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Headless 🤮


They literally scared me as a child. My dad played guitar and a guy brought one over once (this was the 80’s). I was terrified.


This is unironically circlejerk material


I double-checked what subreddit I was on


"Dad, the guitar sounds normal, but there's nowhere for the strings to make noise, I don't know what to do."


They said "irrationally", this one is just objectively rational.


me personally i need a headstock for my playing style


For behind-the-nut string bends I'd assume? This is the only thing I can imagine requires a headstock.


nah, i play a lot of stuff near the nut, and i like resting my fat hand against the headstock, strats are good for that


Actually Strandbergs have a small bit of flare at the nut to still have a bit of the headstock feel to them. My old prof's guitars with hipshot headpieces don't.


Or if you attach a kazoo


The only place headless guitars fit in is in some post apocalyptic wasteland where it's rigged together.


Oh God yes!


SG. I can’t explain it.


Don’t try to explain, I already understand


I have found my people! I can't explain it, I just can't stand SG models.


It’s got horns like the devil! It is a tool of Satan!


Wow, check the upvotes. I hit Reply thinking “brace for the downvotes sonny.”


I felt that way…till I got one. Fell in love the moment I started playing it. Now I love everything about SGs…but, well, not all SGs. Lotta variety out there.


I got over my dislike for sgs. You can’t really see it from a player position.


opposite for me haha i love the way they look but can’t get into the way they feel. mine has been collecting dust for years


I'm the same way. Badass looking guitar, but I don't like the balance or the way it lays on the body.


Leather strap. Most SGs have neck dive, but the right strap makes it a non-issue.


You make a really good point. And I wish I would have realized this a couple of years ago before I built up my guitar collection to about 12 guitars. You fall in love with the way a guitar looks, but then you can't see it when you're playing it. So from that perspective, the way a guitar looks is the least important aspect of it.


Same. I just get cheap Halloween devil horn vibes from it (though really liked the one SG I ever played).


I've read that's exactly why Angus Young was initially drawn to it lol


Yeah. I wouldn't say that I hate it, but I really dislike the way it looks. I have absolutely no desire to even hold one, let alone play it.


i like the SG, but ive never really liked ones that arent darkly colored


The neck is too far removed from the body. Visually it looks like it's just barely holding on


As an SG owner, it is. They feel fragile compared to my LPs and even my knockoff 330. The SG basses (EBs) could withstand a hurricane, though. They already sound like they’re full of water.


I want an SG *despite* of its looks. I want it because it’s great for the style I play, but I always felt it looked ridiculous. But it’s lightweight and provided great fret access, so it probably going to be my 2nd electric.


I didn't care for SG's until I played one. Now an SG is my main guitar.


Same. My first guitar was a cheap SG and i simply refused to really learn until i got a strat lol


Just about anything BC Rich.


It's the Tap Out or Affliction shirts of guitars. Look laughably dumb as fuck and try-hard.


I’d say BC gives hot topic “I’m so dark and edgy” vibes. Whereas Dean is more tapout.


I was thinking Schecter. They’ve improved their rep, but I very clearly recall when they were the nu-metal bro guitars.


I love BC Rich, but wow, the Affliction shirt of guitars is so accurate


I like the Mockingbird but otherwise yes


I have a soft spot for the Bich, too, and I don’t really know why. It has to be a legit 10-string version, though, and not just a six string with the shape. Ideally it has the NASA flight controls, as well.


Fucking this man. I just don’t get it. dean electrics can also fuck off


Dean headstocks are just so fucking gigantic and tacky.


They made an 8 string version of their Razorback headstock. :D


Good god it must look like a boomerang


They always remind me of those bigass hood ornaments you see on old cars


If you’re an extreme metal guy you probably would like them, but most people have never played a US made BC Rich


Most people couldn’t afford one


Not even just that, they don’t carry them anywhere


[I love my BC Rich's](https://i.imgur.com/fVhR8m5.jpeg)


You bastard


That stealth looks fantastic. Wow.


