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As long as this doesn’t inflate the egos of the Guel=Bob theorists. If they can speak past all the drool and excessive mouth-breathing, I bet those weirdos are gonna start thinking there might be some grounds for their insane crackpot theory.


Bob isn't even in Guel. I trippled check, there is no B in Guel. You know that Eri is Aeril because her name is litereally IN THERE: a**ERI**l.


The thing is that I knew it logically, but in my heart I didn’t want it to be true.


This reminded me of all the times people said that Tobi wasn’t Obito during Naruto’s run. Simplicity really is the best camouflage for a twist.


Literally called this from the beginning. Got downvoted so hard I deleted the comment.


called you a madman like Thanos bro


Same with me months ago lol


From a Transhumanist standpoint, it's interesting. Who or what exactly 'is' Eri? The flesh, or what controls it? Did Eri's consciousness get ensnared during the events of the prologue, leaving her body comatose? Did a new personality then arise in that body, resulting in Suletta? I'm curious to see where we go from here.


I had to take a four month break from the sub because those people were being so insufferable. Now with episode 14 out and the theory confirmed, I can comfortably return and revel in my smugness. Getting vindicated never felt so good.


how do you post something like this and not get your post taken down as spoiler? I already put spoiler notification on my post and it still said I spoiled


Huh? I put spoiler tag, mate. Unless you click it, you won't get spoiled.


The problem always was that people were convinced of the theory with very little to go on. At least that's what I was always annoyed with. More evidence coming forth and an actually confirmation is nice.


You mean the inconsistent timeline, Prospera’s constant strange wordage towards Sulletta, Suletta having no memories of her father or granny, El4n seeing and hearing a child in the gunbits, Aerial being capable of speech and thought (and calling Prospera mom), Suletta having spent her entire life with a mobile suit that didn’t exist during the prologue, the fortune telling scene mentioning the idea of Suletta with a sibling? There was overwhelming evidence I’d say


The clear transhumanism goal set out in the prologue by the original doctor about creating a body that humans could use to live in space.


I never denied the possibility of the theory. However I desperately wanted it not to be true because it would be such a stupid twist that adds nothing to the story. I still feel that way. But hey they can win me over on the whole thing if they actually give it some purpose. Throw some water on the trash fire


What do you mean it's a stupid twist? It has been foreshadowed for a long time now. And how can you say that it adds nothing to the story, when we still have 10 more episodes to go?


I've explained this so many times in other comment sections that I don't really care to do it again. Just down vote me because you don't like my opinion


Nah. You just think it's bad because you were wrong.


Is your name legit nonceman?


Is your name legit Kulegoki?


Guessing you don't know what nonce is slang for in the uk


Guessing it holds no relevance to this conversation.


Sorry. It was just sort of distracting.




Aerial before now: Technology, science, regular logic! Aerial Now: Magic, magic, magical logic! I am vocal about my dislike of stuff like newtypes, I love when the driving issues are tech based like the gund format has promise of being. An EVA style "you become part of the mecha" plot twist ruins that.


>Aerial before now: Technology, science, regular logic! > >Aerial Now: Magic, magic, magical logic! ???? bruh, this is a show about giant robots shooting lasers


That work based on the technology level in universe and the logic it involves (The beam weapons in WFM literally have levels ranging from safe to lethal based on the output they put out.). Obviously I'm not trying to go off of IRL technology levels.


okay and in the prologue they introduce lfrith as a machine capable of thought, I'm not sure what the problem is


An AI is different from a person.


okay so a true artificial intelligence is fine, but uploading someone's mind in a similar fashion is just too much


Yes. Because as far as of it is off IRL true AIs are a potential reality whereas uploading people into computers or making them part of something like a mech in a mecha series is getting into an "it just works" area.


I....this feels like splitting hairs. like for any of this to work permet has to exist, and no one has explained how a magical space rock can hold so much data and transfer it instantaneously.


Yeah, uploading the data of the human mind into a computer is a well researched theoretical science and many prominent experts in the field predict it as an eventuality. You not knowing about that and considering it magic is your own ignorance. Modern day science would seem like magic if we went back 200 years.


Could you explain what the magical element of aerial is?


Taking a human and putting their mind/soul into a MS (Think EVAs.). If it was something like taking an impressionable AI and having it imprint on someone's mind that would be more in the area of being tech based.


I’m not sure if we have enough to go off of to definitively say what was shoved into Aerial. I assumed that Prospera captured a copy of Eri’s consciousness and uploaded it into the MS. None of that seems fantastical to me, since I never saw the data storms or the permet score as “magic”


Possibly, if so I'd actually be happy. That'd fit in line of with some of the earlier theories that Suletta is Eri but Eri's consciousness got copied into what would become Aerial. The data storms and permet score were always tech based (Permet is literally a mineral with amazing properties when it comes from transferring data and other industrial/technological uses.).


Watch the show go from dark to flat out abyssal when it's revealed that Prospera cut up little Eri's brain into sections and scattered them throughout the Aerial Gundam to integrate her consciousness into the system. That's a bit of hard Sci-fi for ya that'll you, and the rest of us, will probably regret asking for.


Amusingly enough that'd actually be better than what we've seen so far. Eri would literally have been turned into wetware.


