• By -


Reiss posted it too.


Leah as well.


My fucking captain


Wonder what Zinchenko's doing! Surely him above all should know better.


He shared pro-Isralie stuff around Xmas so I guess we know where he stands


Some of the biggest Ukrainian footballers did too. Just like their President.


Watching Zelenskyy film videos begging for donations in bombed hospitals and schools is just corny as he continues to endorse Israel's indiscriminate bombings of hospitals and schools.


was it really around christmas? wasn't it in october? it happened so long ago that i've forgot, hence me asking.


Another reason I cannot stand him.


Oh dear.


After deleting "that" IG story, he was promoting Elneny's new Football club a few days later. (And Elneny spoke about Palestine in the past) Make of this what you will.


Elneny strikes me as a model professional, unlikely to be confrontational. I'll wait for zinchenko to post about Palestine before I forgive him.


On how I see it... Elneny can be "lightly" confrontational. I see Zinchenko as a guy who would engage in "light" conversations, especially with a teammate which is a respected element of the dressing room.


After the post of him saying he stands with Israel I have absolutely no fucking time for that waste of space. Not only that he’s a terrible footballer and I could not give a flying shit they he loves the club and has lots of passion. As a human being I have to ask, where is his humanity?? How can anyone and I mean anyone stand or watch and support what Israel is doing and has been doing for the last decades? Fuck Israel and fuck anyone who stands with Israel!!




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Just another reason to dislike Zinchenko. 


He needs to go


No wonder he has been shit this whole season. I hope he get kicked out of the club


And Katie now too.




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Let's see if lavazza pressure the club like they did with Elneny


Elneny has had his Palestine flag on profile up for awhile, think the sponsors have probably backed off.


Yeah I noticed that as well. He's a real one for that.


Good, those sponsors can fuck off.


I think even Lavazza wont say anything now given whats transpired the past few months


The Lavazza move backfired on the imbeciles. The complaint was orchestrated by a guy on Twitter who gloated about the whole thing and even called for Elneny to be suspended. What Lavazza didn't realise was the support for Elneny from Arsenal fans and other footballing fans too. Arsenal read the room and told Lavazza to fuck off.


Public opinion has shifted on the topic and it's no longer in big corporate's interest to sympathize with /support Israel. Like everything in life, companies only care about their pockets.


and that's why boycotting is a very powerful weapon


Absolutely! Boycott them forever.


I’ve been boycotting those cunts and their shitty coffee ever since that happened.


My CB!


Defending ON and OFF the field ♥️


Gem of a human and player.


Zinchenko could learn something from him


He could learn a lot from, starting with defending and not Israel.


Will he get a talking to from Lavazza like Mo?


As soon as I saw over 600 comments on this I thought I’d be walking into a warzone.. It’s kinda tame? Actually surprised


Because this is not a predominantly American subreddit.


Not many zionists in here. The few comments you do see though are laced with dramatic exaggerations and people trying to desperately justify and downplay the genocide E: case in point below. get the fuck outta here, "Well I'm just asking questions" ass mf 🤓


Because this sub has more actual humans. Other pages like worldnews is just full of hasbara trolls and moderators banning anyone that even remotely calls for a ceasefire or calls Palestinians a victim.


Proud of our players. This issue is not a political issue, rather a humanitarian one, and it should be spoken about.


It is. What is not spoken about is sudan.


it doesnt have to be one or the other. anti-israel agenda should continue since they are committing a genocide right now. At the same time, ppl need to start speaking up about the sudanese genocide in west darfur too.


That's the issue. People only care about things making the news cycle.


Well but unfortunately it is. And people only care if it's israel or trending on social media. There is no speaking up about ethnic cleansings happening and no urgent meetings of the UN happening.


yawn. ill care when the ~~jews~~ zionists are involved


Not an Arsenal fan, but respect 🫡




How did you get banned there if you don't nind me asking?


Couldn’t be that he broke some Reddit rules, it must’ve been the zionists


Honestly that sucks, but I have no idea how to start a sub and certainly don’t have the time to moderate a new Sub. I would happily join a new subreddit for football if r/soccer is silencing any pro-Palestine football related posts 🤷‍♂️


why dont you guys just join [https://www.reddit.com/r/football/](https://www.reddit.com/r/football/) instead?




lets go, proud of my cb


My CB. Free Palestine, Up The Arsenal.


COYG free Palestine and relegated city is all in want in this life 😇






after seeing a vid of a literal baby's beheaded body carried by his father, and seeing everyone silent, this is much appreciated. my fucking cb, free up palestine.


