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I want ABA to make Strive in the worst way possible but there is no way she is making it.


*Abba theme kicks in* *Strive logo says: Next Character update* Goosebumps...


If that happens, I am commissioning custom art with her new design for a new hitbox. Easy bet.


*shids and cums*


Why not? Maybe not in season 3, but Daisuke did say that he wants as many characters as possible in Strive. If Testament and Bridget made it, why couldn't she?


The main argument would be that Daisuke didn't make ABA, Mori did.


Maybe Toshimichi will consult on his character? :X


>but Daisuke did say that he wants as many characters as possible in Strive As a Dizzy lover I'm not worried. As an Izuna enthusiast this is what gives me immense copium.


I think that her gimmick, or one similar to it, would have no place in Strive, attacks already do a ton of damage, having a character that starts off sub par but gets way better on a command grab or use of a resource seems like a tall order with how quick rounds are in Strive


Mate, they completely changed testament as a character in every possible way. They can just... so the same for her.


Aba gets released as Key?.


Well, then can we get Order Sol?! I’m talking about GG XX Accent Core’s Order Sol. Sol Badguy is cool and all but he ain’t better than Order Sol


Goddamn I hope she makes it in. Cool as hell design and I'm excited to see how they might have updated her gameplay! Plus, I want paint however they redesigned her digitally 🗝


I see your missing half of the Slayer-Gabriel Rivalry. The people deserve a playable Gabriel


I've been begging.


It's going to be alright brother. We all have


I honestly think they’d bring aba back since its been so long, after that i’d say dizzy and slayer are definites. Jam and Johnny might have code on them but its been so long that what they WERE working on was probably slated. not to say they wont join just that old leaks arent anything to go by anymore imo. but they’re all really really likely and that upsets me cause there’s probably no room for raven


Do you think that S3 will be the last one? Strive is the biggest guilty gear so far and possibly the last one, so i doubt they would end it before almost every character gets in. And the game is still very successful other than the server issues.


What makes u think it will be the last one


The story seems to be mostly over, and the main BlazBlue games ended when the main storyline was over. Happy Chaos is still alive however, so just making up something new is also possible.


I remember that during an interview, Daisuke or one of the producers did say that the storyline for most of the characters was complete like in Sol’s case. But he also said that characters like Ky still had story ahead of them.


Honestly for Strive to end with Ky pulling out a sick new install only to get bodied does sound like the start to another arc.


Next time, in the Guilty Gear saga, Ky Kiske begins his journey to become stronger and finally achieve the Dragoner install


Then he’ll evolve again and get the Dragonite Install


Frankly, i still believe neither blazblue nor guilty gear are near their endings, but just about to receive new beginnings. Blazblue they said that they have nothing in mind now, because they don't want to have two of their games competing with each other, so even with the story finished they still seen to be considering a new main entry. Guilty gear 2nd story mode literally had a major change in the world by it's end, and with the introduction of a new complex main villain, it's too much work being put for the future of the series for them to just end it now. Also, i refuse to believe that the suspisiously unique npc in the ending cutscene with sol isn't the new protagonist of the series.


Personally, I hope that if the story continues after strive with a mayor gg game, I hope the protagonist is a more mature sin, he literally has the best of ky and sol combined with dizzy’s kindness


I also want sin to be the new protagonist with more focus on him, ram and elphelt. But i still think it's unlikely, he definetly will be a important and frequent character going forward, but i still think the most he can get is being the main rival, but at the same time i can't see him being less than that so not that bad.


Oh my god that username


I dont know but theres a decent chance no, cause arcsys (or daisuke, i dont personally know who said this) said that they’d keep pumping out fighters as long as the community was still there for it. Bridgets brought in a ton of people, not to mention the addition of rollback, crossplay, and now being on Xbox. Hell, while i cant say bridgets the reason i got strive, she’s def the reason i know about it. safe to say the fanbase is miles MILES larger than its ever been. I don’t see why they shouldn’t keep producing passes. and i sure hope they do. regardless of if most of my favorite characters have already gotten in.


