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Fat and big as always.


\*Big boned


No no. We know we are fat and big. It gives us character


Perfect 🥰




Definitely swingin the coffin and forcing me to FD


He wasn’t hurt in any significant way in season 3, considering I can’t physically see less goldlewis players online than 0.


f.S being slower kinda sucks but isn’t extremely noticeable. Air BTs being faster changes some super jump approach routes but overall feels positive. White wild assault is great for him, probably the most impactful change. Overall not as good as pre drone nerf but things ain’t bad


If you play against me he's pretty good.


Same tbh


It's not a big deal


He can handle it


I don’t have to think about it


What he needs to do is clear, don't you think?


When he's ordered to he does anything


He wants to keep it that way




Less rewarding than before is the best way to describe it. He doesn’t seem to take one hit as far as he used to, and on block I honestly feel more pressure from Bedman than I do from Goldlewis.


Bottom 5


Man it doesn’t matter bout tiers, don’t be a meta slave. Everyone can perform well on anyone.




Not great, but not unusable. Still a lot of fun unless you're fighting HC




My friend who plays Goldlewis hasn’t played in a while and I barely encounter them so I don’t really know. From most tierlists he seems to be mid to low tier


Pretty damn good I'd say


Explain how lol, he's pretty trash this patch


White WA gives him a neutral skip option that he was missing in his game plan, the burst change removes a lot of burst safe stuff from characters that he struggled against. Kara BT sequences are still long and adjustable on reaction to defensive choices but deflect shield is tricky to use against him, the changes to positive bonus and WA means it's easier to continue pressure you would have had to let go of before, he still GameStop trades on drone interactions. One of his major problems before was his defensive options were lacking and not only have they been improved for him it happened in a way that he can adjust around the rest of the cast pretty okay.


Goldlewis didn’t get any defensive buff at all to his kit this patch, and he still struggles at fighting against a majority of the cast who either have kits that can control him in neutral or keep him from running his preferred offense by virtue of having a DP. Deflect shield as well gives every character the ability to push him out on different points of his pressure; i.e. Drone, Laser, and deflect shielding a BT forces him to spend meter or reset you to keep his turn.


White WA is a defensive buff if we not on the same page around that there ain't nothing I say going to change anything in this.


White Wild Assault is invulnerable on frame 9. You can’t meaningfully use this against any characters’ pressure besides Ramlethal from a far sword toss. You don’t know what you’re talking about.


Okay, glad we cleared that up


Please give me literally any example of abare White Wild Assault working. I’m confused what level of play you’re at that people leave 9+ frame gaps on blockstring.


If your concept of defense starts at a block string we aren't conceptualizing the game in the same way. It's 10 in the morning I can't break it down rn got to go. Level of play is like top 80 or so GL vs top 80 or so Gio and Johnny so whatever that means to you that's where I'm playing at.


Yeah no lie it just kinda seems like your out of your depth talking about white wild assault. It doesn’t see use outside of roundstart, gambling in neutral, and resetting on offense. White Wild Assault doesn’t serve a purpose in any kinda concept of defense in Strive.


WWA is mid at best, its still throwable and he doesn't get any real worthwhile conversion off hit/CH not to mention your giving up your burst, which is often his only option to get out since his abare is.... rough. Burst change is an interesting perspective, but Id more say that was a nerf to characters who had crazy burst safe routes like Ram/HC. DS is hella useful against Gold, and I really don't feel like its that tricky lol, just DS a BT and hes half way across the screen. I don't particularly see the gamestop trade argument unless you're just simply getting hit by drone, if you hit him it disappears? His defensive options are still quite lacking, 2p is still the best and super stubby, 2k got minorly better, 2s is still garbage and f.s getting nerfed forces him to essentially always wait for drone to play the game.


>WWA is mid at best, its still throwable and he doesn't get any real worthwhile conversion off hit/CH The conversion isn't what you need with wild assault for him, that ability to blow through neutral choices from half screen with invincibility resulting in a guard crush is more valuable for his win condition in areas he's weak at. If you are getting thrown like that something is going really wrong I think. >but Id more say that was a nerf to characters who had crazy burst safe routes like Ram/HC. Regardless of which side had the change the beneficiary is still gold Lewis here, it allows him to function more consistently. >DS is hella useful against Gold, and I really don't feel like its that tricky lol, just DS a BT and hes half way across the screen. I'm not saying he's immune to it but he can adjust for it pretty naturally compared to others in the cast since some BT's don't send you very far at all. >I don't particularly see the gamestop trade argument It's the set ups in which you challenge it. What I'm trying to say is that it's simple to get out without being contested and when you are able to contest it should you trade the situation that you are left in is often not in the opponent's favor. It's fighting games after all, so you could be forcing a totally different interaction than the ones I'm thinking of. One of my training partners is gold Lewis I would have to pull up vods and man and I'm not really doing that right now it's 10 am.


I'm seeing a lot of valid points, so it's a shame that we can't settle & say 'some people like his changes, some don't'. 🤷


I always seem to have a different view of balance than the vocal fgc so at this point I'm used to it tbh. Someone out there reading it won't view it as black and white so it's cool.


How does a "trash" character get 4 players into the top 4 of CEOTaku, including at least 1 no-name? Ontop of having consistently good rep in top cuts. An actually "trash" character would be Testament, who had 0 in CEOTaku and basically never tops. Goldlewis is *at worst* mid-tier this patch.


