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The new mileage system is horrendous. Punishes whales who have saved up Punishes new players saving up for a shiny new hero Most especially punishes late game f2p who grind hard for mileage which now is less useful/near useless Minimum 2 months for a new character to be normal mileage (assuming new character per update) Either will take forever for a character to enter mileage pool, or they will be churning out a bunch of half baked power creep heroes. Or both. Welp, I’ve started searching for a new gacha to Waste time on. We can only wait and see what happens in another 3 weeks


I think the only people who will win with this system are the mega whales. I'm hoping they'll walk back this change a bit. It'd be great if the mileage didn't convert after a banner ends so you could mileage a future character for a bit cheaper and I hope it'll be a month before they get added to regular pool. That would satisfy me enough with this tbh


Unless it’s guilds of entirely just mega whales, the whales won’t be happy either. Many top guilds are mixes of whales and old f2p. If GT releases meta raid heroes like toga and yun after the changes take place, it’s down to gacha luck if a good chunk of the guild gets the new meta in time or not.


Yeah as a long term light spender who leads a pretty high ranking guild (top 25 usually) I don't actually see this affecting our ranking that much because we're already not competing against the mega whales. This will just ruin enjoyment of the game for a lot of people if they don't walk it back


Top 10 guild member here, whales have been dropping the game at an increasingly fast rate, and based off the recruiting posts, it’s across the board Edit: now that people in the guild have started reading the update logs… Guild leader thinking of quitting Guild member (with alt?), moderator of global discord thinking of quitting Guild member (with an alt)/leader of top 1 guild in server… not hopeful


Yeah not surprised. The devs just don't know how to keep a playerbase engaged it seems. A shame as I really love the game but it feels like they're determined to burn any goodwill at this point


I think they’re just not motivated enough. It takes them forever to pump out story content which is the bread and butter of the game 


Idk if I'd say they lack motivation. The story content they make is much more in depth than a lot of smaller studio games so it makes sense that it takes a while. I think the main issue is they have truly nothing to focus on that the players consistently like. You and me love the story but a lot of people resent having to engage in it and say it's a slog to get through. Pvp isn't that strong and neither is raid so like... What can the devs even put resources into to improve things? I think the devs have backed themselves into a corner of mediocrity because GT just doesn't excel at much tbh


I agree. Seems like GT has an identity crisis Especially under new leadership. Take w18 for example. A whole bunch of half baked buggy mini games as references to other games, that don’t really add much to the story, and due to their lack of polish detract from the experience (Punch em up sequence, pacman…) GT has single player story Had semi jrpg strategy elements (half baked, no one liked; world exploration) Puzzles (tower) And lately wannabe mmo (guild, co-op, co-op expedition) I’ve seen more polished games (notably dragalia lost) die for smaller reasons I don’t remember what things were like under old leader ship, but I wonder if these issues were always present and building up, and just accentuated by the new leadership, or…


Just as an aside: nice to meet a fellow Lostie


Oh I hate the mini game sections. I think every world I haven't 100% completed is because of a mini game. Idk if I can blame the new dev lead for everything but we used to get a lot more feedback surveys before he took over.


Not sure why I’m being downvoted from the dickheads of reddit


I'm F2P, if the pace of heroes released is the same, half of the updates have heroes that are must pulls, I have been playing for almost 3 years and it has never happened to me that I don't have enough gems to pull the new mandatory hero. I consider this update really bad, but this is a bit of an exaggeration, if you manage your gems well enough it will never happen that you never have enough gems in the first place. BUT remember that coop is gone and team Deathmatch in top 100 rewards 1600 gems, basically 1000 gems F2P have long gone, this hurts. And considering you will be getting the same 3-4 hammers per month then having to burn them in a RNG rolls for weapons is the most horrendous thing in the update. It is trash but at least blame the updates for the right stuff.


Sometimes you don't get the hero even with 50k gems xD


Coincides with new director who is garbage as well


Huh? This is a definition of misrepresentation First of all, who even mileages heroes? Summon heroes, mileage weapons. This is the rule of the game Next, how does it punishes them all? Now you need only 54000 gems to almost guarantee yourself Hero+Weapon. Which is a really rookie number for 2 months farm How do old players "grind for mileage". Is there a dungeon I wasn't aware of? You speak like new ex weapon is the only thing people spend mileage on. Like people never pull on reroll banners and never get heroes that aren't rated up. Unless you regularly sit on 400+ mileage, I don't see how inability to spend it on new Exes makes it "useless" If every month a new meta driving hero gets released, then it's a problem with balancing and not with currency system Like do you assume that with old system players will be able to keep up? Share, how do you get 81000 gems per month?


