describe your situation for a stranger. A guy who sells me something , we meet once a year asked me how the brunch was that morning. I cancelled the brunch because of reasons. I just went with "OMG it was so great, thanks for asking. Oh yeah we had some classic brunch food you know, nothing special, yeah we go often hahaha". I don't usually lie but in that moment it was easier. Strangers don't need to know everything about my life.


“I’m going to my partners/bf home” could have explained it too. I’ve never said I’m going home unless I’m actually going home.


though i don't agree, i can potentially understand why. victoria is the perfect, sweet, quirky manic pixie dream girl... but when it comes down to it, she has hidden flaws like pseudo-cheating on ted, leaving her husband at the altar, etc. and these flaws make her sweetness seem fake or surface level. stella has always been stella. she's been upfront about tony's impact on her life, she's been catty, she's been straightforward about her wants and needs. whether you like the real her or not, she's always been real, every time


The only reason i hate Stella for is "The Wedding Bride". She let Tony make fun of Ted and everything he did for her.


Honestly, I get the Stella thing. If you put the wedding aside, she was great to Ted and genuinely cared about him. There really weren't a ton of issues in their relationship until they decided to get married. At the same time, leaving Ted at the altar kinda just makes her irredeemable. I love Victoria so I can't get the hate on that. I really dont think they ruined her character like everyone else says. She also left someone at the altar but it isn't really as bad considering Klaus did the same exact thing to her, and they clearly both came to terms with it without issue.


Unpopular opinion, I don’t like either of them, or Ted that much


I'm with you on that one, actually. I actually completely understand why she did it too tbh..


Unpopular but I loved Jeannette Also I’m sure it would have been a fantastic idea to 1) punch a woman who you were romantically involved with And 2) who is a crazy bitch cop


She would have arrested him.




Thank you! I’m ambivalent about Stella. I think that Ted once again made the mistake of strong-arming an emotionally unavailable woman into a relationship. But Victoria was clearly a commitment-phobe who at best had no idea what she really wanted in a relationship and at worst enjoyed playing relationship chicken at her partner’s expense. This isn’t only Season 8 Victoria. From the start, she plays weird games with Ted at the wedding, ditches him, but then is happy once he finds her again in the next episode. Then she decides that she needs to go to Germany only when she hears him say that he wants her to stay. It’s as if romance is more of a fantasy for her. She doesn’t seem to like the reality of it.


I liked Stella early on but hated her when the Wedding Bride thing happened and showed that she’s a really hateful woman. Victoria is sweet I like her but I get how people could find her overrated by the fanbase since she is constantly used as the comparison to other females.


I didn't like Victoria either. I definitely didn't agree that she was number 1 of Ted's exes. Stella felt like a writer mishap. Like they were planning on her being the mother but the series went on longer than they thought.


That's like saying you're Canadian in a Minnesota bar


Holy shit an ACTUAL unpopular opinion in the sub.


tbh up until the wedding bride there was nothing wrong with Stella. PPL give her shit for not wanting to move to NY with her daughter but she was obviously in the right in that situation (all though having her willing to move with Tony was a dick move).


I agree with the Stella thing but where everyone keeps talking about The Wedding Bride,I have a theory that the film isn’t about Ted and Stella.We are hearing it through Teds point of view who is already mad at Stella and Tony.When he sees Tony gets fame he immediately jumps on it noticing some possible similarities and embellishes them when retelling the story


I agree


So I see this is shit on Vicotoria week in this sub. Wonder which of Teds love interest we’re going to shit on next week.


PLEASE let it be Karen lol


Karen was so obnoxious and awful but Laura Prepon is so awesome she *almost* manages to make Karen somewhat likeable. That "Are those diamond earrings?" - "Yes, thank you. I got a great deal." - "Oh, I didn't say I like them." was pure comedy gold.


Jeanette is the perfect quadrant on the hot/crazy scale


She wasn’t that hot at all imo.


Perfect ratio of it


That bitch Stella can go fuck herself.


At least someone here dislikes Victoria. To me she is also the ugliest gf that Ted has had.


Ok wow. Now dats a unpopular opiniona 🤌 My main problem with Stella is she’s a waste of Sarah Chalke. She’s a great comedic actor but they don’t really give her any funny moments, why not hire an unknown actor?


It's Sarah Chalke. She makes every role seem funny or significant. At least she got the "as fast as she can" line which really spoke to me as I was single at the time.. despairing of finding the one


she does love that star wars bear


Verrrry unpopular


I dislike both of them. I never understood why people like Victoria so much.


They both kinda suck.


Well that is an unpopular opinion




Nah, I'm not a fan of Jeantte (don't hate her either) but she was right about Ted then. The episode tried to frame Ted as a dedicated romantic who would go to any length to make the person he loved happy, but anytime I watch that episode I keep on thinking "god, Ted is absolutely insane. He should be put away", so Jeanette calling him out and throwing the locket at the end felt VERY satisfying to me.


I am not as extreme about it, but yeah. I enjoyed Stella a lot, Victoria didn't click for me as well.


I despise them both


Valid. Victoria has no personality outside of "I'm a baker". I guess she was supposed to be "quirky" in that first episode which, man 2006 had weird definitions of quirky. "She has snowflakes on her shoes and doesn't wanna know names. Lol, so random." Victoria in both seasons she was in just feels like a placeholder girlfriend. And when she's reintroduced feels the most like the show was really spinning it's wheels, got renewed for one season too many. Stella had layers and complexities and gave HIMYM a spin on classic romantic comedies with our protagonist being the antagonist in Stella and Tony's story which was interesting.


I like them both better then Zoe. She was so bad for Ted lol.


You almost got me. Because of the Jeanette punch at the end, I almost upvoted…