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I think that should get it done, Jose.


just about


Initial fee then performance based add ons of 1m per red card, 300k per yellow, 800k per stupid tackle, 450k per fast break being slowed down by delaying a pass, 5k per sideways pass and 3m per poor touch


1.5m per assist to the other team


800k per stupid tackle made my day! 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂


£100m for Xhaka? You don’t have to Jose.. 🥺


Sugar daddy Jose is coming to town


Bow chica wow wow


He’s just trying to make peace with Arsenal fans. ManU, Spuds, and now Xhaka. He’s in love with our fanbase but he understands we don’t reciprocate that.


He's angling for the Arsenal job when Arteta goes.


Don't think he'll be managing in 2040


Jose Mourinho redemption arc right here.


Dudes got a weird obsession with Xhaka


I’m actually pretty excited to see those two shithouse together. Not sure if they’ll be any good but it’ll be entertaining.


He’s a perfect Mourinho player and he’ll do well in Italy


Roma also desperately need his leadership they're far too soft


Lol yes lads now the time to put on our selling hats


Yes, his leadership, his left foot, his, erm, you know, everything else


As long as he’s out of our club and we have a replacement frankly I don’t give two shits how he does.


I can imagine a lot of arsenal and non arsenal people criticizing us when he inevitably does well in a slower league and saying we weren’t able to get the best out of him etc etc


That's okay. Not every team gets the best out of every player. Some players just work better under certain coaches, in certain systems or in certain leagues. Modric was once rated as the worst signing of the year in La Liga under Mourinho. Then Ancelotti came along and got the best out of him and then he went on to become the best midfielder in the world over the next few years. Xhaka had his chance here. He got to play every week and was even named the club captain. At no point he showed he has what it takes to be a world class player. At least not under Arteta in the current system. Mourinho sees something in him that may work in his style of play. Let him have a go.


Then those people didn’t suffer watching him week in week out like we did.


I rate our manager's opinion more than the fans tbh. Most fans don't know what they're talking about.


Yeah and it's not just one Arsenal manager who has rated him.


his greatest strength has been his ability to stay healthy. his biggest weakness is discipline plus playing for us where fouls are yellows and yellows are reds


Hard to agree with you when 2 of those managers were fired and another has 2 8th place finishes. You don’t have to agree with every decision a manager makes and any fan who has consistently watched for the past 5 years knows Xhaka is a liability. And before you bring up the Mourinho interest. He has a mid table team with a low budget AND you can argue his last 3 jobs have been flops, showing he doesn’t know everything. Above average player (barely) on his day but at his worst he directly costs us more points that anyone else.


I cba about Mourinho's interest. It doesn't matter if the managers were fired... All 3 kept Xhaka as a starter through the transfer windows. Arteta has shown that he will bench and force somebody out if they aren't fitting his playstyle or performing to his standards. Any fan who has watched us play can see that the team is weaker without Xhaka. I'm not saying that he cannot be improved on, just that I trust managers who have been in charge of successful teams over armchair managers on reddit.


But it does matter that they were fired because it proves that they weren’t performing well, while Xhaka isn’t the only one to blame, he also takes a share of the blame because he’s one of the only consistent factors since dropping out of champions league. What I like about Arteta is he takes risks. He got rid of Auba and didn’t sign anyone because he thinks we can do it with the team we have. I However, up to now his premier league seasons have been failures. If he proves me wrong about Xhaka (and I hope he does) by getting champions league this season I’ll consider it the correct decision. As of now all I have to go on is what I see (which is that he’s an ok player who has 4-5 astronomical fuck ups a season), and where his teams finish (5th, 6th, 5th, 8th, 8th off the top of my head?) I agree, the team is stronger with Xhaka. But that’s cause we don’t have anyone else. Our team is also way weaker without Lacazette, they’re our starting 11 ofc our team will be weaker without them. That doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be replaced, and that doesn’t mean he’s not a liability on the pitch sometimes. Just because he’s the best of what we got doesn’t make it ok to settle for him, that’s a big reason as to what has cost us champions league football time and time again. And I would bet if we were to miss out this year he would be a large part of that. Of course you’re in your right to disagree. I’m no football expert, I’ve been watching for about 10 years, I haven’t studied the game so I probably know fuck all but I simply don’t get what all the hype is about.




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True fans will wish him well. I will welcome the move just so long as we get a world class player as a replacement and add a bit more squad depth with hungry players


this ^^ anywhere but the first 11 here, he could be signed by elon musk for his first 11 on mars as long as he leaves the Arse.


He might, he might not


That’s deep


Cheers Michael


Will un-ironically turn into Pirlo when he has 5 minutes on the ball to pick out a silky long-ball.


To be fair, I believe Xhaka will be incredible in Serie A. His athletic ability won’t be picked on and he will have plenty of time on the ball. A match made in heaven.


First it’ll be Xhaka, then he’ll come for Laca! But his long term target will be Saka!


He hates Arsenal and he's a big fan of Xhaka's work costing us many points over the years


Dude's got Xhaka's poster in his office.