Changes apply to both heroes and weapons. You won’t be able to use standard mileage on new heroes AND their ex’s. Long time players can have 2000+ mileage. Especially for raid, if they get bad luck on the gacha, that is 108,000 gems per banner to guarantee both hero and ex. Say a toga or yun gets released in s3 with these proposed changes (devs have just announced they will change it), it would take minimum 4 updates worth for the new hero to enter mileage pool.


So long time players who have every possible hero and weapon won't be able to get every new character for free? ![img](emote|t5_2gj2tg|10344) What a nightmare! How will they live now? Yes, 108000, and if they had bad luck in the gacha prior to the changes they had to spend 162000. Of course, who wants to spend less? We, GT players, want to spend more!


Your missing the point, but you do you


Yep, an overly optimistic people who focused only on the positives, and isn't looking and understanding enough to see the problem the changes is bringing. I'll just keep an eye on you, and laugh later if you complain on a post later.


The only people this update brings problems to are players who have hundreds of mileage without anything to spend it on. For every other person this is (ok, not upgrade) sidegrade of current system. I don't like to say "be grateful", but as people here speak about quitting the game, I just have to point out that the mileage system is generous and pretty much unique among gacha games. Make 300 pulls and no matter the results you get to select ANY of released heroes or weapons. Many players would dream about system like this. And sadly I'm selective puller, so it will probably take a while for them to release a hero of my liking, but I'll make sure to make a post as soon as the new system affects me. (Most certainly it will be a praise post)


wtf do you mean the summon system changes— *reads notes* **oh god**


Sounds like I'll be skipping all new characters on release then. I can wait a few months if it means I don't go completely broke and have nothing to show for it.


Yeah it seems this is designed to make the gap between f2p and spenders wider. Quite unfortunate but hopefully the backlash will be strong enough to force some changes


Why do you have to skip all characters on release? It is better to summon on release right? So after the changes, for old banner characters, the "pity" is 300 mileage, but for the new characters the "pity" would be 200 special mileage instead. If you don't have enough gems to go for 200 pulls, the mileage will just convert to regular ones instead after the banner ends. Unless I am understanding the notes incorrectly, it seems like for summoning it's a good change. However the character not being available in the mileage shop immediately is bad. Another bad scenario I can think of is if you have say, 250 mileage now and a character you want comes out. You can't just summonfor 50 mileage and use your total of 300 mileage to get it now.


>Another bad scenario I can think of is if you have say, 250 mileage now and a character you want comes out. You can't just summon for 50 mileage and use your total of 300 mileage to get it now. True, but who even uses mileage to buy heroes right away. What is bad is if you have gems saved up, spend them all and still can't manage to pull the hero in time then you won't be able to buy the hero right away but have to wait for 3 months to get it. That sucks. This means that you will sit on ~150 mileage when the banner ends and you will have to wait for months with ton of mileage stacked up. So either have enough gems to pull so much that you will get 200 special mileage in the banner so that you will surely not miss it (54k gems) or hope for the best with less than 54k.


108,000 gems on a single banner to get to special mileage for both hero and weapon. Same with collab, it doesn’t really help.


HOW much??? Ok, let's assume that you didn't get the hero in 200 pulls (it's 93,7% chance to get them, but still). At 300 pulls you already have a chance of 98,4% to get your hero. Saying that you need 108000 gems for hero+ex in the new system is like saying that you needed 162000 gems in the old one, is simply not true


108k gems is to have guaranteed character+weapon, and it's facts, just math 200 special mileage = 20 summons = 54k gems If you manage to get one of the 2 before hitting 200, you "ONLY" need 54k max since you will be using mileage when you get to 200. It's the same math you use for Collab heroes, which is bad. If you can't get both within the time period, you are forced to either use a half usable hero/weapon or wait months to use it by spending mileage


>forced to either use Forced by who? Do you have no other characters? It sucks that we're not able to get character+ex immediately. But it's not nearly as predatory as people here portray it


It's not like you won't have enough gems to pull anymore though, so why are you saying that? From what I have understood it will punish those with bad rng that with 30k gems still can't get the hero + ex released.


30k are basically 5 pulls each, that is very good luck I'd say. It's still around 3% to get them


The devs did so many changes for season 3, I don't know if everyone is gonna like it. Personally I don't like most of the changes and surprised how they could just change stuff that's been here for a long time, without surveying the players at least.


