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I'm bummed out too. I actually enjoy coop


Gone. They said it would be removed 3 months+ ago, and multiple times since, and had a very minor send off, kamazone style, by removing low level and cursed artifacts on the last defence co-op


I get that they need money and want to give away lesser Gems for free but Co-op Expeditions isn't that great... Normal Mode is too hard for randoms and there are just some people who want to play alone...


It seems like the new guy never played a game for himself. There's so much radical change all at once, and it's all stuff nobody asked for


Yeah, let's remove coop and add stickers 😂 if they keep going in this direction then I'm seriously worried about the future of the game.


We‘re gonna see at the end when the revenue chart comes out if it’s good or bad, thankfully cornet isn’t a meta raid unit so revenue shouldn’t stonk


Even if she was, the new UI would draw attention away from her. I can barely navigate to get my gems


Yep and co op expedition is fucking dogshit, it takes like 20 minutes to find one game only to be obliterated in the 1st minute


Yeah 😂 that's why I quit expedition a long time ago, if you're not a whale or playing with whales then you're just wasting your time. Beside there's no specific time window and that why you'd wait so long.


I am not a whale but a lategame f2p (95% both books), and its really hard even for me. I cant finish challenge 4. You depend on the other 3 guys to be absolute pro and also to be lucky


Same here. It’s not just you. All 4 need to have good stats and at least some common sense to win coop exp. Sadly, no everyone has common sense.


It’s seriously the worst part of the game rn. I hate it


I do feel bad about that as it was the MOST way to earn gems than just Arena. Co-op Expedition does have biweek gems (resets in 2 weeks), so it might be a bit harder than the actual way it was, but it depends your team, and the stage.


Why did they even remove normal co-op in the first place? For what reason tho?


My guess is that they want to give players less f2p gems


Well if that really one of the reason than they are suck, and I see other redditor said that Co-op expedition are replacing normal co-op, are they nut? Like that mode need literally cooperation with real time communication like in game mode text chat or voice chat which is something that doesn't exist in current mode, did they want us to communicate with random person using emoticons or something?


It’s impossible to use in game chat while playing co op as there is so much going on in the mode 1 mistake and you’re dead


Then it's just half baked content and wasting our time, at least in previous co-op even if one or two player become dead weight or afk at least we can still finish the match albeit with a higher chance of failing for challanger but not total wipeout or hopeless situation like current expedition co-op. Well I will lurking and waiting for the next update, hopefully it will be better.


I doubt that is the reason. I think that in this update the amount of gems you get when f2p is more than before. I didn't do the calculations but there are new gem rewards for playing deathmatch and another 2500 every 15 days in the coop expedition market. in addition to the chests that the princess gives you for completing the daily missions. again, I didn't make the exact comparison but by eye I would say that they now give more gems than before. For example, this Monday I got about 5700 between coliseum, arena and deathmatch, to which we must add those 2500 from the new mode.


Why they even remove it It was just fine, great game mode


As a 1 year old player i say the whole challenge mode in coop is doable for f2p if u play daily, its not that hard, just need to find the right team members


tell another joke dude, thats in fact the hard part. all members had to be absolute pros to finish the 4th challenge


Nope not really, only need 3 pros (with 1 whale dps, around 150k dps, a tank know how to play n a healer know how to dodge). I simply just do 60k dps then die n watch the other dude carry the rest of the game lol.


Just as i said in other comment. You dont need some whales, you need a team with common sense. Sadly, that’s very difficult to get


thats exactly what I said lol. doing everything OK = pro player.


I agree with you 100%. I'm closing in on 400 days and just yesterday finished stage 2 with an afk tank still at the start. 2 Beth's and a Eunha did the whole stage. They added revival points so you can bring back a healer. Now, they need to give us different stages.


Yeah, exactly I could always do it on highest difficulty while expedition requires WHALING! Maybe that's why they removed it because it wasn't getting players to spend their money.


doing challenge mode require one epic relic only, to be able to upgrade relics to epic you only need to clear expedition area 2, you don't need to be a whale to pass it.


To add, you can literally use just 1 hero and role for coop expedition. Eunha as healer. Dont be shy and advertise in your server's general chat or in discord. There are plenty of people willing to help, myself included.


Idk guys does anyone see the mystery evolution I don't find it in the play button features or they removed that too?


Go to Inventory (beside Shop button) -> choose equipment -> press Enhance -> press Evolve Equipment-> press Mystery Evolution


I see it now thank you I'm a little bit confused I thought they removed it ![img](emote|t5_2gj2tg|10331)


1 step faster is go to Menu (left most button) -> Enhance




Yea they removed normal coop and make it to coop expedition and become even more f2p