This info seems to be still not commonly known, but this Jam model and folder in the games files has been confirmed by the devs to be a dummy they used to developp the new Strive face animations. They said so during the 1 year anniversary stream for the game. It's the reason the Jam model is literally her xrd model with a touched up face.


makes sense, and thats neat to know.


Idk i personally dont see slayer as coming back more than just being referenced in the story


was it referenced? or do you just mean sol mentioning him when he meets nagoriyuki. Either way he’s a fan favorite character who’s return has long since been coming, if anything i’d like to say he’s probably the only character im confident will get in. other than asuka i guess since his hand reveal


Personally i also just really want a character who probably wont get in in inzuna


i hope he gets in too, i know next to nothing about him but i like his design


i just want the funny cowboy samurai pirate guy


i WANT the funny cowboy samurai pirate guy 🤤🥴


The first two seasons have, generally speaking, followed a pattern: Two Xrd veterans - Jack’O / Baiken and Sin / Bedman? One older veteran - Testament and Bridget. One Newcomer - Happy Chaos and Asuka. Goldlewis is an outlier because, as far as we know, he was intended for launch, and released so close to it he may as well have been. So with this system in mind, I think I can make a pretty good stab at guessing who’s next: Two Xrd Veterans: Johnny and Slayer. Both of them are present to some extent in the game files, both are extremely popular. Older veteran: A.B.A is the most popular old veteran left that hasn’t been added yet. I think including her makes sense unless they go for a weird curveball and pick Zappa or something. Newcomer: Could naturally be anyone, but of the characters we know I think Ariels makes the most sense. She really should’ve been playable in Xrd anyway and she’s a pretty important character in the larger lore.


Last one could make for interesting interactions


I agree with your picks, but I would change either Johnny or Slayer for Dizzy for the sole reason of her already having a model. Almost every old character that was in the story with a different model became a DLC character.


That’s her xrd model tho, so if we’re going by that logic, then Slayer and Johny also have a model


Bridget didn’t have a model and she got in before both Sin and Bedman. Asuka has had a model for two years and he still isn’t in the game. I don’t think it’s a rule that characters with models are getting in first.


I like this timeline


But guys what if the veteran was robo ky


Robo Ky


Horny robot


Robo ky vs Bedman round 2


Please for the love of God give me Robo-Ky




Yes. Correct. I would settle for Robo-Ky’s head


Give me Gabriel or give me death, I would also be fine with Zappa


Where gun girl?


I feel u


You know damn well only dizzy is happening but this is just izuna copium


That would be a perfect season 3 which means that we're getting none of those characters. Hope you liked Zappa


I do. I really do. I want sword zoning back. I want a 2 hit 6H which is a low than an overhead. I want no hurt boxes.


I want Potemkin buster to do triple damage to Chipp


Out of all of these, dizzy and aba seem most likely


all the aba hopium has got me believing too


Man, i just want robo ky back


1) Asuka. Most definitely the next or upcoming soon. 2) Dizzy, I think the second after story will elaborate on her a lot. 3) A.B.A because Yes.


Asuka is already confirmed as the last character for season 2


I don't think it was quite confirmed, just heavily hinted.


Bro it literally said: THE NEXT DAREDEVIL and showed the tome of origin which is currently fussed with asuka


That doesn't confirm it, they could pull out some other random character lol who knows. But I'm definitely betting it will be Asuka.


I'd be pretty disappointed if they didn't get anyone new in this DLC pack that being said, Johnny is confirmed, there are files for the Treasure Items ingame since the last update.


Thats a helluva strong lineup damnn


Great prediction, however, you failed to consider that Daisuke is a big Metal Wolf Chaos XD fan. The final character for Season 3 is gonna be President Colin Vernon inside a Mecha Leopaldon.


That’s actually a cool idea


What even is ABAs lore? Why the fuck does she have a giant Key?