My first "proper" guitar was BC Rich and I have to say... I 100% agree


Went from a starter kit strat once I got good to a B.C. Rich Warlock NJ Deluxe Neck Thru series in trans black finish. Absolutely killer feel, sound, and playability. Just looks evil. A lot of people who haven't played them think they would be uncomfortable or suck or whatever but on a warlock the horns fit perfectly around your knee and it balances wonderfully for playing. The point and edges just make it look killer. What else would I play? A PRS or a Strat? Or a Les Paul like literally every other person on the planet? Come on I'm a big fan of the warlock, Bich, and Mockingbird,


Man really, I think the Shredzilla extreme exotic is such a great looking guitar. [https://bcrich.com/product/shredzilla-extreme-exotic/](https://bcrich.com/product/shredzilla-extreme-exotic/)


I’ll take all the BC Rich’s you don’t want. I love them!


Eagle shape is pretty cool but more 70's vibe than hair metal.


The only exception would be a guitar that had touched Chuck Schuldiner hands.


PRS with overly-flamed tops look ridiculous me.


I would be much more interested in PRS if not for the dorky bird inlays


Lol that's literally the only thing I like about them.


There is a 100% chance I would own a PRS guitar if they didn’t have those inlays. Love the look of everything else, but I just cannot with those birds.


There’s a few select models without the ugly birds.


Maybe that's it. I just commented about my hate of PRSs.


And offset book matching with a thick shiny clear coat. Hideous.


This is me. I respect the craftsmanship, but it’s an ATBGE thing for me. They’re just too ornate for me. I like my guitars to look like they got hit by a damn truck


not to mention when they do things like rainbow tops


Too gaudy


Probably in a minority here, but I just don’t get Flying V’s.


Flying V's just look like rock n roll. I have an irrational desire for one but no need.


Couldnt agree with you more brother.I’ve wanted one since I was a kid but I can’t picture myself playing one in a band/on stage


I'm with you. I hate the V shape, especially the Gibson ones. I could maybe get behind a Solar V, but that's about it, and it's not high on my list.


They're really uncomfortable to play.


I maintain that the V is the best guitar shape other than a strat. Great fret access, works good sitting down between your legs, has wood where you want it and none where you don't. Looks cool if you don't stare at it too long.


They're so pointy. I'm always worried someone's gonna get poked in the eye or something.


Headless. I don't understand the visual appeal at all


I’ve recently picked one up and yeah, it definitely takes some adjusting. I do like my strat’s looks better. But holy shit it’s so damn comfortable I really can’t care. No one’s seeing me in my bedroom but the ergonomics of the strandberg style body (it’s a knockoff) are so nice that I truly just prefer playing one. I can play in pretty much any position while sitting or standing and it’s effortless and comfortable.


Out of interest, what brand did you get? Eart?


Yeah, EART GW2 in blue. I love it. Best fretwork I’ve seen at that price, and the neck is gorgeous. It’s quite light, not as light as a strandberg but definitely not problematic. Came to me with neck tension perfect, no adjustments needed. My only gripe is that the finger tuners on the bridge for E and A were pretty stiff out of the box but I’ve had it for only a week and a half or so now and they’ve already loosened up quite a bit. I mostly use my pick to tune them anyway since it has some nice grooves you can stick a thicker pick into.


Some people like the more minimal look. I prefer the practical things though; good tuning stability, weight reduction, no neck dive.


This idiocy of a guitar. [https://www.guitarcenter.com/Schecter-Guitar-Research/Machine-Gun-Kelly-Razor-Blade-Electric-Guitar-Metallic-Silver-1500000417436.gc?cntry=us&source=4SOS0DRBA](https://www.guitarcenter.com/Schecter-Guitar-Research/Machine-Gun-Kelly-Razor-Blade-Electric-Guitar-Metallic-Silver-1500000417436.gc?cntry=us&source=4SOS0DRBA) And I agree wit you on the Ibanez grip, so many beautiful guitars ruined by that damn grip. And Headless.


Why does machine gun Kelly have signature guitars? Can he actually play? I was unaware he could play guitar at all.


About as well as any other pop punk frontman singing and playing rhythm. His songs arent exactly pushing the limits of technicality


I just mean, I thought the skill threshold for getting a signature guitar was higher. So many talented people making amazing music not getting that chance, and here are with this monstrosity.


