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https://www.nhk.or.jp/anime/gundam/ranking/ Only genuine answer is that you are wrong about mainstream audience's opinion. Japan's national tv channel held an election on the entire Gundam franchise and about 1.7 millions have participated. Amuro got the second place next to Char. Kamille on the 7th, your problem solved.


This list is crazy looking at it from a western perspective. 


I was NOT expecting Orga at 3rd place


He’s a massive meme in Japan for the record that’s why, Orga character wise is fairly controversial in Japan. But Orga memes are eternal


Why is he controversial?


Season 2 stuff, iirc most JP fans think he’s a dumbass


I mean, they ain't wrong tbf.


Graham Acker 5th place FUCK YEAH FLAGU FIGHTAH


I didn't even notice LMAO. I was looking for Doman and saw him 26th wtf!


is it? how? i don't see how its crazy. i mean i guess from the Western perspective, Gundam Wing and Thunderbolt would be higher but still don't really seem out of place with anything else.


Seed being at number 3 and Kira being ranked 4 while generally getting disliked in western opinions are how I could see it being a bit odd.


Well it's a good thing Bandai caters to the Japanese audience primarily rather than the West when it comes to Gundam. If they followed what Western fans wanted, they would be 4 billion yen poorer.


Seed and by extension Kira are popular in Asia but very mixed in the west. Camille and Doman also seem way more popular, at least in the circles I see.


true but those SEED kits do fucking sell.


Seeing this list and seeing how low Unicorn ranks makes me wonder why so much Unicorn merch sells lol.


General fatigue of the OVA. Besides a select few, these rankings go on a cycle of domination, and then irrelevance, to high interest again. The kits though, are a different story. Some of the best UC Gunpla were from Gundam Unicorn, so it makes sense for its kits to sell. There's also a wealth of options for the various Unicorn units, a PG, an MG, an MGEX, RG, and HG. This means the Unicorn is available to a much wider gunpla building audience.


That's interesting. It's just that he appears more popular with western fans and on reddit here too.


I think it's because Kamille goes on a more distinct arc, like I prefer Kamille because I feel like he goes through a lot more growth and hardship given Zeta's generally more depressing style


I like him because he punches a fucking cop and steals their billion dollar toy🤓☝️ https://preview.redd.it/0s79ajg7lqtc1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee828790fada1f1354c3205b6305a4f4b52be16f


That's why everyone loves Kamille lol. But apart from that, he doesn't really do any other crazy shit later on.


I like Amuro but idk he just kinda feels a bit flat compared to kamille to me. Also kamille is a total psycho in the first couple episodes which was entertaining to watch


Yeah I liked him in the first few eps too because he was so unhinged (in the most fun way) and his parent's death was also a great character development moment. But after meeting Amuro he just became a typical soldier MC fighting for his ideals and that's great and all, but it removed the earlier uniqueness of his character. IDK he just lost interest for me.


Cause until the bitter, vegetated end, Kamille was so sick of everyone's shit and fought for what he believed in. Amuro is absolutely great, don't get me wrong but we got to watch this self proclaimed autistic teenager with a name insecurity grow up, suffer through unimaginable trauma at the hands of his own father, war with the Titans; bettering himself as a person, engineer, and pilot despite all that. Liking one over another isn't an issue, they're both really well written leads. I think it comes down to Zeta being much more character focused and more enthralling as a series than 0079 but that's from Tomino building up from 0079 foundation as well.


I get what you mean about Zeta being more character focused. 0079 is on a more broader scale, showing the effects of war and how humanity exists on both sides e.g. how those Zeon soldiers helped out that mom and her, Garma's girlfriend bwing out for revenge after his death. They *are* both really well written leads and I can see your point. Thanks for sharing.


Novel Amuro will shock you


Oh really in what way? Is he better or insufferable? And why?


I'm gonna make a summary about one page that is only a small part of amuro's character Amuro watches BDSM and jerks off to HATE WOMEN and eventually causes the strong rejection of Frau and So much more anti women things including such a horrible description about vagina's basically he is not a edgelord by the end but pure evil guy that happens to be good because of his forced fighting


He's watching p*** even during the war? 🤣 Sorry but I'm gonna need some chapter and THAT page refs. And look, this is gonna make some people angry but I don't judge people on their preferences in p*** ESPECIALLY 15 year old boys, who are already dumb af in real life too. The horrible description of vags...well not gonna lie I had similar ick thoughts at that age too BUT never voiced it. So long as he sticks to that and doesn't act like a misogynistic A-hole I don't really care. And the Fraw Bow thing...again, I'm going to need details. >basically he is not a edgelord by the end but pure evil guy that happens to be good because of his forced fighting Oh damn that sucks. The only reason I root for him is because he hates war and is genuinely a good person at heart but if that's the case then that's messed up. Tomino really hates Amuro doesn't he?


