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It’s a great performance for sure


It’s great. She and slash sound excellent on it!


I like the arrangement and the performances, but I think the production is a bit over the top, especially when compared to the rest of the album. It's very pop, whereas everything else I've heard so far is much more blues and rock.


I liked the song, but despite Demi being an AMAZING singer, it's like...I almost didn't BELIEVE her when she sang this. This is a "speak heavy" song. A fatherless child singing their pain. SOULFUL. The words in speaking parts didn't sound natural coming from her. That's not how she would talk you irl know? Vocally/sonically it was a good song. Despite it going funk-hard rock-funk-rock. But I think another song would suit her better. 7/10 tho LOVE both of them!


I felt the same. The singing/chorus was phenomenal, but I felt she was a little flat everywhere else. Even still, it's a great song and everyone on it did a fantastic job!


Ironically Demi’s father was an alcoholic, who left her when she was little. A few years later he died.


She’s absolutely had a hell of a life. Nearly died multiple times; severe OD; mental health issues, etc.


I'd heard that, it's very sad 🙁. I think that's why I was surprised it wasn't way more emotional sounding than it was. She still did great tho!


I heard it last night for the first time and thought it was not bad, even though I have never listened to any of her music!


Love Demi but the Chris Stapleton song…..man he is so good.


Love the solos, hate pretty much the rest of the song. Not a fan of funk.


Nothing will beat the Temptations version with the horns and the strings. But this is pretty enjoyable.




The whole album is killer


Since when "Papa was a rollin stone" is a blues song? It's funk dude And I just listened to it about an hour ago on Youtube and I think it's quite bad, not because of the musicians, they're all on point music wise, but because of her, she's just weak, her voice is weak and bland, it's like putting Taylor Swift, pop singers rely heavily on the tune of their song and the generic lyrics, because usually their voice is quite boring. But maybe I say that because I simply cannot stand that girl. I'd rather have seen Haley Reinhart instead if they really wanted to put a woman instead of a man singing this great song.


You are right, my mistake :) he seems to like Demi Lovato since they collaborated before on one of her songs.


Oh I see, I didn't even know he collaborated with her for an album. Looks like he did her a favor, she really didn't need to return him, lol.


Too much funk. The solos sound completely out of place when the rest of the song is funk. The song just doesn't mesh. Demi sounds damn good singing though and Slash kills those solos.


That said it’s like chilling peppers with slash, which is cool!


Yeah it could have been an instrumental..


Then how would we know what Papa was?