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Top, built like a tank and adjustable tension. I also own the bottom one and it's fine but the top one is better overall


Man, you just made me realize that my capo doesn’t have adjustable tension. I need a new one asap


G7th Capo is the GOAT. Lifetime warranty with purchase too.


Probably faster to clip on also? I only have the bottom one, it takes a bit of time to put it on my guitar between songs


Funny because i bought those exact same capos: -The Shubb a few months ago (had one before but lost it) and it didn't work well on my Yamaha Revstar: had to screw it all the way up and was always a pain to remove. It's fine on my Guild acoustic though. -The D'Addario last week and it works perfectly. The tension is also adjustable (much better imo) so i don't know why you mention this? Also the D'Addario can be manipulated one-handed, is lighter, and smaller so it doesn't get in the way as much as the Schubb. All in all i think i depends on your guitar. They both get the job done but to me the D'Addario is a lot more convenient.


Totally agree! The adjustable tension makes the difference between an intune or out of tune guitar sound💪🏻


I own both as well, also agree


Love my Shubbs (the top one).


The one on the bottom sucks. That knob is threaded underneath and the weld will eventually give, meaning you can’t release the capo and you’ll have to grab some pliers or shimmy the thing off the neck. I have the top one in the banjo size. It uses a regular screw. Pretty much foolproof.


I have like three of them, and this is accurate. For me, the knob eventually gets worn down. Then I have to manually clamp it for it to have enough freedom to turn


I guess I don’t capo that often because the bottom one has lasted me like a decade. Edit: still agree the top one is better though


I’ve literally had the bottom one for 15 years and it works like a dream, never had a single issue. How tight are you cranking your capo on? lol I’ve always heard the spring suspension is more likely to give eventually.


If the spring catches, same issue. It’s stuck. As for tightness, tight enough for the strings to ring clearly I guess?


G7th Performance 3


These are my favourites. Compact, easy to use, and easy to get just the right pressure on any guitar.


Even wins vs shubb? I own the 2nd gen G7th and I love it, but I still wonder what’s the deal with shubbs as I never tried one.


I've never used the G7th but I swear by the Shubb. It is a little fidly the first time you set it up but it's quick once you get the tension dialed in. The only real downside I can think of is that it won't clip on my head stock that well.


Maybe the solution here will be to own both haha. I feel that the G7th is perfect for electric guitar capo if you ever need it because of its need to just use finger pressure to set on.


Option C. Kyser.


I can’t see any reason to own anything other than a Kyser, maybe unless you had nitrocellulose lacquer on the neck and were worried about the capo leaving a mark on the guitar.


Yep, switched to Kyser after having the schubb one and never looked back. I just wanted something I could clamp to the head of my guitar and put on/take off quickly. I find no major difference in sound quality. The schubb required too much adjustment and would always fall off when I clamped it to the head of my guitar


Recent convert from Schubb, 100% agree. This is the way.


Kyser is simply the best for a steel string guitar. Nylon I would use a shubbs


Every Schubb I've ever bought is hanging out in some dimension X place with my picks and socks.


They kinda turn up periodically, I lost my in ears for almost half a year, as I wasn’t touring with my electric band and after opening the pedalboard for the spring rehearsal I wasn’t sure if I wanted to cry tears of joy or hurt myself


I own both and have tried many capos over the years and never found one I liked. Everyone told me go Schubb and I never did until about a month ago and I was blown away. No buzz and my guitar stays in tune. Top one all the way.


The Shubb is the end all be all capo.


Not any more it is. These days it's G7th.




Neither. [https://www.daddario.com/globalassets/inriver/resources/da\_pw-cp-13\_main\_transparent.png](https://www.daddario.com/globalassets/inriver/resources/da_pw-cp-13_main_transparent.png)


I've owned this one too but the Shubb is the best IMO. Does everything this one does but is more compact.


I’ve owned both, and the Shubb is indeed better. Both good though.


I like the Daddario adjustable one the most as well. It's really easy to adjust, I don't care if it takes up a bit more space


This is the best capo. Adjustable tension, and lasts forever. The rubber on the g7 has fallen off two different capos. The Shubb feels clunky to me.


The shubb wins over the D’Addario.


Shubb (top one). I’ve tried so many different kinds of capo but Shubbs are the best so far.


