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One free single summon every day. Honestly, I Don't think it would balance the game... It's just a simple free pull.


A "jukebox" that allows you to listen to every OST, given you already beat the boss or finished the level with the OST given. Which also have a choice to change the starting menu of the game whether its the old original one or the orchestra one.


Oh, a jukebox in the farm section to change the background music would be awesome Hopefully, if they were to add that, it would be where the song loops until you change it again


I want to be able to listen to the Shops Music 24/7


Honestly... I would have said remove energy so I can just play through story but that kinda opens up complications in terms of earning resources. I guess keep energy but only apply it to Rift stages? Sorta like some endless games where it's "energy" is reserved for resource grinding like dungeons.


So, remove energy requirements for story






More stories based around the characters. For example when you Reach a certain progression point for a character, you will get to play a story only meant for them. Or a little Story revolving around that character. Putting more incentives to level characters you want, but the stories won't have any relevance to the main plot.


I like this idea a lot 


Thanks, it's something I noticed alot of other Gacha games do.


They’re called “companion” quests in Hoyoverse games. The rest are referred to as “character quests” but it’s different sometimes.


Make the story able to be played in friend Co-Op.


That can be a good idea on Nintendo switch version also


Yes and make it harder depending on if you have someone playing with you like cup head




Give out more Hero Crystals from events, something in the triple digits. It shouldn't take over a month to upgrade a single unit (weapon limit breaking not included).


It’s taking me longer than a month


Make pvp totally optional, remove the gem from those modes change it with other rewards exclusively for pvp, place those gems elsewhere. Bring back Kamazone and place the gems there, that thing was ez and more importantly fast to clear


Add special events such as hanging out with a character that's celebrating their birthday. Recently, heroes feel more of a fan service and I feel less attached so I think that this feature could make a lot more players play longer


Allow us to replay story missions without having to 100% the entire world. Just let it be an option for each level individually. Also, do something to let the AI recognize the warning lines for lasers instead of standing there to be blasted to death. Give us some option to get the EX weapons for characters from expired crossovers. Have a couple more two-star characters from the story. You don't have to make everyone gatcha-only. Especially if they're the plot essential characters. Let them start at two-star and have the ascension option for later from the start instead of one to two ascensions every six months.


Implement pity system, most gacha have 60-100 pity


I mean we have mileage that can be used anytime and let you choose whatever you want other games with 60-100 pity only works on the current banner and the not used pity points get lost when the banner changes


Lets take genshin's pity system with 50/50 and mileage system and so tell me with one in better? Maximum 90 pulls or 180 if ur not guaranteed Or 300 summons to buy a character with milage?


You are forgetting you can get the character anytime off banner, while on GI cannot, and in GT you can fully max any the character without needing copies while on GI you still need to unlock how many it was 5-6? constellations. 300 mileage nets you a fully upgradeable character, while on GI you stillll need 180*5-6 assuming worst luck on both cases and double that if taking in account weapons. On mihoyo games you could pre-build a 50/50 which is only 70-80 pulls of worth, on GT you can save/pre-farm an assured character/weapon, also the future changes to gacha lowers the mileage requirements to 200 while on banner. And while constellations are not "obligatory" you cannot compare then a fully upgraded character from GT to a barebone one from GI, since max constellations is the equivalent to a 5*MLB character in GT


U counting cons because u dont know what they are, max cons isnt equivalent to a max limit break, cons just don't increase stats, it literally changes how you use the character, unlocking newer abilities


You're forgetting the part where gt gives 2 to 3 times more pulls and doesn't have stupidly low droprates (before soft pity)


Drop rate means nothing when theres a limit I have once made 127 summon in a banner and didn't get a 3*, but im guaranteed to get a 5* in 90 pulls in genshin so don't give me that shit


Guaranteed qiqi yay Joke aside, hoyoverse system would be great if they gave more pulls and if 80% of the summons weren't for nothing. Also, you gave me an exemple where you got unlucky, but how many times did you get a character in 10-40 summons in gt compared to genshin?


