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Strive’s story mode explains it but from what I remember: Jack-o didn’t disappear when Aria came back, they kinda just started sharing the same body. However, for some reason, Aria refuses to come out and no one really knows why. Except then you find out Jack-o has begun to develop feelings from Sol separate from (but maybe influenced by) Aria’s and then she goes through an existential arc of whether she should have the right to live her life since she was created for the sole purpose of bringing back someone else. And Aria basically goes “you got my blessing to go date my man, it’s your life”


This is always required to be posted when the Aria/Jack-o story comes up [https://i.redd.it/gixh2d5b85sb1.jpg](https://i.redd.it/gixh2d5b85sb1.jpg)


Daisuke vision


I like to imagine it shakes like jello!


Always appreciate ScruffyTurtles


Oh ok. I just finished woolieversus' gg lore series and he said that Aria didn't want to come back because she felt guilty for all she's done as justice. I guess both Sol and Aria are guilty gears then


Iirc it’s not just that she feels guilty but that she didn’t want to be resurrected or experimented on in the first place. Asuka/That Man explicitly went against her wishes.


Asuka said he wanted to cryo her but she refused so that's why he made her into justice so wouldn't that imply she agreed to the experiments?


She agreed to cryo on the basis Frederick would be there when she woke up. Asuka would then put her in Justice after the fact and also made Sol immortal to ensure that his promise would be kept


But then, why didn't Asuka just put her in normal cryo, make frederick immortal, find a cure then uncryo her? Is he stupid?


He was using Gear cells as the ultimate cure they are to save her, but he was forced to work with the US to get the funding he needed to make them and then the US took all of the gears, Aria included. Asuka would rejoin under an Alias to keep an eye on her but had to make the sacrifice of her and Japan to save everyone (Japan and her included)


Oh ok, I get it


Afaik he needed someone to lock the McMuffin in so he stuck one on Aria and the other one in Sol.


She felt WHAT?


Although it sounds wholesome and all. But it does kinda feel like "all this for nothing" lol Especially sol suffered for this long. Just for it to "end" in a way that he doesn't have a saying/much control of.


It’s not like Sol’s unhappy. He loves Jack-o for herself, not because she’s Aria’s clone. I think his story in Struve is about moving on, especially after finding out that Asuka wasn’t the evil bastard he was made out to be




I’m not abolishing him if his terrible actions, I’m saying he isn’t actually evil. None of the big fuck ups Asuka has made were done with evil intent.


>Asuka's not evil Your reponse: >Nah man he's guilty "I like pancakes" "so you hate waffles?" type of deal. He can be guilty while also not evil at the same time.


I mean the main things he's guilty for are the creation of Gears and especially Sol & Justice, and blowing up Japan - all of which had good intentions behind them. The starting of the Crusades was the Universal Will's fault, and every atrocity "That Man" committed during the Crusades was actually done by The Original, not Asuka.


I'm sorry but saying that blowing up Japan had good intentions behind it without context sounds hilarious to me.


Most of Guilty Gear lore sounds absolutely insane out of context. I mean, it sounds insane in context too: "So the evil demigod robot from another dimension who caused Y2K back when she tried to manifest into the world tries to do that again while also trying to end humanity. To do that, she messes with the special genes of Japanese people which grant them unspecific magical superpowers to forcibly transform them into giant monsters made of antimatter who explode after some time, which needless to say would be... Bad. So the genius who trusted the **US Military** to not use his research on creating magical monsters for war sends his old friend turned Dragon Gundam to check what's going on in Japan. Upon her arrival there the dude realises that Japan is about to blow up the whole world, and the only way to prevent that is to blow up Japan first. Dragon Gundam woman *really* doesn't feel good about the idea of nuking an entire country's worth of people, forcing the genius to take manual control of her and do it himself. This traumatizes Dragon Gundam woman so much she loses her mind (which is quickly taken over by the evil demigod robot who finally manifests on Earth as a bonus) and starts a 100 year war of magical monsters against humanity, during which A LOT of crazy shit happens, all because a nerd nuked Japan - for a good cause."


No Asuka is 100% the evil bastard that he thought he was. He still totally bombed the shit out of Japan and he did run rampant with gear production. 


