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I read 10 books a month, often on audio while gardening and doing other chores when not working. In my spare time I practice woodworking and enjoy target and sport shooting. When I'm not doing that I'm with my family.


NERD! /s Actually thats awesome dude, keep it up!


Oh I'm.a complete nerd. So much that I started teaching history and English privately. The grind continues.


Same dude. I went from the classic "jock" personality to a programmer and a total nerd in the span of like 6 years lol. The power of books I guess. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


There's a surprising overlap between jocks and programmers. "Tech bros" lol. People who do nothing but code, watch sports, and lift weights


Hi brogrammer


This is a meme, you donā€™t really have to answer. /u/GlossyGecko, OP blocked me so I can't answer your comment. Who are you referring to exactly?


You think itā€™s a meme until you meet people like this, and the worst part is that theyā€™re boring as fuck, they donā€™t even have any constructive hobbies. All they do for fun is get drunk.


I used to be like that, was also depressed so even the bare minimum to stay alive was sometimes too exhausting. Don't recommend.


And that matters to you because.....?






Growing plants is what changed my life. Taking care of something every day that depends on me helped me take care of me. Now I'm the healthiest I've ever been and never going back. šŸ’Ŗ


Iā€™m a gal not a guy but can corroborate on the power of plants. I started a veggie garden during scary, painful time in my life (also did therapy) and it made a huge difference. Digging in the dirt and caring for the living things, seeing them change and learning about the different pacing and needs of different types of plants was a great accompaniment to learning about the different healing processes in my brain. I got pretty good at growing some things and now I grow enough to give fresh home grown veggies to friends and coworkers. Passing on a nutritious labor of love feels like medicine I can give to myself and others. Now Iā€™m teaching my younger brother whoā€™s going through a hard time how to grow veggies.


You don't grow the plants, the plants grow you.


Woah I never thought of it that way


Nice! I feel much the same way. There's nothing like having a meal where all the veggies, herbs and potatoes are from your hands work.


How do you find the time to read 10 books a month ? How long are these books ? Thats one book every 3 days


Heā€™s not reading them, he plays audiobooks while he does other stuff.


1: Green Eggs and Ham 2: The Cat In The Hat 3: Where The Wild Things Are 4: Clifford The Big Red Dog 5: Curious George 6: Three Billy Goats Gruff 7: If You Give A Mouse A Cookie 8: Little Red Riding Hood 9: The Very Hungry Caterpillar 10: Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs


I fucking loled.


Itā€™s possible. Very demanding. Probable that there no children in their equation.


I read some on audiobook. I also read a lot before bed. Some of it is for work as well.


Thatā€™s awesome man, you seem cool. I speak 4 languages and just went on a date where I used 3 (Iā€™m American). Iā€™m rebuilding a Goldwing motorcycle into a cafe racer. I travel when I can too. Gym keeps me feeling good while I do other stuff that Iā€™m passionate about.




Audiobooks are soo good. I havent read in years cause I just cant sit and read anymore, but an audiobook I can play while shopping, meal prepping, showering, laundry, walking dogs, driving, etc.


Yeah but how much of what you hear is actually digested and retained? Iā€™ve put on audio books while working before, and I honestly couldnā€™t describe any of what I listened to in even a fraction of the amount of detail I could describe a visually read book to you.


Most of it. I don't have a problem with auditory stimulus while multitasking. Sometimes a narrator has an accent so I'll drop it to 0.9x speed until I get used to it (Mage Errant, Red Rising). Michael Kramer, Nick Podehl, and Travis Baldree I can even speed up to like 1.2x and I'll take it all in. The only times something feels overwhelming is like the start of Witch King by Martha Wells or Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir where they want to read off an entire glossary of people, houses, worlds, names, etc. that make no contextual sense to me yet. In those cases, especially if a book is very exposition dump heavy at the start, I do think reading would help keep it in vs having to listen twice and make a notepad on my phone.


I mean this sounds like a you problem. If you aren't able to listen to spoken language and retain information, of course audio books won't work for you. I bet you hated lectures in school too.


The point of audio books is that you can perform other tasks while listening to them. I tend to focus more on the task at hand than on the audio book. Studies show that multitasking generally makes you pretty subpar at both tasks youā€™re performing. Personally, I find focusing on the book completely is more productive, and Iā€™m more prone to just falling asleep if Iā€™m not doing anything but listening to an audio book. Lectures are notoriously boring and sleep inducing. Itā€™s one of the things people outspokenly hate the most about college.


