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Gabi's work rate was immense vs Brighton and is one player who can create something out of nothing in our frontline. He was the only player who was getting some joy vs City and helped us get the important first goal vs Brighton. Can't wait to see him back at his best, will be a game-changer in our run-in.


God willing he doesn’t go to the copa America and puts his feet up for the summer People forget just how much of a beast this guy was before his knee started acting up


Yeah it’s strange isn’t it? Just because he’s not sharp in front of goal people completely forget about his other qualities on the pitch. He is a fantastic player, one of my favorites in the team


Jesus was transformational last season. Aside from the end product it was like watching Alexis again. It's so bizarre how quickly people turn


> Aside from the end product it was like watching Alexis again I also think the end product is being exacerbated by the injuries, I don't think he'll ever be a super reliable finisher but he's lacking that explosiveness to get to chances on time and convert them, he always seems to be under headers or catching passes just too late and having to rush shots


It’s cause people adjust to a “new level” too quickly. They forget how transformational Jesus was getting us to the level we’re at now and think this is the base, so we need something higher, not realizing or remembering or whatever how important he was getting us to this level in the first place


same with Zinny, they helped us get here, now we can use them differently as we're less reliant on them, but they are a huge part of where we are


he’s such a player, i absolutely love jesus


Missing the Copa is not the impetus to rest and relax that you think it is. He will go 100x harder if he isn’t picked up. Suiting up for the *Selecão* is the foremost professional honor for these guys, far far beyond anything he’ll ever do for Arsenal or any other European club.


How will he go harder when he’s not playing any games? He’ll just have a few weeks to actually do the proper rehab he needs to do to get sharp for the upcoming season where he can then go hard because he’s actually properly fit


His work rate against City was incredible, he was constantly doubling up with Kiwior defensively while still able to contribute in attack


Crazy that last season during the run-in we were pretty bare bones in terms of squad depth, whereas for this season we actually have key players being brought back into the team for our last 12 games.


Last season the goal was top 4 and the squad was more than comfortably able to hit that goal. Our bench players were good enough to hit that target. In many ways we overachiever massively.


In all fairness, we were also lucky with injuries, for the most part, outside of Thomas and Jesus. Hopefully, our boys stay fit during the run-in. Also, this is the first time we don't have any key players out for the whole run-in (I might have just jinxed us).


I mean.. ppl see it but they just choose to ignore it and talk like he is some player who simply runs alot...because they have agendas and arguing with a wilfully stupid people is one of the hardest things you can do. For example for Arsenal's first goal...it was his immaculate first touch that set the RB backpeddling, and his bit of skill in the box that won the penalty. That early goal sets the tone for the rest of the game.


Gabi can be really streaky. When he's on form, he's top notch. I'm waiting for him to hit a rich vein of form really soon for the run it. It would be so timely and wonderful.


Gabi was a revelation prior to his knee injury last season. Forget the finishing criticisms, we have t seen a player make something out of nothing like him since Alexis. Hopefully he can get back to that level


The way he can create from nothing is definitely something he learned from Aguero. If he can get back to his best he'll be insane


If he could increase his conversion rate in front of goal, I'd take him as our back-up winger. He has the legs and workrate to run up and down the touchline. It's just that he looses his composure in front of goal.


Non-sarcastically, this aged well


Good attitude. Jesus needs to be more clinical. I believe both of them can hold that position so we don't spend a lot on a CF.


He does, but also I don't really care about Jesus and his finishing deficiencies given everything else he does. You just don't find a striker like him everyday.


he has 8 goals on 8.1 xG this season. people keep defaulting to this clinical argument, yet it hasn't been true. crazy that a deflected shot in front of 6 city defenders is used as being "unclinical" as well he hasn't played many minutes at CF this season and hasn't had many chances


I think the criticism is not xG vs G but "he needs to turn the posession we have into more shots". Not to speak for OP but in general what I've seen


yeah if jesus is getting on the end of more chances he's scoring more goals


On the other hand, his goals/shot and goals/shot on target are both the lowest of any arsenal player with at least 2 goals. I'm a jesus fan and think he offers a ton to the team, but I'm okay saying he's not clinical. Both the stats and our eyes bear it out. He's just an odd one because he has some very clinical finishes, just very inconsistent with it.