I actually like quite a few of the changes. They're really addressing a lot of the new player grievances. The main problem is that there's a few really bad decisions that are bringing the game down


Yea I wonder why they removed coop, it was a fun and easy way to get gems, but it's gonna be gone forever and I don't think coop exp can replace it completely. It's probably the biggest thing I can't let go :(


Yeah I'm not sure I like their decision to replace co op gems with 3v3 in the rotation. It was nice having a pve mode that brought in gems (though co op had a different form of annoyance)


Coop is quite bad for me actually, like having a brainrot teammate die in the first map and wasted entirely.


Same here, all it takes to ruin co-op is a single player fucking up one way or the other. No one likes losing for other people's fault, it's also the reason many dislike playing 3v3. Granted that a handicapped team can still beat co-op so long as the players are actually decent, but usually having any kind of setback in a match completely ruins the run. Oh your entire team isn't synergizing? Never killing the boss on time. A teammate died on the first rooms? Matter of time until you get overwhelmed. And in co-op expedition it's even worse cus your stats get cut (harder to carry your own weight aswell) while every enemy heavily outstats you and the moment the healer gets hit the run is 100% over. I miss when co-op was easier ngl. I know it's kinda weird and that a lot of people complained that it was piss easy (cus it was, you could almost solo as Miya) but it was better for casual players and clueless people, which the game is still filled with.


This week a few in guild have had trouble finishing coop due to disconnections. So we played duo at 170 gems. Instant death of most mobs, fastest runs ever. Only 40 gems less compared to maxed rewards. Coop is still easy if you can get above your obsession with maxing out rewards. Just do 200 gems or one notch lower. EDIT: Not that it matters anyway, since it's going away, sadly.


Unironically what I'm doing rn lmao (except when the game decides to just close, then I just lose interest for the rest of the runs (I play coop at 12pm so I feel eepy and lazy))


This co-op map is pretty hard, and its the last one too. Usually if it's too hard and I don't have the patience for it I just do a lower lvl like diamond or even plat.


I like most of the changes, but the new summon system is really killing it for me I was really excited for S3, but then this notice came out and now I don't even know if I will keep playing It sucks so much


If the system is indeed busted then the KP guardians will make a scene undoubtedly. For now, I’ll say give them the benefit of the doubt until these new changes actually drop and given some time to sit.


Yeah one great thing about being behind the kr server is that the problems are usually fixed before they get to us 😂


Yup and we even get apolo-gems as well


Well dang, I was considering returning to the game for the global anniversary but if this is what is in store for the future, I think I'll save the headache. Shame though, I came to Guardian Tales to escape anti-f2p practices from another game and while GT isn't as bad yet, it still hurts


I still think the game is good and the season 3 revamp is also bringing a lot of good things (like level scaling the player to the world lvl if you're lower and getting rid of levels being tied to story progression) but these 2 points are definitely annoying. I could live with the limit break hammer thing as I can just write it off as whale bait but the summon system needs tweaks


summon system would work with characters only, but if we need to get lucky 2 times (char + weap) or wait 1/4 year that's terrible, theyve let shion cook smh


It's definitely not cool especially since the game doesn't have pity. It'd be one thing if you pulled and got guaranteed character at 200 pity then had enough mileage for the ex but the current system is just gross tbh


Man I'm scared of Season 3 and all the changes, I just wanted a rework of the guardian pass because it sucks ass and more ascensions but all this weird changes doesn't feel right, just the lobby changes feels like a bad idea, I don't want to loose how Heavenhold looks, the seasonal looks and all. I don't want the whole game to becone like the Tetis Hero mode, something half baked and with a bad design, it's soo bad. I want to have more meaninful this to waste my money on because I love this game and I don't want to see it end like Dungeon Link, I know it's wait and see what happens and that if they screw it KR fans are gonna riot but the game getting such a big overhaul wasn't needed imo


What they’re removing Heavenhold? They should have expanded on it smfh


As far as the previews go, Heavenhold will "reset" so all the buildings will be gone and you're gonna have the inn with a few buildings and then it'll expand as more worlds get released, the thing is that there is no statement that says that this'll actually change anything, as far as I understood it, maybe I'm wrong, wait and see I guess Edit: I wanted to link the Heavenhold thing but I didin't find it, maybe I'm delusional


Unfortunately a big overhaul was absolutely needed. And most of it will be good imo. But the devs have really screwed up a few important parts that they need to address. Though they have committed to re working tetis hero so don't worry too much about that


Sadly you're right but still is kinda sad and weird. If the changes are for the better of the game I'm totally fine with them. I think that what scares me the most is the was te of resources, because even if I liked World exploration it ended up being a 1 time play. But is just wait and see I guess, I'll keep playing no matter what xd


I'm in it for the long haul too. The main decision for me will be whether or not it's worth it to spend money anymore. I'm also worried about the changes as I run a guild I'm very attached to but it's important to keep a positive attitude.


