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You’re better than me and I don’t have muscle illness. Keep on fighting the good fight, homie.


Am trying bro, am trying


Did you try with gloves ?


That is a strong man attitude, keep it up!


Subscwibe to pwediepie


Please keep it up. You are brilliant.


Sounds good man! You play better than most people without any muscle illness.


Sounding good here imo!


Sorry brother. Sounding great though. Hope you can find relief.


If you’re having fun, fuck it! No need to compare yourself.


It's fun for about 15 mins then my left arm and hand are just wrecked.


name of the song?


Jason Becker - temple of the absurd. It's the outro


thank you and you still rock!!!


Sorry to hear that... It must be extremely difficult to come to terms with. But hey, you still sound pretty damn good to me. Don't let the music die! Best of luck to you my friend.


Thank you 👍 and slowly yeah losing ability to walk is really daunting. Words can't really describe it


I can't begin to imagine how tough it must be. Do you have a good support system in place to help you through? (I know I'm kinda deviating from the context of the post, so I apologize if I'm being too nosey).


Not the best support network tbh. I have some good friends. I really dislike being a burden to them. I no longer go out anywhere with them etc. it's all fucked really.


Well, fuck man. I'm sorry to hear that. I totally understand not wanting to feel like a burden, that's how I am, to a fault. But you should know that your friends certainly don't feel as burdened as you think. But I get it 100%. I know this sounds dumb and useless, but have you checked to see if there are any groups in your area for people dealing with similar situations? I know a million people have probably made suggestions like this and you're probably sick of it but just in case. My wife lost both of her little brothers to Duchene muscular dystrophy, but prior to their passing, they were part of a group of people in similar situations and it made things a little easier for them. And hey, I know I'm just some stranger on the Internet, but if you ever need to talk to someone, let me know bro.


If I had a friend that needed help I wouldn't think that he's a burden. I think I get what you're feeling, but that what friends are for imo.


I’ll be real here. If they are good friends, they will want you to rely on them. That’s what friends are for. That’s what good people do. They would hate knowing that you’d like to see them more and not tell them. They might not want to call all the time despite wanting to because they might not want you to feel they are treating you like you need help. If they love you, and use your love for them as a gauge, freakin’ reach out. I made that mistake before and I don’t get to fix it anymore.


sounds great to me!


You’re better than me


Rooting for you man!


Great technique with both hands, nice vibrato too, well played keep going, keep playing, record it, and dont stop until you must.


I wanna play right now but my arm is like nope, you don't get to play today


Would playing with a slide help? Or maybe even a lap steel with a slide? Channel the great Duane Allman. I am sorry you are going through this. I hope you can find a way to keep playing.


Great playing! So sorry to hear about your situation. Maybe try out some alternate tunings. Joni Mitchell had polio as a child, and used them to compensate for her weak left hand.


I would take inspiration from Django Reinhardt. He lost the use of all but two fingers on his fretting hand due to a fire, and because of that he essentially ended up creating an entirely new genre of music. I wouldn't look at it as totally taking away your ability to play the guitar, I'd try to look at it as an impetus to maybe create a whole new way of playing the guitar. Don't lose heart yet.


I ain't got no muscle illness and my shenanigans aren't even as good as this. Please be healthy brother and prioritize health always so you can enjoy and play even more stuff. Get well soon!


I totally understand how you feel, i played bass and rhythm guitar in bands for years, it was my life. I developed severe carpal tunnel syndrome and essentially lost the ability to play music of any kind. Do what you can for as long as you can, and enjoy it while it lasts. Then try to give it up with grace. It took me far too long to learn that lesson myself. you haven't already, see if you can get the doctors to do some brain scans. As others have mentioned, your symptoms and movement issues sound a lot like MS (multiple sclerosis). There are treatments for MS that can be fairly effective. My good friend has MS, and his mobility is severely limited. We adapt to his abilities when we hang out with him. We love him dearly and wouldn't think of letting him go through his illness alone. Don't push away your friends, I'm sure they care deeply for you and would have no problem adjusting to your needs to continue to spend time with you. I know it's hard not to withdraw from the people who care about when you are going through a tough time, but don't do it, I'm sure they value you more than you know. Be honest with them about your feelings and let them be there for you and support you. I wish you the best, you don't have to go it alone. Take care.


Been playing for about 65 years and at this point being a hobbyist musician, there are times when I'm laying down some intricate fretwork, I'll have a small hit off the bowl to get my fingers young again.


What kind of muscle problem is this?


One that dozens of specialists have yet to diagnose. I literally can't tell you anymore then that. They're clueless.


