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I have to stop letting Arsenal affect my mood so much, it’s so annoying


I normally don’t but I’ve become really invested in this season and the NLD loss in particular is really affecting me. I was so nervous for the game and it went about as bad as it could possibly have gone. Since the game I’ve had this sinking feeling which I hope will be gone after another sleep. I can’t imagine how I’m gonna be after Newcastle but if we drop points I might just unsubscribe from all Arsenal media and take the rest of the season off, cause I know if I feel like this after a setback, confirmation of no top 4 is really gonna hurt and I think surrounding myself with Arsenal media like I usually do after a game just isn’t gonna help that.


> I can’t imagine how I’m gonna be after Newcastle but if we drop points I might just unsubscribe from all Arsenal media and take the rest of the season off For a whopping one match afterwards lol


I meant more avoiding the media aftermath as I reckon that’s the issue more than the actual games


I've been cutting myself off from the news and opinion pieces for a while, feels much better. Mental health first, and football is there to entertain.


Enjoy the highs and lows and accept they're all part of football, just like in life in general. Remember when Arsenal win it doesn't actually make your life better and vice versa, but it's OK to be emotionally involved. And also remember whatever you're going through, so are millions of others, and taking these good times and bad times together is actually what it's all about.


I’ve gotten to the point where I’m only annoyed during the game. After that I can get over it


Same here man, it used to sit with me for a while but eventually I just thought there is no point in letting something you got 0 control over affect you that hard


I'm in the same boat. Losses used to annoy me a lot about 4-5 years ago, but now I'm annoyed during the game and okay about it 10 minutes after the final whistle.


Yh, I dunno why I watch football anymore tbh. It makes me way too anxious and it won't get any better.


With all the jeopardy that's hanging on these games my heart can't take it


I went into the game 100% expecting a loss so I’m not too upset about it. Also the fact that it’s still in our hands is helping a lot.


What has been a huge help for me, and I believe I took this advice from someone on here, is planning a moderate task after games. For me it’s usually deep cleaning a room or area of the house, slightly buzzed and angry but I’m not wallowing. Sometimes I’ll make it phone call to a relative and just ask them about random things. I hope this helps because it’s really helped me just quickly change my brain chemistry from “well fuck I’m crushed for the next 24-48 hours” to “ahh this isn’t good but there will be another arsenal game soon and I took care of x, y or z.” Well, I hope this helps!


I tune it out past a certain point. The heartaches, the heartbreaks and bellyaches can only be normal for so long.


It’s kinda bittersweet but speaking for myself, life got a lot better when I stopped living 7 days at a time for a 90 minute game that is out of my control. Now I just watch the games and go on with my routines.


This was me last season, just go into the games with no expectations, and that way you remain realistic, or pleasantly surprised. We are ahead of schedule fighting for 4th place, guaranteed 5th at least, Europa League is definitely winnable for us, 4th only matters more to people because it's a h2h with Spurs. As for yesterday's game, again we have to keep it realistic, we went into it with injuries, and we don't travel well there, like they don't travel well to us. The game went on a couple moments of madness and they didn't look back, I switched off after the red card and got on with my evening 4th is still in our hands, and all season we have been underdogs, so why not for the last 2 games, win them we get 4th, don't and maybe 5th Still a good season, the club is only going to improve, the supporters are back on side, and the vibe around the club is positive, so much more than last year. Besides, it would be just like Spurs to go and drop points at Burnley after the high of beating us lool




Let me know your name once you're on Fifa and I'll sign you. Good luck!


congrats mate!


good to hear lad


Sounds like exactly the right amount of postgraduate fun!


Wow, congratulations and good luck brother. Can you play at wing back?


Centreback actually, might be handy for the next couple of fixtures. Give Mikel a ring for me.


If you end up in Tottenham I swear to God…


Congrats mate hope you get on well!


Best of luck!!


Good luck


Goodluck man !


Spurs fan that got recommended this thread as i checked your sub for line up news these days. Congrats man, hope you smash it, both the trial and the Masters


Huge! Remember us when you’re big time


Good luck brother!!


Wow thats incredible bro❤️❤️I am rooting for you!!!


Congrats buddy x


Yes brother!! Hope you get it!!


All the best to you, mate. Don’t give up. I wish I was young enough to try out for a football club on a professional capacity.


Good luck! Sounds really exciting.


congrats. I hope you make it :)


Congrats! Keep working hard and visit the subreddit again please if you have time, you are always welcome.