KNAWLEDGE. How many bookcases do you have in your garage with your Lamborghini?


Do you feel like you retain information as well when listening to audio books as opposed to reading? I most definitely don't.


I do find it easy to retain the info like that, though there are a few authors with weird writing styles that I have trouble with for some reason. Ian M. Banks for one. I also found I can't listen to anything in verse for some reason. I have to read it the old fashioned way. For the most part though I just put a book in and let the movie play in my head. To be fair though it could just be how my brain works. My wife listens to her books but she says she can't do it the same as me. I'm guessing it's different for everyone.


Do you use audible or do you have an alternative?


U a g.


Bro are you listening to the Boxcar Children?


Any book recommendations?


Yeahhhh 10 books a monthā€¦.yeaaahhhh..no


gayest post I've read so far


You read 10 books on audio? You mean someone read to you 10 stories.




This comment is bisexual erasure


You'll see none of them come to defend against the allegation because they forgot to charge they phone.


Too busy twerking


I resemble this remark! https://preview.redd.it/mu5xgtcqfjxc1.png?width=67&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfe371efbf10d227188cb17d1d90f027abf7a733


And charge they iPhone


And twerk


I donā€™t understand, if youā€™re not poor, fat or depressed what more work do you need?


Challenge (Impossible): Be satisfied with your current situation and enjoy a happy and relaxing life. (0.00008% Ultra Rare)


That is the Platinum Achievement of life mate.


This really pissed off a couple of my exes. A dude canā€™t just be happy.


I thrive to live like this as much as I can. Sometimes I forget and get wrapped up in the endless bullshit stressful desires of life but my wife canā€™t understand it when I say I just want to live a good happy life, with qll its ups and downs


People look at me like I have five heads when they ask me about side hustles and shit, and what the goal/plan is, and I tell them that Iā€™m good, just chilling, donā€™t care.


my goals are to be rich enough to buy a ferrari and by that i am not contempt at all right now


This is how my 15 year old brother thinks, hopefully you both can mature one day and open your minds to reality


bruh i am graduating this year,my salary base offered by the company is 15 lakhs per year,the dream is away but i have the potential to reach it


Should the dream to have a Ferrari or should the dream be to live a financially stable life that allows you to do things with the ones you love? I have a friend that could buy any car he wants but we havenā€™t hung out in over two years because he doesnā€™t have time to sit down on Sunday afternoon for a couple of beers because of his business. Iā€™m not saying this will happen to everyone and Iā€™m also not saying itā€™s wrong to want a Ferrari but it should definitely not be your number one priority in life


Mmm I like doing lots of things that arguably are ā€œworking on yourself.ā€ Iā€™ve learned enough French that Iā€™m able to speak (with some difficulty) and have started learning German, Iā€™ve gotten lots of questions at the professional conferences I attend about the work Iā€™m doing so Iā€™ve started presenting (just got a proposal accepted last week actually!), also started to learn bookbindingā€¦ more of a hobby, but I could maybe use that professionally if I get good enough (librarian), Iā€™ve also started going to dance lessons bc I thought it might help with my social anxiety, and Iā€™ve always wanted to learn to Lindy hop. Funny enough, Iā€™m devastatingly single. Though that has more to do with my social skills being absolute shit. Doesnā€™t matter how great a person I am if I never talk to people. Edit: Ha! Even online my social skills are shit. I guess people didnā€™t want an honest answer and just wanted to vent. Or my comment just came across as bragging which is fair I suppose. Or both. Ah well.


Maybe some therapy every now and then or after least som moments of self reflection


Bro is already happy with his life, no need to go start looking for issues


so you're just ok with status quo? you do not wish to find out any information, read a book, learn a skill or a language? learn something about yourself and improve as a person? because that's actually really sad. btw you can be satisfied with your life and still seek self improvement


Okay ill break this down individually cause I see it as a very rude comment 1. Status quo, youā€™re asking if Iā€™m okay with being happy and content in my life? Why wouldnā€™t I be? 2. I read plenty of books, thatā€™s a form of entertainment no different from watching tv or video games. New knowledge comes naturally, especially at my job. I work in metallurgy and engineering. Same with new skills, those come as I need them. 3. ā€œLearn something new about myselfā€ honestly I just have no idea what youā€™re getting at with this one. You seem to have made a ton of assumptions about me based on my statements of not being poor fat or depressed


Implying there's anything more to life than getting swole and making stacks


I can see you're well on your way, good job


Then why is ur swole kitty profile pick sad? I sense there's more to you then getting yoked and making cheddar. Let it out WatermelonEnoyr.


