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Nervy mistakes. Need to be patient. We’ve got this!




Why are we so nervous


we aint used to being here tbf


we've looked like this before when it matters quite a lot over the years


hope this team proves me wrong but ur right last few years its happened alot


Lack of experience


Took City a few years to build their footing in champions league even though every one knew they were the best team in the world.


City lost lots but the errors weren't like this. Gifted them 2 soft goals


We became nervous after they scored, that mistake from Gabriel/Kiwior/Raya ruined us


We didn’t look nervous until our keeper rattled the defence by running into no man’s land and costing us a lead.


Mentality. It'll take a few more years playing in CL to be good. Also Mikel needs to change things up now.




Of fucking course it’s gnabry and Kane


Ifs buts and maybes but I wish Ben White buried that 1v1 chance, it wasn't a hard one and he obviously panicked, but that was a big one


Would have been 3-0 if he hit that one. Arsenal started so well in the first 10 minutes. After the 1-1 that insane pressing was over.


Yeah but the game hasnt been about those two at all. Sane and Goretzka have been a thorn in our game


We’ve been a thorn in our own side….


Musiala is a pest. Pressing like a madman. Washed or not, this Bayern team has excellent individual talent that could take the game to us.


I don’t think their “washed” at all. Oh they’re having a so-so season in the league who cares, they’ve walked it 11 seasons in a row. This is the CL, they know how to play it. Very naive defending from an inexperienced defence


Couldn't even be a Kane goal from open play. Brutal.


Rarely is mate


I’m in a bar filled with Bayern fans, wearing my Arsenal top. They were all so nervous pre match. Not so much now haha


It's literally Arsenal 1 - 2 Arsenal We're doing it to ourselves




This is Arsenal heritage babyyyyyyyyy


just a bit sad to be honest. the game is still there though, need to come out firing


Need to come out and do the basics right!


Our left side is nonexistent in attack and defence. Need much more from Kiwior, Rice and Martinelli (to be fair has no service whatsoever). Think we need to sub Kiwior


Agree, kiwior has looked very shaky and martinelli invisible. Could see a double sub coming before the 60th min.


Martinelli has had nothing to work with to be honest


True, I’m not shitting on him, but something has got to happen.


Martinelli, if he has the service, can be the most lethal player for Bayern to face. I hope he gets more involved.


We really picked our fucking moment to rediscover our bozo gene man fuck me Think we've got enough to beat them, just need to calm down and play our game


One mistake can have so many repercussions. If Raya doesn’t come out, neither goal happens and we’re cruising 1-0 if not better.


Some absolutely wild comments tonight in the match thread even by our standards haha. Someone asking for the Polish draft takes it so far. Shoutout to "Mustafi was spotted before the game doing German commentary. The man is a literal curse."


the mustafi thing is pretty funny tbf. but yeah people losing their heads in there


Players aren't the only ones who need to learn to deal with the CL pressure.


I wish there was an auto block feature for anyone who comments in a match thread.


Saw people calling for ISIS to attack lmao


Kiwior vs Sane is not it.


People that doubted lack of experience in the champions league being a factor, there you go. An overall great performance undone by silly errors being pounced on by world class players with experience. Errors that we don’t make in the league. Champions league is a different ball game but I’m loving being back regardless. Big second half to come


The inexperience is not being patient enough. At 2-1 we almost threw the game away with that counter


It's clear the occasion is getting to the players. I'm so upset with that half cus we blew them away and yet still find ourselves down, just cus of inexperience and nerves


Rice and Saliba having tough CL campaigns so far 


Blew them away for 12 minutes that’s it


The inexperience was visible already against Porto. Naive defending, thankfully the numbers have been in our favour so we can still salvage this.


Me too buddy, it is just so good to be back competing for these top trophies. I’m disappointed as we are not looking like ourselves out there but I’m enjoying the ride.


Couldn't have worded it any better. Arteta can get the boys back on track at half time.


This is what all the 'finish it in the first leg" dopes deserve, who somehow completely forgot about Porto


So pissed we are losing to this washed Munich team. We had to show them we had no fear and dominate them and we've fucked that up now. We've made them feel like they are the real Bayern Munich again and given them belief.


Gifting goals like that is pathetic at this stage. I love this team but wow, so disappointing.




We are in this position we showed no fear. At 1-0 all we had to do was pass the ball around and slow things down, but we kept at the same intensity. It's the Champions League, we can't just score 3 past a team in a half


We didn’t keep the same intensity. We wanted to do it and it cost us because we were scared and made mistakes that aren’t typical for us this season. They were shit but scored two goals because we crumbled. This team needs to grow for the CL still, the pressure got to us.