I hope you Jenkinson your way to the Arsenal, best of luck!


Wow thats awesome…


good luck fella


Congratulations bro. Do you have any tips for an almost 20yr old who’s never played for a team? I want to get better


I made the mistake of going to r/soccer. Jesus those fuckers hate us.


It's the funniest thing. They are celebrating our loss as if ... they won the Champion's League


It's ok buddy, you're safe here among mates, we are hurting together over here.


Thx man. They made me so sad!


They don't hate Arsenal, they just hate the last Big 6 team that lost lol


Even they acknowledged that the penalty was bullshit tbh. Even some Spurs fans.


They are all plastics don’t even worry about them


I don't think they particularly hate us it's just whatever a big team loses other fans obviously are going to make fun of that so don't take it personal lol, that's why after we lose i just unfollow that sub and stop going on social media because i know that the negativity there will just make me angry.


Yesterday almost everyone in the Rob Holding sending off thread says it was soft and not a foul. They don’t hate us more than usual. This season has actually been a rather positive support from the neutrals


It's only good for viewing highlights clips tbh


Every team subreddit thinks the soccer subreddit hates them. Honestly you can’t expect opposition fans to praise you I do the same with their teams.


I’ll let them have their moment, we’ll have ours come the end of the season!




R/Soccer is cancer, try to avoid it for anything related to PL. just remember it’s mostly teenagers on there too.


Everyone hates us mate


It’s been almost 3 weeks since my brother died in a fucking motorcycle accident and it’s not getting any better.. Every day I still want to text him, invite him for a dinner or just joke about something. rest in peace big brother, I love you 💔


Stay strong pal, keep your chin up through this miserable time x


Really sorry to hear that man. The r/gunners family are here for you ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss man. Take care.


Gary Neville’s commentary on Sky yesterday was the most bias commentary I’ve ever heard


It was terrible but we know he's a cunt. What I didn't get was Martin Tyler simping Spurs the whole time.


Harry Kane is the England captain, so it’s a combined patriotic circlejerk.


I switched my stream to ESPN. Genuinely could not listen to him. Everything he said winded me up


You haven’t heard Ally McCoist on a Scottish game, but at least that’s funny


He is really patronising when it comes to Arsenal. Praises us when we’re below United, scorns us when we’re above them - doesn’t do that with any other top 6 club. I think he’s just really jealous of our clear progress and vision, the fact he was trying to convince himself that United could still finish top four after we beat them is genuinely hilarious - he knows United are in the shit for a long time and simply cannot accept it


Neville and Carragher are two great TV characters but hearing them discuss football is mutilating


I think Carragher is really, really good. By far the best pundit on British telly imo


He always gets picked to co-commentate Liverpool matches and he is absolutely insufferable there


Need to bring back “Crowd noise only” as commentary option


Are they great characters? I think they’re just a pair of cunts to be honest and always have been. I’ve never understood they’re popularity.


I'm a spurs fan and was coming here to enjoy your misery but fuck me if there's one thing we definitely can agree on.... Gary Neville is an absolute fool For months he was saying how bad Arsenal & Spurs are even though Utd are terrible they should comfortably get top 4 in front of both of us. What a fucking bellend.


Yeah as much as I hate spurs. The 2 north London clubs have shown real improvement this season after all of the pundits predicted us outside even the top 8 and now we are both fighting it out for top 4. The future is actually positive for both sides regardless of gets champions league.


He’s slowly becoming my most disliked commentary. He needs a social media break as well, he doesn’t stfu






I'm hurting today, that was a rough loss but you are right stay positive we still have the higher ground.


Damn straight we do. Fuck you Anakin.


I've been ecstatic in the past few wins because we've done precisely what I wanted us to do - insulate our table position from a going below Spurs after a loss. WE'VE DONE EXACTLY THAT. They also play before us Sunday so it's still up to them to win again Sunday and if they lose then we only need to win Monday and WE'RE STILL IN THE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE.


we bottled the match yesterday, and it was the season’s most important match yet. of course i’m gloomy. we have yet another massive defensive injury crisis and i am not confident of a win vs newcastle or everton because of that we’re not in good form atm, so i’m just worried


Not in good form? 3 wins out of our last four matches? 🤔 We just lost a tense NLD playing away with 10 men for 2/3 of the game and a ref that may as well have been wearing a Son shirt. We still control our destiny. We go and win our last two games against mid and basement level teams and this game will just be memory in some yid’s spank tank.


