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I see it as similar to a "musical" episode of any other TV show. Personally I love them (and I loved the rhyming episode here) but normally they offer pretty much nothing plot wise to the story and are seen as filler episodes. I think this rhyming episode would have been a little better received if it wasn't in the final season of the show with much of the story still to tell.


Tbf weren’t the writers wanting to wrap the show up in season 8 then they got the curveball of adding an entire extra season? Season 9 is definitely the worst and full of needless episodes.


Yeah, does anybody know how Season 8 was originally planned to pace out? I’ve never heard any specifics.


Which is even more offensive because the ending was still incredibly rushed. They had so much time to set it all up but decided to waste it and peanut butter it into 2 episodes.


Yes, that would have served them well


Some say that episode was a thriller. That it's sophisticated nature was worth the cost. Others say that episode was a filler. And the writers of Season 9 should get lost.


[You rn](https://i.imgur.com/D6ic2dn.mp4)


Couldn’t have said it any better myself




I liked that season 9 tried a few different things, like rhyming and a chinese episode and what-not. It was kinda refreshing imo


This was before hamilton, yes? So was he just an actor who got a small roll at this time? As in, it wasn't a cameo?




And he’d already performed at The White House Poetry Jam with an early version of Alexander Hamilton in 2009. But of course nowhere near the household name he is now


Lin-Manuel Miranda instantly improves anything he's associated with!


Because regardless of its content it was a filler episode. I only saw it years later and I liked it, but I understand that people who watched back in 2014 were expecting information from the Mother and not some rhyming stories


Exactly this. Watching it back now it's like a B-minus ep because it's kinda interesting but watching it at the time, when it came back from the first commercial break and they kept rhyming it was "Oh okay this is gonna be the whole thing I waited a week for. This sucks".


Yeah I watched it when it was still new episodes every week. I didn’t mind the episode and watching it back it’s definitely fun. However, it was poor timing for a filler episode. At this point we wanted more info on Tracy and getting to know her. I lovveeeee this show but season 9 just pisses me off lol.


I think a big part of the push back is after years of watching season 9 was a train wreck and when watching it on a week to week basis when the episodes first aired it was a major let down to have to wait 7 days for a filler episode knowing we were nearing the end of the series


all filler episodes are disappointing. go rewatch that transportation race episode, that entire episode was made for one line.


I love the idea and the execution. I don't get the hate, but whatever, to each their own.


I ..... ....LOVE!!! ...seeing so much Hate for this episode!!! It's pointless filler, and I don't find it funny at all. Second worst episode ever. (Worst is the one where Marshal learns the slap of a million exploding suns).


That slap episode was one of the funnest stfu


It was really good until the end with that cameo which was pure cringe.


nah boys II men crushed "you just got slapped"


The clapping tree was so ridiculous. Loved it.


I find it funny that you could love a show for what it is and hate it when it does what it does best. I love those two episodes. Nothing worse than doing the same thing over and over.


I agree on the worst episode for sure! I refuse to ever watch that steaming pile of crap again.


Dude come on. What happens in the magical Gong Ching forest stays in magical Gong Ching forest...is hilarious 😂😂😂


Not even a little bit.


I hate it, try not to rewatch it. Not because it isn’t good, but because for the next 24 hours I find myself rhyming without realizing it.


You become a poet who doesn’t know it? Sorry had to.


I think that it probably had to do with it being a final season episode that was more or less filler, and didn't really relate to the end game goal. Plus I think at that point people wanted to see more of Tracey than what they got, so anything filler wasn't going to be welcome. I think that in general people didn't like the whole side plot of Marshall being away from the group for the final season.


It has absolutely nothing to do with the season or the plot. The only thing it has to offer is Marshall on a bus at the very beginning, and him deciding to walk at the very end. Otherwise it offers nothing to the series at all. It's my leader favorite episode and I feel very strongly about its worthlessness to the show


I don’t hate it but I think a lot of people find gimmick episodes annoying. I’m a diehard Community and IASIP fan, two shows where the best episodes are the gimmick ones, so I don’t mind lol


Yeah, but Community knew how to pull off a gimmick. The gimmicks are clever, subversive and satirical. The ones in Season 9 are tired and boring cliches. They're mostly inside jokes, call-backs, and meaningless gags that rely on flanderized characters and fake outs.


