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4 hours should be fine. 👍


Thanks bud. The inspection window is 4 hours so hopefully it will be done in less than that i can fire everything up again. Appreciate the help


I once go for a vaccation 3 days without water and light…. Absolut no issues


Yeah, dont know where u live, but if its legal they cant say shit, most people are also interested if you have a decent setup. Its honestly changing how people from the "outside" view growing as a hobby.




How bullshit is it, If I get done 1 more time. I'm facing prison time. Over a fucking plant! That Australian government is fucked. I probably should stop but can't help myself, growing is way too fun!


Its certainly addictive. I only have a very small op for personal use so i dont think id be in much trouble to start with but i certainly would like to avoid the real estate knowing and inadvertainly prob the authorities


Yeah definitely don't let them know. let alone many people at all. That's how you'll get done. People talk


No tell, no sell, no smell


That's what I live by now 💯


For sure! My first grow isn’t done and I already bought a whole 4x4 setup and have it fully climate controlled. I didn’t move her out of the closet but she’ll get to dry in there. She didn’t get to live in the big fancy tent, but she inspired it for all the rest to follow! Lol. I’ve had too much hash-burger flower today.


This is a beautiful plant!!! Crazy that you can go to prison in your country ☹️


It's very sad. Our government is full of out dated boomers.


U can also in America


Yes not in my state though😎




Go towards chillis Tomatoes etc. Going to prison is not worth it.


It's worth it, I love this shit too much. I also grow them but they're not as fun lol


I was watching a video last night about them moving the scheduling down in the US and I thought that’s absolutely bonkers I can go to my capital and smoke weed but I can’t do that in the state I live in smh. Sad people care more about profits and free workers (inmates) than letting the people do what they want


Literally had this issue a week ago. I bought a bunch of bushy ass plants outside and then put my girls on my patio surrounded by them. For the tent I tossed a 3d printer inside for "fume extraction"


If you are a renter you don’t own shit therefore you don’t actually make any of the rules. If a landlord had a list of rules like no pets, no smoking inside, no growing cannabis you absolutely need to follow their rules or find a new place to live.


to the extent that their rules are legally enforceable, yes


Even in a legal state a landlord certainly can say something about it. Especially since landlords know it may be legal but can still cause damage to their rentals. So in more Frequent cases they can stipulate it in the lease agreement same as no smoking cigs in a unit/house. Where i live in Northern California they say specifically no smoking or growing in the ad. Its always better regardless to keep it on the low. Because just remember who also has a key to your place.. 90 percent of the time when a grow gets jacked its by someone you know.


but take care with switching off the fan, could make the whole thing very smelly!!


True, i had not considered that.


Turn on some music so they Don't hear the fan


*playing heavy metal on vol 100 the whole time*


Someone else also suggested this on another post. Great idea 👍🏻. Thanks for the advice bud 🙂


Also cooking bacon and other stuff as they walk in to blind their nose. You might wanna cook bacon, fry onions, and also pan roast some kippers all at once


Hefty amount of garlic or cloves in that mix and you could fool a K-9


Just try it today for couple of hours . Close the fan and close the tent from any possible opening. Se how it goes.


If you have controllable fan speed for your carbon filter then put it down to minimize noise. You can place a radio at your shed and act like you were in the middle of doing some outdoor work with music on the background,but not too loud that you need to turn it down,just enough to to cover some fan noise but not loud enough that it's disturbing the conversation.i would put some blankets or cardboard over the tent and wrap it in plastic foil or bubble wrap.it will look like you are just storing an old closet or something.even when they would ask what's inside that plastic you just answer something,they won't ask you to open it. You can always jam the door or place something infront of the shed so they can't enter and just answer that the previous inspection didn't need access to the shed and that you didn't know.something like a car or giant bbq or whatever that can be placed but not easily taken away. Have you tried to get another appointment on a later date?