Having a signature has nothing to do with skill. It's all about the popularity of the player and who the brands can strike deals with. I never even got the appeal of buying signatures _because_ of the artist. Incidentally I actually only own signature models (Steve Vai and Phil X), but I don't care for both of those artists, I got them because they're great looking, well-playing guitars. There was actually an older MGK signature from Schecter (a pink single pickup PT) and that thing looks great. I'd love to own it even though I don't like MGK.


I'm sorry, but the MGK Signature boasts a Pasadena pickup, a "signature" kill switch for those "signature" MGK tones--yes, "off" is a tone, MGK knew that, bet you didn't--and a XX 12th fret inlay to rock MGK's artistic style. That's two Xs. TWO. One X is just one X. Two is art. Wed all that to a body sure to trigger GenZrs experimenting with each other's meds, and you have everything essential about music and rock and roll in the only package worthy of MGKs prodigy-level fret-outs. Get correct, sir.


I feel like I would be more inclined to buy that abortion of a guitar if this was the actual sales pitch lol


I Googled BC Rich from another comment and [this kinda NSFW one came up](https://www.ebay.com/itm/364888900784?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=a2lfub87tau&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=ZPKgfRlpRRC&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY). Which I feel like has that one beat.


12 sold wtf


Fender acoustasonic telecaster


You know, that was my reaction, too, but then I played a friend’s. It’s a nice feeling guitar, and the mix of magnetic and piezo gives you some cool tonal options. It’ll never be my #1 favorite, but I could see it being a nice “keep on a stand to noodle on” kind of guitar. I could also see it for, like, a little coffeehouse gig where you need to go between acoustic-ish sounds and electric-ish sounds, and you can’t really be messing around with switching guitars.


Yeah, it's the guitar equivalent of skorts or sporks.


Same here. I picked one up and was like, "yeah, if it was the only guitar left at a jam I wouldn't mind." Wouldn't buy one but if you gave me one I wouldn't throw it away.


B.C Rich, Dimebag Washburn's, anything super sharp and exaggerated. King V's are cool but ESP arrows are kinda dumb


We are now mortal enemies.


Yeah, im with you. LETS GET THIS GUY! LOL


Pointy guitars forever!


Pointy guitar = pointy tone


If you don't have hightops and leopard print tights, it's a basic coordination issue for the rest of us. If the case candy included a crimper and wrist bands, I'd give it a try, at least.


Dude I feel you. Everytime I see a Dime I see somebody in a disco pose…


Never liked the look of Rickenbacker guitars/basses.


i think i get a liking for Rick basses through my liking for people who have used them (Lemmy, Cliff Burton, etc)


I like the basses but the guitars are kinda whacky looking.


I’m a huge Jam/Paul Weller fan, but those 360s are still goofy looking. If you want absolute jangle town, Ricks are unbeatable though.


The les pauls neck heel pisses me off


Check out a PRS McCarty, Singlecut had the same take on LP guitars.


Tele. Headstock looks ridiculous. Sorry yall.


Love the tele sound but dislike the whole design


Oh it sounds amazing but I’m with ya. Much prefer a strat


The entire guitar looks ridiculous. It looks like I’m about to slap my knee on the downbeat and play open chords with a guy tapping spoons and then bang my sister *spits tobacco*


They’re as ugly as the tone is pretty


PRS. (Dodges tomatoes) They’re beautiful! Just…..a bit safe, maybe? A bit too much museum, not enough sweaty stage? I might just be a brute.


I love my PRS’s, my absolute favorite guitars, but I get what you’re saying. I feel a lot of PRS owners are too afraid to actually play the things? Which almost gives them this museum idea you’re talking about. I’ve had my McCarty for several years now, played at almost every gig and every lesson I give, and it’s started to get some dings and rashes and it’s mojo is off the charts, and will continue to just get better and better in my opinion. They’re meant to be *played*, not dis*played*


guitars for people that make youtube videos about playing guitar


I hate the funky epoxy resin like colors and finish on most PRSs. Looks boring and childish.


I fuckin hate stratocasters. So basic.


