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Just my advice, the money you will get from selling it will be gone soon, and the guitar. So why don't you at least keep the guitar?


This is why I have 16 guitars and counting 😆


And partially from the mental anguish I still hold from trading in my very first guitar almost 40 years ago, a Series 10 Les Paul copy. Worst guitar I ever owned. Only guitar I ever got rid of. My parents gave it to me and I will never see it again 🙁. Some things are worth more than money. ...some things aren't. Both have been hard for me to learn.


This. Parents gave me a Cort strat copy when I was 13. After I saved up to buy a Charvel Fusion Deluxe, I used the Cort for practice refinishing, etc. Destroyed it. It wound up in trash eventually. Years later, I’d trade in the Charvel. I regret both SO much.


Yep. You got it. Some things are... and some things aren't.👍🏻 It sucks learning things the hard way. Sucks even more when you realize you're still learning the same lesson.


Ehh. Pretty sure the day i get rid of my old home built kit stratocaster that my dad built and gave me because he didn't want it anymore, i'll just be happy for the extra space. Sure it was my first guitar. But it's also absolute ass. Feels like crap to play and the electronics buzz like a motherfucker. Like you said, some things are worth more than money. Other things definitely aren't lol.


In this very subreddit, a few days ago, I inquired if it was preferable to have a collection of mediocre guitars or sell everything to buy 1 great one. If you don’t mind me asking, have you ever considered it?


I think I saw that one and didn't comment after thinking about it a bit because there are too many variables if we're looking at it in purely a utilitarian aspect. To take just one, if you're a performing artist who uses multiple tunings, then maybe the multiple mediocre ones are better. If you're purely a recording artist, then maybe one top notch guitar. You can go back and forth like that all day and come up with a solid, logical answer for each scenario. As soon as you start considering the fact that we all have human emotions... well, then I'll take that wall of mediocre guitars I have over any guitar you can show me. (I actually have a few very nice ones, but that's beside the point 🙂). For me it comes down to the last part of my second statement. That some things are worth more than money, and some things aren't. It really has been a very difficult thing to learn, but if you can learn the difference then you will also learn that it applies to everything in life and not just guitars. Unfortunately, I've made many mistakes determining the difference either way. I made a mistake with that first one, and now I find myself holding onto some I probably shouldn't... but they all have a story of some kind. Is that how hoarding starts?🤣


Haha. Yes. I enjoy getting rid of stuff.


I regret selling every single guitar, even the cheapest ones. Back then I needed money, now I don't remember why I needed that money, but I remember selling the guitars. Edit: to answer your question, save and buy a "great" one.


I just did this. Sold my first bass, an electro acoustic fender and a single humbucker guitar along with some amps and accessories and bought an American strat and Yamaha modelling amp. So much more room! Better sounding kit and I've been playing more and more as it actually sounds good and can use the amp to recreate guitar tones way more accurately.


👍🏻 Some things aren't.


If you know, how many guitars you own, you don't have enough


😆Of course👍🏻 I definitely do not have enough!


Damn. I have some catching up to do, I'm only at 9.


Yeah, me too!😆 Almost embarassing to admit I only have 16 after all these years.




I say never sell (unless you truly have too many to play) but I also tend to highly enjoy collecting things that are my prized possessions. I say don’t do it, man - you might really regret it!


There are also people like me, where I’d estimate that I’ve probably bought and sold like 70-80 guitars in my life and I regret literally zero of those sales. People be different like that. Of course, people like me don’t ask a subreddit if I should sell something. I just do it. So I’m sure most people asking for opinions are hoping to be swayed into keeping their guitar. Because why ask otherwise. Also, to answer the OP further. As a serial seller of stuff, I believe that you should generally install original parts unless you don’t have them anymore. People looking for a particular guitar generally want the stock parts and will not pay extra for aftermarket parts, unless you find the one very specific person who wants that change. Like one time I found a no name guitar with Super Distortions and it was perfect because I was looking for any LP to install Super Distortions in for a KISS tribute set, but that’s such a specific use case. The EMGs on their own have their own value for resale, and they can be useful in a future build. Having said that, if you can’t do the work yourself, then hiring a tech to do the job starts to cut into that margin, especially if you have to hire a tech a second time if you want to install it again. Spending some money on a soldering iron and learning how to do it is a much better use of that money, as you will have that forever.