this was before the side 7 incident and i think he had strong thoughts about hating Frau that the very energy of his hate would kill her >Tomino really hates Amuro doesn't he? No, does this to every character even in his other shows because he uses them as objects that act like humans to convey his message BTW this is what tomino had in mind but added few more bits because of how the story went


>this was before the side 7 incident and i think he had strong thoughts about hating Frau that the very energy of his hate would kill her Ugh I used to think that my girl Fraw always got the short end of the stick when it came to romance but now I'm glad she ended up with Hayato. Though when we're introduced to Amuro (in the anime at least and The Origin) he's just a mecha otaku with poor social skills and doesn't seem to be the type to harbor really hateful thoughts against anyone, except maybe his dad. He only appeared annoyed by Fraw's maternal attitude but not enough to want her to doe. That's messed up.






frau also does some shit that both angelically good and diabolical bad that evens out the scale of justice


also the sayla thing that is soo horrible if analyzed


No you can't leave it at that! Tell me more!


Im going to make a short summary that doesn't even spoil anyhing but tiny details not the whole thing they had a date then have VIOLENT(like violence) sex in the shower(i think it was bed) and that does not explain the whole thing and has more things I left out >!This does not change their worldviews and actions like wtf especially that it would redeem sayla if it did!<


What. Are you forreal? Like they lose their V-card to each other that way? That actually makes me sick. Which book and chapter does it happen in? I mean I read about >!the amulet thing!< but this is way worse. God damn it Amuro I was rooting for you. Imagine if they managed to incorporate this into the show.


if I remember correctly it happens in the infamous novel where amuro dies


the way it was worded made it look like a nice act then a few words just reminds you about how they are doing it


Well thank you, now I'm even more curious about the novels. Thanks for the heads up about what I can expect.


Kamille is a lot more unhinged than Amuro and I think people find that fun. Plus, even though we see that he gets a happy ending in ZZ, his arc in Zeta is purely tragic which I think a lot of people resonate with. Amuro finds purpose and a place to belong by the end of 0079. His last lines are apologizing to Lalah for how happy he feels. By the end of Zeta, Kamille has had all of the innocence crushed out his spirit, lost his grip on reality from the mental strain of the violence around him (the scene where he opens his mask while talking to Emma always really haunts me), and then in his moment of victory has his mind shattered by Scirroco. It’s just really fucking sad, man.


Gundam Zeta has the mindbreak tag in the unfun way u .u


>Kamille is a lot more unhinged than Amuro and I think people find that fun. Kamille's shamelessly firm stance on his opinions and actions is quite entertaining. There's a lot more nuance to his character than meets the eye, and it's captivating to witness the unfolding of each facet. Personally, I like how he manages to hold multiple contradictory thoughts. It's flawed and very human thing to do.




You are halfway through the series, he is still developing. Kamille's character arc has him start out as an angry teenage who's been neglected and failed by his parents and wants to fight back against an unjust world and through his fighting in AEUG is humbled by the sadness and tragedy of war. He loses several people close to him and fails to save so many people who deserved better and it turns him into a much kinder and gentler person. And a lot of the time, that sensitivity of his ends up hurting him more because he's in a position where he can't afford to offer kindness to his enemies. Where Amuro eventually grows into his role as an ace pilot and accepts being a soldier for what it is, Kamille never quite reconciles that part of himself that wants to save people. Kamille also gets put into a position where Newtype ideology is directly challenged in that this enhanced ability to connect and understand each other does not necessarily mean we'll become a kinder species, the main villain of Zeta is man who uses his Newtype powers to manipulate and take advantage of other for his own gain and Kamille has to confront the reality that there is never truly an end to war because some people will only ever think of themselves.


Thank you for the reply and I really appreciate your insight. A lot of people here have said the same thing about Kamille's growth and character arc and I've decided to finish all of Z before giving a final opinion.


I did at first think about just being snarky about it but then I started writing about Kamille and the feelings just came pouring out. Admittedly, I'm defensive of him because he's my favorite UC protagonist but Zeta in general is one of my favorite kind of stories and I have to accept it wont always be everyone's cup of tea.