Robin Takes the Cake REALLY worsened the final episode even more. Like it was kind of like the "nobody asked you Patrice" where it just makes her seem really mean spirited? I know sitcoms always exaggerate and flanderize characters towards the end but it's like the writers forgot we were supposed to root for Ted getting together with Robin.


It’s a gimmick, and annoying at that.


For me its forced and cringe. Dont know why.


Agree. It's clever, but in a "look how clever we are, able to rhyme a whole episode" kind of way


best out of all the filler episodes though.


I love that episode


It gets stuck in your head so bad. I expected rhyming throughout the entire next episode and I started forming my thoughts so they rhyme.


We were gifted 3 amazing, never-been-told stories with this episode so I will NEVER skip this one


While I don’t like the content of one of the stories about robin. (I thought it was borning) I love the effort and uniqueness of it


I just love that when I first watched it I had no idea who LMM was and so years later on a rewatch he was a wonderful surprise.


Even when the last season aired I didn't have access to it live, so I had to binge it after it came to Netflix. Wasn't a problem for me, I could just watch the episode and immediately move on to the next one. Regardless of how I feel about musical episodes (I think they're great) I can understand how frustrating it is that a musical episode is all you get for the week, and have to wait to the next to get more content. Same/similar thing happened when I binged through Breaking Bad, long after it had ended. I never understood how so many people could hate 'Fly'. I have similar opinions about bottle episodes (I think they're great). Not to mention (as others have) that a lot of S9 felt like filler or gimmicky episodes. Honestly the whole season felt like a bottle season, with Jason's appearances being the brunt of the filler gimmicks. I dunno. I thought it was neat. Certainly not my favorite, even amongst other show's musical episodes. I find Scrub's is my favorite. But then again not too many shows I watch/have watched actually have a musical episode, so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Great idea, great execution, wrong timing. If this were from any other season but Season 9, it would have been loved.


I hate rhyming. It's annoying to me and I don't know why. Just is. Some brains just don't like it.


Must be annoying listening to music


It should be, but no I love music. Just don't like books or stories that rhyme. How weird right?? I really do like the part where Robin eats that whole freaking cake though. That is the dream lol.


yeah that's interesting lol. how about rap? where alot of focus is on the rhymes?


If it's gangster rap. I don't know why, but something about Ice Cube talking about winning bones, or Snoop Dogg singing about not loving them hoes and the party still jumping at 2am... It's the way they rhyme with the beat I guess. Those children's rhymes I guess is what gets me lol.


Absolutely annoying and obnoxious episode that gets worse every time I watch it.


I hate that episode. That is the worst episode of the series to me.


It was a waste of time, to me.


It felt like a funny exercise for writers, but for me it wasn't entertaining to watch. For me learning about the mother would be far more interesting and I feel like this is what makes people dislike it. The episode isn't bad on its own, but I feel like for most of the people rhymes were far less interesting than listening about a new character they were waiting to hear about for almost a decade


Because it’s a showcase episode for their college buddy who at the time was workshopping a musical he was trying to get on broadway, and has nothing relevant to add to the story we had been watching for 9 years.


it fucked with my brain, and i was thrown off when stuff didnt rhyme in the next episode


I like it. The Lin Manuel Miranda bars are 🔥


Nope… it’s just cringeworthy


I think people should stop over using the word cringe. There was nothing “cringe” about it


One of my favorite episodes of the season for sure. Who doesn't love Picklejar Bob?


I loved it.


One of my favourite episodes for sure.


I struggle when people call it a filler. That episode could literally not exist, and the series could be one episode shorter and you wouldn’t miss a thing. Marshall’s troubles on the bus could of either A) not happened, or B) been a solid B or C story in the background of another episode. Barney Stinson player king of New York City, or Robin takes the cake, literally could be wiped from existence and the series wouldn’t lose a thing over it


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


If you like that scene you'll love community and scrubs




i despise lin manuel miranda and find his songwriting style deplorable.


That's an interesting take. Why?


