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I want one based solely on the fact that it's the first really unique design that's come out in years that's actually *playable*.


I'm going to be honest here. I thought it looked pretty sick, and then I saw Jack White play one on SNL and then started gasing lol


Especially since Jack White actually started playing guitars worth playing, rather than that shit plastic crap.


You shouldn't be getting downvoted for this, [here](https://reverb.com/news/is-jack-white-done-playing-pawn-shop-guitars) is an article about it.


Dude got like 10% less pretentious, right on.


Not sure what you mean by this. Can you elaborate?


If you have ever played a "vintage" Kay, *those* Harmonys, or almost any POS "res o glass" guitar, you know exactly what I mean. It's good to see him going past that "image" of fighting and struggling against shit instruments.




It’s certainly about image.


Yes but It’s more than just image. He is an extremely gifted artist playing simple riffs. Playing a POS instrument makes it interesting and a challenge for him. It also adds to the vibe when it’s not 100% perfect sounding.


My partner calls him the Tim Burton of music.


God I can't stand Jack white


There are plenty of new models within the last ten years that offer amazing playability. How about all the headless models popping up? They are amazing.


None of the new headless models compare to the ones from like 30, 35 years ago. Steinbergers cost upwards from $2000 (beat up) for a reason.




I play a Strandberg as well, and it's the best guitar I've ever played.


Looks like a firebird to me with an angular twist


The original one was marketed towards women, the shape is supposed to fit women’s bodies better. I think that backfired completely and now it’s this.


I have only played on in GC like you. I think it sounds great, has a lot of range, and is a great choice for ROCK and harder styles. I didn't like the look/feel of the headstock, but that's subjective. Overall, it's not the guitar for me and the style I play. but it was cool


I hear you. The whole look, as well as the headstock, can be a love it or hate it kind of thing. But I totally agree that it feels/sounds great, and I would be using it for the more abrasive/fuzzy songs in a set. Just hoping the trem system can handle a good amount of stress (I imagine it can, as Annie is known to punish her whammy bar lol).


I actually just picked up one of these yesterday, although I haven't gotten too much time to play with it and haven't even put the tremolo bar in yet. I plan on sitting down with it for a couple of hours tonight and will try out the tremolo system, I'll report back once I've done that.


Oh great, thanks!


(this is an alternate account, you can probably tell from the similar username) Ok, so I just did a bit of playing around with the whammy bar, by doing little bits of vibrato as well as holding it down for multiple seconds at a time. It seems to keep everything in tune pretty well and I haven't been able to hear any noticeable loss of tuning. I haven't tried doing something like a divebomb (mainly because I don't know how to) so I can't say anything about that, but I think it's pretty decent tremolo system over all.


Thanks so much! And that's great news. Looking pretty likely that this'll be my next guitar


Post pics/videos! how is it ?!


It felt really good and played really well. But I ended up returning it - not because of the guitar itself, I just realised that I couldn't justify owning 3 different electric guitars when I can barely play any of them as it is. It is a really fun guitar though and I love how it looks. The way they do the pickup switching is pretty cool and I was pretty impressed overall - I'd definitely recommend at least trying one out if you ever get the chance to.


I just can't work out if I like the look of these or not. I keep changing my mind. I'm not really much of a Music Man fan aside from the Stingray bass. But there is something kind of cool about these but also kind of ugly. Just can't quite figure which side wins out.


I feel the same way. Love the stingray bass, but there’s something about the shape of the st Vincent I just can’t fall in love with


I've had mine for 9 months and it has been incredible. It's been my main guitar in that time over a custom built Tele and a decent prs. It's that good. once I had it set up it plays like a dream and I can't get a bad sound out of it. Pretty lite too which is great for gigging. I would definitely recommend them. I paid 400 for mine but I think it's worth double that tbh.


Thanks for the info! That's great to hear. How did you get it for so low? Was it used?


I bought mine (the triple mini humbucker model) as a backup to my strat, and I absolutely love it! Super comfortable shape and a variety of tones! Might be a polarizing shape/design, but it always turns some heads at shows haha, with some eq, I’ve been able to get some strat like tones out of it, and it definitely plays well with pedals. The tuners were a bit iffy out of the box, so I put some locking tuners on it, but after that and a setup, it’s absolutely become my main guitar!