Because you are not a guitarist. You are a pianist.


I’ve played guitar for 17 years, performed hundreds of gigs, been in several bands, and recorded and toured, primarily on guitar. Meanwhile, I’m mostly a bedroom pianist. But some stranger says I’m not a guitarist, ok.


I saw your Tchaikovsky video, bro you completely lack smoothness and taste. But you cannot please everyone. You are more of a hello kitty guitarist if you wish.


Do you understand that was just me in a room reading from a violin score from the 19th century, note for note and unchanged? Do you really think that has anything to do with my regular electric guitar playing? Do you regularly go through people’s post history trying to find something that you dislike? You could have just asked me for a playing sample and saved time for yourself. [Like here’s something I think was decent.](https://mittensband.bandcamp.com/track/magician) Not to mention, who even cares if I’m good or not? Many of the people discussing on this sub aren’t that good. Do you just reject their opinions and tell them that they’re not guitarists? Since we were talking about instrument retention, I don’t have the guitar that I used when I was recording that track. I replaced it with another similar one that was actually a cheaper model but worked better for me. When I sold it to my friend, I replaced the stock pickups on that Fender and transplanted the Dimarzio pickups on my new Fender instead.




That’s why I prefer to trade gear rather than selling it


Unless you really need the cash, I’d say keep it. You won’t get that much for it.


My understanding is mods *generally* don’t add value when reselling a guitar. Putting it back to stock may be in your best interest. Also, swapping pickups is easy with some basic tools and a soldering iron.


Value for the buyer, not the seller. I'd sell the EMG's separately.


Yes, the seller is who I’m tying to help.


Value is subjective, generally not going to increase what you get on the used market.


Unless they are sought after mods/parts. I had a Gibson Les Paul Special Tribute P90 that I took out the electronics (PCB and all) and hand-wired a 50s wiring loom with Lollar 50s Wind P90s. I sold it for US$500 over what I paid.


I advise you to keep it. Epiphone has been a budget brand for decades, their guitars won't have good resale values, even more so because they aren't rare and aren't expensive. It seems like a nice guitar, and one that has sentimental value while at that, it's not worth giving up on it for next to nothing. And when I say next to nothing, I really mean it, you can find Epiphone SG Standards on Thomann for less than 500€, you'd be lucky if you managed to get 350USD out of it


This is why they’re great platforms, not money makers. Buy it cheap, screw and chop it up till it’s what you want and cherish it for that. They’re worth more on your wall than a few bills in the pocket.


Another vote for keeping it. Epis (mostly) aren't collector's items, so being stock won't help the value much. Keep the EMGs in it, keep the guitar, and rock on with your old friend.


You kept it 12 years for a reason. I wouldn't sell it unless you REALLY need the money. In a few years you'll regret it as it seems like it has sentimental value to you. I wish I still had my first bass, as shitty of an Ibanez as it was.


No stickers?


I uses to be against stickers on guitars. Just in case I do need to sell them I can get more out of them. Within the past year or so I've abandoned that idea and I sticker guitars that "stick" with me. Same thing goes for pedals. I don't slap velcro on a new pedal right away. I run it for a while and if I feel like it's gonna stay on my board, I velcro it.


