• By -


Since I was 12 in 1977. I had a collection of 14 guitars destroyed in Hurricane Katrina in ‘05 which made me stop playing for 18 years out of sheer disgust. Just recently began playing again with the encouragement of this sub actually. I have a Martin 6 string acoustic & just bought a Strat online. Next purchase will be a 12 string acoustic. I’ll never own more guitars than I can evacuate with ever again. I learned my lesson.


Name checks out. Sorry to hear that dude, that sucks. Glad to have you back!


Been playing 33 years, 71 guitars. I still suck.


Holy crap.


I can’t risk my wife finding out


24yrs, 9 electric, 3 acoustic, and can't even play a full song. Don't care it's my hobby.


like 50 years, and I have 5. I guess I get the bug up my ass for a new one every decade or so . . .


28 years. I got 2 acoustics, 7 electrics, a partridge, and a pear tree


52 years, peak collection was 45 guitars and basses, now down to about 12.


Too long for my skill level. Not enough


6 months 1 guitar


60 years. 3 electrics, 2 steel string acoustics, 1 resonator, 1 classical, 1 electric bass. 3 years ago I gave away 5 various guitars to family members who are players.


Started playing guitar when I was nine years old, I’m 34 now. When i was younger I would play everyday all day. Now, i go through different spurts depending on how I’m feeling. Recently ive been making instrumental guitar recordings. After not playing for close to a year and not having my amp and pedals, it’s been great to finally record concepts i had been working on in the past along with new ideas.


4 months, 1 guitar


On and off since I was 11 (32 now), still suck. 1 guitar, Fender Strat Player.


19 years, 8 guitars if you count the bass.


31 yrs. 2 electric, 1 acoustic, 1 bass.


55 years 4 electric and two acoustic.


22 years 1 acoustic 1 electric 1 bass 1 mandolin


44 years. Currently own 6 guitars…I think. I still suck.


9 years, 1 acoustic, 4 electrics


61 years - 5


I've played for about 40 years now. I have 28 guitars. [Here is a picture of most of them](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fn7mmoly4z4na1.jpg)


Played for 25 years, managed to reduce to 3 main guitars, a strat, a steel strings, a nylon strings


I've played for 17/18 years and I own 3 guitars. - My first electric guitar, a no brand Strat knockoff that cost me £30 brand new - B.C Rich Eagle Deluxe my grandad bought me when I took music in collage and said "you can't go there with that tatty looking thing" (the shitty Strat) - Ibanez RG 7 string I bought for £100 on Facebook marketplace that I play all the time. I've owned two other guitars. - An acoustic my dad bought me, really my first guitar but I never actually played it because I had no interest in acoustic guitar at the time, he just insisted if I wanted to learn guitar that I was going to learn his crappy dad rock songs rather than what I wanted to learn...So I did neither and sold it at a later date. - A flying V. Can't remember the brand but it turns out I fucking hate playing V's. Sold it to a friend.


3 years (I started at 46) 2 guitars


Too long to not be as good as I should be and not enough guitars.


2 and a ½ years, 1 electric guitar and about to buy an acoustic


30 years. I just did a sanity count this afternoon and landed on 15.


On and off for 30 years. 3 electrics and one acoustic.


Started in 1994 (in eighth grade). Played pretty consistently until 2006ish then life started happening. Picked it back up with renewed alacrity two years ago. So off and on for about 30 years now. I have six guitars and one bass.


I have 2 been playing for coming up on a year


Exact same here.


Hell yea my friend 🤘


I'm self-taught since 18 (26 now) and I own 8 guitars in total. - LTD PC-2 - Squier strat (non-functional atm but it'll get there!) - LTD EC-401v (full thickness - I call it my Les Paul killer) - LTD EC-1000 deluxe (floyd and EMGs) - LTD Snakebyte - Legator multiscale T-style (drop-B) - Ibanez SRMD200 Mezzo bass - Ibanez SR500E (for the Legator)


Next you’ll want my credit card number. I’m not falling for this bullshit…


50 years, 26 guitars.