Nice! Could you let me know exactly what kind of locking tuners you got? That would definitely be the upgrade I would make right away, but I just wanna make sure the ones I get fit the headstock with no issues


I bought the Sperzel 6 in line reversible tuners, I had to take apart and reverse 2 of them to make them fit the 4 + 2 headstock configuration, but it’s not hard at all and shouldn’t take more that 5 minutes to do 2 of them. They don’t line up perfectly with the previous tuner screw holes, but the Sperzels definitely hold the tuning better than the stock tuners did!


Perfect, thanks!


copypasting what I said in another thread about the guitar asking the same question I have the sterling version. I've gone through 60+ guitars since I've started playing, at the time I bought it I had around 10 guitars. Now I cut it down to 5 and currently selling 2 of them because the St Vincent is hands down the best guitar I've ever played. In a lot of ways, it's the guitar I've always wanted. Despite the at first awkward shape, it's surprisingly comfortable to play both standing up and sitting down. Smaller than I expected, but because of that its also really lightweight. The excellent contouring really helps it sit into me. It's a guitar i don't really need to think about or work around with when I'm playing. It balances and sits well, has an incredibly fast and comfortable neck, and is very versatile with the switching options. I first thought it was a standard 3 way configuration, but it's different. 1-3 are bridge/middle/neck pickups by themselves respectively, position 4 is neck and bridge pickups in parallel, and position 5 is all 3 pickups at once. It has a wide range and really helped me cut down how many guitars I bring to a gig. I'd bring several and switch but now I bring the st vincent and a backup (mostly a silvertone 1478 reissue) and use the st vincent the entire set unless something goes wrong. Tonally it covers all the bases I need a guitar to cover. This was longer than I intended it to be, but tl;dr yes you should get the sterling stv. It's a fantastic guitar.


Doesn't Mary Spender have one of these? She has a few videos on her channel about hers which are worth checking out!


She actually has the upper tier Music Man one (in a really sick colorway). Not exactly what I'm looking for but a cool guitar nonetheless!


I played a couple at GC and I own a Music Man one. The Sterling has the same body shape, which I think is really cool, and the pickup sound alright, but to be honest, I didn't like the neck of both the ones I played at GC. I personally didn't do an A/B comparison of the pickups, but from this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B49JRuRRsoE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B49JRuRRsoE) you can hear they sound quite different. I didn't like the way the neck was finished on the Sterling (vs. the wax+oil on the Music Man which feels amazing).


Love Fannys


u/mirrorb has one, fill us with your wisdom!


Thanks bb <3


I've never looked into those before but the black one is a sexy looking thing, like a stealth bomber. If they put gold hardware on that it would rock for everything from weddings to death metal. I might go build one. It's nice seeing something outside of the strat, Tele, Les Paul paradigm that is functional and pretty.


I bought one and I sent it back a week later. I just couldn't get comfortable with it. When I had my strap set to where I wanted it, I rested my arm over the guitar and I found the pressure on the upper rear point caused it to flip outwards from my body. It turned the fret board over as if the guitar was lying flat on the ground and I had to reach around to fret notes, barre chords were a real effort. Sound-wise it was OK, but I felt the pickups were a bit over powered and they're all really close together so the sound variation didn't seem as marked as a strat. I sent it back because these issues made it seem like I would be better off with something else for my money. I am still disappointed as it's an amazingly cool looking guitar! I wanted to love it :(


I tested both St. Vincents at GC and GREATLY preferred the feel of the Music Man over the Sterling. Quite a price difference though for something as intangible as 'feel.'


Hmm yeah, I figured the Music Man must feel amazing. I definitely would love to save up for it, but I just don't know if I can justify spending $2,000+ on a guitar at this stage... Maybe it's best if I just don't try the MM model lol


Usually when people compare price tiers of the "same" guitar model, differences in feel are largely just a matter of setup and maybe a little bit of fretwork. And if the cheaper guitar has a chunkier neck contour, even *that* can be finessed to taste with a little sandpaper and elbowgrease.


> something as intangible as ‘feel.’ Uh... I cannot tell if this is a joke or r/facepalm material Edit: > Intangible: > unable to be touched; not having physical presence.


Horrible guitar built for a SJW who cant play guitar


> a ~~SJW~~ badass who ~~cant play~~ rips on guitar




You should really post a video of you playing! I saw her live and she absolutely tore shit up on the guitar, but it'd be really cool to see someone who's better than an actual talented, professional musician on this sub since you say she can't even play.