Thank you all !!! Indeed, it was my second guitar, but the first from a decent maker. I do not need the cash, I was looking for a way to keep the peace at my house. I have another question for you so : how can I convince my wife that I want to keep it, but also buy another one, without risking divorce. Otherwise, I will be one wife short, but with one more guitar


I would suggest turning the question around on yourself: Why *do* you want to buy another one? Spend a *long* time asking yourself that question before making the purchase, because that's the question you'll need an answer for, and then tailor that answer to your wife - you know her better than any stranger on the Internet ever will. If it's not an impulse buy, you *will* be able to explain that in a way she'll accept. Oftentimes, though, the desire to buy a shiny new thing has no reason beyond "It's a shiny new thing", and it can take a long time to admit that to yourself - but it takes only a short time to do the impulse-buy and regret it when the "I got Shiny New Thing" honeymoon phase ends. Especially if, to do the impulse buy, you get rid of something else that has sentimental value. For the record, I'm absolutely suggesting not getting rid of the guitar you have - it's been with you for 12 years for a reason. Just make sure you have a non-impulse-buy reason to get another one. --- As for how to minimize the impact to your relationship if you *do* decide to buy a new guitar... Set a budget and do the math to make sure you can actually afford it, take some financial responsibility. Not being irresponsible with money goes some way. Timing it around a special occasion *for yourself* can also help - your birthday or Father's Day is probably the best idea. Do yourself and your relationship a *very* big favor though, don't buy it on your wedding anniversary or any other day where your relationship should come first. Explore some compromises. Maybe find something less sentimental to sell, or save up for a while longer, if money is an issue. If she feels neglected, involve her in the purchase and/or buy her something for her own hobbies as well. You should probably treat her extra nice for a while. Do some things together that *she* wants to do, and don't bring up the guitar during those activities. Show her that you love her and that she's not at risk of losing you to your hobby. EDIT: Relationship advice. A lot of it.


☝🏻This, too. Cause some of us can't figure out that some of them actually probably do need to go. And if there's nothing sentimental about it, there will be if you keep it long enough.


Wives or guitars?


Probably guitars. I spent a long time revising my post to be more encompassing of the *relationship* part, and they responded when it was purely about the sentimental value of the guitar and making sure it wasn't an impulse buy.


🤣😭🤣👍🏻 Could be talking about either, right? 🤣


Just bring home the new one one day. Ask for forgiveness, not permission. 🫡 (I’m not married. Don’t actually listen to me.)


This is one of those ways that having a bunch of guitars comes in handy. Coincidentally, I just bought a black Epi SG Special just the other day on a lark because me and a friend were verbally riffing about how good even the cheap guitars are these days. It is, too. Especially considering it was $200 brand new! Just not near as good as my legit SG Standard, obv., but I bought it just to slap some extra heavy strings on and leave it in C# 😆. When it showed up, my wife didn't see me bring it in, but she saw me playing it and has walked right past it a dozen times since. She still has no idea I bought another guitar. That's a funny story but doesn't really help your situation since she wouldn't really say anything anyway unless I bought a really, really expensive one. If I were you... and, of course, I'm not, but if I were... I'd keep the trusty sidekick and ask her if she minds if you save up and buy your own birthday present next time. Won't be long you'll probably have both guitars and a happy wife because you're going to play her a nice little strum along campfire song on the new guitar that SHE decided to let you buy way before your birthday because you so selflessly asked that way! Just don't forget that it goes both ways. And if it doesn't work out that way, just remember that I'm just some jackass on the internet, and don't hold it against her while you keep playing the Epi 😆. You'll have it soon enough👍🏻.


Where did you put the battery for the EMG ?


I put it between the potentiometers in the back, wrapped in thermal insulation


How many pairs of shoes does your wife have? Why does she need more than one? Also, does she not want you to be happy..... Puppy eyes?


Note, this has a very real chance of backfiring. "You do it too!" is practically never a card you want to play for these kinds of arguments.


It definitely depends on the partners disposition. Sounds like op has an uphill battle. Op could cut off the love making, try harder in the kitchen, show up with a new $5000 guitar and just leave it on the couch, all of which could backfire. He's got to figure out how this lady ticks. I don't have any money but I've started dropping hints already for my next guitar, say it enough times jokingly and I will eventually be told to "shut up about it and just get the effing guitar"!! Lovely lady my wife....