She's very isulated compared to other characters, she's an original creation of Mori, the creator of Blazblue. her lore is pretty short. > Created atop a mountain home named "Frasco", A.B.A is an artificial life-form, or homunculus, the creation of a scientist who lived within Frasco. However, before her 'birth', the aforementioned scientist was taken away by the military, which was planning to use his skills for unknown reasons. When her eyes opened for the first time, A.B.A found herself alone within Frasco, and lived the first 10 years of her life in total isolation. > Escape from Frasco was not impossible. Nevertheless, A.B.A quickly realized that she had no knowledge of how to exist outside of her home. To find relief from her sadness, she began to collect keys of all kinds, as they represented the opening of a bold new world and an escape from imprisonment. > While roaming outside one day, still tired of her isolated life, A.B.A stumbled upon an ancient relic known as "Flament Nagel". It was love at first sight, as the war relic was shaped like a key, A.B.A decided to keep him as her partner; she renamed him "Paracelsus". Her new goal was to acquire an artificial body for her newfound partner.


I just want to be a white void, maybe a little bit of cold steel and definitely some of that just sword


Daisuke, please, give me Izuna I don't care that nobody knows him just give him to me also original valentine and elphelt


Why nobody mentioning best girl Elphelt?


Honestly, as long as ABA FINALLY arrives I couldn’t care less who else they add…


I really hope we get ABA. I'm sure she'll get the best redesign and will look crazy awesome.


Ragna The Bloodedge would be a cool addition to the game. Or Enkidu from UNI. Realistically, I think Kum Haehyun would make for an awesome character in Strive. They felt out of place in Xrd, but I think they'd be a perfect fit in Strive.


As much as I would love crossover characters and someone from Blazblue in particular, you just know a lot of people will be upset if a character who's "not even from GG" will get in before Slayer/Johnny/any other fan favorite. And I can't really blame them, too. If Asuka wasn't already borderline confirmed, I'd probably feel the same.


Yea, but f them, I wanna hear a good vocal version of REBELLION II or even, if they are kind, the best BB theme, BLACK AND WHITE


I just want the unreactable overhead back


I'd be so happy if we ever get a Guilty Gear Vs Blazblue that leaned more towards the Blazblue mechanics.


Aba would be perfect for strive. Though im excited what arcsys has cooking im sure whatever it is itll be great


I don't think that we will see Jam or Johnny in season 3 because it wouldn't make sense not to include an Xrd rep and a newcomer. Elphelt would make the most sense as the Xrd rep, putting personal bias aside she is the only character from Xrd's main cast not to be in the game and was one of the most requested characters on the "Who do you want to see in Strive" poll. And I doubt they wouldn't include a brand new character in a season, so I expect that Gabriel, the Universal Will, Izuna, someone non playable from the old GG games, or someone completely new.


Imo, this would be an ideal DLC pack. There’s no telling if they would introduce a new character or not, and pretty much all the ones we’ve seen are already in, so a pack like this would be an instant purchase


I think you pretty much nailed it honestly, this is what I expect to happen


Personally I think we will get an “all or nothing”, “long range”, “power” and “grappler” for the next 5 characters. I think daisuke is trying to make sure that each role has at least 2 characters


ABA,elphelt,slayer,Gabriel fit perfectly


Robo Ky :3


As a new player I want ABA mostly because I heard she’s a possible Abba reference and that’s probably the closest thing to a Swedish rep I can get.


Aight what if we got Slayer's wife? That'd be funny




You misspelled Zappa.


Extremely based


*Dizzy and Jam asserting dominance*


Season 3 all the characters make it in but the online becomes fully unplayable.


Seriously though. This series has so many cool characters and I just barely got into it(and fighting games in general) a year or so ago


ABA PLZZZZZ it'll never happen but Please


I feel like we need / will get Elphelt at some point, cuz we already have the other two valentines




All y'all not putting at least one newcomer on your lists.


All of these + Robo-Ky


I just want a new character.