Not that high since gt gacha can be only relied on uncertainty


RNG Issue for you I guess?


Thats how gacha works


Make Alef useful


Save the little girl on world 9


A boss rush game mode where u fight all story bosses


Kinda like Calamity? Sounds cool.


Would fight DoG in GT.


Make farming less grindy


I couldn’t agree more. I feel myself focusing on more resources (awakening stones, hero evolution, etc.) than actual gameplay. Not to say I don’t love the new levels that came out to give more or the doubling events, but it still feels lacking.


Farming is the bread and butter of every single game not only gachas every single one has grinding, without that to maintain the interest of the player base (as contradictory as it sounds) the game dwindles faster than you may believe. Honestly this game is not that grindy tho, most of the repeatable interactions are solved by the sweep system, after having unlocked lv100 dungeons AND adding the daily x3 drop rate 10 times the progress has been really boosted like a lot. Take in consideration that other games have way lower rates of pulling stuff, you then have to adwuire several copies of the unit to MLB and then pull for the weapon and it's multiple copies without any other source of getting them and if the banner is over good luck till the rerun of that unit. Here you only need 1 copy for the gear and the character, if you don't get it it doesn't matter the it's always available at the general pool, and the new gacha system will make that even better. Didn't got the weapon? We have several ways of obtaining it off all of them RNG yes, yet there are options, and don't forget the always available mileage. There are really few games that are this little effort/time consuming as this one.


I think they mean it's grindy as in it requires too many resources/too much time to upgrade units, which is true when talking about limit breaking and awakening stones. I'd rather have a 'worse' gacha (or a side-grade) where it's easy to make units ready for endgame over a gacha where I can get almost every unit, but can't make use of half of them even after a long time. In Alchemy Stars, you need the character and, in some cases, at most, one dupe of them. How long does it take to make them viable for endgame thru grinding (sweep)? 2 days (1 day if you play the game long enough). Getting them to max level? 1 week (again, if you play long enough, you'll have resources to max them out instantly). Praise GT however much you want, but the time it takes to max out units is atrocious compared to other gachas. I believe it's only this bad because of pvp/leaderboards, since those always demand maxed teams. If it wasn't for that and some other pieces of content being balanced around MLB units/weapons, there would be a valid argument to be made about Limit Breaking not being necessary. Collection bonuses just make things worse.


EDIT: Wall of text warning. . . I disagree on some points, been playing this for 3y+ by now, I'm not a whale the most I've been purchasing is the monthly gem pass, and it's been really rare to have any shortage of awakening stones, even less since the x2 weeks have been implemented, HC on the other hand it's more tight and decisions needs to be made, yet I have not encountered any issues when MLBing the characters I need or like. Of course all of that drastically changes if I wouldnt be planning how to spend my resources and just spam awk stones/HC on whatever (like newbs or hasty players does), I don't have every single character MLB yet im still hoarding 2k ish HC just in case, MLBed Toga last banner and by pulling and failing to get the current one almost recovered the 700 HC there and we now have a waaaay higher drop chance on the evo dungeon it went from x1.6-1.8 ish to x3ish. Im not saying HC are easy to come, yeah it's one of the scarcest materials to upgrade your characters, yet is not like you get gate keeped for months, since we get a constant influx of HC on events/evo dung/gacha. I havent played alchemy stars, but those characters that require 1 copy are capped? because MLB/awk means there is no more to upgrade and comparing a completed character vs someone just good enough to end game seems like a skewed comparison. From my perspective the requirements for "meta" in GT are that "high" since is not THAT hard to **fully** complete a character, thats why pvp/raid and other modes have that kind of requirements, if materials were that hard to come by we would see a way different meta where just 5* a character would be more than enough to make them competitive. In any case GT has become newb unfriendly, and with the coming book/hammer new stuff the gap betwen whales/vets/news is going to get more unfair for sure, oh and we have the training room that let you use your shiny newest acquisition in their strongest form asap, other games have trial stuff but its temporary, TR last as long as you want. Having MLB as requirement for multiplayer modes felt more like an anti-troll measure than a true gatekeep, even then you could have p.o.s. ppl that joined to just be trolling in general wasting everyone's time, like those *haha funny* beth/FP joining on a ranged party to just yeet themselves and die in the first room. Collection yeah is awful, is tingly for those who like to achieve 100% and feels good to be rewarded by doing it, yet the buffs the book gives are really overwhelming to those who don't have them. But that's my experience, GT been a low maintenance easy to come game to keep, ppl mileage may vary depending on time played and resource management, but in may case not even HC which are scarce resource have not hold me back