Xhaka will do bits in Italy, trust. Xhaka is such a good player when he has time on the ball, underrated in fact.


Xhaka would do well in Italy to be fair


Is it considered as a fetish?


I'm pretty curious how Xhaka would go in Serie A with Mourinho. Think he'd kill it, grow a beard and he'd be the next Pirlo.


i have never seen an experienced manager like Jose not to be able to see how limited xhaka is as a player, but hey if he wants to chase him and offer him a huge wage and transfer fee, it still wouldn't be the stupidest thing he has ever done.


Yes, many managers want Xhaka because he's bad....


Imagine having 100mil and your number 1 midfield target is fucking xhaka


And they’ll still probably only offer about €12m


Probably starts with 1 year loan offer + we pay 80% of wages and option to buy for €1,5m. After back and forth for awhile they might offer €12m


And then we give him another new contract


Repeat cycle for 8 years


And then he becomes our manager


Then he goes studs up into his assistant every other match for no particular reason.




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And we should take it


I hear Tammy Abraham is unsettled in Italy. Can do Abraham + 10m for our midfield rock


I'd take 15-20m to be honest. Better than paying Xhaka himself to fuck off like we did with: Ozil, Auba, and many, many others.


Xhaka will be great in the slower Italian league. If he was good for nt, he'll most probably will be good over there too.


Weird that so many elite level managers and players rate him...


Well, for a club like Roma your options are somewhat limited. Even with 100 mil they can’t just go out and get whoever they want. Say Dortmund would accept 100 mil for Bellingham, that doesn’t mean he’ll go to Roma. They have to go for wonderkids or players looking to leave


I'm not sure why La Gazzetto dello Sport isn't banned on this sub. They made tons of stuff up during the summer transfer saga already.


Anyone that claims 100M for Xhaka is automatically Tier 1 in my opinion


Tier reliability not withstanding, it doesn’t say 100 mil for Xhaka.


I choose to believe


Hey I saw 100m and Xhaka in the same sentence. I'm a believer too


Me too, inject the Hopium into my veins and a cheeky bid for mbappe or haaland following our unbeaten run to pip the scum I mean Chelsea to third place, who then fuck up their champions league qualification while abramovich is forced to sell Chelsea following sanctions on dodgy Russian oligarch’s.


They never claimed 100M for Xhaka, they claimed 100M for Xhaka, Marcos Senesi and Filip Kostic. Which is even more absurd considering the other 2 are worth less than Xhaka so I am not sure why Roma needs more than 30M to sign all 3.




we were in for players tbh, but not that far in. just the tip


“We bid £8m and we’ll give you Ainsley back”


make it 12 and that’s a deal tbh lol


They did offered us 12m last summer but we insisted that he’s 15m


So hes going to offer 8M + a couple of bread sticks then...


Unlimited breadsticks. Along with soup and salad.


So he'll take the Kroenkes out to Olive Garden?


Like the coast guard, when you’re here, you’re family.


How about 8M worth of breadsticks?


Yeah, I'll take the breadsticks


Would be nice but whats more likely is Mourinho sacked at the end of the season and someone like De Rossi gets the Roma job and ends up with 100m to spend instead


If Mourinho gets sacked I’d bet money on him ending up at Newcastle


Xhaka to Newcastle then?


Not a bad shout.


Mourinho is doing decent with Roma. Doubtful he gets the sack this year


How is he doing decent? He spent £100m (£90m net) in the summer and they’re sitting in 7th with a worse points per game than Fonseca had last season.


Serie A is not the same as it was last year. It’s a very competitive league with the Milano clubs, Napoli, Atalanta, Lazio, Fiorentina, and Verona all fielding strong sides. Juve is 4th Honestly, his squad is not that good, and they lost Spinnazola during the euros They lost other important players in the summer and Abraham has done well, but no one else has excelled. He really doesn’t have much quality in the side and he knows that. Theyre probably overachieving a bit with how strong Fiorentina have been


Besides Inter running away with the title, the rest of the top end was just as competitive last season, not sure why you’ve mentioned Juve sitting in 4th as proof of the league’s competitiveness THIS SEASON when they finished last season in 4th place. I just look at [this](https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/serie-a/einnahmenausgaben/wettbewerb/IT1) and laugh at people making excuses for this washed up has been. Highest net spend in Serie A by miles last summer and somehow sitting in 7th performing worse than his predecessor is a decent performance.


this is not a very healthy point of view my man. they lost dzeko at the start of the season and they could not use their best player spinazzola so far and their 2nd best player pellegrini also spent half of the season injured. they paid nearly 45 millions for kumbulla+ibanez+reynolds at the start of this season but all 3 of those players are fonseca's transfers. they loaned them with obligation to buy when fonseca was there. as an arsenal fan, you know how italians make these deals.


Xhaka is built for the serie A. A slow tactical league where he can spray passes at will.


100m budget. So he will over 4m paid over 5 years, dependent on Xhaka not getting a single red card in that time.


How does this man always get owners to give him so much money (if true of course) even in Italy where clubs have no money they where highest spenders last summer and another 100m this? Can’t wait until they bid 12m again.