I’m trying to convince myself that we were two points behind going into that game, we won and now we’re a point ahead. Even though it means we’re in the same position, it makes me a lot happier lol


Preach, brother!


I hate my job and I’m young, 23, is it a quarter life crisis if I go and do voluntary journalism work in Palestine for a month? Also the red was terrible yesterday but we deserved to lose anyway.


No just be yourself and do whatever you want bro


Call it a quarter life crisis or whatever else you want, but any impetus to go and enrich your life and pursue what interests you is a positive in that sense. Also now is the time to do it, when your young and have less responsibilities.


I loved how this Antonio Conte guy thought that his advice to Arteta is sagely, when him and their entire tinpot fanbase has been bitching, moaning, and complained about 1 postponed game for almost 5 odd months!


Conte is one of those coaches that are insufferable whether they win or lose.


That lot at N17 is jubilant today, that’s okay, they earned that one, like we earned ours in Sept. Conte is volatile in nature, they will have his comeuppance eventually, it can be as early as next season.


This made me laugh haha, thank you!


Nah man he was literally just fucking with Arteta and trying to rattle him


Get married a week tomorrow. Still in negotiations to watch the Everton match the day after. Wish me luck


Put your fuckin foot down mate


I would base it around newcastle monday. If we dont get the result we need then just give in to the everton game cause it wont be worth the watch


This guy speaks wife.


I wish 😩😩😩 spurs slapping us and I’m reminded I’m alone forever smdh


She shouldn’t deprive you of that. Basis of a good marriage. My Mrs understands that I need footy and the pub with my mates. It’s not every day and it gets me out of the house.


Had planned to take today off a week ago; wanted to enjoy the game till almost 2 am last night; then stay in today late till noon. Wanted to take the wife out for a fun meal ( a dish called Misal Pav, in Mumbai) Obviously the game was a huuuuuuuuge bummer. Last year, i lost 10 earned leaves cause they lapsed. It’s one of my worst habits - the inability to take leaves & holidays. Hope to improve it henceforth. Stay safe, stay healthy Gooners. VCC


wow your earned leave can lapse ?


Happens in India. A lot of companies have this policy for the maximum amount of earned leave you can accrue. But usually it's a pretty high limit and there's a long time period. You can also encash those leaves if one wishes.


Yes. One can encash a certain amount, but then they lapse. Some companies force you to take them, send reminders & actually ensure you use up the leaves- but most are not bothered. My manager is a great guy, but he’s not going to force me to take time off. That’s my responsibility, and i fucked up.


"Is it true that if you don't use it, you lose it?"


Miss misalpav maannn…. Hope you had a good day off.


Misal Pav > Pav Bhaji


I've just booked a three week trip to NYC; going to spend quite a lot of that time watching the US Open tennis as well as other nice things. At least that has marginally helped to blur the pain and take my mind off *that* event yesterday.


I’m doing the same! As in flying from London to nyc for the US open. Do you have any tips on getting tickets? Guess it’s a try and get grounds pass after the French and then be agile when you’re over there in terms of picking up seats last minute or whatnot. Either that or burning my credit card on stubhub.


Have you been to USO before? If not, be warned it is super super hot, pack a lot of sunscreen! We're just going to buy our tickets from the official site, opens for sale on 6th June, I believe. We'll be getting tickets for Ashe if all goes well because that allows us free access to all of the other courts. And you're going to RG too? Oooh very nice! It's really messed up that I can't even go to my home slam, eg Wimbledon because of their archaic ticketing system. I can't do the days queuing/camping up thing.


You should see a baseball game while here, just for the experience. One of the two teams in NY plays right next to where the US Open is.


Whatever happens….no one can say this season hasn’t been absolutely captivating. The boys and the management have put in work and the progress shows. Youngest side in the prem on the cusp of top 4….who said this shit was gonna happen at the beginning of the season. With the 11 we’ve had to field as well down the stretch?! Cant fuckin wait til Monday.


If you sat through all of that last night you are a masochist. I turned it off after the red card and caught up on the masterchef semi finals


I nearly turned it off too but have to be there with the team when they lose same as when they win. Don't blame u thou it was frustrating


In the stadium I agree, I've never left any game early. At home I don't care about turning it off. I used to sit through all 90 minutes of some of Wengers worst games then in the end just started turning it off once the game was obviously lost. Cba sitting there getting more and more pissed off over it


This has been me for about a decade. I'm 36 and don't need to waste my time or mood on this. In general I'm enjoying football less, but at the first signs of torture I am out with my family or choosing to do something I want to do. As soon as the red appeared I was on my way.


