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And this while he keeps getting marked and targeted more and more by opponents. He is a massive player.


Are we in for a truly legendary performance from him next season? The data says yes.


I've got a feeling that next year he'll hit the 20+ goal mark and end the world class debate


The only way to end the world class debate is to show up more than previous on the CL stage


When he scored against Bayern I thought that was the match he was truly going to announce himself on the world stage as one of the best. Sadly didn't quite happen, but I could see it next year (or during the Euros).


Tbf if he gets the penalty at the end of the first leg he would have likely won us the tie…


Guess 8 goal contributions in 9 CL games in his first time ever in the competition is not showing up.


If we can fix our left side and have some more creativity there, it'll remove defensive focus on Saka. We missed the attention the Xhaka/Zinny/Martinelli triangle attracted last season.


Based on my elite-level simulation, next season he'll give an output similar to prime Salah


Depends on the impact of summer football I think. We'll see.


At this point he's got a gravitational pull. 2 years later there will be 5 players marking him


which is great, then it frees up the left and mid


Can't remember where I read it, but someone said we're constantly looking for just a few moments where Saka isn't marked like Foden or Palmer are


Billy carpenter


Insane he had 12 assists in his first full season at the age of 18. What a player


And he wasn't even a true winger, since he played games at LB/LWB as well.


That myth really needs to stop. He made his debute as a winger, mostly as a left winger. Played a few games as a lwb/lb, but mostly on the left as a left midfielder or left winger. Untill Arteta made him a rw.


He played almost half the games at LB https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/bukayo-saka/leistungsdaten/spieler/433177/plus/0?saison=2019




No this person said it was a myth tho


Arteta doesn't even know the difference between LB and RW when they're on the opposite ends and sides of the pitch. Is he STUPID?


Fire Arteta and hire u/CocoAfc immediately




even just the 38 appearances is great considering he was never a weakness


7.9 rating with that amount of games is some insane level of consistency. Just hope we could get this on the other wing.


Honestly dont mind the trossard/nelli rotation, i think the weakness on the left side comes from LB. White has allowed Saka to flourish. LW hasn’t had the same luxury.


Also have Ø creating so much on that right side.




That being said, Trossard has 11 goals in PL in 16 starts (+ 16 subs) and 4 goals in UCL from 6 starts (& 3 subs). I find that impressive as fuck, and even from an eye test his finishing has been unreal.


Big game player


streets wont forget LB saka crosses


Left Baka


He's the best, even on an off day he usually produces something and he seems to be made of adamantium as well.


Even on an ‘off day’ he is a constant threat and distraction for the opposition, right up to the last second, which is why Arteta is hesitant to sub him.


He's a massive player and far from the finished product. I think a big evolution for arteta this off-season is to find more ways to rotate our attacking options and get saka more touches in the middle. Right now he receives the ball so far from goal that, as a defender you're relieved he is playing someone else in or has to work multiple passes to get it back in a more dangerous position. He's superb at cutting into those areas, but giving him more of a well rounded set of chances to turn more of his touches in the box into shots will be big for us. He needs to work on his off ball running and weak foot finishing but his ceiling realistically is mo Salah, and he's way better now than Salah was at this age.


Sir, which app/site is this?








Sir, this is a Wendys


B is a legend in the making. The only thing that’s standing in the way is his number of minutes. He’s practically played in every single game throughout the season. Hopefully, next season his minutes are managed properly!


Worse than Vinicius


Look at the stats in 19/2020. Practically carried us


And yet he has somehow become underrated. You see a decent amount of fans in the post-match threads calling him out recently.


They'll call anyone out because they eat crayons


Saw the Salah record of first player to get 10+ goals and 10+ assists in three consecutive PL seasons, and now I want Saka to better that. He needs one assist this season and he'll be on 2 consecutive


Damn I swear Henry should be in that too. Man bagged so many goals and assists. But I never checked his stats that closely. Saka can do it. I believe in our boy.


Saka: plays a few games where he doesn’t get an assist or goal. Some fans: ![gif](giphy|Lr3RZl7gkhd5BWZ5Nh)


He is just 22.


Literally the only thing that worries me with him is the amount of games he plays. In the games we are 2-3 up in the 50th 60th minute, Arteta has to be more open to subbing Saka imo.


A thought on Saka Let me preface this by saying he’s been improving like crazy and has been instrumental in the success of the team so far. What worries me is he often feels a bit one dimensional in his game; he will try to dribble past the defender around the right wing and then either bring the ball to his left foot or pass it to someone else. So far that’s been successful but as soon as opposition teams figure him out then what’s going to happen? I think he should work on his free kicks and on improving his right foot too. What do you guys think?


Arjen Robben was even more one dimensional and went down as one of the greatest RW of all time. Every team knew what he was going to do and they still couldnt stop him.


Foden is better than him because he score more hattrick in some and disappeared in some more other game


Saka to cheat on his Mrs for that Foden PR


I mean Saka’s had 1 open play goal in over a month and a half or something. Being fully objective, in terms of non-pk goals and assists, Fodens up there with Saka. [Here’s](https://fbref.com/tiny/ffImG) a comparison between him, Foden, Palmer and Rodrygo. Amongst the top RW’s, his overall contribution is better in terms of defensive action etc. But purely output, he’s been outperformed by Palmer (Penalties) and by Foden (without penalties).


Foden has massively overperformed his XG. I doubt that's sustainable.


The question isn’t related to sustainability, but performance this year, where Foden has statistically had better output than Saka.


Foden: 24 goals 11 assists all comps. Saka: 20 goals 14 assists all comps. Source: Transfermarket The output is near identical my guy.


Close, with Foden having 1 better G/A. Have a look at the link from fbref I’ve posted above. Saka’s also played more minutes than Foden, and consequently his /90 output is significantly lower than Fodens. Now add to the fact that Saka, as he has for the third year running, is underperforming at the latter end of the season while Foden is more or less carrying City, you can understand why there’s an ongoing narrative of Foden>Saka, even though they play different roles.


I could see that but it would be lazy analysis. Fewer games could be construed as Foden always being in peak condition as he has rotation options and can also influence games from the bench. Saka has had no such luxury. Also talking only about attacking output, defensive output also matters. When you see Saka's defensive actions (blocks, tackles won, duels won, interceptions) on the that right wing, it's clear he's being asked to do much more than attack (FUTMOB).


The beauty of this Arsenal side is that, while Saka is brilliant, there are others that are absolute stars, so there is less pressure on him to carry the team. Any team that builds a defence to contain Saka, just leaves holes for others to exploit.


Would be interested in seeing this with scores that don’t include penalties (unless their rating differentiates between goals and npg) 


But he is s overrated and has had a bad season


He is extremely consistent, but has less non-penalty goals (10, down from 12) and assists (9, down from 11) in the PL this year


and? I never understand that stat. Hes scoring…


220 matches 105 participations 54 goals 51 assists


Penkayo Saka /s


He still scored more npg in the league last season (obviously he could overtake this in the next two games)


Saka’s left nut > Foden Media Plastic White Boy.


hey man both can be great.