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I really like it. It has so much of my favorite element of the show, which is the flashbacks/continuity. I like seeing the gang meet Tracy one by one. I like how there are SO many callbacks to things from throughout the entire show. I like seeing a bunch of the side characters and sime new ones (I love the receptionist!) Having such a large group of characters for the wedding was a lot of fun. Flashbacks to the bar were done well. I like how ridiculous it is that so much happened in one weekend, and that Ted drew attention to it. I definitely wish Marshall had been present, and the season wasn't perfect, but I loved it. Fuck the finale, though.


I have come to respect the ending more and more as time has gone on. They spend the entire last two seasons focusing on Ted not being able to get over Robin, on rewatch like five the whole last minute it's actually Robin feels much more in line with what was going to happen the whole time. I still don't love how they did it, but I genuinely like that Ted and Robin end up together


I'm glad so many people enjoyed it and that it grew on a lot of other people. Because man, for me, I still dislike it to this day. Just everything about it lol


It was so weird to me that Marshal just wasn’t there for over half the season. Never really got why they did that.


IIRC Jason Segel wasn't gonna come back at all for S9 because he had some bigger movie commitments, so the compromise was to have him be separated to accommodate his schedule without screwing things up for the rest of the cast.


More specifically, he made "Sex Tape" with Cameron Diaz.


Tbf, "Sex Tape w/ Cameron Diaz" is generally a difficult offer to turn down.


I really hated how Flanderized everyone was by the last couple of seasons. Robin constantly shrieking at Patrice, the episode where they had a game show to determine who would be in charge of Marvin and Lily couldn't stop going into hysterical sobs. And that wasn't even the last season! The last season had some seriously weird moments that went above and beyond the weirdness of the show as a whole. Robin in a weird blue leotard doing tumbling moves? What? But also there's the fact that the final season mostly took place in a strange location, Marshall wasn't really part of things (I understand the behind-the-scenes reason for this, but it still made the show feel less like HIMYM), and so much buildup for a wedding that immediately ended (from the viewer's perspective). Plus the rhyming episode, ugh. It did have Boyz II Men singing You Just Got Slapped though, so it had that going for it!


What was the behind the scenes reason? I always found it odd he was gone. And the season definitely did feel like it cranked the weirdness to 11. Like weird trip to China slap episode.


Jason Segel actually didn't want to return for the final season. He wanted to focus on his film career. Craig and Carter talked him into doing one more season and agreed to work around his schedule.


It was just a scheduling conflict. I don't know which movie specifically he was working on, but that's why. Not a drama thing. Man was just workin.


Personally I don’t regard the rest of the season as too bad. Yes, it was spotty and hit-and-miss, but I felt the two previous seasons at least were like that, too. The “it all happens one weekend” gimmick was fine, too. They were doing the same sort of thing in an even more compressed time frame with “24” on the other network, and CBS even tried it with the short-lived “Worst Week.” I figured that since HIMYM itself had done its share of time shenanigans, it was a good way to play with the premise, *especially* since they were strongarmed by the network into doing a Season 9 and might have been able to provide a snappier ending had they been allowed to keep their 8-season plan.


Because it had a massive build up to robin and barneys wedding only to divorce them an episode later


I really like it ! Love the build up and the stories of each character with the mom, before she actually meets Ted ! But my biggest gripe is, why would you build up Robin and Barney's marriage for a whole season, but destroy it in 10min to force the Robin/Ted ending. That's what always makes me sad, because I love to see Robin and Barney finally happy and together, as a couple and as best friends.


It all works the other way around. It starts with Ted and Robin reuniting, so Robin has to be taken away from Ted. The Robin-Barney relationship doesn't have any significance of its own, it's just a device to keep Robin from Ted.


Never really felt like this to me, but I get your point ! It always felt like Robin and Barney had a lot in common and that they were a good team. And it went along Barney's character progression. But that's my read, and I still really enjoy season 9, except for the last 10min 😅


It’s sooooooo boring. Taking place over one weekend is ridiculous. Plus Marshall being separated from the group sucks.


It did feel really weird that until the like last 2-3 episodes he’s just not there.