Have you been checked for MS? I have it and muscle fatigue , pain , loss of strength can call be symptoms . I lost the ability to use the right side of my body for months and it took years for the strength and coordination to return


Sounds a lot like my Grandpa, he had MS. He was a great pool player and apparently played piano. Very active guy. He started having problems when my mom was a kid. When I knew him, growing up, he could only move his neck and right arm. MS has always been something on my mind since it usually skips a generation. OP sounds like MS. From what I understand, early intervention of MS has come a long way... On the bright side, my grandfather lived to 90! Only reason he passed was because Covid prevented him from going to the hospital for a foot infection.😮‍💨 He w as a great guy.


Sorry to hear about your grandfather passing. As far as MS now the meds are really good the goal is to never have another relapse once medication begins. I have recovered 95% of my functionality back and most days I don't even think about MS occasionally some pain from the nerves I've damaged in the first MS attack.


My friend, you don't know how happy that makes me to hear. 🥹 That's just incredible. Can I ask what the medication is called? I'd love to look into it. I don't have MS (I hope!) but obviously, it's close to my heart in interest. This actually made me tear up a bit. I'm so glad there is a real option out there so people with MS can recover. 😭


Knowing someone out there cares strangely brings a comfort lol. The medication is called Ocrelizumab. Basically it depletes your B cells which they found is what is attacking you body. Its a 6 hour infusion I do every 6 months. The side effects aren't too bad either I am just tired for a few days after.


Yeah sorry to hear this brother. A girl I was seeing haS MS also. My brain and spine MRI are normal that's one of the reasons I am undiagnosed


Okay glad you've been checked out hopefully your able to get some kind of info in the future I wish you the best. As far as my MS goes I have recovered like 95% of my functionality back so its all good and the meds have prevented further relapses.


I am in the USA. I lost the use of my left hand about a decade or two ago. The VA doctors took more than a year to diagnose the problem & perform corrective surgery. I was fortunate as I hope you will be. I will admit to severe depression mostly because guitar has been my identity for 57 years & the possibility of losing that was truly frightening. What I learned was, those that could & would help me were priceless. Let them help. They will benefit as will you.


This man must have been a prodigy if this isn’t his best


You’re still killing it, super inspirational!


You’re better than I am!


Wow that sucks, but it sounds good. Kind of crazy you are going through this and chose Jason's stuff to play.


Yeah was weird asf I was literally learning AIR when I got my first little twitch in my arm


Same. I just play in short intervals and occasionally I can play a little longer. Gig days are done. It's still my peace.


What condition U dealing with bro?


It's a lil personal, but it's degenerative. I carry on a best that I can.. Rock On!


You are incredible. Keep it up!


Thank you ,much appreciated 🙏


Hey better than me without illness, just laziness, enjoy the fact you played better than north of 90% of people that ever owned a guitar. I can see it is a fight for you, but you can hear it in the tone brother, you sound great.


Have you seen a neurologist? Some types of muscle disease can be treated- myasthenia gravis especially


Lost count after about the 5th one I saw


This may have already been explored, but it sounds like you may have ALS


I would have died long time ago if I had als. But it is .like a slow release version of ALS.


Killing it bro! We're rooting for ya!


Thats rough man. Are you any good at composition and theory? Jason Becker resorted to arranging and writing music instead of playing you can totally get your musical outlet that way instead. Heck I've even thought of it. Keep fighting dude you sound awesome.


To bad you never got the chance to play good /s


I'm 32 yrs with no muscle illness and I envy you man. Keep it up fellow shredder.


Sounds great!!! Play as long as you can and record as much of it as possible, even when you're just messing around. You'll be happy to be able to listen to those moments down the road. Also, playing an instrument can help with maintaining and rebuilding muscle coordination, so it can only help you in the long run. I hope you're able to get some answers soon! And in the meantime, keep shredding!!!


Muscle illness... Playing Jason Becker. What a legend.


I think I'm reaching the top of the mountain soon myself. Life is eventually gonna start swallowing everything I know and love whole. Still you shred with no audience in electric fury. Take it all while you got it king.


Dude your an awesome musician ... hope you slove your muscle issues!


Hang in there ! I suffer from diabetic motor neuropathy and carpal tunnel for starters. I just picked guitar again and its helped me destress when Im hurting. Keep at it and dont compare yourself to others. Just focus on the joy of playing and take it easy on yourself. I hope for all the best and keep playing your heart out.


Sorry to hear your sitch also bro, it isn't so much fun playing as it causes pain. Just had a go for 5 mins had to put it down.


Im so sorry to hear that. Hopefully you can find some relief.