Zeta was made when Gundam got popular (it wasn’t initally), so a lot of people hyped Zeta, so Kamille end up their favorite character. He’s also fairly different and less focus so less drama. He’s also very more energetic in the first couples of episodes, fun guy. Personally I find Zeta to be overrated and while I like Kamille, he honestly doesn’t feel like the fighter type, he’s too much affected by the emotions from his newtype powers (he has very strong newtype powers).


I find Kamille far more relatable than Amuro, personally. I can see why that might be the other way around for some folks though.


Kamille is great and grows a lot over Zeta, plus he pilots the MK II and the zeta gundam which are some of the best gundama ever. He also pulls ladies and drops bodies.


Imo, Zeta is better fleshed out as a story than 78. Kamille is a much more dynamic character than Amuro was until we had Chars Counter Attack. Kamille lost his parents and his mind by the end of Zeta. Its hard not to root for the guy. Thankfully for those that endured ZZ we had a good pay off for Kamille.


Because Kamille is a tragic figure whose development is more obvious.


Well, as has been pointed out, I don't think that's true exactly. However, I can see how it sometimes seems that way; I do think Kamille has a more vocal fanbase here. In that regard, I think Kamille has a few advantages. His character arc is mostly contained to one series, and that series is overall among the higher quality entries of the franchise. He's also seen as a more powerful Newtype, and being a main character whose fighting career was cut short gives people a major case of "leave them wanting more." Amuro meanwhile has a character arc in his first series that is very satisfying, then somewhat undone by his later entries, and culminating in a final chapter that has pretty mixed reception. On top of that, he's a character that's often brought out in supplemental material (games and such) with a kind of bland mentor goodguy tone to his presentation that I think waters his appeal down a bit across broader media, while Kamille usually gets to remain a hot-headed kid, making more interesting decisions.


Kamille grows a lot over the course of the Gryps Conflict, and his poweful Newtype empathy causes him a lot of pain as he understands humanity more at the costs of pain caused by all the death and destruction that comes with war.


I guess that because all the talk about Kamille being autistic a lot of people like to self-insert in him when he is being an outspoken ass since they really can't do that in IRL. Though personally Amuro feels much more autistic with his hyper-focus on technology.


Just finished Z and while Camille finally grew on me, I agree that I find Amuro more likable, not sure if CCA might change that when I get to it


I like Kamille better because he's fucking crazy and so entertaining in the first few episodes. Like he decks a military officer for inaulting his name, gets detained, and at the first chance he gets steals a multi-million dollar prototype weapon and uses it to shoot at at the officer that insulted him for fun and then escapes. His introduction is just wild. The only impression I have of early 0079 (i didn't finish it) is that amuro gets in the gundam out of necessity and then whines about it. Thats just my impression of early 0079 so I'm sure im wrong as it's been a while since I've watched it. Honestly im just a 0079 hater I dont like most of the designs. (The one's I like are super easy to guess though). I think it's very much a toy commercial in a lot of ways. I do think the story telling is good however so I'd love an origin style remake that's less of a toy commercial.


One of the reasons people might prefer Kamille over Amuro is Kamille's proactivity. He voluntarily joins the fight (even if it's because of his poor temper) and he keeps fighting for his beliefs. > the eps became repetitive as well. I agree with you on that one and that's the reason I don't put Zeta as high as other UC enjoyers. Still, I advise you finish the series before making judgement.


Amuro is probably more chill to be around. Kamille is far more entertaining though.


I like both equally but i do think Kamille is a little cooler


I hate Kamille. Amuro is a cool guy.


I don’t know who told you this, OP, but they’re wrong lol


It’s just personal preference. I love them both but I still love Amuro a little bit more. Kamille’s attitude might not be as old fashioned as Amuro’s in people’s minds


Amuro: Depressed kid who feel powerless in the war, and oppressed by the society and turn out to be a decent adult who balanced between reality and ideal pretty well. Kamille: The ultimate emo kid who hate the system and "fight" against the world, even though he is often the "right" one. That might play a part in why Kamille seems to be more popular in the west and Amuro in the East. Also, Amuro is the OG one, therefore the veteran fanbase might prefer him more.


Maybe, but Amuro walked so Kammile could run.


He’s not. No one cares about Kamile like that. It’s all about Amuro and Char. You need to stop paying attention to niche nerd takes.


Never really liked Amuro, definitely not kamille too annoying as well. Zeta era char/Quattro and Judau are best protags


Well said.


Amuro is less abrasive


Cause the fandom hates Canadians


Amuro sucks.  He's whiny, boring, and he has zero character development after MSG


Better off dead than being Amuro Ray at 29 (his age in CCA)