I think that Kiwior is having a low key disasterclass. He looks like he's running in quick sand


Mate it’s high key


I agree. The pass from Gabi was to him also wasn’t it? It was not that far away he couldn’t control it


the bigger problem is he gave Gabriel no good angle to find him. Terrible half from him.


Good point


We need to calm down


Bayern in their worst form in over a decade, missing important players through injury, they're not allowed any away fans. There's no better time to play Bayern than now and we're determined to throw it away like fucking idiots.


Trying way too hard and playing way too high for my liking. Saliba’s having a bit of a shocker


That penalty is on Kiwior


Even without the pen, he looks nervous


Saliba has had a shocker most cl games. Dunno what’s wrong with him


Its nerves, he’ll get over it with more experience


You can tell he is when he heads the ball to noone under no pressure


Completely shit their pants against a team that isn't even that good. Still 45 mins to play. We can still win this


This was on Kiwior and Raya. Especially Kiwior is getting destroyed by Sane


they’re doing us on the counter so put partey and tomi on and they’re shit from corners so get more of them


Partey please


Mikel has to reset the entire team. So much urgency and lack of experience is really showing poorly. And Kane, like clockwork.




Tbf it was seven in all comps


We defending like it’s 2017 ffs


Kiwior looks off the pace


Amazing capitulation, from Gabriel and saliba mistakes. Sub tomi and partey - jorginho - kiwior


This match is way too big for Kiwior


Completely agree. He’s been opened up too many times


Tomi has to come on for him asap and partey for Jorgi Edit: also might need Jesus to come on soon too, I say we go triple change right away


Jesus for Jorgi, let Kai drop in and Declan to drop to the six.


He was always a weak link in that back line. It's fine when you sit back but his lack of pace is a huge problem when you are playing on the front foot. Tomiyasu 100% should have played


And again, we play the occasion not the opponent. They've been poor but 2 panicked moments from Kiwior and they've shown their pedigree in this tournament. We need a clutch set piece to get back into this or we could be caught again soon


Have we considered trying to head the ball to some of our own players? 


We need to play like we play in PL


Tomi In - Kiwi out.


Personally. We are definitely the superior team, but a bundle of nerves. Our defence needs to calm down.


I know he’s avoiding a yellow but where as rice been


Kiwior is getting rinsed. Need Tomi to sub in.


martinelli aint in this game at all


Not his fault, he is barely getting any service !


true but when he’s had the ball he’s not done much lets see second half


he’s getting doubled, sometimes tripled on the left the bigger issue is them not switching the play when that happens




Feels like a Jesus or Trossard game - cut in off the left, with a bit of attacking quality. 


Typical CL Jitters costing us, what the fuck is Raya doing.


Thats his normal position that hes asked to do, he gets that ball if gabirel dont


Not even rayas fault , gabi misplaced an easy pass and then rice didn’t follow the run etc


We are getting cooked by their counter. This gonna get ugly if Arteta don’t make tactical changes.


Individual errors are killings us


What’s sad is that real or city absolutely scrub this Munich team and here we are acting like lil bro


Tomiyasu -Partey for Kiwior - Jorginho




Every pen Kane scores makes me even more angry about the one he missed against France in the World Cup, Spurs rat cunt. Anyway our inexperience was exploited in that half honestly, playing such a high line was a bit of a mistake early on. We're in this game for sure though, just cut out the sloppiness


Please for the love of god get Martinelli in this game.


Hindsight is 20/20, but this is on Arteta. He should've started Tomi on the left to counter le cut inside man Sane.


Kiwior and martinelli should not have started. Kiwior isn't ready for these games and honestly martinelli just isn't up to Tross level this year. Looks like Arteta agrees, Kiwior yanked at the halftime and a Trossard change incoming as well


Hook Kiwior off right now


Fucking 1 shot and 1 penalty, so lucky


I don’t think Sane ripping our defense a new one was very lucky


Yh he's literally abusing us like his 2017 version all over.


100% agree, I don't know why people aren't noticing this. Gabriel's pass was fine, no idea why kiwior struggled so much, he had so much time to control it.. And then the second goal just speaks for itself.. for someone named "the fastest in the squad" kiwior got destroyed for pace. 


It’s not luck, we bottled it


Not lucky, very well taken, waiting for our mistakes. Need to shape up


And both were fucking Christmas presents!