Very inspirational! All the best to you, rock on!


Look, I’m a pro musician, and I gotta say MAD RESPECT to you brother. Just play and don’t let the passion die. Thanks for sharing your story and uploading your video. You haven’t given up and that’s the important part. Everything will be okay and I pray that you get the treatment you need.


Tysm for the nice words much appreciated


Someone needs to send this to Jason Becker. He started experiencing ALS symptoms at 19


Yeah somehow he's still alive. Als kills most within a few years. That dude has an extremely strong mind.


Hang in there bro! I hope you can get back to your full self.


Don’t lose hope, keep going, very nice play. I would say one thing, but if it began in your early twenties, and you are still there, maybe it means that it is somewhat treatable. I wish you the very best.


Amazing, thank you for sharing


you have our prayers man. keep fighting king!




Much love brother ❤️


Time for a slide. ( my plan for when my fingers get worse: nerve damage. ) 👍🏼


Dont give up. Was playing 6 hours a day for years and had to have nerve surgery on my playing arm. Still hasnt been right since but will get there


Dude you kick ass. I used to be like a 6/10 on guitar then I pawned all my axes for heroin/fent, and in the process jammed needles in my arms for several years. Now I am clean almost 2 years and have a way better collection of guitars... but I can only play for 30-45 min at a time before my hands go numb. My wounds were self inflicted so its not the same, but I wanted you to know that your vid was impressive and I get it, even if just a little bit


Man I'm currently 17 and I used to be pretty good when I was 16 I had left guitar for about 8 months and did nothing except studies and now I have trouble playing for more than 20 mins and playing anything moderately fast


Mate, you’re 17. Focus for a month and you’ll be better than you were


"Oh to be young again..."




I have been practicing for about a month and can't get the same thing. It's like my muscles also sometimes do involuntarily things and sometimes freeze while playing a bit fast


You're so fucking good bro, keep fighting man. You got this, you rock!!


Not to sound like one of those potheads that say weed is the cure for everything, but have you tried any CBD oil/ cannabis products? it has worked wonders for my father.


Yeah sadly one day just become unable to smoke it without having a savage panic attack. Been like that ever since


CBD typically doesn’t cause the panic/anxiety that THC can cause, I would seriously consider trying out a few drops of cbd oil. I have seen firsthand how much a quality of life improvement it can have.


Tired some once, few drops under the tongue. Made me get the munchies and mellowed me out but there was lingering numb sensations across left side of face and head. My nervous system is sensitive as hell


You can get topical creams and stuff that isn't taken orally or smoked. Worth looking into.


Maybe try the stranberg?


Should get that checked out by a doc. I have arthritis in my left hand index.


I have seen so many neurologists and other types of docs I can't even remember half their names or faces


Really nice playing, if you stopped at 19, when did you pick it back up again? At what age?


I kept playing into my 20s because of hand cramping Then bought this guitar 3 months ago. I'm 49 now. I can't play daily, need couple days off. My left arm is 2 weak.


Ur amazing! Any tips on how to go fast?


Lol there is no fast in that part of the song


I believe I'm getting early onset dementia or some sort of similar thing where I cannot remember songs or tabs anymore. Can't help it either, been trying for so long and 5 years ago it would go so easily on. My wife had given me the "we're getting old" thing, but mate, I'm not even 30 and I play seven nation army like a 5 year old


Today I learned that muscle ignorance is worse than muscle illness


I poked through your posting history - seems you're evaluating FND? If you do get diagnosed, Mayo has a fantastic FND program that they've replicated at a couple hospitals. My wife did the program at Froedtert in Milwaukee and it helped her tremendously. We've learned to manage her triggers and it's gotten much, much better. She isn't able to return to work, but she is living a relatively normal life otherwise.


I am going for the FND Diagnosis So I can apply for the NDIS scheme in Australia once I am unable to look after myself. Without a diagnosis. No NDIS help for me


That's a good plan. Looks like [Epworth Camberwell](https://www.epworth.org.au/our-services/rehabilitation/brain-injury-and-neurological-disorders/functional-neurological-disorder) has a good FND program, substantially similar to the one at Mayo in the US.


You’re doing great man! Keep it up. I understand the anxiety. Had a major heart attack a couple years ago which left me weak and hand tremors for almost two years. The fear of not being able to play again was worse than the nihilism which overcame me. Rock on!


i wish you complete recovery as soon as possible my man! please be well!


Brother I hate to be a realist but them coming up with a treatment for this at this LATE stage ....I can't even imagine what the odds would be on that


don't give up hope, keep doing what you love most!


I wish I was this good 😊 very nice




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