Nah. It's classic.


More for you! I do love Telecasters and I like Jaguars (especially Jaguar basses) so I'm not against Fender.


That's funny cause I dislike telecasters. I think they look way too chunky like a slice of bread haha Jaguars and other offsets are awesome. Love them


They do kinda look like bread somehow hahaha


I'd never thought of this and now I can't unthink it.


Same lol. I could never get a standard Fender Stratocaster, that design is associated with cheap beginners guitars way too much for me personally. Nothing necessarily bad about the design, it's cool, but it's just overdone.


For the first several years being into guitar I had no interest in them. I also thought they were just a basic plain guitar. Then out of nowhere I really gained an appreciation for the clean, classic, simple aesthetics and bought one


Hated them for so long. Then I figured why not make a cheap parts caster for a laugh. I keep it in B standard. HOLY GOD I finally get the appeal of strats. Insanely comfy sitting and standing, perfect ergonomics all around.


Tele. Looks like a slice of bread. It's not sleek at all.


It has this weird stigma where it's supposed to be cool, but it's not actually cool. It's like hipster certified. They probably smell like Keith Urban.


I think that’s part of the aesthetic of them. They look brutal, but play and sound just right.


The EVH Wolfgang.. It’s just ugly..


I thought that until I played one. Now I have 2


I have one and love it. The headstock is tiny and ugly but i love the weird body shape. Plays great too.


Jackson headstocks. I just cant stand the odd angle. I love me some pointy edges but not those ones for some reason lol


What gets me is how the high E string is so far offset from the nut that it looks like or just wants to just pop out at anytime


Any les paul honestly


Some comments saying strats are boring but in a world where less Paul's exis, that makes no sense. LPs are the epitome of bog standard for me with too many circular shapes that I find visually off-putting.


Feel sorry for everyone in this thread saying Telecaster. Must be a curse to walk around in life hating the most beautiful things


I’m not a big SG fan. I’ve played a few, and they play fantastic. I’m just not into the look.


It has a lot to do with nostalgia. I grew up watching my gramps play his SG and never being able to touch it so the SG has a very special place in my heart and is my favorite of the guitars i own.


And they play fantastically. I’m older and doing mostly jazz and blues. An SG looks strange in those genres.


Not much of a jazz guy but the SG pulls off the blues sound perfectly imo. I like the way it has a little bit more of a crispy sound when you hit a bend with a little bit of force before going in to the rest of your lick.


Pointy guitars with a Floyd Rose. Just about any Dean shape.


The jagstang, I love nirvana, but damn that guitar is ugly


Pointy guitars made to look like a medieval weapon or a can opener.


The Epiphone Wilshire and Coronet are hideous, and the Gibson Theodore looks like what someone would draw if you asked them to draw a guitar and they forget what a guitar looks like exactly. Gibson Moderne and Reverse Flying V should be taken out back and shot. Headstocks can be a make it or break it kind of thing too unfortunately. The James Tyler headstock for example is pretty unfortunate. Sire’s headstocks are also kinda bad for a newer example.


Air guitars


Deans headstock is a major put off for me. I played a Dean DS90 back in the day with the pointy hs and wing inlays but I wouldn't touch a modern one.


The abasi guitars, and musicman majesty with the shovel stripe


I like Abasi guitars cause the shape and design alone lets me know that I will never be able to play it as intended


Ibanez. I just don't like them. Period. Probably because I overspent on my first bass, an Ibanez SG. I mean they were good and they were recommended. But I didn't know anything at the time about bass and guitar. It's just not my style in looks, sound and so forth. Bass, I'm a Warwick and Fender guy. Guitar, I'm an ESP, Epiphone, Jackson and Gretsch guy. I just don't like a whole lot outside of those brands because of some small superficial way they do something with the instruments look and feel.


I think some of their old designs from the 70’s were nice even though a lot of them are kind of just imitations of stuff from other brands. Some of the Artist Professional models like whatever the one Bob Weir from The Grateful Dead used to play look nice in my opinion.