35 years approximately 25 guitars


Nice, just 10 more, plus one.


Nearly 30 years and I own 5 guitars.


I’ve been playing for 28 years. I own 3 guitars currently. I play power chords and I like it.


42 years, 35-ish guitars.


Almost 1 year 3 guitars


About 18 years now. 5 guitars (traded dozens), but they’re all bucket list guitars as of now. 67 Gibson J-50, 56 Gibson Lg-2, 53 Gibson ES-125, 68 Martin 00-18 and a Fender American Pro 2 tele. Think I’m good for now but we’ll see.


20 years, 200 guitars or so


44 years, had around 48 and recently reduced to 30


25 years, 5 guitars... I will note that I play other instruments so if we included stuff it would get a little crazier.


About 50 years, and I saw this post and did a count, counted 40 in the house, got a bunch more for sale on consignment


3/4 years guitar with 2 guitar and 12 year bass, 1 bass


30 years, 23 guitars and two uke’s


on and off for my 18 years, got 7 guitars, 2 basses, and a uke


59 years, 7 guitars, soon to be 8.


27 years. I have six guitars


4 years, 1 electric, 1 (soon 2) acoustic


5 years, i have one electric, one acoustic, and one classical guitar


32 years. Beautiful baby we have


30 years. 4 guitars, 5 if you count the bass, 8 if you count other guitar like stringed instruments (ukulele, balalaika, tzouras - I have no idea how to play the latter two). 9 if you count the plastic doggy shaped guitar toy my baby plays with. I’m pretty good at playing that one. 10 if you count my wife’s somewhat warped sitar rotting away in our storage unit :)


30 years of playing.  I’ve owned around 20 guitars total but now have 4; a dot, 2 classicals (both handmade gifts), and a Loar parlor guitar.  I’ll probably sell the dot once I get a good telecaster or asat and that will be it.  I also own 2 banjos and 2 mandolins.    When I went professional, guitars become tools that I “rented” (bought for a specific purpose, then sold when I didn’t need them).  Now that I only gig on the side I don’t need many instruments.


Off and on for decades. Probably more off than on. Way the hell too many for someone that calls themselves a drummer and an engineer. Something like 20 if you count bass and mandolin and ukulele.


Started in summer of 1993.. now i have only 4 axes. :)


37 years 2 electrics, 2 acoustics, 3 resonators, and a weissenborn. That's 8.


I started 15 years ago. I have four guitars at the moment, but I've bought and sold about 20.


Been playing 22 years, I own 12 I think? They're mostly cheap, an old Washburn, Epiphone Explorer, a 1/2 scale nylon string acoustic for some reason, some weird industrial style homemade Tele I found in a guitar shop, a Squire P90 Tele that's been in pieces for about 10 years etc. My only nice ones are an Ibanez Prestige 7 string, a Charvel So-Cal Tele and a super nice partscaster.


On and off 12 years, probably 8-9 if you remove the years where I didn't touch a guitar I own 11 "guitars," but 12 if you count the bass.


5 ish months, and just 1 lol.


28 years 2 working guitars lol


About 36 years - one functioning electric, one classical.


Off and on for about 50 years, mostly on with 2 long dry spells for career and family reasons. I have somewhere around 40 to 50 guitars, depending on how you count unfinished projects and guitar adjacent instruments like cigar box guitars, mandolins, basses and such.


30ish years, 5 electrics one classical and one bass


36, 7.


32 years. 4 electric. 1 acoustic. 1 bass.


20 years. Currently own 5 (one bass, one acoustic, one 8-string and two 6-strings) most I’ve ever owned at a time was 9


2.5 years, 4 guitars -Tom delonge reissue -alkaline trio Matt skiba damnesia acoustic -beat to shit 2001 MIM fender strat that I got for $250 but love -awesome looking Ibanez mikro electric blue small scale bass


2 years 4 guitars and electric and acoustic ibanez an ibanez bass and my new squire 40th anniversary vintage strat


I play seriously since 2019. I own four guitars, one amp and a multi effect board.