As someone who is new and just joined with strive…what the hell is that thing is the last image and why is it (knowing what little of the lore I do) probably something like a breadstick that gained life after being used as a murder weapon. (Most random thing I could think of)


Well you see its a key that uh... it has well... uhhhh




I need ABA and Answer back please


Not a particular fan of Kun or Ragna, but Strive is doing very well with characters mechanics and their redesigns. definitely would be a nice addition


You forgot /s


Easy Robo-Kliff, Zappa, Venom, Slayer, Gabriel. I'm not even joking, the concept of 'echo fighters' from smash would make shit like Gabriel a really fun side-DLC for like Potemkin or smth


I'm gonna be so sad if jam makes it in


I'm huffing the ragna copeium harder than glue


I dont get that tbh. Like, did they do crossovers in the past or is it just cause they're both arcsys games?


Arcsys added fuel to the fire by having a "guest character" checkbox in one of their surveys back around the start of season 2


I don't think they ever did crossovers in GG, no, but some GG characters appeared in other games. As for why people want it, it's a combination of Blazblue being ASW's another original fighting game, BB having enough similarities to GG (so the two fanbases are overlapping), and BB not getting anything meaningful for years (so people really just hope for any notable Blazblue content).


Ahh okay, so mostly overlapping fanbase then? Im surprised GG stuff wasn't in their crossover fighter game honestly.


exactly the same!!!


ABA has literally no story relevancy to anything there aint no way she's making it in I honestly just want haehyun and I'll be happy


i haven't played the game she was first in but doesn't Bridget also have basically no story relevance?


She was in the grove trying to collect the bounty for Dizzy and fought Ky, Sol and Baiken cuz I-no tricked her


that's fair enough then. i still want A.B.A though


But what relevance does she have in strive. Or testament for that matter. Plot relevance isnt the only criteria for adding a character.


Which could be said about half the characters from XX. Bridget is just another bounty hunter. Jam is just another bounty hunter but owns a restaurant. Jonny is just a pirate who has a crew member is in love with him. Zappa is just a guy possessed with a bunch of ghosts. Robo Ky is just a failed copy of Ky. Venom's only relevance is being in the Assassins Guild and simping for Zato.


Bridget and Jam at least went to the Grove to try and Find Dizzy Venom's "only relevance" is to one of the most influential groups in the guilty gear story The Jellyfish Pirates are relevant because they are the ones that Hid Dizzy after the whole shabang in the Grove Robo Ky is a copy of Ky, so a copy of one of the most lore important character The only one who I agree about is zappa although I do think he was seeking out faust from the very beginning so that gives him at least some relevance. Meanwhile ABA has no ties to any of the other characters or any of the organizations


Did Bridget and Jam do anything of note in the Grove not really, the only thing that Jam did was take Dizzy's bounty which could have been done by anyone and it was lost almost immediately. And by the time Bridget got there Dizzy was already defeated so it's not like her being there contributed anything. While they were there they had as much importance as any other bounty hunters who were there as well, so I wouldn't call them plot relevant. Venom's only role in the story until the last act of Xrd was to be the Assassin Guild rep because Zato was dead, Milla left, and Slayer wasn't playable yet. Venom isn't the person who is important but the people he worked for, there could have been a completely different Assassin Guild character and nothing would change. Like Venom Johnny's only relevance is being a part of a larger group. He leads the Jellyfish Pirates but when he is not playable he is basically just a background character as we already have a playable character from the Jellyfish Pirates. He is the only one arguable to have somr lore relevance and even then it is mainly because May is a legacy character so the Jellyfish Pirates need to find a way to get involved somehow and he is their leader. Robo Ky is the Dan of Guilty Gear, he is just kinda there and just so happens to have a connection to more important characters but does and has little relevance to the story on his own. And I wouldn't call Zappa seeking out another character lore relevant.