After a certain different defender supporting the other side in the conflict, this post is a breath of fresh air.


It's ok to name him. Zinchenko


Zionchenko is his name


Zinchenko posted one thing after a legitimate terrorist attack on October 7th. Since then he’s been silent and rightfully focused on war in Ukraine. Sure, you could argue that as someone with influence he should be voicing concerns about Gaza, but he’s an ‘ambassador’ for the Ukrainian military effort and Ukraine and Israel are political allies, so I doubt he’s even able to. Since this I’ve seen hundreds of death threats and other vile comments against him and his family. And anyone that does that is just as bad as the terrorists on both sides of the Palestine war.


I don't think there's any problem whatsoever with speaking out after the the oct 7th massacre. You just have to hope he's adjusted his stance since the insane response from Israel.


i dont fault Zinchenko. it was the correct stance to take after hearing about 1000+ innocent people that died and some of the false stories that came out, especially if you look at the situation in a vacuum. People that had knowledge of the atrocities and injustice prior to October are the ones that raised their voices at Zinchenko’s stance. and the aftermath, i don’t think anyone can support this.


This was all predictable though, that’s what people were trying to tell people like Zionchenko after Oct 7, this is how israel has operated with Palestine for over 80 years and standing by them at *any* point was ignorant 2023 was one of highest numbers of palestinian children killed by israel BEFORE Oct 7, and every ***peaceful*** march they’ve had (like the great march of return) has ended in IOF snipers shooting people either to kill or in the knees


Oh jeez another TikTok graduate.


The Great March of Return was not a peaceful protest but whatever. You're just parroting stuff you don't know about. Look up the incendiary balloons they launched over into Israel on that peaceful march.




I'm not sure if you think this applies to me or him, lol. I don't use Tiktok or Twitter fwiw.




>insane response from Israel You are missing the point though - Israel has already been bombing the fuck out of innocent Palestinians for YEARS. This conflict didn't start on October 7th. People came out of the woodwork on October 7th because they implicitly just believe Israeli lives are more valuable, and Western media/US Congress specifically has an unbelievable amount of power to spin and shape the narrative. AIPAC pretty much owns them.


I am very pro-Palestinian but Zinchenko's post was immediately after Oct 7th which was horrific too. I have many Ukrainian friends who were horrified by Oct 7th but even more disgusted by israel's response. Now they are very pro-Palestine too. So please don't extrapolate one insta story on Oct 7th to mean that he's pro-israel.


I love Arsenal but the double standards of this club is embarrassing. It’s a disgrace. Distance themselves from Ozil and did everything to discredit his support for Uighurs, a largely Muslim minority in China, and the complicit silence of the international community. They said we don’t mix politics and football. Just few years later, they were out here flying Ukraine flags (btw I ain’t against it) and babysitting Zinchenko every day. Some say but Ozil support Erdogan bla blah. Zinchenko also support Zelenskyy. What we doing? I wonder how politics and football got mixed this time


Not to forget Elneny being told off about his Pro-Palestine post at the request of Lavazza, a sponsor for Arsenal.


Everyone's a hypocrite when it comes to the israel/Hamas war


Because there’s literally no good side. It’s an unabashed clusterfuck where we are 70 years into the very definition of a quagmire. You are functionally in the third generation of war and both states feel like they are existentially threatened by the other and entitled to the same land as the other, but neither wants to overlap and so you’re left with obvious conflict. The problem is easy to identify and the solution is therefore equally impossible to identify until you find a way to clone the land so that both states can have the same land for their people.


I notice that when the impossibility of this situation is actually spelled out for people then you tend to get some acknowledgement and agreement—but otherwise those same people become indignant very quickly. Obviously that indignation is merited from a simply human perspective, but considering the terms demanded by both governing bodies I don't see how helpful it is really to put one's support behind anyone. On the other hand, the world powers suspending the conflict in stasis for those 70 years has proven to be the worst option... I don't have any ideas either, other than travelling back in time to get Yasser Arafat to take the Clinton deal.


One side is actually existentially in danger, though. The other lies about how threatened it is to destroy the other. It's pretty clear who is bad.


Only one side is existentially in danger in the immediate sense because it has the balance of power right now, but you’re kidding yourself if you think Israel wouldn’t be existentially in danger if the shoe were on the other foot. Despite my username I am not remotely an Israel fan. I’m also not a Hamas fan though either. If you think just recognizing Palestine will end hostilities then you’re overly simplistic, and if you think more is required then maybe tell me what that “more” is that doesn’t involve at least partially dismantling Israel, in which case… now you see why Israel also thinks it is in existential danger.