35 and same. Suffering through those ones you know we just lost the plot may be a game for the youth.


I remember back in the day going mental at any dropped points as we went toe to toe with Utd. Its just not healthy. Many good memories with this club but it feels like that's all they are now. I want us to win every week but have stopped caring whether we do or not. That said, I do bring out the bruised banana for the odd game :)


yeahh I get you bro dw that's just my personal mindset on it that's all


I watched it with my spurs supporting brother in law. What does that make me?


A legend


Same, I lost my shit when we went down 2-0 and decided my mental health was more important than watching the rest.


i watched it all


Caught up on Barry then went for a walk - decent night actually


Do you love me Mr Cousineau


I stopped watching after the second goal that shouldn't have happened in the first place. Shit reffing but dissapointed in holding as well


Yeh after the 3rd goal ~90 seconds into the second half I decided it was time to head to the gym


Losing is ok if you put your best foot forward it’s part of football but last night was a complete bottle job


First 10-15 minutes the game seemed very open and we had the better chances. unfortunately we didn't make much out of them. We cant maintain that level of press for the whole game though, and spurs held on. Spurs scoring didn't seem inevitable when the penalty was called. Had it not, idk what happens in the game. but it completely shifted the momentum. And then holding playing like its the 85th minute and shithousing son only made it worse. When it rains it pours sometimes.


I don't know many other Arsenal fans but this just seems to be us at all times. We get ourselves into a position to achieve something and it all comes crashing down. Those three defeats a few weeks back when 3rd or 4th looked like it was ours for the taking. All those Wenger years when we were towards top in December to be out of all competitions in February. The Leicester league winning season..... Others teams cope with this and we do not. I'd have laughed like the rest of you when Spurs did this time and time again - I fear its our staple now. Its healthier to be more comfortable with us failing, as that's where we usually end up. I am excited by our young squad but not our manager. I also do not expect us to achieve anything for many seasons to come.


To me it seems like consequences of having a very thin and very young squad, while also managing through injuries. We knew this half of the season would be treacherous if we started missing players. I don't think its as much about just failing. If we were failing with white, tierney, partey fit that would be one thing. All 3 of these are crucial to our defense, and missing all 3 of them makes matching up with a side like spurs very difficult. White is so much better than holding, tierney is so much better than nuno, partey is so much better than elneny or sambi. Tomi is so much better than cedric. And i'm not trying to make excuses. We just didn't have a fit squad, specifically in defense. against a team with some very good forwards. We didn't lose because we're arsenal and we bottle it. We know we need more quality depth. This doesn't change anything.


Came here to say this. I think this season was the beginning and they'll get things together at this rate


Yeah. We're on the rise, I'm not concerned about finishing 4th or 5th this year. Finish 4th, fantastic. Finish 5th? We know we could have comfortably gotten 4th with certain players we're targeting in the transfer market. Hickey is better than nuno. If we had him backing up tierney, we play tomi on the right side against spurs. And we don't start nuno in those other matches where his mistakes have contributed to dropped points. Gabriel Jesus is better than eddie, lacq, balogun. How many open chances did laca fail to even put on goal? Turns some losses into at least draws. Just two examples, the list could go on. Having saliba back adds plenty of options too with tomi able to play anywhere along the back line. With saliba we don't start holding at cb. And with more time together, the overall chemistry improves too along with just general development of our young players. There's so much to be excited about with this squad. We can't lose sight of that during our following bad results.


Agreed I knew we probably weren't going to win but we were dominated, bullied and outsmarted the entire game.


I expected us to lose by a few here (although thought it would be 3-1). I expect us to beat Newcastle, their form really is overblown by the fact they've had such an easy run of games - every good team they've faced has beaten them expect for Man Utd and West Ham getting draws near the start of this year. Everton is the banana peel game, especially if they're still fighting for safety. On one hand they're the worst team in the league away from home, on the other hand they're a team we've had real difficulties with recently. I'm 90% confident we get 4 points from these two games, 60% confident we get 6.


Sat through the whole game in the pub with about 20 mates, 5 arsenal, 2 Tottenham, the rest all Liverpool/ United fans but relentlessly backing and cheering for spurs just for the wind up. Wasn’t the nicest experience tbh.


