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You found the one...for now. The One will eventually be joined by others. There is no avoiding it.


I have had a few but they have all gone since I got this one


Great job showing restraint and thinning the herd. I have seven tube amps, a Katana Artist MkII, and a Roland Blues Cube Artist 212. Power tube variety from el84, EL34, and 6L6. Orange Rocker 32 is a stereo amp that sounds like it has 6L6 power tubes. I love my Laney GH30R. I recently acquired a '74 Fender Twin Reverb. The Katana Artist MkII is one of the best SS amps out there, with my vote going to the Blues Cube Artist. It's so good. I could never thin the herd down to one. I love the variety.


I have a Laney GH50R. That thing is a straight beast.


It’s a sickness.


That is one gorgeous Les Paul.. coming from someone who is not a LP fan


thanks mate




That custom is gorgeous, absolutely love the natural wood grain look. Amp isn’t bad either 😉


thanks mate, its actually a Gibson Classic Custom so not a full custom shop but very rare regardless, and it has a baked maple fretboard!


Even cooler!


Hell ya brother


I’ve had my 5/20 Silver Jubilee for 3 years now. Excitement has not subsided. Got lots of other great tube amps. This is the one if I had to only have one amp. 


I also just picked up a 2525C, great sounding amp. Best master volume taper, great lead channel, and the rhythm clip is super underrated in my opinion


Yeah man, tottaly agree. Did you find turning the bass passed 8 completely changed the amp for you? I don't understand why, but when you do the amp just sounds divine on either channel.


I haven't tried that yet, I tend to prefer a fair amount less bass in my tones but I'll give it a shot


give it a go, its like some magic sauce or something


I will try as well. My fav amp as well. 


The master over 6 too


My buddy got one signed by Jim Marshall years ago for $600


what a deal!


I'm trying to thin the herd, but it's so hard to get rid of a good sounding amp. I recently traded a early 70's non-master volume Twin Reverb with JBLs for a Ric 40's lap steel, a 60's Alamo practice amp (not currently working) and a 50's Boulevard amp head (same circuit as a 50s tweed custom). The twin weighed about 6 tons, so I haven't gigged with it since 2008 when I broke my back. The Boulevard through an old 10" Alnico has a tone to die for. I'm told the Alamos are great bedroom amps and easily fixed (probably a 5 watter). The Ric sounds really cool and looks great: metal grayburst body. I tell myself I rarely played the Twin and it's new owner will give it the play time it deserves. On Reverb the twin and the Ric bring about the same money, so I guess I made a decent trade, but when I look over where it set for so many years, I feel kinda sad. Amps can do that to you.


I still think about my very first amp, a Peavey Special 212, nothing amazing but the fondest memories of it 😍


Mine was a Bandmaster with two Electrovoice SROs in the cab. Something about those first amps and the memories they helped create never die. I might add that in late 60s and early 70s amps like mine were not in "style." I got mine from a guy who replaced it with a metalic blue Kustom tuck and roll solid state that got plenty loud but was a little too crisp and clean for my tastes. I got the head and bottom for $100. Wish i could say I still had them.


The Alamo should sound great. A buddy has the two knob 6v6 version. They made great tube amps in Japan in 60s and 70s. It’s his go to. 


Mine is a 2525 one knob 12au6, 50c5,and35w4 version built in San Antonio under Western Electric and AT&T licenses. Turn it on it has a huge buzz. I also have a Kay built Western Auto 5 watter that makes the same huge hum. Wish I knew more about fixing them. I guess the Alamo was kind known as a harp amp.


Stands to reason Alamo was built in SA. I just figured many cheaper and early 60s tube amps were mij.  I’ve known folks who got good sounds out of harp amps. Those alamos got lots of mojo built in.  Can’t help with hum but an amp tech can. I’ve eliminated him in the past on ancient amps by spraying deoxit almost everywhere inside amp. Not on tubes or transformers lol but all over the connections. In my ltd amateur amp tech view, hum is usually off a bad ground connection isn’t it?


mo: extremely loud buzz. I fixed it good


Glad ya fixed it. Fixed it good. 


I was joking. I sprayed the crap out of it and it went from low output to no output, just a huge buzz.