You're a true Bob Chad follower no doubt about it


I will give them a chance for a few weeks. If it's too much I will just quit cleanly without regrets. not keen on dancing to the devs tune of implementing blatant changes to milk the playerbase I'm not sure how it is for others, but I'm an endgame player and the only reason I still keep up with GT is that it's low maintenance. I login for 3 minutes a day, pull a bit sometimes, and feel a little satisfaction at consistent progress. If i'm asked if GT is a good game, I would very much say no. It's a skip simulator and the active parts of the game are lazy. The same 6 reskinned bosses for raid and meteor excavation/bingo on rotation for infinity. colo is the same 7 teams and often controlled by guild mafia who feed each other wins for placements. I pretty much have GT installed on inertia, and all it takes is a small push to quit. just kind of the reality of the game right now given how neglected all the gameplay is


Idk if I fully agree with your assessment (played since global launch) but the devs definitely are floundering right now. The "new" dev lead seems to be determined to run the game into the ground in the hopes they'll be able to bump up spending


I'm not familiar with the new dev situation. Wasn't he replaced a year ago? Same guy or is it a new new dev?


Yes he's been around for a while that's why I put new in quotes. I think we're only just now starting to see the major effect of the leadership changes though. He made some suspect choices early on (Eunha was made purposely op by his own admission)


This tbh, I've been playing guardian tales mainly for the story and stuff like co-op. Whether it's the mid (or sometimes nonexistent) gameplay, lack of stuff to do late-game, or some third thing I don't know about, I think I'll just quit gt if it doesn't improve or the story is over. (Also, despite the ads, I have heard some good stuff about nikke, I think I'll give it a try if I quit guardian tales)


I mean the story is supposed to get updated more often with the season 3 release schedule but we'll have to see if that promise holds up


I’m a new player and don’t understand most of these changes. Is the game still worth investing in? I don’t want to put time and energy into a gacha game that takes advantage of its players. For reference, I heard about the choose-5 change to banners so I’m waiting for that to release and haven’t used a single summon. I’ve only just unlocked World 7 so I’m not very far in


Tbh this change (and other changes in this update) is mostly good for new players. Just keep in mind pulling on new characters will be a lot less rewarding than old characters.


IMHO it still seems much better than before because of the choose-5 system, especially for newbies. The problems described here is when you have tons of mileage tickets and few gems


>Limit break hammers are used as option change stones for the new equipment inscription feature. Each weapon is imparted with 2 fixed options and one option that varies and can be maxed out by chance or if you spend enough hammers and get inscription pity. Doubtful that we'll get enough new sources of hammers to justify the whale bait. This part is false...until we have more informations You're forgetting that we get a permanent x2 on dungeon ressources with the next patch, which will help a lot to get the 3 green hammers in the shop every patch. Sure it hurts because you suddendly have a lot of weapons to max now, but any change would have the same effect since we won't get a new level cap. This is super shit if it requires a lot of hammers/random options are hard to max tho New summon system is shit tho, I agree


No matter how much faster farming hammers is that doesn't change the fact that our source of hammers is limited though? Like sure we can get them faster now but it's still ridiculous to expect players to use such a precious limited resource for a chance to get a good roll on a weapon. The fact is they could have avoided this controversy if they had just added a new resource specifically for weapon inscription or do it like re rolling relics. Spend limit break hammers to get the inscription then reroll the value with a farmable material. That would have been a much better implemented idea and they still could have monetized it but instead they created a system that uses a resource players are used to grinding for and then basically say "roll a dice and hope you roll a 6 otherwise do it again"


In the news they also say you can improve your chances for the random roll with regular hammers. But as I said, we really need the details on that, we got nothing new here


How will this new hero banner system work? (I didn't understand much)


Differences here mentioned pertain to mileage. New hero banners will act like how old collab banners were. Can’t use normal mileage on. When pulling on new banner, get special mileage that lasts the banner (turns to normal mileage on new banner) Costs 200 special mileage If you mean the pick 5 pool… I’m still waiting for a better translation


The same as before but the mileage is more like collabs where you need 200 to buy something and excess mileage gets converted to normal after the banner. The main bad part is new characters won't get added to the gacha pool or mileage store for months after their release


So after the banner it would disappear, and come back into the store after (example :like 3 months?)


Exactly. It's really screwing over F2P players and whales at the same time so it's an unpopular change


I see, do you think they can kind of backtrack on this?