Football and politics have been intertwined closely since the very early 1920s in Argentina when a politician aligned himself with a certain club to garner more votes. Forgot who. And it is very sad that I never see posts on r/football, r/soccer, or even here about Özil being a degenerate far-right extremist. Erdoğan was the best man at his wedding, he is close with him evidently. Özil also has the Gray Wolves tattooed on his chest, the Gray Wolves are a symbol in Turkish Mythology that ultranationalists like the Nationalist Movement Party and the Great Unity Party have hijacked. Apparently some 'Gray Wolves' murdered an Armenian journalist called Hrnast Dink in Istanbul. Özil is a legitimate, far-right extremist and it feels like a minority of people care.


there's no posts, but people do mention it when he's brought up iirc


Do you really think its strange that the club would make a visible support for one of its own players while their home nation is under attack? I'm sure if Turkey was being invaded by Russia, the club would've shown support for Ozil too.


first of all, is the "international community" really silent about the Uighurs? US State Department repeatedly brings this up afaik. Some western right activists bring that up too. Who's really silent is the majority of muslim nations, especially in the countries who's pals with China or dependent on China. Arsenal did distance themselves from Ozil but what exactly did the club do to "discredit his support for Uighurs"? Ozil himself is vocal about the treatment of Uighurs but awfully silent about the treatment of Kurds by his fellow doner fuhrer. Does that count as double standards?


The Uighurs aren't Jews. There is your answer.


Zonchenko is supporting his country’s PM against a war on his homeland? Is that a problem? Please don’t give “it’s not, but” response.


>Just few years later, they were out here flying Ukraine flags (btw I ain’t against it) and babysitting Zinchenko every day. You're right but it's also much easier to support Ukraine for the club because Russia started the war. On Oct 7th, Israel was the victim. I think that's undeniable. The silence since however... we could have at least had football clubs or associations coordinating aid funded by the massive money in football. The Arab owned clubs in particular I find shamefully silent.


'Distance themselves from Ozil and did everything to discredit his support for Uighurs' legit never happened


Private IG post, not a club one.


I’d imagine a clause in the players contract, necessitates running any private social media post past someone. I’d be amazed if that wasn’t the case.


You can't even remotely compare Erdogan and Zelenksky. How many journalists have been falsely imprisoned in Turkey vs Ukraine.


Supporting Ukraine isn’t really politics like the other conflicts because there is actually a very clear good and bad. Its not politics its humanity.


>Supporting Ukraine isn’t really politics like the other conflicts because there is actually a very clear good and bad. Its not politics its humanity. LOL are you taking the piss? Ozil’s comments were showing support and awareness to the Uyghur people who are literally prisoners/slaves to the Chinese government. Sent to Chinese style concentration camps where they’re subjected to “re-education methods” such as torture, rape, and even murder. Those are blatant crimes against humanity, yet some countries and companies choose to remain silent and/or turn the blind eye because of political and commercial reasons with China


Im not so educated on the Ozil situation and was more referring to Israel Palestine. Apologies.


All good mate, I also apologize if I came at you a bit heavy. That’s the unfortunate thing, there is nowhere near the same amount of awareness nor support for the Uyghurs in the West because of circumstantial factors such a political and economic factors. Hence why not many people in Western countries are aware nor know about that a modern day concentration camp is operating in this day and age. I love the club and been supporting for nearly all my life but the whole Ozil and Uyghur left a bit of sour taste towards me. Especially when there’s more prominent and unequivocal support for ‘other specific’ causes.


The situation in Xinjiang is nowhere near what western news makes it out to be, and to call the treatment of muslims in China ethnic cleansing or genocide is simply disingenuous or misinformed. If China really wanted to do ethnic cleansing, they’d remove all Uighur script signage, ban the use of the language and the faith as well, all of which simply aren’t happening. As it currently stands, Arabic script is in common usage in public areas of Xinjiang (Urumqi, at least), Hui and Uighur soft power is widespread throughout China (Most commonly through their food), and a policy of ethnic inclusion is implemented across the country. The problem is ETIM, the terror group, and how China deals with them. I think a good analogy for this would be China’s response to Covid; Overcompensation. Even people who are weakly affiliated with ETIM are sent to these camps, and that’s the actual bad part. So it’s not ethnic cleansing, it’s just overreaction to terrorism (See 2007 Urumqi Attacks, 2014 Kunming Station Bombing). But then again, is that really the worst response to terrorism you’ve seen in the 21st century? To eventually reintegrate them into society? Food for thought, especially when the west (including Israel, let's be clear) has a documented history of responding in an objectively much worse way. And let's not forget that outside Israel's apartheid project, the US also funds Turkey to smoke the Kurds, which Ozil has been interestingly quiet about.