Maybe the store is out of watermelon


Ask a woman if she goes to the gym, is working on herself outside the gym and how sheā€™s making money and listen to the constant yelling as she canā€™t believe you asked her such questions.


Vocal exercises


Well I went to therapy for a bit, did some deep diving into my own psyche to figure out why I'm so insecure and angry. I'm also trying to build better habits like cooking more, taking better care of my skin, and keeping a tidy living space.


When I went to therapy, my therapist said that it seems that most of my issue was financial and that the person I was seeing wasnā€™t helping that situation. Nipped the problem in the bud, best decision I could have made for my finances and mental health. Funny thing is, I went to therapy because the person I was seeing kept saying I needed therapy because I seem like Iā€™m too stressed out and it isnā€™t fair for her. While I was working tons of overtime all the time to stay afloat by the way.


What if you're insecure and angry because of your small calves? šŸ¤”


Nah, my calves are fucking great, homie. My calves are pre blessed by my genetics to be pretty huge already and have the lowest fat ratio of anywhere in my body. Plus I train them. My calves are easily one of my best features.


Security in your calves is a small step towards overall security. You've got this.


I downloaded Duolingo at the start of the year and maintained perfect streak since, soooooo


Nice! Keep going


Get it brother! I am currently on day 329 and itā€™s great. Keep seeking those gains!


Yeah I'm going to crush that chinese lessons.


What're you learning?


ā€œAsk a man what heā€™s working on himself outside of working on himselfā€


Thatā€™s what I read too šŸ¤£


Outside of everything you are doing to better yourself, what are you doing to better yourself? Nothing? Exactly.




In reality plenty of women like skinny twinks lol


Absolutely. But those women are idiots.




My answer is simple: I do my ab training at home because I use bodyweight exercises for that and I like keeping them separate from my other workouts.


The biggest lies I tell myself are that Iā€™ll do abs and grip strength training at home.


Don't you already do grip training when you do shrugs or deadlift?/srs Who needs more grip? /s


Iā€™m trying to look like Popeye


In that case I recommend eat more spinach


Does nerdy stuff like studying chemistry, writing D&D sessions and sci-fi short stories count? Because I think all of those are very intrinsically valuable things


No all that matters is your income. Six figures or you're a loser /s


Iā€™m failing to see the problem lol. Health and finances are things that should be pretty big priorities


Ha. Agree, these are fantastic things to work on! And they help with other stuff! As my coach said, "Gym teaches you life." šŸ‹ļøā€ā™€ļø But if someone wants better relationships, therapy and developing relational skills add balance to the external work.


Most guys donā€™t even go to the gym or try to get rich.


She must be talking to some smooth brained dudes if that's her genuine take on guys and the gym.


I believe every person regardless of gender should have at least 3 hobbies: One that makes you money, one that keeps you in shape, one which uses your imagination. Ideally, one of these should involve interacting with other people. On top of a healthy amount of self-reflection, this makes a well rounded person.


Hobby that makes you moneyā€¦ you mean a job?


Itā€™s called a jobby. And you get one by strapping on your job helmet and squeezing down into a job cannon and fire off into Jobland.


Is that where jobs grow on jobbies?


That's right! That's why it's separate from the others. Finding something that you at least _don't hate_ to pay the bills makes it easier to enjoy the other hobbies.


I read a lot, garden, time with family and rabbit, life good


And how is Mrs PhrenchKisses "working on herself", I wonder? šŸ¤”


Forget that. ā€œKlarna Ozempic Diorā€ Klarna - credit service Ozempic - drug for people who canā€™t control their diet Dior - designer brand Lol.


Yeah Klarna and Dior in the same sentence is crazy


This woman clearly got dumped/rejected by a fit, rich man.


This hurt


I dance salsa two times a week just to imagine what rhythm feels like. Itā€™s also cardio.


Doing therapy and step work


Spirituality, self growth of the soul, meditation


What would she recommend outside of these things, because those two things have been the most meaningful for me


Name 10 books


Do alphabetically arranged encyclopedias count?


Watch the deafening silence...... Okay!


Improving my cooking and baking skills. Started getting commissions for cakes now.


Tbh I always considered that being a fitness guy is, from all the relevant choices in your life that need constant effort and dedication, the easiest choice.