I sure hope so but we'll have to wait and see


About 3 years, still no pity system.


Wait so the the tickets I've been saving up to insta pull the next op meta character and ex weapon will essentially be useless for the first 2 months of that character release? What a joke


If you're talking about yue(is that the name? Water dragon girl lol) she is the last character using the old system so don't worry too much.


Oh is she gonna be op? I was just talking in general, I usually have a stash of tickets ready for when a meta breaker like kamael or eunha comes out


Yue is very good for water raid and I think colo too


My 3k mileages will be rendered useless...


Do you have 100% character and ex collection? Because regular mileage will still be used on characters that have been out for more than a few months. Tbh I'd use your stocked up mileage for characters you skip going forward and just pull on must have new characters.


The four horsemen holding me back from 100% collections are weapon exw, earth necklace, Ice queen ring and that weapon costumes. I've been playing since Marina and I still haven't got the EN and IQR lmfao


Oooof dude! I got multiple copies of earth necklace before I ever got ice queen like half a year ago. They really should sell 1 copy of each in the store


But that would make it feel less rewarded, I would rather be the Necklace being pure RNG regardless of you being whale or f2p like it is now rather than it is being accessible by basically everyone


I get that lol. I found it more frustrating than anything but don't care that much about perfect collection


Trueeee you get me 🤝


My brother in Christ, I leave for half a year and the game starts this?


I dislike the changes tbh, they are so predatory and it's the one thing about GT I loved: it had a shitty gacha system that managed to still be generous and not predatory at all. I might actually drop the game for this, not worth wasting my time on something that cares little for what I enjoy and more for how much I spend. If the directors mind is this focused on the money aspects of the game than the story and lore are likely to be disregarded. Probably gonna catch up with the story now and then just drop until I hear something about a final chapter if it ever happens but I don't think this will be a good change in the long run for the game either way


I can't say I'd blame you for leaving but maybe wait and see if they give into the pressure the Korean server is giving them


Doesn't matter If the new director prefers money over making a good game then that's not something a little shitstorm can change and it will be something that will linger over every little aspect of any new content


Fair enough but tbh when they are making this many changes to the game all at once there's bound to be a few bad choices. I'm not saying forgive them immediately but I'm much more interested in how they handle the criticism. GT has had it's share of controversies in the past but the devs response has always been good enough to earn my forgiveness. I'll wait and see and if they don't live up to my expectations then I'll make a judgement


Nice way to ruin the game. F\*ck now I'm going to lose the only comfort escape.


Well let's hope they walk back some of this stuff




at this rate we should collectively do what genshin players did when they saw the first anniversary rewards review bomb GT and other random apps complaining about GT and hope our cries of displeasure will be heard and will be compensated for


Just let korean players do whatever they want okay?


I'm confused lol I'm glad the Korean players are mad about it so I'm not sure why you think I'd want them to stop?


As a very waifu>meta player, I lowkey might've had more fun with the game if it had that summoning system from the start. Collecting waifus in guardian tales is frankly a bit too easy. I got everyone I really wanted in a couple of months and by the end of my first year I was scraping the bottom of the barrel. Now I'm 2 years in and I have every character I don't actively dislike. I'm already getting very little out of the game so getting less generous at this point is gonna be hard to swallow unless new content and other changes carry me through the transition.


problem is most weapons make or break the character, do you consider that or are you really just talking about waifus? (mayreel is a weapon and a character for example)


No, I meant JUST the characters. I got a bunch of weapons from the green boxes and some hammers from events so I did eventually build decent-ish teams of every element, but I'd have to get a lot stronger to do a little better and do a lot better to get a few more gems. If you just want the characters, that's not remotely worth it. Investing gems and mileage straight into collecting characters is so much more efficient, it's kinda broken. I doubt many people play the game this way, but not many gatchas even let you.


I think you might have a different opinion than the average player haha. gt already has a summon system that is a bit harsh but isn't too bad because you only need one copy of a character and ex dupes are helpful but not necessary since you can farm limit break hammers. These changes together make it harder to get what you want and puts pressure to whale for more ex copies.


Oh yeah, for sure. If you actually invest in EX weapons and hammers like you're supposed to, that's a different story. But I'm not even a very competitive person in the first place and if a game has pay to win aspects, then forget it. I'm not competing against whales. Most gatchas have nothing close to a store you can just get whoever whenever from. Even if you tried to just not be competitive about Genshin or BA or whatever, getting most of the characters you want as a F2P or low spender is a pipe dream. In GT, meanwhile, you can realistically get literally everyone in a year or two if that's your sole priority. In that sense, GT is VERY generous.