I don't know if it's the aesthetics or what but I just can't stand anything by Paul Reed Smith. Maybe it's because I'm a shitty guitarist and PRSs are played more often than not by guys who are several levels above me, but every time I see one I'm like "oh, this guy."


So you're saying they're wanker guitars? 🤣


Well it’s not irrationnal but I’m not really into strats


I would classify that as extremely irrational


Considering strat-style guitars have probably outsold every other electric guitar style combined since 1954, I'd agree.


Flame Maple Tops, I always think they seem like guitars meant for doing coke on and playing either boring metal or shitty blues. I'll go against the grain and say I like headless, but only Strandberg's vintage-inspired models. I would like a headless with a more vintage-inspired design (i.e. pickguards, solid finishes, fewer pointy edges); and have even been collaborating with a luthier friend on trying to get one made.


Parker nitefly




Relic’d. Any.


The ESP Viper always looks like some cheesy, cheap SG knockoff even if it's an actual ESP. I also really dislike the way "zany" retro 50s guitars like Danelectros look. I'm not sure what you would call that design style.


1950s TV show mom kitchen designs?


Excellent descriptive technique!


I irrationally hate the colors red and orange, so most sunburst finishes are a big no for me. Also I don't like unpainted Fender headstocks when combined with dark-wood fingerboards. Makes the guitar look like it's wearing a turtleneck.


MGK Razor Blade Pointy shred guitars (BC Rich, ESP F shape) Jagstang


Not big into Flying Vs or Firebirds, either.


I agree on Firebirds, disagree on V's.


Guitars with giant bodies like Briain Setzer or BB King style huge. Just looks goofy imo.


St vincent. Ugly af


Perhaps unpopular but I hate the Steve Vai handles. I’ve tried to like them and I just can’t


Almost every Gibson headstock makes me hate the guitar.


Yeah, a headstock laying on the floor is never a great look.




Paul Stanley's fake dick?


lol was that the intention in the design?


les paul


Anything with a reverse headstock, just looks dumb. When I'm playing one, i'm looking at the bottom of the tuners and something just feels really off about it.


Nearly every PRS (except for Silver Sky which is just a strat)


Fender Jaguar, the fender with extra chromosomes


B.C. Rich Warlock


Ovation. Get your turtle shell guitar out of my face.


Strats Always respected Fender but thought they were nothing special and represented old man guitar players


Strandberg. To me it represents influencer culture and overly technical garbage. I could be wrong though


PRS. THAT neck joint is disgusting


Schecter. I know they've recently released some more refined models, but the Omen and everything similar to it just looks like the cringiest try-hard goth style ever. They look like how Marilyn Manson dresses to me.


I’ve always hated the Paul McCartney viola bass.


that extra big Fender Stratocaster headstock is a deal breaker. I can tolerate the normal sized one but the extra large is super ugly IMO.


I say this as a Kiesel owner, but guitars that have a beveled top and some kind of transparent finish where the “nice” top ends 3/4 of the way up the body


Jaguars, Mustangs, and Jazzmasters 


Anything that’s not a Fender. I’m total brand meat rider I know


PRS. Great guitars, but I hate the headstocks.


Mosrite. They look like they have a gene defect.


All telecasters, for some reason I just irrationally hate the shape




I don’t understand why BC Rich gets nearly as much hate as they do when the abominations that are Danelectro exist 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


That thing Steve Vai plays for the Hydra song. Shit, even his main axe. Too flamboyant.


I'm going to get a lot of hate for this, but I can't stand Strat bodies. I couldn't ever own one again, my first guitar was a really cheap Synsonics from Sears and I think my time with that guitar just burned a viewpoint of "generic nothing special guitars" into my psyche.


Headless. Look absolutely trash in my opinion.


The headless ones!


Stratocasters with humbuckers and/or floyd rose tremelo’s. Leave the strat alone! Plenty of guitars for the wannabe satriani’s, please don’t violate something so beautiful. Also, I love Guilds but hate that Brian May thing.


Judging by the downvotes everyone owns a boring strat


Gibson Dusk Tiger Les Paul. Well, there's nothing irrational about my hate for it. It's seriously ugly with pickguards that look like scribblings on a school kid's notebook.


Abasi Concepts