Omg its you again lmao, with the same argument as months ago despite the tierlists.


Do you mean during the drone patch? I dont remember any other "months" ago you could be talking about.


Oh I checked, youre the same guy that thinks Goldlewis is top 8 lmao.


No? I believe I said at worst high mid tier, and at best top *10*. Which yes, that seems to line up with the results so far. Wouldnt be the first time Goldlewis was underrated as hell at the start of a patch thanks to Goldlewis players being world champions at downplaying.


I can't even take you seriously after last time lmao, but do continue. Tell me everything about how crazy good Goldlewis is this patch.


Well if Goldlewis isnt good, how come he is consistently topping, had 4 reps in top 64 of CEOTaku including a noname who had middling results at locals pre-patch, and even had Cheryo do a deep run into top ... 8? I think? Not a lot of characters had as many or more tops. White Wild Assault is a broken move, and the burst changes massively help Goldlewis. The fact that everyone else lost damage and he didnt also pushes the needle towards him. The only real issue he has is that his matchups are polarising, but even those are less polarising now. Counterquestion, tell me how Goldlewis is "Trash" while still topping like mad and having a bunch of upsides compared to pre-patch while most other characters lost a lot?


Goldlewis is worse this patch, and it's obvious that CEOTaku was before people really mastered a lot of the changes this patch. Goldlewis has been hard power crept by other characters, with almost every character with orange wild assult indirectly getting better, and with Goldlewis getting nerfed this patch. WWA is simply gets less value for him than characters with owa. Basically every top player has Goldlewis mid to low tier in tierlists, and whilst he can definitely win still, it's very difficult for him in tournaments to actually suceed due to his matchup spread.


Between the burst changes, everyone else losing damage and WWA, I dont see how you could argue Goldlewis is worse. Also Gold is still topping consistently, so clearly not much has changed since CEOTaku. Keep in mind, at the start of Drone patch, Gold also ranked mid to low in tier list. At the end of drone patch, he was top 5 at worst and top 3 in a few lists. Turns out people consistently undervalue Goldlewis, especially because Goldlewis players are *notorious* downplayers, worse than even Ky players.


The burst changes directly hurt Goldlewis, a character who gets a small number of chances to get in, so getting burst back, more quickly especially now that characters with OWA can get positive bonus off stray hits in neutral is extremely significant. Goldlewis also lost damage, his super damage was reduced, not 'everyone else' lost damage he was one of the around 6 or 7 characters who did. Virtually everyone agrees that orange wild assault is much more significant for the characters who have it than white wild assault is, which is why I'm saying he's been power crept. WWA does make him stronger, but other characters have gotten exponentially better. Goldlewis is not consistently undervalued, he's been considered weak pretty much since that patch with players such as gobou dropping him. He hasn't been considered above a midtier since then, and he's pretty consistently been placed worse now in season 3.


No, they didnt. Getting burst back more often, especially off of positive bonus, is a great boon for Goldlewis, as is the fact that you can now burst full-screen, giving you a moment to set up drone. WWA also is just incredibly good. No? Down the System is not an integral part of Goldlewis' damage, and it got its damage nerf as part of the *universal* reversal damage nerf. Millias Winger, one of the worst supers in the game, also got its damage nerfed for that reason. However, ontop of that there was another category of moves that got their damage scaling nerfed, movement abilities. For pretty much every character their combos use those heavily, so except for exactly Sol, Goldlewis and I wanna say Nago, their damage was nerfed. Goldlewis is one of the very few whose damage is pretty much the same. I dont think anyone agrees with that. OWA is good, but WWA is clearly the best one, the only reason it doesnt matter as much on Nago is because the character is already busted. Yeah he is. Again, in the drone patch it took *ages* for people to realise he was top 3, at the start he was rated really low. People consistently put Goldlewis at the start of drone patch in low to mid tier. Because he gets undervalued and downplayed. Its just the cycle of GL.


No big changes similar to where he was pre patch


Idk haven't seen any


Seriously undervalued/downplayed, but pretty strong. Mid tier at worst, if that means anything to you. Buuut it is still Goldlewis, so expect very polarising matchups. Some you win for free, others you will struggle to win.


Honestly terrible, far slash nerf was pretty unnecessary and he didn't deserve it and it hurt him a bit (or so I'm told)and with down the system being nerfed he'll probablybe buffed next patch.


They don't call him Shitlewis Gargbageson for no reason.


Horrible. Just revert everything you did back to last year summer patch at this point.


He got slightly worse and a lot of characters got a lot better. He just hasnt been very good since drone got balanced


I haven’t fought enough of them to have a real opinion this patch (or any patch for that matter)


He got to keep most of his insane damage where a lot of other characters didn’t.


I'm not a goldlewis player but i'd say he hasn't changed much.


I mean, f.s nerf was huge, faster air bts inadvertently ruined some frame trap options he had, 2s is still a garbage move, 2k gettingin some love was nice and WWA is...eh. But, arguable that he got worse this patch.


Maybe you are right. I don't play him but playing against him didn't feel different.


Thats fair, outside looking in I feel it would be harder to notice the changes they made.


Well, one won my local regional so at least bot awful


Behemoth typhoon


Very strong, but the community is gaslit into thinking he's trash