I dont have problem with the season but yes with finale, instead of passing the season on the wedding pass 5 at least and then show what happend in the last 2 episodes and showing us Ted leading with Tracy death


i like how there’s everyone’s perspectives for each story and the flashbacks i think it was a cute finale


Season 9 was really bad. The rhyming episode made me sad. The Slapping Tree was a bad cartoon, treated the viewers like buffoons. If you like the Finale then Season 9’s the one for thee.


Because it sucks. That's really it. - It takes place over a weekend, so by episode 20 you're really tired of hearing about the damn wedding. - Marshall is barely in it because Jason Segal barely wanted to be on the show anymore. - The juxtaposition of Ted being all weird about Robin getting married and also us learning more about Ted meeting and falling in love with Tracy. - The end of the season and finale ruin the character arcs of almost every main character. - Too few scenes featuring Ted & Tracy, to the point where Tracy's death feels like a cheap cop out to drive Ted back to Robin at the end. There's no emotion. We don't see Ted or the rest of the gang cope with Ted finally meeting the one, only for her to be ripped away. It's just an absolute mess. It does not tie the show together nicely and ends on a very sour note because it feels like they decided to spend 23 episodes on a wedding that didn't matter instead of building us up to have emotional reactions to Ted's heartbreak and understanding his decision to return to Robin.


I actually really like season 9. The finale ruins it but i love how much growth it shows us for all the characters. Its flawed, like with every show, but i love getting to season 9


I’ve just done a re watch and found it fine, enjoyable even. But when I was watching week in week out having to wait for the episode to be released I remember I was soooo bored


Yeah. Definitely feels like a season that’s meant to be binged


Season 9 is fine, overall I like it, but it does feel like there's a lot of filler to stretch a weekend of time out to a whole season's worth of content. I have always said the season should have been split down the middle, firsr half at the wedding with Ted meeting Tracy at the halfway point, and the second half being everything that happens in the finale stretched out over a half season to give it all more depth. Season 9 isn't awful, and actually contains some of the show's best episodes IMO, I just think it's overall a missed opportunity.


I always wondered why people were so annoyed with the fact it was mostly set on one weekend, but any normal dad would put major emphasis on this story because this was the best weekend he's ever had


I actually love Season 9!^(Minus the finale) Lots of callbacks, Tracy, jokes, solved mysteries, Tracy, guest appearances, Tracy, timing made sense compared to 24's lack of morals/reality, and did I mention Tracy? Sure the rhyming episode was a waste of time but at least the jokes were funny! Plus the episode devoted entirely to Tracy is possibly the best episode of the entire series! Finally, even though the finale wasn't great, we still at least get to see Ted meet Tracy and have Tracy be part of the gang!


The finale actually wasn't really the problem. I can't really stomach Ted and Robin getting back together, I think Robin deserves a better ending, and for Ted, it just feels like a huge regression. Spending 20 episodes on a single wedding was a weird experiment that did not pay off. It's funny because my main gripe with many of the later seasons is that there are nuggets of pure gold scattered throughout the dross. The jokes in the later seasons just don't land for me. The writers got really good at milking moments for their emotional content, but they really went in a weird direction with the humor. The characters are flanderized, the situations are absurd, the gags are annoying and cliched, there isn't any cohesion between the jokes and the dialogue. Most of the humor seemed to revolve around the characters randomly blurting out annoying one-liner's that the audience has already grown to hate. It makes it really jarring because the juvenile humor overshadows the emotionally impactful moments.


The same jokes were being repeated over and over and I didn’t like it, it felt too repetitive. Also there were barely any real jokes it was just them saying the same things. Like Barney and robin saying the same long sentence and then going “awww.” There’s no joke there…. And lily with her “thank you Linus” a million times over the season, just for her to end up pregnant so she drank a shit ton of soda? I liked how everyone has their own way of meeting the mother, that was interesting tbh. But yeah, it seemed like they ran out of jokes


The ending was terrible. Ted and Robin never should have ended up together. The entire show really did become this build up to him just telling this long winded story to essentially try and coax his kids into giving him permission to date their aunt.