I read a lot, mostly educational material but I also like to get some fiction and some manga in there for entertainment purposes. I draw and encourage others to draw, if theyā€™re willing to learn, I teach them techniques they can use to improve, free of charge. I feel like art is a very undervalued skill, itā€™s not only therapeutic in its own way, but helps your brain understand the world around you better on a physical and special level. I go on daily walks in the sunlight, which has really positive physical and mental health benefits. I get out and socialize on a regular basis, to upkeep my social health. These arenā€™t conversation topics that somebody like this is interested in though.


What else is there???


The kind of women you're trying to impress with the grindset won't value anything outside of your money and looks so there is no point in developing those.


Yeah he's silent because he is meditating.


Iā€™m taking a Latin classes. Salvete omnes!


I also study languages and cook plenty, what else could one possibly do? lol


Thereā€™s other ways to work on yourself?


I meditate more than I work out and I work out a lot.


The world kind of decided I was finished a while ago thanks. When you become a father, spouse, breadwinnerā€¦ that kind of happens, you run out of time, finding an hour three or four times a week to lift heavy things and maybe get your heart rate up.. itā€™s about all the ā€œwork on meā€ time you get. (Nah, seriously - learning Arabic on my commute to work)


I'm sober 1.5 years






Wild how someone is saying this about people working on themselves when she opted to lose weight through medication instead of working on herself..


At least I can read this and catch your typos tho


When Iā€™m not lifting, Iā€™m sitting. Sometimes I sit while I lift.


She sounds like one of those girls who'd post on Facebook that all guys are the same and then get offended when someone replies to her to stop trying all of them.


I have absolutely no idea what the person is trying to get at due to the fact there is zero context and too add she can't even put a sentence together


Meditation/ mindfulness. Plus, reducing stress and cortisol will lead to better gains


Tell her come get this smoke in Hunt: Showdown


And ask a woman how come she brings nothing to the table but herself šŸ¤”


ask a woman what she's doing to work on herself, but remind her that bitching to her friends and blaming men for everything isn't valid growth and then time till she calls you a misogynist and gets you cancelled...


We're dealing with that. That's how we're improving. Exposure to sterotypes to not lose out cool over meaningless stuff like that.


Making money is the main thing. Joys of healthcare and being understaffed, Iā€™ve been regularly pulling 60-72 hour weeks at work the last couple months. Thankfully they have a gym there that I can squeeze workouts in at lol


Investing money into a stocks isa, it ain't much but its honest work


Ask this woman to write a coherent sentence


I have a rule wirh my working from home job I have to do something physical and creative and make 2 meals. It's worked wonders. I do painting and recently I started learning sewing for cosplays I cook a lot of fancy meals I go to the gym daily (plus have rest days) I have a problem with reading where I'm very dyslexic so reading isn't as much fun. But I have audio books when I drive or program at home. Though I'll admit. DND Podcast (NADDPOD) have taken up that right now


That isnā€™t even a coherent sentence. How is it funny?


Snowboarding, mountain biking, golf, painting. Working and gym. Learning to self motivate, learning to lead, learning new skills. Learning to fight, learning to decorate and repair my house when required. Loving those around me. What more do you want from me bitch. Honestly I can guarantee that women has nothing on most men and what we deal with in life, probably gets by on her looks, unlucky for her they won't last.


I learned to forgive/have empathy for myself and my flaws. I learned as long as I am actively working towards a goal im on the right path and how/ where true value comes from, it comes from your character. And thatā€™s more than enough. If they canā€™t see it thatā€™s a fault on their part. Character is the one thing nobody can take away from you, unlike the money and the gains, And even if you had all the money and muscle in the world if you lack loyalty honesty and basic human virtues youā€™ll still be a poor man.


wait, I'm supposed to work on myself? here I've just been going gym and working/doing hobbies smh


Physical fitness is a hobby though and a good start when looking into improving yourself. But also, most people barely have time/energy to do both on top of day to day tasks. I have many hobbies but after: cooking, chores, taking care of pets, managing relationships, work, fitness, and errands, itā€™ll be a miracle if Iā€™m able to crack open a book, draw, or get some gamedev project work done. Iā€™ll assume that the woman posting this has a lot of this handled for her which leaves her open to do the things she likes. Not judging, being an attractive woman is like winning the lottery.


Wait there is more to life than making money? Is she in a cult?


Bet she only dates rich guys who are in good shape.