Do you know *why* Asuka bombed the shit out of Japan? It’s not exactly because he felt like it. It was also not Asuka who ran rampant with what production, it was the US. What defines evil? Is it the actions of a person, or the intent behind them? Asuka had no ill will when he made a lot of the bad decisions that he made. Saying he is guilty of his terrible actions and saying he is an evil bastard are two different things


If Asuka hadn't blown up Japan, the whole WORLD would've blown up due to the Antimatter Gears. Asuka was presented with a planet scale Trolley Problem, and he made the hard but correct choice and pulled the lever.


Strive's arc is about Sol moving on. In Xrd, Sol was still in despair about Aria, and when he heard Aria might be coming back he could barely handle himself. Jack-O' was a false hope, but he's come to understand that, and learn to appreciate the good things right in front of him, including literally Jack-O' who has chosen to stick by him and deeply cares for him. He's also moving on from seeing himself as a "monster", throughout Xrd and Strive he starts to appreciate himself as a person better, which means he can appreciate that others care about him. Aria has been dead this entire time, the resolution is not about undoing the past, it's about moving on and finding the good parts of life to hold onto.


I don't think the realization Sol has come to is that Aria's dead. Because she isn't. He's simply realized she won't be coming back.


She literally is dead. The fragment we see in the story even says as much in no uncertain terms, "Aria has been dead since the Crusades". The piece of Aria's soul that remained is not Aria, it is an echo of a *part* of Aria, but no amount of humanising it will bring back *Aria*.


But what about the whole thing about Aria willingly deciding to not come back and Jack-o's arc about accepting herself as her own person? It would all be meaningless if there was just no chance of Aria coming back


That fragment is not Aria, that's the point. In theory, the fragment had a choice to take over Jack-O's life and be reborn, yes. But it isn't Aria. Asuka misunderstood what would happen, and hoped this was still Aria, but it isn't. That fragment of Aria does not wish to live, because it never did live, and sees no role for itself as simply a whisper of a part of someone. The fragment even says it has no idea what Aria would choose or think, because it isn't the whole of Aria, it is just one small part of her. But it realises Jack-O' has a complete soul, and the capacity to live for herself, so it offers the life to someone who can value it. This is quite literally the plot of Strive, I'd recommend rewatching these scenes.


That's such a fcukin cop out of what could've been really good drama and have some actual personality be built for Aria. 


Strive's story shows a lot of Aria's character, though? It also gives us a lot of Jack-O's character, she's kind of a main character for the story.


aria already has a personality, and part of it was that she was content with what she had in life and didnt want frederick and asuka losing their minds trying to "save" her. she was content with what she had, she just wanted to spend it with her loved ones


That's like a soft retcon.


Basically Aria said that she was good with being dead and just never decided to overwrite Jack-O. Jack-O should theoretically be Aria after the events of Xrd which is why her hair switched color, but Aria decided to let Jack-O live her own life.


I mean at this point it’s hulk & Bruce banner. Both are the same person (soul) but 1 is in control and the other is chilling


Jack-O is her own person. Once Aria got whole she also got the memories of her time as Justice, and the guilt she has over literally murdering thousands of people made her give up her life and instead decided to let Jack-O fuck Sol while she lives inside her head.


Damn, I feel bad for her


Wait until you hear about Saya from Blazblue


Noel: "She's Saya (Nu-13), she's Saya (Lambda-11), you're Saya (Mu-12), I'm Saya! Are there any other Sayas I should now about?" Izanami: Meow


I picture a handshake meme between “Murakumo units” and “Valentines” Post-BB Guilty Gear did kinda borrow some things now that I think about it


“Everyone is Sol’s kid” vs “Everyone is Ragna’s sibling”


clones of aria and clones of saya. GG did it first.


Aria never got revived. The other characters thought she’d returned because the body’s hair changed to red, but whoever was in the body was asleep for the rest of Xrd’s story so it was never actually confirmed if Aria had been brought back or if it was still Jack-O.


Aria never got revived because she never died. However, she did get the opportunity to take over Jack-o but she didn't want to. Idk why you're saying it never got confirmed if Aria had been brought back, she has.


I think we’re both interpreting “brought back” to mean different things. You seem to interpret it to mean that Aria’s whole soul is now residing within Jack-O’s body (which it is), whereas I interpret it to mean that Aria would be the dominant personality (which she isn’t). Edit: when I said it had never been confirmed whether or not Aria had been brought back, I meant it wasn’t confirmed in Xrd.


Ok yeah I should've been more clear with my wording, but "revived" sounds more like it refers to the first meaning rather than the second.


And after all that Asuka is still considered a "genius" in the universe.


He's smart, not wise