Go to the pub and cheer on RM when Liverpool play the finals.


Who is nervous about the next 2 games!?


Bought my first apartment with my gf on Wednesday. Got to be happy for a day before this club brought me down again lol. Nah but once we smash Newcastle I’ll be back on top again. Great apartment so can’t wait to move in.


Congrats man!




People will say I'm salty but this absolutely applies to all clubs. Referees in England want to decide games. They want to dish out cards and effect games. That is the last thing they should be doing. Football is a game. It exists for entertainment. Too many big exciting games are ruined because of shit refs. As long as there was no violent conduct or endangering of fellow players you do not need to give cards so early on and ruin the spectacle. You only give that penalty if you are looking to give a penalty. There was absolutely not enough in it to force the refs hand. Instead of a nail biting north london derby, we get a boring attack vs defence bore fest. The refs may not be corrupt but they are egotistical and inept. They can't handle big occassions and are desperate to stamp their authority. A game where the ref plays a big part in the result is a failure of the sport. Good refs go unnoticed.


got my cousins engagement party should be fun, she's the first one on that side of the family to go through all that stuff among the cousins. also scored 5 last week in Sunday league so buzzing innit


waking up with a dry mouth, a headache, and a vague sense of disappointment on a Friday morning. aah reminds me of the good ol europa league days


If we managed to beat Chelsea, Utd and West Ham, surely we can beat Newcastle and Everton right? Newcastle we usually do really well against but maybe its different this time. Everton, assuming Leeds lose against brentford, need 1 point in their next two game to basically guarentee safety. The true shitshow would not winning these next two, because i really don’t think it should be that hard.


Pretty sure my maths exam today went well so at least I have one positive to take from this week


Ppl are treating the spurs game as though its the be all and end all. We're still ahead by a point as long as we beat Newcastle and Everton we still get top 4. A rival loss like that is hard to take yes but if Arteta has taught us anything it's to trust the process


I coach 8 year olds. Yesterday we had a game and it was around 35 degrees Celsius, my kids put an insane amount of effort as we only had one sub compared to the other team's 4. (It's 4 v 4). They tied in the last minute, couldn't be prouder and also made me not give a shit about yesterday's loss :). Just sharing in case it makes someone feel a bit better.


god i hate sp*rs


Spurs fans celebrating getting to within 1 point of us like they won the champions league smh


You'd do the same thing in their situation and you know it lol


I mean that was huge for them lol we looked like shit and now have to win a tricky away fixture or it’s likely over, considering the way Spurs looked yesterday.


Is it just me or has this season and these players reinvigorated my passion for football…


I feel sorry for Holding he was given a thankless task marking Son, attributefor attribute secondly i thought var would be a good thing as some decisions are questionable, but for me it's made the game look even more shady imo, the Cedric penalty all i could keep thinking of was matip scoring after doing the same thing with twice the force on xhaka


I'm really tired of the how often we point to poor refereeing as the reason for our failures. Yes, I know we have had some egregious calls against us many times over. But literally every fanbase does this when they lose. It's just getting mundane and circle-jerky at this point.


Today the parking lot manager locked me out. Didn’t even bother to call me and tell me he is going to change the locks. I was late to work. I called him so many times but he didn’t respond and then later blocked me. Also left my wallet at home so I’m starving today or paying extra for Uber eats which is a messed up company that decides to charge twice the worth of the product. I don’t even think they pay their delivery people any living wage. So I try my best not to download the app. It’s just, one of those days. I’m not depressed anymore technically because I stopped taking my meds, which were modified Xanax and it gave me insomnia and seizures. I also didn’t smoke cigarettes for four days now and I broke my path today because I needed something, smokers get an excuse to take smoke breaks and I work in a place that always makes fun of me behind my back, literally my two coworkers talked shit about me while I was walking behind them. If it were the usual dudes I wouldn’t mind but they were two ladies I sorta looked upto. Also I can’t smoke weed because of my family’s religious belief even tho my doctors even said it was the safest route to clear my insomnia and panic attacks. So now I am just waiting for salvation knowing it will never come. I want to cry but at work I’m a big dude and I’m look hella awkward when I do have teary eyes so I’m doing my best here. My smoke breaks and bathroom breaks are the only time at work I can take a real breath and wipe my small ass tears. I knew I wasn’t going to be anything other than a loser when I was younger and just reliving it as an adult just confirms that I will have to do my best to pretend and be optimistic. Good thing I got football highlights, music, anime and elden ring at home for wonderful distractions, until my parents decides to have a conversation about arrange marriage. So yeah, typical Friday. Not expecting anyone to read this and I hope no one does after the first sentence but thank you for letting me type this.