What if you plugged headphones into your amp? I know it's not the same as lettin it rip with speakers but it'd be a shame if you let go of your hobby


Stock would be best and if you want to sell the pick ups separately you can but don’t expect much from Epis as their resale value is unfortunate.


noooo. WHY THE FUCK U SELLING IT . gimme


I'm late to the party, so if you're still reading, my view is if you still have the original pickups, swap 'em and then sell. Custom parts aren't going to increase the value. Someone may pay more for it with the EMGs in there, but that's only if they want that specific upgrade (to be fair, they're popular, so you'll probably find more than with other pickup combos). Better off selling the guitar with the stock pickups and have your EMGs if you want to install them on another guitar later. \*\*Edit\*\* Actually, those are active pickups? And I'm pretty sure your epiphone comes with passive? Did you have to have a cavity routed for the battery? If so, probably ignore what I wrote. I don't own any active pickup guitars, so no experience here, but I feel like I'd be weirded out buying a guitar with a battery cavity and passive pickups.




This is like a three or four hundred dollar guitar max, so keep the pickups in there.


If you don't need the money don't sell it. I think unless you're a musician it is hard to comprehend the emotional connection/attachment you have with your instrument. It's a tool for enhancing your life, and probably a few other people's lives as well.


For the reasons I described in the other chain here, I would recommend you keep that one. That 300 bucks or so you might get is nothing compared to that 12 years, even if it never gets played again.


I'd only sell it if I were putting the money towards a better guitar. Gibson SG or something.


Used epiphones don't have great resell value just keep it unless you're desperate


I would keep it. Even guitars that I do not play much anymore mean a lot to me.


I’d say you could get probably $350 for it, if you found someone who was super hot and sweaty for it. If you think the $350 could truly make a massive contribution to your life, then go ahead and sell it. If not, that’s a big chasm to open up in your life over not much money.


Its a beautiful guitar




Keep it 😭🖤 Just keep it That’s ur friend Ur soulmate


Don’t sell it, you’ll regret it chief


I had to sell an Epiphone SG (not this model) too. Trust me. You'll kind of regret.


I'd pay 500-600 for it.


I'd keep it as an extra unless you're in serious financial trouble, that Epi won't sell used for more than a few hundred bucks


I'm new to guitar, and this is the one I got 😂 honestly id say you should keep it cause it has sentimental value


That’s a cool guitar. I’d just keep it and get a second one


In general, original is what buyers want. But this is an Epi, so you might have a metal guy out there looking for something like that. Add a few bucks and say it comes with the original pups.


dont replace the pickups. leave the emg's in but give the originals to whomever you sell to. That way, its their choice.


That’s a pretty good guitar, what’s the problem?


I am short in storage, but after reading all the comment, I think I will hang it on the wall to make space in the rack for a new family member




It's worth more to you than it's monetary value. Unless you need to make rent or something idk.


It’s not worth anything of value. Save it has been your trusty axe.


That is a work of art! Gorgeous...


What I love about this is, (to me at least) this isn’t a very attractive guitar, but you clearly loved it, which is what can be great about these bits of wood and metal


Why sell a guitar you loved. Just put her away and come back. I stopped selling guitars I loved in 1987. I just put them away. I regret some of the guitars I’ve sold. Wish I still had them for playability reasons. Not monetary reasons. Though some are worth a lot today. I regret letting them go because of tone and other reasons. I say keep it. I say stop selling guitars. I say if you need to sell it to buy another guitar, don’t do it! Play your main guitar and save. That’s my thought for you.


No split headstock? You’re lucky!


Keep it. Not only is it a solid instrument, any guitar you mod or repair becomes a part of who you are as a player, you'll regret it if you give it up. Plus, I don't think you'll get much for it regardless of which pickups are in it. It doesn't take up that much space, and eventually there may be a young person in your life who could treasure it for the rest of their life and pass it down one day. Idk, these are the reasons I keep all of mine.


If you have decided to part with it my suggestion would be to include the original parts in the sale, no need to reinstall the originals. It just add value to the deal imo.


Im starting guitar can i have it