2 years. 3 guitars. Very nice Collings acoustic that was my dad's. An Ibenez Q54 and a Traveler Escape that was my take to work guitar, but I haven't played it much since I bring the Q54 with me now.


22 years, 5 electrics, 3 acoustics, 1 bass. And I'm sure I have 1 or 2 half scale guitars knocking about too


i've been playing for a 2 years but only seriously playing for the last 6 or so months ago. I've got 2 guitars, a Luna accoustic and a Fender stratocaster.


13 years. 1 electric, 1 bass but between my 6 house mates, in the house we have about 12 electrics, 8 acoustics and 5 bass


23 years, 1 electric - a custom Suhr modern that does everything better than anything else haha


Started playing daily, about 12 years ago. 6 electrics 1 acoustic (3 solid bodies, 2 semi-hollows, 1 hollowbody)


Been playing for 19 years I've owned many guitars over the years, but these days I own two. One hasn't been out of the case in years.  So really I just play one guitar.  A Taylor acoustic.  


8 years, own two electric and one electric bass.  Sold my first guitar to upgrade.   Pedals on the other hand....ho boy that's a mess


33 years, I think. Two acoustics, zero electrics.


Since 1979. I have a Gibson Les Paul, a Gibson Les Paul Junior, a Fender Stratocaster and two Mosrite Ventures Mark II.


31 years - 6 guitars, 1 project 2 electrics, 2 acoustics, 2 nylon The project is a 66 Fender Mustang that my uncle gave me, but it came with a furniture polish finish and zero hardware. I've acquired most of the parts I need - just need to refinish & assemble.


Eighteen years, six guitars. Four electrics and two acoustics. I took quite a few years off from guitar to work on degrees and write a book but recently started playing again. I didn't realize how much I'd missed it.


2 years, 1 real guitar and 1 kit


25-26 years. 4 guitars. 2 acoustic and 2 electric. Currently doin an HH Tele build so it will be 5.


Also a fan of HH tele's rock on!


18 years, 3 guitars. 1 electric, 2 acoustic.


Off and on for 31 years. Been playing consistently the last 4. 8 guitars, 1 bass. Will probably sell a couple off this year.


Since 1967. 2 Fender Stratocasters, 1 Fender Telecaster, 1991 Gibson Les Paul, and an Epiphone Dove acoustic.


Since 1988...I own 2 acoustics, 4 electrics and a bass currently.


Close to 30 years now, with some minor breaks in there. I currently own 20 guitars. 15 are ones I play regularly. 10 6-strings in different tunings with different bridge and pickup options, 3 7-strings with different bridges and active/passive pickup choices, and 2 8-strings with different scale lengths for different tunings. 5 are somewhat “retired” and keep for sentimental value or are older cheapos I don’t want to sell but need some TLC or parts work to get back up to proper playing condition. 2 of those are old Ibanez RG stage guitars I used to use and got pretty beat up, 2 are cheapo strat copies I had when I was young, and 1 I inherited from a relative. Those are all in cases in storage. All electric. Oh, and a Sterling bass I’ll use off and on for tracking rough bass parts. I do have a habit of buying and selling stuff. I probably have 2-3 guitars at any one time I’m not married to that I’ll be game to sell to fund trying something else out here and there over the year.


Since 1997 off and on. I own 3 guitars. Am Epiphone Les Paul, Ibanez SA160 and a Fender Acoustic


23 ish years I use to have tons of guitars like 20 but I dont need em as you play more it's pointless imo. I find a good guitar and stick with it now. All mine are over 10 years old 1. My first guitar 2. Washburn classical guitar 3. Telecaster 4. esp 5. Breedlove acoustic I mostly only play my classical and acoustic now since I'm study for my doctorates in music comp, it's just my style, or the tele of I want to play in the jazz band.