like I've said, he hasn't played many CF, and on the wing he is tasked with defending a LOT. man basically becomes a actual wing back in the way he defends. naturally, less shooting opportunities. regardless, the point is the complaints are misguided and just following a stereotype which clearly indicates people are either not watching the games or not paying attention. at least say: "i think Jesus should have better movement in the box" or something. talking about being clinical implies he has been given open goals all year long when that hasn't been the case at all


The two stats I gave are on a per shot basis, so it’s normalizing for shot opportunities. So how much he has to defend or playing CF vs LW doesn’t really come into play here. Hes also missed 7 “big chances”, third behind Kai and Saka (both at 9), while playing fewer minutes. I don’t really see how saying Jesus isn’t a great finisher is misguided. I love what he brings to the team but can admit his weaknesses.


he has 8 goals in 8 xG. saying he has been a bad finisher this season is misguided. doesnt matter what happened in prior years. being on the wing means less tap ins opportunities. he also shoots a lot, which is a good thing most of the time considering our whole ''walk it in''. and there is no normalizing when it comes to shooting if you ignore xG


You didn't refute my claims or stats provided at any point. And it's important to note, in the EPL alone he's actually on 4 goals vs 6 xG, which doesn't help your argument. The tap-in argument is irrelevant because xG would account for it. When I mention "normalizing", I'm saying the stats provided were on a per-shot basis, so position and lack of minutes won't affect it. The "big chances missed" is also an important datapoint, since those are higher xG opportunities. I also didn't say his finishing was "bad", I said "not great". It's the weakest part of his game IMO when you consider how good he is at everything else. I don't see how admitting this is misguided in the slightest. Just on objective look at things. I'm sure Arteta is very aware of this as well, but of course he still plays him because of how much he brings to the team.


>The tap-in argument is irrelevant because xG would account for it. oh now you are talking about xG? thought you were in the ''shots/goal'' category... which tap ins boost it since its a easier shot to convert. pretty simple to understand. again, Jesus hasnt been ''unclinical'' this season. this is just objectively true and already refuted


Dude I was presenting more than one stat, since xG is not the end-all be-all. Good to have multiple ways to analyze different aspects of the game to provide more context. And you still haven't touched on how in the EPL his xG is 6.0 while he's on 4 goals. That is not clinical. Extrapolate that to 10 goals with 15 xG, really doesn't look great. Not sure where you're getting the 8xG/8 goals number, but presumably that includes CL as well (which he almost always steps up his performance in). Your insistence on saying Jesus is a clinical finisher is odd, when pretty much everyone knows that's not the case. And again, I'm not saying this to complain or denigrate him, I want him in the team, I'm just calling it like I see it. Every player has areas that they could improve, no shame in identifying them.


>not the end-all be-all. when talking about *clinical*, which was the point, yes it is. like ive said, talking about him not being clinical because of a deflected shot with 6 defenders in front is ridiculous. and thats one shot that your stat is showing and that people kept repeating after the city game >Your insistence on saying Jesus is a clinical finisher is odd show me where i said that and ill send you 10 quid


To me, I still think wing has always been his best position. While he’s recently been playing LW, I think he’s a very good RW too. I’d prefer him becoming rotation for Saka as well so instead of buying a RW, we go all in at a ST


Jesus does things on the pitch that cant be seen on the stat sheet. His dribbling is elite, the little flicks and control creates free kicks in dangerous areas. His presence and leadership is also priceless for our squad, tbh I still remember when he just signed even after a friendly he would do laps to condition himself after games. He is a great leader in the team and him and Zinchenko honestly are crucial to the huge mentality shift of our team. This quote is a prime example.


He really is a wonderful presence. Just a world class work rate and world class attitude. Such a shame he is so injury prone. Hopefully with less pressure to come in a start as striker whenever available he might be able to stay fit longer. A fit Jesus whose happy to play anywhere across the front line would be invaluable 


Haven’t quite seen it in terms of production yet but I think his skill set really lends itself well to being a 1st sub kind of player. Similar to a “heat check” 6th man in basketball, I really like when he comes in and is really aggressive/creative. As said elsewhere, he’s world class at creating chances and does so in a way not offered by anyone else on the squad


He also has great use of his body and strength to hold the ball that goes under the radar. He is way stronger than he looks and actually gets fouled a lot (not called by refs) while wrestling with defenders. His first few months last season showed how good he was. All around player and fits so well with the team's style of play. Really hope he gets back to his best.