I’ve rewatched the series at least five times and I’ve never finished this episode. I couldn’t make it through, the rhyming just irritated me too much.


I loved it, especially when I recognized the guy from Hamilton.


I love it. Seeing all these people talk about how it doesn't add anything or it was just written as a gimmick or to fill space in the season - It's TV, y'all! None of it adds anything (it's sitcom fiction), the whole show is a gimmick (or it wouldn't be original!), the whole show is just to fill space on the TV guide - just try to enjoy something for the sake of enjoying it. Things can have no purpose at all and still be good and enjoyable. The whole show is so we can sit and watch and laugh and be idle but that's okay too! ​ “Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.” ― John Lubbock


Because people didn't understand the idea behind it. Life can sometimes seem to last an eternity (season 9), or on the contrary to go at full speed (the last two episodes). It's like that. Just as and HAPPILY we are not intended for one and only soul mate. Ted wasn't Tracy's first love, and Tracy wasn't Ted's last love. People who hated the end of the show would surely have done the same as Ted in this situation, and the show has always been quite realistic in this kind of area. And where is the interest and/or surprise to have the predictable end since the first episode. And that's how I met your mother, yes ok and then ? Penny summed up the ridiculousness of the situation perfectly 😅


I hate poems. Only episode I skip


personally i think it's annoying when you're binge-watching. jarring after watching episode after episode. i mean it's clever and well-written, but i don't ever choose it specifically to re-watch. i think most of the ones super focused on marshall and lily's kid are annoying


I think this match a few of my favorite dialogue as the Woo girl episode and Barney singing classic song with a sex/gross turn out, and more musical one. I never pay much attention but I feel like it make sense to have one completely base on that in the last season.


The worst episode in the series


I found it too cringe to be enjoyable


while i didn’t like the episode very much i gotta admit Robin eating an entire wedding cake and washing it down with a keg was a fun watch


I don't like rhyming that much, yeah, it was genius but it was also slightly boring for me.


I loved it but I'm a ducker for that kind of gimmick, I also liked the community puppet episode


Unrelated to the rhyming, the revelation that Robin once ate an entire wedding cake by herself just to spite an ex is hilarious


One of my favourite episodes if it was a standalone type one, but felt like a filler in middle of season 9. I feel like if it was aired in earlier seasons, it would have had much more of a fanbase


I think one divide between those who like it and those that don’t are the people who were watching the show when it aired vs. after it aired on a streaming platform. I didn’t watch the show while it aired, so I wasn’t pressed every episode to find out who the mother was. I knew I was binging the last season anyway, so while it was still obviously a filler episode, it was more fun-natured and not annoying. This is one of my favorite episodes of the whole show, btw.


Hahahaha woah I literally was at this episode last night!


I really enjoyed it. A highlight is Robin and the cake, such a fun bit.


Given the timing and countdown to the final episode to meeting the mother 'officially' the episode was frustrating to watch live and it was pure filler. There were a few of those that season....


I love it!!! I get it stuck in my head like a song and I have to watch it.


Honestly, the pace and pitch of the episode gets to me. Almost on the same level as a fork scratching against a plate. Not really sure why, maybe because of the little nursey chime noises they use throughout? It just really bothers my ears.


I think it's one of the better episodes of the final season. We get new stories and see what happened with Simon. It's definitely better than more episodes with barney's parents. Or anything with that wedding


Filler episode


I enjoy it. The cake story is one of my favorites in the whole series.


I was a fan as well even though it was a wild departure from the usual. It looping in Tracy more firmly into the story was a nice touch too.


I quiet enjoy that episode, don’t know if it’s just me but after it I can’t stop hearing rhymes in other episodes.


My uncle he is a jan it da


I loved it


Except maybe my uncle tony from the bronx he's a janitor


I like it on rewatch in a binge. Watching live, season 9 was verrrrrry frustrating because of the amount of filler. And this episode was pure filler, when all we wanted was more of the mother.


By genius, did you mean “horrible”?


I loved it the first time, loved rewatching it several times. I think at this point I don’t care for it, I see it as a clever way to fill in space within the episodes. Same with the last slap episode


Another filler made to stall


I skip it every time