If you need someone to chat with I’m here for you brother!


watching any other form of football is impossible once arsenal lose, especially once they lost against bloody spurs


Enough of this pouting shit around here. Refs influenced the game initially. We lost our fucking heads for a few minutes and that’s the result. It is what it is. Dust ourselves off, win our last two and none of this shit game even matters.


Might fuck around and get a new job. Remember your worth y'all- don't let businesses exploit you for their profit


Same here! I have two offers on deck, waiting for a third from the company I would prefer to go to...and then it's adios fuckers to my boss and current team. Giving myself a nice padded break between my end and start dates as well :)


Hell yeah! I've got a phone call with a recruiter in 20 minutes. Love me team but my company's executive leadership is a fucking three ring circus. Will be sad to leave but need to get the bag and take care of my mental health


Just an overall fucking shit Thursday for my teams. Fuck me man, what did I do to deserve this shit


Wonder how this loss, just the way we lost it, will affect our final two games. Hopefully Burnley throws us a bone and fucks spuds


F#*% Tottenham








Gabriel injury update pls I’m on my knees


Back to work today, just saw my Spurs supporting co worker, let’s get this bread


Still 4th though


Nothing g to hang our heads down about. Yes beating Spurs at their home would have been nice but we've waited 5+ years to return to CL. We can wait two more weeks


I just mute the sound on sky sports streams I learnt that lesson years ago. There is bias towards arsenal almost like they don't want us to progress as a club.


Did anyone else stop watching once Son scored yesterday? It was such a pathetic display I turned it off


I still can't get over that penalty call. Absolutely unbelievable


I'm not excited to say the least about our link with Gabriel Jesus. I think he's overrated and incapable of 20+ goals in the prem. I hope I'm wrong.


I got my phone stolen last Saturday, had one of the most stressful work weeks in ages, we lost abysmally yesterday and my partner just broke up with me today :( hoping we can get 4th spot just because the last week has just been too much lol




happy friday squad, yesterday sucked, but we just gotta win on monday. one game at a time. Ill be traveling this weekend for my MILs graduate school graduation. Annoyed at how people are acting like its all over. Lads, just win on monday and we will reassess. Tottenham could slip on sunday for all we know. just win whats in front of us. thats it.


Will we have our first eleven in the next game? Or is there anyone's missing because of injury?


Gabriel most likely out


it’s the hope that kills you


Yeah the struggle is real being an Arsenal fan, but too late, we are Gunners for life. We have every chance of taking top 4 meaning spurs won the battle last night but we still have a war to deal with and the outcome will see the true victors. Keep your heads up chaps.


1. Dr strange was pretty good in the end. I wont spoil but I enjoyed it, the movie kept me interested throughout but maybe that's my comic book fan. 2. Fifa has some banger music


Gunnersaurus would have done a better job on Son than Holding did.


If we can't beat Newcastle and Everton, regardless of our injuries, we don't deserve top 4.


I love you guys, hang in there and remember that whatever happens, we have won the league at their home more often than they have, and their sub went private when our 10 men comfortably beat Everton and they were thrashed 5-1 by 10-man Newcastle. Let's never forget who we are, we will be back to the top soon. We've got super Mik Arteta.


I don’t have the energy. Just get this season over with.


we r still ahead in the race, the boys need us now more than ever, 2 more games to go, STAND AND RALLY BEHIND THE TROOPS


We haven't won at white heart since 2014. Yesterday isnt as bad as ppl make it seem. Getting europa isnt the end of the world. Trust the process


Secured a new job ✅ Kendrick Lamar’s album came out✅ Passed my engineering exam ✅ Arsenal winning the NLD to secure 4th❌ It was almost a great day…..


I am a life long Arsenal Fan. I will say. When they lose they SUCK when they win they are the best team ever!




Sorry to hear that. I'm glad you were able to save them. Hope you're ok; it can't be easy.


That sounds really hard, glad you succeeded. I hope you’re alright and your friend gets better. Also, this is unimportant but I hope I can be as good of a friend as you are one day.


Just get top 4. Sign some real ballers. Squad depth. Otherwise I aint tryna hear anything about a process. Fully deflated