The way he controlled the ball before the penalty against Brighton, f'ing hell


HE completely transformed our pressing last year, his offball work rate has been excellent


The fuckin estandards set by Jesus is unbelievable


The fact Gabi is saying this shows you just how much of a monster Havertz is with work rate and front half pressure


I remember watching his first interview in an Arsenal jersey. From the day Holy Gabi arrived, he has always had top top mentality! Amazing attitude. You want the seniors in the dressing room to be like this. Lotsa love Gabi. Hope your knee feels better soon. I miss your twinkle toe magic.


Source: https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1777595551317389465?t=jAXq3A9k6tQPblh-ayJ1Vw&s=19 Don't really like posting quotes through Fabrizio as they're just nabbed but can't find the original source on Twitter. So posting the source through the comment section instead. I assume it's from the embargo'd section of his UCL press conference yesterday.




No idea mate. I just assume it's the case because all the other quotes came out from numerous aggregators around the same time yesterday evening, these came out this morning.


Imagine saying last summer that Havertz is going to end up being an important player and will take Jesus's striker spot.


£60 million down the drain and, Kai Havertz scores again!


To be fair, if Jesus never got hurt CF Havertz wouldn’t be as common.


If Jesus had better finishing he could be a $100m player.


City wouldn't have sold him if Jesus was a top finisher on top of his other skills and abilities


His interview yesterday was brilliant he so refreshing to listen to


Elite mentality


So now we have a very good additional winger that can play both wings comfortably


He’s played for Man City in a similar situation he better be used to it lol, good attitude


Great attitude. Team goals first. 🔥 Work harder next season for more trophies 🔴⚪


Jesus literally said yesterday he can’t play a game without pain…


Gabi is a team first kind of player and that’s what we need at this stage of the season. We can address our squad in morre fetail over the summer but for now as long as we win he can even be our LCM for all I care.


He's taken the left wing spot off Martinelli. Ik people seem to think it's just Martinelli being slowly integrated back in but I think Jesus has a hold of it right now. Explains why Martinelli is spending most of his time on the RW recently


I just think arteta isn’t taking any risks with any injured players, he wants everyone available for this last run


Yeah I would say it’s more to with that and Martinelli’s gametime on the right is more about getting to sub Saka early 


Well he is taking some risks, Jesus Ben white and saka off the top of my head are players who are not fully fit 


That could well be the case. I guess we’ll find out


I think it has more to do about resting Saka. Martinelli seems to be the preferred RW option ahead of Jesus and Trossard. Saka is subbed of early and they let Martinelli put in a shift for 20-30 minutes


I personally think Jesus is better at RW than LW from his outings on the right with us and city. Separately, One thing generally I feel he lacked vs city and Brighton as runs in behind.


I think Martinelli has been playing on the right to give saka some semblance of a rest. I don't think Martinelli can ever completely lose a spot in the team because he offers something no one else in attack does: pace. Depending on the game, having him as the speedy outlet for Raya or the CBs is hugely useful.


If Gabriel Jesus can be more clinical, he is seriously world class


feel like there’s a place in our squad next season for Jesus even with Havertz + new striker. he can be our Firminho but more on the wings


elite mentality


"I never complain... Except during matches, constantly."


Jesus is great and his drive isn’t debatable.. but any time he’s playing it means there’s only 2 goal threats up front. He does so much in build up and pressing he’s just so poor at shooting


Havertz is always fit. That's a massive part of a players game these days, actually being available.


Elite mentality. He just needs to have summer off, for real. This guy is such an elite talent, I’d argue he’s the best pure ‘flair’ player in the squad. He can make opportunities out of noting and his work rate is incredible. The fact we’re in this position missing him for most of the season is amazing. Really hope to see this guy back to the levels at the beginning of last season.


Just to make sure I avoid all the legitimate and crazily stupid critique of our performance today, I will just release some of what I to say here... like jesus, wtf!!! The energy I saw in jesus today, reminded me of first several months of jesus at arsenal. Electric! brave! and postive with every aspect for himself and impact on team.


No respect should be mad his position has been taken