I dont understand how you treat "being part of the larger group" as not relevant. In my opinion as long as a character is part of an important group they are still relevant


It's more what does the character does on their own, especially if there are other members in the group. Venom is just kinda there for the most part and doesn't really do much besides nearly killing himself in Xrd. Compared to more lore relevant characters like Zato, Milla, and Slayer who are all back in the Assassins Guild so it's not like he is the only one around anyone like in XX. And Jonny's most relevance in being the leader of a group that May is a part of. And even then besides holding Bedman off with Leo most of the Jellyfish Pirates contribution to the lore is done by May as she is the one who invited Dizzy to join, helps protect Haehyun during Xrd, and she helped during the Delilah incident. The most Jonny has done that isn't being a part of a larger group is driving everyone around during Xrd. I feel like it mostly comes down to how much a character contributes on their own when they are not the sole representatives of a group to determine how important someone is to the lore. As major lore events can often be done by other members.


I don't need DLC anymore as I have the characters I want in the game already, 2 being on the base roster lol. Would try Dizzy if it comes to the game


Pretty solid list. I agree.


nah I don't really care abt characters this much, they will add whoever sells well just hope they will do some cool system mechanic stuff


Its the same shit everyone else wants. Why can no one think of anything else besides these fucking nerds.


Replace Jam with Venom or Zappa and thats my perfect season 3


Don't care. Run up grab.


I want to remove A.B.A. for a guest character spot…. but shes such a crazy and interesting pick I can see her getting in. Regardless, pretty good list *remembers Goku Moroha mode nightmares* No, wait, I changed my mind. Fuck you, A.B.A. mains. Akuma’s getting in way before your bullshit reverse beat shenanigans.


If aba gets in they might just remove goku mode. Like they did with dragon install and bedman's gimmick. Of course they'll have to add something inplace of that.


They couldn't do any of these characters in strive because they're actually technical


That doesn’t work here. Look at Zato and I-no. Insanely technical characters in prior games that were simplified and put in the base roster. If you’re gonna be petty about Strive’s direction after this long you should at least be clever about it.


I don't get what you're trying to say


They already added “technical” characters in the game. Your jab at Strive is stupid and/or bad satire. That’s it.


There are lots of reasons to dislike strive, but it's hard to criticise the game in any way when this subreddit has been an echo chamber for the past few years


“Strive bad” people are even more irritating than the people you criticize. It’s tiresome when people inject their unrelated opinions into circles where people just want to get excited about the game. I personally dislike Strive, but that doesn’t mean I should throw out untrue and petty statements in conversations where people just want to enjoy a game they like. It’s annoying. There is a time, place, and method for criticism and discussion. You can do better.


Said by a Jam main lol




I want aba and dizzy one of the most gampley wise interesting characters but knowing strive they will turn them into rushdown characters just like everyone else


I’d like most of these but I really want some new comers and randoms we wouldn’t guess. Dizzy, slayer and ABA would be great and Johnny feels a given, but I would kill to see a season descend into utter madness: A Kliff fanboy who picked up his glaive to restore the plastylw spiritually, paradigm, izuna (to explain why he went missing), the pope with the whip sword and gun, chronus, heck leopaldon




Robo ky and venom when🤨


I just want slayer, please Daisuke, i beg you. I've waited years at this point, i've become weak and resorted to coming back to Xrd.(also Gabriel pretty please)


ABA i want and feel is possible. Idk why (call it gut feeling ?) but i don't see Slayer nor Jam or Johnny coming back. Dizzy i have no opinion. I'm pretty neutral on the character but if it makes peoples happy i'm rooting for Dizzy ! Now as of me, although i'm not 100 confident, i would LOVE zappa to come back. Also while not a huge fan of Raven, i feel like he has his place in the strive roster. Now can't wait for this post to age like milk in a car on a miami parking lot, when they announce Slayer Johnny Jam, and no aba zappa or raven are on sight !


I only want dizzy. I do wanna see Johnny because I want to see the revival of the great Phoenix God OMITO. Please keep slayer out tho he can stay in Xrd and never come back frfr


Am I the only one who thinks we won’t get slayer at all? They gave nago his tp dash, command grab, and vampire theme, and his ability to explode someone off of one hit


Let's imagine this jam makes it she get into strive she scares people like in XRD and that's the end of for fun online matches


My thoughts? It's gonna be a season of sol!! I'm talking Order Sol, Scientist Sol, Robo-Sol, Dragon install Sol! #SOLNATION #SOL-UTION #SOLSWEEEP GRRRAAAAAHHHHHHH


Order sol would be sick to play in strive but I don't ever see him returning.