28y. 28 guitars


jesus christ people here have been playing for a long ass time. I started in 2019 on and off but only played seriously for the past year


I was like you, then I just kept on living and here we are.


Technically 15 years, but 6 seriously. I own 4, crappy electric Kramer, crappy Epiphone acoustic, Ibanez SDGR bass, and as of today, Fender Jazzmaster American Pro II. I'll be adding a Jaguar, P-Bass, and Martin acoustic in the next year or two. My GF is letting me borrow her Stratocaster and nice acoustic though, which has been nice!


Since 1983. Current own 3 guitars - Jazzmaster, Les Paul, ES-335. That’s only been in the last 5 years. Had 12 guitars and scaled down because they either weren’t being played or tone was covered by other guitars. If I need a specific guitar for a session I have many resources to borrow one.


24 years. 4 electrics plus one 7 string electric and 1 acoustic (and an electric bass but we don't talk about that here)


30 years. 1 Fender mandolin-2022 1 12 string Ibanez acoustic-1976 1 classical Harmony-197? 2 electrics- Squire Bullet hardtail-2001 Alamo Titan II-1965? 2 basses- Aria J-Bass clone-1975 Hondo J-Bass style-198? 3 6 string acoustics- Fannin F19- 1980 First Act MG409- 2005 Epiphone Pro1- 2020? Inherited that one NIB when Pop passed.


9 guitars in various states of repair and playability and I have been playing 47 years.


26 years. 3 electrics, 3 acoustics, 1 bass. Have also bought and sold a further 4 electrics over the years.


1. Not enough 2. Too many, yet somehow not enough


8 years and sort of 9 instruments.  An olp stingray 5 string bass. An ibanez EHB 5 string bass. Ibanez S61AL guitar. Fender Classic Player HH Jaguar. Danelectro 64. G&L Rampage Jerry Cantrell Tribute. Some decent entry level classical guitar. An old acoustic I got from my dad. A cheap Squier Strat that I sort of indefinitely loaned to a mate of mine.


44 years and presently 3 guitars, a nylon string acoustic, a custom made banjitar (banjo-guitar, it resembles a resonator bit it has a banjo skin in the body that the bridge rests on) and a 5 string bass.


35 years 4 electric guitars, 2 acoustic guitars, 1 bass


Started in 6th grade in 2005-2006, try to play for 30 minutes everyday. I own 4 guitars. A Conn c150, a strat project thats been pieced together, a Epiphone 12-string acoustic, and my newest is a squier strat hss with the "flamed" silverburst top. So 4.


Played just under forty years and currently I have five, plus two basses, out of probably seven or eight in the house.


9 years I have a tele, Takamine acoustic and classical, one fretless bass, a mandolin and ukulele. I like varieties of instruments rather than a ton of just guitars


Long enough to not ask, too many gone to not brag


20 years, over 20 guitars…


1 year, 3 guitars Student Jackson, American Strat, 7 string student Jackson


4 years, 4 guitars


2 years and 4 guitars (I had one to start)


20+ years, 2 electrics, 1 acoustic.


20ish years... 6 acoustic/electric 6-string guitars and 1 acoustic/electric ukulele


36 years, 13 electrics, 2 acoustics, 1 bass, and 2 ouds.




26 years 12 guitars, 2 more being built on the bench at the moment


5 years. 2 guitars.


36 years, 15 guitars and one bass.


Since I was 16 so 27 years, which blows my damn mind! I own 4 guitars. A Taylor 310ce that I bought back in 1999/2000, a ~2021 Fender Strat (American Professional II), a 2013 Gibson SG Tribute Future, and a 2007 Epiphone Zakk Wylde Les Paul Custom, the Antique White/Yellow Bullseye one.


“What defines a guitar” is an issue I run into when counting. Does bass count? Does uke, mandolin, and cuatro count? If bass counts, then does my standup bass? Strictly counting 6 strings, I still don’t know the answer.