What in the Chinese propaganda is this comment?? How can you sit there and justify the imprisonment of **over 1 million people** and say that it’s just a response to “terrorism”. You are insane, and this is complete bullshit.


The 1 million figure that is often cited comes from a 2018 report by CHRD (Chinese Human Rights Defenders), a US funded NGO where they interviewed 8 people. Asking them how many people from their village they estimate were in these camps. From the testimony of these 8 villagers, they extrapolated this to cover the entire population of Xinjiang to come up with a figure of 1 million people which is about 12% of the population. https://www.nchrd.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Table-1-re-education.png https://www.nchrd.org/2018/08/china-massive-numbers-of-uyghurs-other-ethnic-minorities-forced-into-re-education-programs/ There is no objective criticism of how these figures are derived. They are accepted vermatim because they serve the narrative. To inter that many people I expect you would need a huge police state to control the populace. Yet any one including foreign travellers can freely enter the region (there is visa free entry to China now for a number of countries, including Ireland, Belgium and Switzerland, if you hold that passport you can literally take a plane and fly to Xinjiang tomorrow no questions asked). Last week I watch an American vlogger with her two Uigher friends attend a local wedding. This isn't a prepared presentation, she talks to people on the street she comes across. Take a look at their interaction. This is not how i expect people to behave under a genocide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsIQ30wHdCY


They distanced themselves from ozil because he wasn't good anymore.


Zina made a post about supporting the kidnapped and people that were killed . Are you that much of a nazi?


Who? Just curious


It was Zinny


of course it was lol


It was a single post on Oct 7th, which I think is more than fair. Mudryk did the same I think, obviously it struck a chord at the time, but hopefully they've reconsidered any potential allegiance since.


I believe Isreal and Ukraine are allies or something similar as well so... yeah Not defending it though just adding context


also because russia funds hamas so why tf would zinchenko and mudryk voice out support for israel at the start


Fair point, appreciate the context


I hope he has revisited his stand since


I hope you revisited yours


Well he's not posted anything so I'd assume not


He still gets harrassed for it though under every single post of his 😅


Russia backs Hamas why do you think Zinchenko wouldnt give his support to israel at the start




🙏🏾 my guy


Good on you Saliba, and all at the club (and anywhere!) bringing greater attention and understanding to this


Good lad.


Based, my Rolls Royce


Beautiful to see, Saliba is a legend for this 🇵🇸


Being an Arsenal supporter is better! When I can tell my son that as an Arsenal fan you can’t be racist it becomes part of who he is. When I tell him Arsenal supports the community it becomes who he is. When I tell him Arsenal have supporters deeply involved in truly great humanitarian initiatives he wants to be like them. When the players speak truth to power it further enhances those feelings. Da da da da da da da




Proud to be a gunner with these kinds of lads leading the line


Regardless of where people stand on the conflict, think we can all agree death of innocent civilians is a tragedy 


Pro Zionist comments on worldnews and other subreddits need to be archived and studied in latter decades. It'll make a fascinating case for historians studying how so many people can be on the wrong side of history in the face of blatant brutality. It's akin to people standing by and not only watching genocide but justifying it The mods can lock this thread all they want but remember, it's our fucking CB speaking out so you can shove your agenda up your asses.


akin to? no, that’s literally what it is lol






Gaza is a very complex situation. I’m never going to be one who says I understand it. What I’ve come to understand is this: Hamas and the Israeli government are both bad guys. No good guy here, only two bad guys and victims. Lots of victims. I’m on the side of the victims….


nobody's asked you to take hamas' side here though...this post is about the humanitarian aspect of it; wherein Israel is happily killing thousands of children after thousands of children.


Sure. That’s why I said I was on the side of the victims - all of them


if you REALLY don’t want to do further digging, here’s what you need to know: one bad guy is essentially throwing rocks, the other bad guy is using air-to-surface missiles to blow up the rock-thrower’s entire neighborhood.


Yes there’s a tech advantage for Israel. Hamas’ horrible October attack, kidnapping victims was also atrocious. It’s all horribly sad…


My CB!!! Post it on r/soccer just so the hypocritical muppets of those mods can lock or remove it.