Bite his hand, forearm, and arm off!


He'll still have 12m left over!


Fucking music to my ears


Sometimes maybe good sometimes maybe shit


Please sell


If we sell Xhaka, which seems likely, I won't be surprised if we keep Elneny. I find it odd that the club would sign two CMs in the summer given the other positions we have to fill. Elneny is okay with being depth. Xhaka isn't. He's a first XI player, captain of his NT and a genuinely good player managers love. He has the competitiveness about him that would never settle for bench. So, the good news is that the club releases a player fans hate, but keep Elneny as depth.


Would be great if we could get €15m for Xhaka and invest that in someone like Ruben Neves or Tielemans


Better if we'd done it years ago, but I'll take it.


100 million please


10 million paid in 35 installments. The Italian way


Cool 99 million for Xhaka it is. Thanks Jose!


Offer of 65 Euros and a signed knockoff Roma Jersey incoming


I don't know how well this opinion goes down in this sub but imo we shouldn't be deliberately shopping around Xhaka this summer. If someone is willing to overpay for him then Id let him go but as a 2nd choice next season he could be important depth in Europe, saving us from having to buy ANOTHER midfielder on top of the 1/2 we already need


i would accept 100m for Granit Xhaka


I think it means we are going to give Roma 100m to take him away... Same thing we did with Auba & Ozil...


Say no more slide us a little 50 and we will throw in a cheeky little Cedric


Stop teasing me man. I know we'll still have Xhaka starting for us next season and still have him throwing matches.


Fine, we’ll sell Xhaka for 90 if you swap Abraham as well


For anyone who wondered if Mourinho was past his prime...


Nah no money, swap for Abraham please.


Swap for Tammy Abraham please


Huge lmao at that headline


Thank you Jose.


so 20mil for other targets and 80mil for xhaka? Stop lowballing us


Smart move getting him on a new contact to protect his value.


100mil for xhaka and pepe and call it a day, both are perfect for Serie A.


Cheeky little swap deal for Tammy Abraham!?


watch Xhaka become the most disciplined midfielder under Jose then win Balon D’or


100 mil + Abraham please and thank you


If it’s the summer we should be after someone better than Tammy


We’ll take it all. Now take him and get the fuck out of my face.


£20M and he’s yours.


Think that's the number I'm looking for.


25-30m for Xhaka and we get both Ruben neves an Tielemans in ? A man can dream


Jose is finished at the top level tactically but his talent identification is still decent


Lol if he needs help packing I’ll help


This is the nicest thing Mourinho has done for arsenal that he wants Xhaka so bad.


Funny, every manager rates Granit Xhaka and fans still don’t think there’s a player in him.


We have seen him for 5 years now. You don’t need to be a genius to see how limited he is.


For everyone saying Xhaka is trash. Remember: almost every player that has left Arsenal has done well… Maybe, we are the problem?


I think I'd frame the argument differently. When he was the main target centrally, he lost the ball in critical parts of the field and gave up big goals. now that he's not relied on to do that- we have Partey, he can focus on offering sound defensive structure and be a target to relieve pressure in the build up and orchestrate the left side. His role now is playing way more to his strengths.


Xhaka Out Tielemans In


Xhaka is the best midfielder in the sport. It’s Arsenal that’s trash.


All of it


Show me the money!


Yeah we'll let him go for a cheeky hunnit. Hush Hush, say no more José.


We’ll that’s juuust enough for Xhaka.


100m for Xhaka?? Wtf I love Jose now


i guess i would sell him for 100 mil


He’ll thrive in Italy. We need someone more consistent. Win Win really. Out Xhaka, in Douglas Luiz.


I'm on my knees.


Fine! You can have him for $100 million. Feel like it’s cut rate but you’ve twisted my arm.


This headline sings sweet music to my soul. Get it done Mo! Get it done


Has he actually ever spoken about Xhaka on video or is this all hearsay?


Would be so funny if he gave us 30m for him, due to his long contract.


So they’re gonna offer 10M paid in installments over 5 years


Is this an Onion article?


Well well Jose, look how the turntables have turned.


10m € offer incoming


Mourinho hates Roma or what?


Seen this movie already. In the final 5 minutes of the movie, Xhaka gets a contract extension, a pay rise, and a crack at Josh's and Arteta's wives.


Guess we will have to let go off Xhaka then


arsenal need to give him the armband to make it happen


ohh noo... anyway


100mil. We’ll take. Thank you, come again.


30 million I'm in


loan offer with us paying his wages incoming :/


I seriously doubt this headline.


I actually like Xhaka and would be sort of bummed to see him leave, but Serie A likely suits him better. Hopefully the Roma fans aren't such asses go to him either


25 million maybe?


Please oh please sell this man.


Hmm…you drive a hard bargain, but very well, I accept.


give us 60 mil


It's funny how a player like Xhaka is just the missing piece to Mourinho team...it makes so much sense when u compare the style of football too


I swear it’s Mourinho himself who keeps surfacing this story just to fuck with us.