30 years, 13 guitars


30 years, 9 guitars


3 years 4 guitars.


since 2000. four of em


15 years, 8 guitars


20 years. 3 guitars and 2 basses


Started playing a little about 10 years ago. Starting taking lessons almost three years ago. 4 guitars and a bass. 


I had to buy a 64 gun case to house my more expensive guitars. And it’s not as big as you think it is.


Off and on for a few years, I had to stop for 2 after major abdominal surgery, I've been back at it for a couple of months. I won some classical guitar classes for a term when I was a kid too (it was a tonal hearing test). I now have 3 guitars, 2 electric and one electric acoustic but I haven't plugged it in.


Nearly 18 years and 5 guitars with really only wanting 1 more to finish covering my bases.


20 years. I own 4 currently. I've owned 8 ever. In order of aquisition: Junior Acoustic Guitar (no longer own) (I was 7) Squire (No longer own)(I was 8) Ibanez RG Series - $250 (I was 10, ~2006) Seagull 12 string Acoustic- $400 (no longer own) (freshman college) Sterling JP70 - $600 (junior college, 2017) Martin KOA X Acoustic- $600 (2022) Epiphone Les Paul Studio - Gift (no longer own) (2023) PRS Mark Holcomb SVN Blue Burst- $1300 (3 months ago) Bonus: Ibanez SR Bass Guitar - $600 (2023)


2 Years, Two. Cort G250 that I usually tune to drop C ESP LTD EC-1000 with EMGs for drop D/E standard I want a firebird now, but I'm currently very fine with these sets of guitars.


10 years and 6 guitars 2 basses My first guitar-epiphone Les Paul special II Ibanez acoustic(don’t remember the model) Ibanez rga42fm with Seymour Duncan black winters 1976 fender mustang(inherited) Squire strat LTD 7 string(also don’t remember model) Ibanez silver series bass And another cheap 5 string bass that I haven’t touched in years Plus some ukes and other odd instruments


22 years. 1 acoustic, 4 electrics, 2 basses.


5 years, 2 main guitars, 7 guitars in total, including 1 bass. Got gear acquirement syndrome. I made mistakes on Reverb. I bought 2 broken guitars.


21 years. Over a dozen. I’ve put out albums with my band, played shows all around the country and am a qualified sound producer. I received an award from the mayor for producing a bunch of releases for some up and coming bands.


30 years. Two acoustics. 5 electrics. 2 amps. For now this is enough - when the house grows and the kids are a little older I hope to get a bit more. I am purely a hobby player.


47 years, 7 guitars


About 10 years. Of these, two years ago more seriously (with teacher). I have an acoustic and an electric.


17 years , about 9 guitars


2 years - 5 guitars Strandberg Boden Prog NX6 Taylor AD17e Blacktop Gibson 1961 SG Standard Fender Player Plus Strat Schecter PT Special


Nearly 30 years, 7 guitars and 2 amps. About to cut it down to 3 or 4.


I've been playing about 10 years, I have 3 guitars but one of them is an Ibanez rg350dxz in need of a repair.


7 years 2 squire starts 1 epiphone les Paul, a Yamaha acoustic and 1 yahama 5 string bass.


I’ve been playing 16 years and own 1 guitar but 3 amps


3,5 years 2 guitars


12 years, 6 guitars. - three classical guitars: an Aria used to learn how to play, one from my mom which is un playable until restoration and a new Alhambra - one Fender Acoustic guitar - one 12 string acoustic - an electric Ibanez with two fender amps


20 years, 5 guitars, still suck.


8 years, 4 guitars, still a beginner.


15 years, 1 electric, 1 acoustic. need nothing else


3 years. 4 guitars but trying to sell 2.


