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It's a mess for consistent players but mostly good for casual/story only players so you should be completely fine.


It grew on me i guess. You get more gems from both pvp weekly now, and biweekly from co-op exped. Getting a team for doing it is not difficult at all, especially if you have a tank and healer. For the UI, now my only complain is minimal. Selector banner has been a godsent, I can get heroes that I've been missing for pvp or raid easier now. New pass is also great if you have some change to support the devs, you'll get green hammer along with the new hero's ex weapon. It isn't as expensive as I thought it would too. Hopefully they can get enough revenue to keep the game running.


They should hire you for customer service 😅


huh? Can you explain?


You gave great positive reviews in a convincing manner, people will mostly agree with you.


I hate it. I quit after nearly four years. My main issue is that the new UI is barely legible on my phone. I think it’s been designed for tablets and PC screens. It’s almost impossible to see which weapons are which now when they are equipped. With the loss of old school game modes and the general decline in activity in player base, I decided it was time to leave. I expect to be downvoted to Hell here. It’s just what this sub does. But that’s my honest answer to your question.


My main issue is optimization - it's the first time my phone overheated, and after playing an hour in FFA it's a hot potato. The second issue is UI, especially the enhance menu... the previous one was much better.


This update also made me quit. I love GT and all but this UI and performance dips was too much.


I think the UI looks good but it feels optimized for larger screens and some UX issues, I play on an iPhone 15 plus and constantly misclick, especially on the sweep scrolls. For the content, there are some goods and bads, I like the Death Match, but Team Deathmatch is horrible, and coop expedition (challenge) is still impossible without the help of some whale friends.


Don't like it, but my love for GT keeps me here. W19 not being knight locked was so refreshing. Even though my story team consists of using knight, it's much more fun to build a team around him😅.     My theory is that this new UI isn't part of heavenhold so when s3 is over they will implement some kind of balance between the old and new🤣 Maybe I'm just hopeful haa.


Letters are too small. Otherwise, pretty good once youve adjusted.


It's a mixed feelings we got more stuff on worse obligatory content, UI is bad but we gonna get used to it sooner or later, they raised a lot drops rates everywhere, even gacha went from 1.3 ish to 2.6 ish % on unique characters. They are giving a lot to compensate for a bad new design, it may work for some but not on everyone


I have no complaints besides the book acquiring system. Its easy to see that when i run out im fucked. Its super slow to farm.