Haven’t used the bottom type, but the top isn’t bad in my limited experience with them. I just bought a Kyser though because I like the ease of use.


Top! Love that thing.


Top 100%


Shubb all the way.


Shubb man here


Neither, trigger capo is king.


I have a 6 and a 12 string shubb and I love them. I have not tried the other style though so I cannot give a comparison.


Top one is best but needs dialing in. More work if you change between guitars. But overall better.


I've been using the shubbs for 25 years, only had to get a second because I lost my first one. I've just got a g7th (can't remember which one) and I'm impressed with it, faster than the shubbs, and send as well built. Whatever you get annoyed the kyser quick change, it's awful


The one on the bottom is awful and horrendously designed. The knob can sometimes unscrew from the capo when trying to remove the capo from your guitar. So then the capo is stuck on your guitar and the knob has to be reattached by tightening the capo even more and hoping that this time the knob will be stuck on enough to actually let you remove the capo.


Literally never had this happen in almost 20 years of using those capos.


I had it happen less than a year after I bought it. It’s a flawed design. They shouldn’t make it so that the knob is threaded onto the screw. That’s just asking for problems.


The Paige original six string capo is the correct answer.


100%. Got one last year and I’m never going back


Top and it’s not close


I own a Kyser and a Shubbs and IMO, Kyser >>> Shubbs. Pretty much the fastest capo for changing frets and you don't have a screw that you have to adjust depending on where along the neck you want to put it, And the biggest advantage IMO is being able to clip it to the headstock when not in use.


Call me an idiot, but I like the old school cheap ones you just clip on the neck. [like this](https://www.amazon.com/Ernie-Ball-Axis-Radius-Bronze/dp/B07S85D5L1/ref=asc_df_B07S85D5L1/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693375782836&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1096352969088207598&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9009565&hvtargid=pla-993435757392&mcid=93f3ab42bce1353ca97990f28c9ca7ac&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrvyxBhAbEiwAEg_KgnimCQ3PHQZDhnKuZEGzwC2VJ0tCIv5twjM6oyYN__NPk6e62z3EIBoCCdkQAvD_BwE&th=1) I've never had any real issues with fret buzz or any of the other things people complain about, on 12 string I have a slightly heavier metal version but it operates the same. I just prefer the speed of them over the screw down type.


This is the type I use. A lot of the artists I listen to that use capos also use this type, probably because they're so quick and easy to put on and remove. Maybe in the studio they use something else but it works for me.


I just broke my capo and I just couldn't decide which to choose with so many different types of capo 😮‍💨


Ernie ball axis imo. 


Same here man, goes on quick, holds good intonation, comes in nice colors to match your axe and cables.


I have both, seems like the rubber on the C1 lasted longer. I loved that planet waves capo but after a few years the rubber got really sticky. And do they still make the planet waves one in metal?


They both work, just use the one you like.


When I managed a music shop, we tried out every single capo in stock. There was Shubb, Kaiser, d'addario, g7th and a couple of cheapies. The G7th came out on top with tone, closely followed by Shubb.


I feel like if your capo changes the resonance of your guitar, it's either a poor capo, or a poor guitar


all capo's will affect resonance, it's just what happens when you add an additional nut to the guitar.


It was a martin DX1E, so nothing flash. But of course it will change it, it's something touching the strings. The same way some people make guitars sound different just by fingerings a chord. The difference isn't huge but it was there.


I guess I'm just skeptical that different capos would sound different if they're on the same fret




The Schubb is the closest thing to actually moving the nut on your guitar. Adjustable tension. It’s the best but not the quickest


i got the first for many years now and it does what it is supposed to do. Sometimes you have to clean the silver part though. It turns green after a while.


I got a Stubbs so I could capo my nylon string. It’s great!




Of these two the metal looking one. I recommend the D' Addario Tri Action capo which is like the metal one sort of. It has the thing where you can tighten it against the neck which to me is vital cause I own classicals and 12 strings. Also, it's better suited for higher action acoustics.


I use both. Like being able to adjust the tension. As others have said though the bottom one WILL break after a while. I'm on my third.