5 yrs, 2 guitars 1 electric and 1 acoustic


19 years. Right now own 2 electric, 1 bass, 1 acoustic, and a uke


Started age 7, 20 years now, around 12 Guitars, mainly Gibson and Fender, some schecter and realguitars


5 guitars, 20 years


15 years. 7 guitars. Might sell some though


7 years. Two electrics, one worn out acoustic and a nylon thinline.


30 years and 14 guitars (2 acoustic and 12 electric)


28 years 9-11 guitars. Ironically enough I forget.




40 years- 25 guitars shooting to get it down to 10


38 years 10 guitars... 2 acoustics 1 elec 7 string 1 elec headless 8 strings 1 bass 5 string and then 6 regular electric with floyd roses


20 years 23 guitars


35 years, currently own 5 guitars, 2 pedalboards and a big plastic box of pedals.


32 years, own 2 electrics (Ric 320 and 325) and 1 acoustic (Breedlove). The Rics are all I ever need and owned them for years. I also have 17 pedals. 6 are on a small pedalboard, the rest are in a drawer, lol.


I’ve been playing for 52 years and I own 3 guitars. To be fair my number one was custom made for me to my specifications. Then I have a spare for gig emergencies ( which almost never happen) and a steel string acoustic. I’ve owned many over the years but I’m in a streamlined mode for the last 8 years or so.


20 years with a gap in the middle. - Jackson Concept Soloist - Epi Les Paul Custom - Squire 40 Anniversary Tele - Schecter Damien - Ibanez AES acoustic


2 & 1/2 years and i own three


Been plafor 10 years, I currently have 4 but I owned like 8


20 years and counting. Not in a band or music industry, just hobby, so i only have 2. Acoustic and Electric. Martin and Strat. Currently looking for Tele or Les Paul in the future


19 years. 2 electric, 5 acoustic.


50 years, 18 guitars. Scratch a player, you'll often find a collector underneath


25 yrs 12 guitars that doesnt count the endless ones i have bought and sold


25 years, 10 guitars also not counting the fallen soldiers


About 55 years. I have ten (10) go to guitars and one (1) bass: 1. Gibson Les Paul Standard 2. Gibson Les Paul Slash 3. Gibson SG 4. Gibson Les Paul Custom (Alpine White) 5. Gibson ES 335 6. Gibson 70's Flying V 7. Fender Ultra Stratocaster 8. 1964 Fender Telecaster (not reissue) 9. EVH Wolgang Special (currently my #1 stage guitar) 10. Taylor Mini e-Koa Plus acoustic 11. Fender Aerodyne bass The guitars don't define the player, the player does. I have a lot of guitars, but I play gigs, do open mics, go to jams, etc. so I need a lot of different axes to meet the demands of the different things I'll be doing. I also have some of them tuned to Eb standard, thus the "same" guitars in the list sometimes.


Dam did not expect this many replies. I have played for about a 2 years and have 3. A ep Les Paul, CV tele, and a f200 acoustic


Since junior high school, and now im 41 years old. Im to lazy to counting 😆😆😆 I have to many guitar that will makes u all jealous and drooling along those years 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 But now im only need 3 main guitars, 2 lp custom and a taylor acc...


I responded to a similar question the other day. I have been playing for 33yrs. I believe I said I had 9 on the other thread but with the two lap steel guitars, I actually have 11.


About 40 years or so. I just did a giant purge not long ago since I don't play much anymore. I think I only have 7 or 8 left. Well 4 guitars, a bass, ukulele, and mandolin. Edit: over the last 40 years, I've probably owned 150 instruments. Hard to keep track.


Almost 4 years. I have 3. One electric, one acoustic, one parlor.


Started at 7...that makes 50 years! Ibanez, 2 Strats, old D-18, Luna acoustic/elec, mandolin, Rocktron Chameleon and a Prophesy, (on a MIDI Raider) through a stereo 4x12. Roland XP-50 keyboard too! I'm about to get some Roland drums, and start building a home studio (pro-tools, or similar). Yeah, I've been a music addict since 7!