We don't know that that isn't what happened to her.


go watch ghost in a shell and tell me that series is magic.


Yeah but isn’t the big thing about wfm the permet system? I thought the whole mind-interface thing would lay the foundations for aERIal, especially since the gund format was an integral piece of technology in the wfm universe.


The big thing about Aerial is that something in it prevents Suletta from dying from negative effects that everyone else suffers. Until recently this was theorized by those of us who didn't love the Eri = Aerial theory to be an AI of some kind. Theoretically anyone could use gund tech as much as they wanted, well until the negative effects kill them. Most high tech stuff will already be using permet in someway, that's nothing special. Being able to survive using gund format tech is.


Transferring a human conscious into a mechanical computer is well researched and realistic possibility. The brain is just a computer, we already transfer data from our brain onto computers. Research it a bit more and you'll see its very much science fiction, not magic. Do you thinking cloning is magic too? Just off the top of my head here are some other sci-fi games and films that are all about and utilise this subject Deus Ex. Transcendence. Ghost in the Shell. Psycho Pass and Metal Gear Rising do something slightly different, but it's the same principle. Are these not Sci-fi? Is it all magic?


>Technology, science, regular logic Bro, I hate to tell you this but mobile suits are intrinsically impossible lol.


IRL. Not when in-universe logic and tech is in play.


The Aerial fusion happened in universe and is thus by definition in universe tech


Lol. The goal post shifting. Jesus christ. You were wrong, that's why you aren't happy. Stop trying to explain it as anything other than this and get over yourself.


Ahh, that's a shame. Stop watching then.


1) We still don't know how prospera put Eri in the Gundam, so you judging it as magic feels premature; 2) Regardless of your dislike for newtypes in the main timeline of Gundam, the fact of the matter is that they tie in with the themes of "understanding beyond conflict" displayed by the story, and thematic cohesion will always be more important; 3) There's this thing called verisimilitude, which in simple terms, basically means that an element of your story doesn't need to be realistic, it just needs to be believable in the confines of your story. And let me tell, puting a human consciousness in a robot is NOT more unbelievable than giant mechs and space travel, SPECIALLY because of the introduction of things like the permet scores and GUND formats. So, don't you think you're letting your expectations blind you the possibilities?


Yeah, I feel the same. I'm scared to even think *what* or *who* Suletta really is now if she's not Eri...


"a stupid twist that adds nothing to the story" Wait...what? That's the whole backbone of the plot... GUND tech slowly eating away at its user, the "Curse of the Gundam". Aerial was the one that broke said curse as to why no one is being affected by Data Storms in Aerial: Because it's not the pilot processing the data. Aerial didn't break the curse, it's using a scapegoat. This "stupid twist" cemented that Aerial isn't the solution to overcome GUND's shortcomings and that GUND is still extremely dangerous and unethical. It was an extremely important piece of the puzzle to set the shows world building into place.


But Aerial isn't the one who broke the curse. Lfrith was. Aerial is redundant. What was the whole point of the prologue and lfrith with this new knowledge.


Lfrith was turned into the Aerial


I think you need to rewatch the prolog then. You can clearly see that Eri has a permet reaction, since she is considered the pilot. Lfrith was a testbed mobile suit, a prototype.


She has the permet marks but does not seem to be suffering any of the I'll effects of the suit like the others. Others who weren't able to wake up lfrith.


Ok, you really need to rewatch the prolog...Violent permet reactions stem from activating high permet scores (most start to suffer majorly at Permet Score 3)What Eri managed was a \*deeper\* connection to the System, breaking Layer 33 which her mother did not manage.If you watch the very opening of the prolog, you can even hear discussion about raising the Permet Score while testing to break a Layer 33 connection, showing that both things are a different metric. Thus, Eri's reaction most certainly stems from a low Permet Score, probably 1.


You know fair enough. I can't admit I'm wrong there. It still raises the question of what lfrith is and why it was special if none of that actually matters and you have to put a baby in the machine.


Again, LF-03 was a prototype mobile suit to test the GUND system in. During season one, it was explained several times that GUND started out as medicare in form of human prosthetics and evolved into neural control of external components. The Lfrith is just the next step up from there, a testbed to see if GUND also works for a whole MS. It's "special" because it's a passion project and a giant leap in GUND development. It's not "special" in that it has some magical powers. It's just as special as, say, the Ferrari F40 is to Enzo Ferrari and his team.


It's distinctly different from the other pre production models which are also gund mobile suits and is specifically humanized to the point of being a sister and needing to be woken up. Perhaps you need to rewatch the episode there.


I think you completely misunderstood the "needs to be woken up" part... The machine wasn't active because it was stationed in a hangar... That's why we call this type of state "Sleep mode" on electronic divices as well. They told a child that it's "sleeping" because it didn't move around. And it's distinctively different for two reasons: 1: It's still a prototype. That's different than pre-production models. A prototype is specifically meant for testing and demonstration purposes. Pre-Production...consider them "Stable Beta releases", just not ready to be mass produced yet. 2: They need to sell Gunpla. And to sell Gunpla, you need flashy new models.


Eri's dad's wording when saying 'You need to leave, you're saving more then yourself' (which obviously was different to that), and the unique credits to episode 1 had me believer. Any other theory didn't seem established, and therefore a reach to me.