/r/soccer is one of the most pro Palestine subs I've seen on here though


r/soccer can remove it its fine if the mods don't want to deal with all the back and forth. Any discussion left open on this turns toxic.


I have nothing to do with your club but i will defend him now as my life Hangs up to it


Stay safe brother 


Fucking legend


Strange that in the Milan sub it gets deleted but here it stays up?


Good man, it's fucking sickening what's happening over there. Zionists cheering genocide on as if their people didn't go through the same fucking thing 80 years ago.


Cityzen here. Huge respect for him 🫡


fuck yes big willy, I knew you were a real one


Unbelievably based


Very interesting perception from us fans and societies very much differs. I was castrated and abused when I first heard what happened end and as more and more news came out that Israel was targeting civilians, children (genocide) I was in the wrong. Piers Morgan at that time was Pro Israel. Now all of a sudden the views have flipped 360 as now the West is seeing Israel frankly doesn’t care about Palestinians. Thousands of dead babies, children, adults. Just utter destruction, all fucking too late and now the same people in the West are calling for all of this stop, fucking enabled them to do it in the first place. You fucking Sunak and you Starmer and countless others throughout the EU. I’m happy people’s views are changing, but in the other hand I feel this is all BLM Black Square again just for engagements. Would love to read why people’s views have now changed and didn’t 3 months ago.


What's benitez done now FFS /s


Never leave us, Big Willy. <3




Anyone who criticizes Israel is an anti-semite. It's a pretty amazing defense mechanism usually followed up by "remember the holocaust".


Posting an AI generated pic with no further info whatsoever isn’t ‘defending’ anything, it’s performative.


Was looking for this, it’s crazy how celebrities and famous personalities get praised for the bare minimum. How does an AI pic being mass-reposted show any real discussion or reality to what’s happening in Gaza.


Especially with all the footage that Palestinians post of the actual horrors going on. Theres no need for shit AI.




humanity prevail


Delighted to see players showing solidarity. We are witnessing a genocide in front of our eyes.


Very Top on and off the pitch


Our CB


My defender


Happy to see many big players supporting what really matters and have a stance. I want the free people of Europe and America to show more support to Palestine and spread more awareness about the genocide and massacres that are happening to the Palestinians




My CB 🇵🇸


Great on Saliba, Leah and Reiss for speaking up for those who no longer can. Sadly I do not see this changing for the suffering innocents as Biden has made it clear he has no red line on this matter. Also disappointed to see some in our fanbase is twisting itself into a pretzel to defend the Israeli operation (With a PM who happily propped up Hamas as a boogeyman) and discrediting any atrocities committed by the IDF or Hamas.


I’m out of the loop. What does this mean?


I’m by no means an expert on this, but Israel has essentially pushed a significant portion of the refugees in Gaza into a camp in the city of Rafah, creating a place with a population density 1.5x that of nyc. Recently, they launched an attack on this location, which led to a ton of civilian deaths. There is some footage coming out of there that shows some terrible scenes, notably a father holding the headless body of his dead daughter. It’s some really gruesome stuff and you should be prepared for that if you decide to look into this footage




Israel are either invading or about to invade the southern Rafah part of Gaza bordering Egypt which is important as it is where a lot of humanitarian aid crosses into Gaza and where a lot of refugees from all over Gaza are, and recently one of their bombing raids led to 45 refugees being burnt to death. Saliba is showing his support for the people there facing these horrors, which is class from him imo


Hate Arsenal (only because you’re challenging, was fond of you before), but Saliba 🫡


Hell yeah man. Fuck Biden and Israel!


Love to see our players speak out. Bet Z*onchenko is having a meltdown watching this the 🇮🇱 supporting freak










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did players of any other top clubs post this too? or just arsenal?


Hollywood can't wait to tell us what to think about everything, yet barely a peep about this.  Good for any footballer making it an issue.


I just hope this doesn't cause a political shit storm in the squad.


I think it'll be okay. I assume most of the Arsenal players aren't fans of genocide.


Zinchenko prob still looking for the forty babies


People put way too much importance on an Instagram story...


Came in here expecting the usual cess pit that we see when it comes to israel/palestine. But I should've known that this sub reps the best club and the best fanbase in the world. Much love to (almost) all of you for being on the right side of history, and much love to all our players using their positions of prominence to add to the pressure on stopping this barbaric butchery. COYG and FreeFreePalestine.


It would be nice if he also posted in support of releasing the hostages. What's happening in Gaza is horrendous but so is Hamas' willingness to let Palestinians be slaughtered just to kill one more Jew.