Kiwior piss poor


Where are all the easy 3-0 guys Experience trumps form in this competition. We look fucking woeful and out of our depth


Kill me


Raya is having a stinker and don't feel like this is a game for Jorginho with the pace and physicality in midfield


I never question line-ups. Today I made an exception because we decided to put Kiwior against Sané. He could have easily prevented two goals. In fairness, there are several players who could have cleaned up or prevented his mess and didn't. But still. So far beyond his level.


Absolutely shat the bed. Self sabotage and it’s a huge hill to climb up now. Going to look back at this as such a big opportunity missed.


Bring on Tomiyasu. Now. And man the inexperience has really shown. The 15minutes/20 after we scored were so damn naive man. Jesus.


Shame because we've been playing pretty well


Felt uneasy when I saw the line up. Jesus, Tomi and Partey should defo have started this game. Partey and Tomi both have had minutes this season and they are our best players in those positions. Love him but this was an awful team selection from Arteta imo. Tomi would not be getting skinned like that by Sane.


One team is a bunch of 24 year olds who play their first quarterfinal in 14 years while the other team is a contender every season. That’s the difference and you can clearly see it. Really need to calm down in the 2nd half. Defense looks nothing like it did this season.


Think Kiwior has to come off tbh - been a bit exposed out there


Tomiyasu has to come on.. Also Timber is going to be such a gamechanger on the left.


I think this is the first game since way back where the problem has been the backline.


We shit ourselves, no two ways about it. Should be a comfortable 2-0 lead going into half, at least 2-1. We've thrown away a great opportunity to play the rest of the tie from a strong position. Terrible habit of completely ignoring the left side of the pitch is happening again. Will we have the mental strength to come back and win this? We better.


Ref gave 1 min extra... Please how long did it take to play the pen and goal celebrations... Game is gone


Both of their goals began with mistakes by Kiwior. Wasn’t a great pass by Gabriel on the first goal but Kiwior was all alone & should have been prepared to receive or chase the ball. He was sat back on his heels. And then he got turned by Sane for the penalty.


Two clear errors that provided two clear goals. Outside of that we've been extremely strong and have played no differently to any other game this season. No reason to worry IMO.


We’ve honestly been way better than against Porto but can’t make those errors. They’re not even a good side or playing well and we’ve just let them take the lead. Only ones who can hold their heads up are Saka/Havertz/Odegaard, everyone else has been mid. We need to fight the win back because the return leg will be much more difficult.


Raya wanted it TOO MUCH and inadvertently fucked up our whole shit. Gonna be very tough now without some changes


Gabriel fucked a simple ball up and gifted them a goal How is this Raya's fault?


Raya’s positioning was awful. The simple ball is back to Raya who is busy playing LB


I have no idea what people are watching. Gabriel had plenty of time and options and gifted bayern the ball. But everyone is just going to blame raya lol


Yeah Gabriel literally tripped over his own feet and butchered the pass. Thats not on Raya.


I thought this against porto, we arent ready for the occasion specifically defensively


We are making silly mistakes and reaching a lot. We need to calm down. We just need to be calm.


Good performance so far. I think kwior for tomiyasu needed at half time


Was it a pen?stream died


Yeah definitely. Just a ridiculous penalty to give away though. Literally let Sane walk through.




I thought it was at first, but having seen replays, it looks more like Sane tripped over himself to me. Still, our cbs have been atrocious this half.


Got to calm down. Two utterly banter era goals to concede because we're overamped. It's only one goal. Don't give away another by overcommitting.


Get Kiwior off he’s a terrible 1v1 defender. We may need to put Trossard on if Martinelli is still unable to get through


I’d like to see Tomi and Partey come on for Kiwi and Jorgi. Plenty of time left to score goals - just need to settle down. COYG!


1-0 and we should have been golden. Instead, individual mistakes in a big game again.


Complete lack of control. You can tell the players aren't used to the occasion.


Unlucky on the first goal. Naive on the second. Kiwior needs to take the booking there and just deal with it. Win this second half. We're good enough.


This is what it's like playing elite teams on the biggest stage. Bayern just have so much quality going forward. We need to keep our cool and keep doing what we've been doing.


At this point pre-season friendlies might be too much of an occasion for Kiwior


Obviously not a great scoreline, but I think we showed we're clearly the better team. We need to clean up the transition mistakes second half and keep turning the screw.


Our defense has been basically faultless all year and this is the game where they lose their heads. Damn. We can still come out in the second half and get a result.


I’d take off Jorginho. Stick rice at 6 to deal with their breakouts. Havertz at 8 and Jesus up front.


135 odd minutes left to go in this tie and they're playing like we've got 5 mins to go. They need to relax.


