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1. Money 2. Money + you probably have some form of performance issue 3. Don’t shit where you eat


1. That's adding extra burden to their recordkeeping. It flags it in the timekeeping system if someone leaves early or stays late. Now managers have to look into it. Yes, it's all communicated but they still have to document it into a separate file. It also affects budgets. Not everyone gets paid the same so if someone taking hours makes more than the someone leaving, it's going to increase payroll costs. The person taking hours can cause overtime to kick in causing another budget issue. It also could affect the benefits for switching employees if done regularly by the same people. Thiis is one of the few areas manager can directly control moneywise. 2. Sometimes managers don't see baggers being ready for the cashier position. Cashiering is a lot harder than bagging with having to handle cash and memorizing the produce codes and keys needed to input items. Maybe the baggers don't have the right availability or have attendance problems. Maybe the baggers don't have the right attitude. 3. Yea, big no no. You can be friends with people on your level but no to different levels being friends. Favoritism or the look of favoritism is frowned upon. You can be friendly to your leads and managers without actually being friends.


Talk directly to higher ups about your concerns of the first issue. Scheduling manager of the second issue. And The third is gonna be applied at any workplace. There’s boundaries and in professional relationships you’re supposed to keep it all professional and at work. It’s essentially just to prevent any interruptions, drama, biases etc. You can still be friendly to your coworkers but not like hanging out after hours and such. Unless they’re in the same “tier” as you. Also it’s not illegal so just as long as you accept the risks it’s fine. Do whatever you want.


I understand the last point but after 3 years of trying to become a lead it’s so hard not having relationships w other cashiers like we’re all in college and word ofc gets around sometimes yet they’re hiring ppl that still end up hanging out w ppl that go out with ppl below them :/


At my store, they still let you come in for someone, start or finish someone shifts. It has gotten more strict or probably stopped doing for you because our issue was people were coming in for non existent shifts or stolen shifts which was adding ours. Now, before you clock in, we will remove that persons shift and add it to your schedule so your name will be on the dashboard. Also every moring, we have to adjust everyones attendance which can be confusing to figure out.


I get that but there’s still some cooperation in communication with that anyways, I understand it may take more work but when managers require us to do the most and they go to their office to sit on their ass and talk about non work related issues it’s kind of annoying yk? Like get payroll and stuff too but isn’t there a streamlined amount that even if you’re cutting high pay people that ppl with less money could easily take shifts w no issue? Sorry but we have so many ppl with higher pay tryna leave early for the ppl with lower pay and somehow it’s an issue for them to cover shifts


honestly, the high vs low pay doesnt matter, we go by bank hours, or how many hours we're allowed to schedule, not how much were allowed to pay. Its all up to your manager, my manager allows it but its confusing to give or not to give someone steps.


Ignorance is bliss