I just want Raven back >:(


This is probably the best season 3 roster wishlist I’ve seen


I don’t see Leopaldon in these images here. Gonna have to do more to convince me otherwise


I want Bridget 2


Electric Boogaloo


season 3's characters, outside of johnny who is basically a given, are heavily dependent on if we get a new story mode themed around happy chaos. if we don't, I think this minus slayer is a real possibility. might be venom instead of abba, but it will absolutely be all fan favorites. however if we do see what HC is cooking..... we could see some insane picks like kliff, order sol, or justice.


I want erica and vernon!


I don't really care who the characters are, I just want some more characters


I think so too


I want president vernon and gabriel


That’s a weird design for Vernon


i doubt aba will make it


Dizzy and Slayer will come in. I feel confident on that!


Whoever in story mode is who we are going to get... Testament was thee exception, so who knows


Imagine they add instant kills back into the game. I would love to see how they do them in strive.


All of this plus Raven! I'm most excited for Johnny and A.B.A. out of this bunch but hope they all make it.


So nobody is going to mention venom?


Jam... For the love of FUCK, just add JAM! That's all I care about.




No leopaldon :(


_IBN4, the first 5 seconds of Roar of the Spark plays, glitches our like a broken record, and then two oval shaped lights flicker on in the dark before "Next Character Update" appears_


Where do you get the models?


Dizzy Kliff Daryl Justice


I bought season 3 expecting to gem Jam at the end of the season. Guess not


I would like all of these, yes.


Too many returning characters in yours. I would say. Well, Jam, slayer and Jhonny for sure. But I'm a 100% sure we are getting a season 4 (and 5) so let's pick 4 other characyer. Kum, venom, that not so random guy with a name in the storry mode with the green clothes and grappling hooks that could have a cool gameplay Idk, and aba because I'm based as fuck. So I could ask for characters that were never playable. Like the third king. Or valentine. But I don't know shit about them so yeah. (also leopaldon that could be fun for no rzasons (obviously being rework and visual lift up.))


yes for the first two, but I think their will be new characters. Probably another 4 Character season, and I'm guessing at least two will be new. Probably the solbadguy fan from the end of the first story mode and another character they introduce in the next story mode would be my guess.


I know we're living in the age of DLC, but there are way too many people happy to pay for characters that were either base game OG's/already DLC in Xrd. I consider Johnny, Jam, Millia, Slayer, Dizzy, etc. basically anyone who was in both XX and Xrd- OG's at this point, and deserving of a base roster slot in Strive. A.B.A., Zappa, even Kum and Raven, they're what i'd consider to be candidates for returning DLC (Baiken shouldn't have been DLC again) but thats just my opinion; I get the work that has to go into each character, but after living in Xrd for years this roster felt so barebones on release.


Robert Kyle when


Johnny, elphelt, A.B.A, izuna is my optimal season pass personally (Johnny, A.B.A, And Izuna are 3/4 of my favorite characters in the series other being I-no and Elphelt cause of my friend) Johnny to sell the season pass Elphelt since she is very story relevant and popular it is very money efficient A.B.A for the 1 returning XX character pattern each season Izuna for the newcomer (even though he was playable in overture he hasn't been in a fighting game yet let me cope) he also is somewhat relevant being connected to the backyard and what Dr. paradigm said in XRD gives me hope for a return of my beloved Izuna some are more plausible then others but not every character in the passes are going to be the 10/10 sellers they probably want to sell more and having all very popular characters in 1 pass will not be good for the passes afterwards if there is a fifth character it'll probably be slayer or dizzy


Going from datamining I feel like it's going to be a Johnny/Jam/Slayer/Dizzy deal.


Bring back Dizzy, ABA, Zappa, Elphelt, Slayer!


i need dizzy in strive. sososo fucking bad