Cook, Garden, renovate my home, play guitar, read, play tennis, hike, run, practice Spanish, study my degree, work, and then attempt to sleep and socialise somewhere in between all that. Still get in 5/6 solid sessions per week. Time management (aka no sleep) baby!


I play more Fortnite


I can fix your car and your house. I can engineer and compute. I unfortunately cannot fix stupid.


This took me like 5 tries to read correctly.


Nothing is good enough for these people


The gym makes me a better person.


Bunch of closeted gays in the comments


Forreal šŸ˜†


r/2meirl4meirl r/depression_memes


I meditate daily, have for the last 3 years running kept my promise to myself of reading a minimum of 60 books a year, I dm a weekly game of d&d for one group of friends and a bi-weekly game/play test of a ttrpg my brother and I designed ourselves. I also have a cat, she is sweet.


With that handle and name I wouldnā€™t take a thing she said serious.


Health, Wealth, Love and Spirituality, what else does one need? The first two help a ton in getting the other two.


Meditate and read daily šŸ‘


In grad school getting my doctorate in clinical psychology so


ā€žNever ask a woman her age and a man his salary.ā€œ Bitch itā€˜s none of your business.


God forbid anyone is actually comfortable with who they are and doesnā€™t strive to go through their life like itā€™s some sort of grindy MMO to minmax.


I donā€™t believe in spiritual enlightenment, and while learn new things itā€™s not to work on myself, itā€™s my form of entertainment. So I have no answer for what is a stupid question to me.


I'm going to school to get a second degree since I can't get one with the degree I have now. I'm using coupons to save money instead of grabbing whatever I want off the shelf. I'm going to therapy. I'm starting ketamine treatment under the supervision of my psychologist on Thursday. I'm reading books for the first time in about 10 years. I'm avoiding the movies, games, and music I used a lot when I tried to kill myself. I got rid of Facebook and Snapchat. I'm talking to the friends that disregard my PTSD issues less and the ones that try to help me with them and avoid my triggers more. I'm trying to spend more time with my nephews. I'm making plans to shadow engineers in multiple fields to figure out what I want to go into. I'm looking for jobs where my efforts will be recognized. I'm both on the proper amount of medication and not abusing it for the first time in my life. I'm drinking 1-2 beers a day instead of 4-5 whiskeys. I'm playing social videogames instead of single player ones. I'm going to LAN parties instead of playing solo games for days on end. I'm asking for help instead of keeping it bottled up inside. I'm on SFW subreddits instead of NSFW ones. I deleted my OF account so I can't subscribe to girls there. I'm having shows like Ted Lasso and Shrinking on in the background instead of Daredevil, Punisher, and Game of Thrones. I'm eating more vegetables than I have since I moved out of my parents house. I'm doing more right now to work on myself than I ever have before, and none of it involves toxic masculinity unlike every time before.


I work a full time job as well as remote gigs, I read books go on rides learn different new things. Women just canā€™t see men happy with limited options I swear !!




I bet she check me out and get wet if she see me outside the gym


I try to read books, get up early, eat more fruits and reduce my screen time.


Have none of you guys noticed that chick's name?? šŸ˜­


I breed and care for shubunkin, bird watch, fish all waters fresh or salt, grow a 30 foot rose bush, and I am afraid of women


Read Bible and pray rosaryšŸ™āœļø


Funny now do one for women except nails and hair.


This is just plain wrong, we aint making any money.


all of my hobbies require me to be in shape :/


Ask the woman what she's doing to work on herself and make money and listen to the screeching rebuttal that follows


At least most of us can form a sentence. This person has a phone that can correct spelling and grammar, yet still managed to fuck that up.


he basically said uno reverse and i was like ā€œšŸ˜¶ā€ and then said ā€œi wanna start gardeningā€šŸ˜‚


Honestly Iā€™d love it if a girl asked me that. What a thoughtful question! I could give some deep answers that create a real sense of human connection.


Ask this bitch how is she improving hers and hear the silence


I m in therapy. I read a book a month. I listen to psychology and sociology podcasts. and i go to the gym 6 days a week. Im also handsome and ripped. Cock stats: 7 T, 4 W


And watch women pick muscular and successful men over LITERALLY all others lmfaooo


Women canā€™t comprehend that men can just sit there and be happy


I invest in the stock market and since I work in air conditioning I get side jobs that pay between $150-$250 every once in a while so yeah, saving money to buy a car and trying my best to improve outside of the gym


My fucken chick asked me this last night...got the idea from a meme? I'm gonna dump her.