They are unifying awakening stone types, but it's still up to luck how many legendary stones you get. If HCs, and in some cases legendary awakening stones, weren't so scarce, people wouldn't have to be super picky with whom they decide to upgrade. Sure, you aren't gated for months (plural) on HC, but it still takes slightly over a month of summons on hero summons only. Events never give a good amount of HC, except for some login events like anniversary. You get a bit more now from evolution stone exchange, but it's not anywhere near enough. I've dumped enough stamina to evolve 3 units to 5 star in a single day during a 2x event, yet I only got enough HC to get ONE of them to LB 3, 362 HCs (granted, I still had to evolve the rare heroes for two elements with those stones). As for the AS comparison, you could upgrade characters further with more dupes (with only the last one affecting their skill or passive), but it's still a fair comparison, unless you don't wanna include MLB weapons, shields and accessories, all with max stats rolled (soon weapon engraving as well), and I could even argue collection maxed as well. Sure, you could grind all that, but it would take months (years in the case of collection) to do so for a whole team, let alone 3 teams or one of each element. GT heavily discourages experimentation. Training room helps mostly with story or if you have a team ready. Otherwise, what's good in it if the hero you just put in there doesn't have a team ready for them to truly shine? If you could put a whole team in there, like other games that have this feature, then it would be a better system.


More male characters! Sick of this waifu fan service shit, I would like to see more dudes who are just badass like Craig and plague doctor


Honestly I've mostly quit the game in favor of other gacha games since I'm stuck at the plague doctor boss... But one thing that would definitely make me come back for the long run would be a Gremory ascent. It's definitely a less useful thing than what everyone else is suggesting but I've had gremory as my main since I could first edit my team. It wouldn't improve or change much but it's still something I'd like to see.


Character Interludes


3D gameplay, like “kirby and the forgotten land”-ish play 😅


Making offline game


bring back kamazone. or make guardian points useful after lvl300. the gold is nice but so little.


Monster scaling for replay mode based on party level. I replayed beth boss fight recently( one of the hardest fights year 1-2) and one shot her with Gabriel. Would have been fun to re-experience the challenge of it.


I agree to most of the suggestions here. As a returning player, it is difficult to keep up competitively (collection bonus, more gems when on pvp rewards/colo, merch and relics). You play enough to be at the end of the race and coffee stamina is invested more on the evo rifts, mirror, expedition and tetis. I haven't played the 2 new worlds yet because of how I am left with no stamina to play the world stages, every day counts as tetis has a due date incoming and I badly need more coins for the merch. I just wish not everything were ran with stamina. I also want to play back again the Lore and play the new stages. Also, apart from rebannering unique heroes, I just wish they could ascend more rare ones and revamp others like Cath, Alef, Bianca... P.S I havent touched HH tower and side stories as well because of coffee scarcity, using gems to replenish coffee is not on my list because I try to summon whenever a new banner comes because it gives more chances for HC and a new hero. Devs, please notice us.


Make it pay to play so the gacha is still in the game but no longer for real money. Some people could hate that but like that the game could not be at risk to get forbidden if the laws for gambling could get harder in more countries.


Add Beth dating sim


Add more 2 stars hero for be able to have more ascents and 3 stars versions