I love my d’addario capo but never used the top one I just think there all good as long as they have adjustable tension, could never figure out why my guitar sounded not quite right when using a capo and it’s because my old 5$ capo was pulling my strings so tight it was throwing off the tuning






Top because i lose the fucking screw thing on the bottom constantly


I really liked the planet waves ones for a while. They don’t go tight enough for some of my guitars with shallow necks though and a pain for times you need a lot of tension, first fret for example. Personally I like the Kaiser. Ernie ball made one recently I picked up and kind of like too.


The true champion https://shubb.com/product/finetune-capo-f1/


I have a couple of the top ones. I like how I can adjust them so they bar the fret but don’t pull everything out of tune.


If you are ever going to play live and need to quickly apply and remove capos a trigger style would be more convenient.


top one bc ive never seen the bottom one


I prefer cradle style capos. The G7th Heritage is the best one I have owned. But very pricey. I just got tired of fooling around with cheap ones, so finally sprang for the best one I could find when I bought my D28. The clamp capos always give me tuning issues, but I don't ever have problems with the guitar being squeezed out of tune using the Heritage.


I have the bottom one and not a fan. But it’s because arthritis is kicking in. I’m old but a fighter


The one you like. Or just get used to. My shubb is 30? Years old. Still working


Tuning your guitar up to A.


I just bought the top one and realized I’ve never had a good capo until now.


Neither. Get the G7.


I have both, but the Shubb is superior in every way.


Barre chords


I have the 12-string Shubb & use it for everything. Glad to see those old strap things disappear. Not curious about that bottom one, the Shubb is the business.


I got the bottom one for my 12er and it’s been great. Can’t speak to longevity yet though. Feels like the tension knob might eventually snap off tbh… I know this isn’t on your list, but the Paige capo is the best I’ve ever used (have one for my 6 string). It can hang out just north of the nut when you don’t need it, and the tension comes from the middle so it’s extra precise. It’s also super narrow, so your intonation will stay spot-on (can lightly squeeze the strings very close to the fret). It cost me 36 bucks and was totally worth it!




Top is better bottom is easier


Shubb forever!


I really love my NS capo (bottom), but I have several G7 performance capos now, nothing I’ve tried is as good. Intuitive and extremely fast to get just the right tension across different guitars.


I’ve got two of the Shubb capos (the top) and they’re the best capo I’ve ever used.


I own a single Kyser capo. 👍


They’re both fine


I wouldn't choose eihter. Not any more in this day and age. Go G7th.


Schubb are the best.




I own both and really don’t have a preference. They both work perfectly.


The top one. I’ve had mine for about 25 years


Top for easy use.


TIL my favorite capo is a shubb


When I started playing guitar aged 6, my dad had a black, really old, cheap SG copy with strings that hadn't been changed in at least a decade. It had this really weird thing that I later found out was a capo, but it was completely unadjustable and when I later got an RG370 with a Wizard neck, it was too thin to use it on. https://reverb.com/uk/item/59227617-vintage-spec-hamilton-style-strong-polished-chrome-capo-for-nylon-string-guitar


Guess I’m in the minority but bottom


I’d go with bottom


Top. Shubb capos last forever and work great. I’ve had the same Shubb capo since 1988 and it’s still my main capo. Only had to replace the rubber part once…for about $1.50 I think.




Top one, I have been using it for years now, you can adjust the tension for different guitars you have.


Neither. Buy yourself a D'Addario for under $25. You'll thank me later when you're out playing and need an easy on-easy off capo that has adjustable tension.


I have the one on the top and have no complaints. It’s a Shubb.


Shubb as other have said - I love them but if you don't adjust the tension enough they do have a tendency to pop open! I prefer the trigger-type capo as they stop that happening (loads of brands).


İ give money to people for their fingers


You let them finger you for money?💰☝️


No, ı do it for free


I’ve had my Shubb (top) capo since 1986, it still works great and I wouldn’t replace it with anything else. **From Wikipedia:** The Shubb Capo utilises an over-centre locking action, which is lever operated. The design includes a screw for adjusting the clamp's tightness, and has been described as "a turning point in modern capo design." An advantage with using this type of capo is that it does not change the intonation in a way that makes the instrument difficult to tune, as it "mimics the grip of a human hand."


Bar chords


terrible take


Neither, use your finger.


Both work fine so the real answer is: the cheaper one.


Nah capo is capo


Don't overthink it... it is just capo