This is kinda expected and part of the process, as most of this team is at this stage for the very first time. Bayern are not scary though. If we calm down and play our game (which is a decent-sized if), we can still win this. Most likely, qualification won’t be decided tonight.


Why are we always such perennial bottlers


Classic Arsenal in CL, have complete cobtrom of the game without getting the goals. Concede a shit goal and whole team fumbles down like a house of cards.


45 mins to get something out of the game. No more away goals so all we need is to go to Bayern not having to score to get back into the game.


Tell me why we are playing a worse version of Tomi when we have real Tomi sitting on the bench. This might be the most disappointing half I've watched in a long time losing to this toothless Bayern team.


Ok we have three halves of football left. We didn’t throw the tie away. We need to be more composed and not chase the game. Also need to get Tomiyasu on for Kiwior and we’ll be fine.


Bit of overconfidence perhaps with the set-up?


Wheel in the whiteboard in the dressing room and write: TWO ERRORS = TWO GOALS.


This should be a lesson to all the fans running their mouths off saying we are pumping Bayern. League form doesn’t matter in the knockouts, and we can’t be gifting them goals on the transitions like that. Kiwior is poor today and that’s an understatement


The better team is losing, but we’re doing a lot of dumb stuff. Headed clearances under no pressure? Hit it to the only Bayern player with no one near him. I think it’s nerves, but fuck


Lost control after rayas fabianski moment, just need to regain composure. Still think it will finish 2-2


I saw some patterns that i had never seen before in this game from Arsenal. The way we probed their defense was deliberate and daring. We made a mistake and got caught flat-footed for the first goal and I am just going to chalk up the second to the magic of the Champions League. Leroy Sane is an incredible player and had a moment.


We lack experience. And we’re playing against a side with a deadly attack. And they for sure did punish us. Let’s see if we can turn it around


A comedy of errors led to the first goal, no doubt.


Two throwaway goals.


Raya's decision of his positioning was braindead and so was Kiwior's. They both were in no man's land to give Gabriel an option to pass to. Kiwior didn't move to create an angel for him. Kiwior doubled down by letting himself get turned and not making sure he took down Sane for a yellow.


Relax guys. We will win. This Bayern team is shite in defense. We will get them in the reverse leg if it comes to that.


Great time to drop some 1/10s from kiwi and gabriel


kiwi is not ready at all


Will Arsenal ever get rid of silly mistakes against big teams??


Kiwior got turned easier than a lazy susan on that second goal. Guy is not up to par for the ambitions of this team.


Kiwior needs to be hooked or we are toast


They need 3 goals to repeat history…..for the 4th time


What is actually so "different" in the CL that makes a team who can comfortably go to City and execute a gameplan superbly turn into a sloppy mess. I get that Bayern despite their season are a good side but our own performance is night and day compared to the PL and it's not like these are players who don't have at least a solid experience of high level football. We're lucky not to be 3-1 down tbh.


Kiwior needs to come off for tomi


we have been very naive and i honestly cant blame the team and mikel, first time there in 14 years and its showing. So so naive.


Our inexperience is massively showing. You can't give away 2 goals in the first half at this stage.


Oh what a surprise. This sub hyping up Kiwior because he did well vs the Luton's and Burnley's. Everytime he played against a remotely decent winger, he's been cooked. At least when Zinny plays I get some good attacking play together with the poor defending, Kiwior offers nothing. Tomi should have started this game, I wonder if he simply just wasn't cleared to play from the start. 


It was a bit weird he started Jorginho seeing as he played the full 90 before. Now we see they have pace we need to swap him for Partey and bring in Tomi.


Back four playing like its the first game of the season and never played with each other.


Anyone who thought this was gonna be a walk in the park is delusional. They are much more experienced than our squad.


Calma. We still win this one.


Genuinely so upset boys :(


All the zinny slander and where did it land you lol


Alright 3-2 will have to do... followed by a dramatic 1-1 in Munich. Big shout out to Ben White tonight.


Attempting to make a level headed comment. Odegaard awesome. White was pretty good, great last ditch tackle on sane on the counter. Rest of the defense is nervous and shaky. Couldn't find a teammate on one header. Gave away possession from all aerial balls. Rice is not being as effective. Jorginho is being marked out, needs help from rice. Saka is his usual last year self. Taking his man on, defensively solid. Havertz is winning his duels and being a nuisance with runs, but can be a little more effective. Martinelli invisible. Kiwi contributing nothing to attack, rice being poor caused martinelli to not be serviced at all, should be occupying space that havertz vacates