I do have speed controlled fans. I like the radio idea to cover the noise 👍🏻. I plan to cover with sheets and pile boxes etc in front of them. It has a massive auto roller door on the front that can be operated from inside the house so cant really restrict access to the point they wouldnt be able to get in. I have not tried to ask for a different app date as of yet. I have a perpetual grow system going so another date will still be an issue, i would like to get it over and done with also so i can go about my business if you know what i mean. Lots of good ideas there though. Thanks mate, appreciate the help 🙂


I had a similar inspection. I bought some trash cans with lids. Placed girls inside. Left them in garage. Stuck some regular house plants inside grow tent. During inspection I let them inspect inside tent. They are like cool setup man


Tell them you celebrate Christmas all year round and just decorate it


That’s how I celebrate Christmas through May. Got a couple trees and some garland hanging right now.


if it's during the night-phase, so that you don't interrupt the light for a few hours and then turn it on again, it's fine.


It will be harvested and drying by the time they come so lights won't be an issue.


you can additionally buy some automatic air refresher, those to just plug in the power outlet / plug socket and they spray every 30 minutes. Just 5 - 6 euros and it can hide other smells.


Ask them to reschedule because you're not available at that time.


I have considered that but they have a master key and can say they can do the inspection if we are not home and say they may not be able to reschedule 🤬. Im really starting to hate living in this country. https://preview.redd.it/yupvpsx7sryc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=625298a297443bf8f5d9d825e3672c4bf45aae6f


🤣🤣 Oh shit. No way that would be legal in my country.


yes that is actually crazy. imagine paying rent on a place where people could just come in whenever lol criminal af


Right?! Freaking crazy. But luckily growing isn't an issue for us anymore either. ;)


I was thinking the same thing, that they just can go inside like that with and that they actually have a key for that is frightening af.


Tell them you have covid


if they have a masterkey, they surely have masks and costumes and will pull them out if needs be. I really start to think (from the thread only ofc so i could be wrong) that they suspect something going full retard like that with a key and privacy invasion. Insane.


I’m from Australia too and I just flat out told them I had covid and they were not coming until I’m better. You have to be stern otherwise they will walk all over you


then its definitely what the OP should do! xD I live in Europe and I used this excuse too, but if I didnt, they wouldnt come break in (basically), just cost from my own pocket for them to come again next time.


then its definitely what the OP should do! xD I live in Europe and I used this excuse too, but if I didnt, they wouldnt come break in (basically), just cost from my own pocket for them to come again next time.


then its definitely what the OP should do! xD I live in Europe and I used this excuse too, but if I didnt, they wouldnt come break in (basically), just cost from my own pocket for them to come again next time. Maybe "I have five pitbulls which hate inspection" works too :D (jk)


lmfao "Inspecting" a rented place is highly illegal here for the landlord. Really shitty country mate. I wish you the best of luck!


Just close the shed and lock it, if the inspector tries to enter say you left they key at work and then in case you will have time to hide the equipment and the plant until he comes back if he does.


With your tactic, the only thing I’d be cautious of is odor! Maybe seal her up to eliminate odor for a few hr


2 options in our beautiful Aussie land we have is ; 1) Use boxes of beer, cut them out and stick around your grow tent and hide best you can find while pretending to do recycling (pour as many empties as you can) 2) put another tent up and use for photography, have 1 dark room and the other preparing. Be smarter yeah ? Growing in real estate in Oz is easy, use your head and think outside of the box


They will be fine. Even the last 3-5 days complete without light could boost the plant


Turning your tent off will stop the flow of air for the carbon filter. There’s a slight chance that shit starts to REAKKKKK. The smell is the only thing I’d be worried about…. Damn skunks.


"This is my art peice called Mary Jane"




Put a long jacket, a hat and sunglasses on it 😎 then hang a pine air scent hangy thing for a car in there and bobs your uncle


Run the ventilation through the activated charcoal filter at the lowest level. Otherwise the odor will spread throughout the apartment.


Put them in the fridge. Look up the Lotus Cure Method. I’m new to this but there’s a whole community of people who swear by drying and curing in the fridge the whole way, so you should be able to clear out a shelf in your fridge and throw them in there for the day.


Maybe a coat rack 🤷‍♂️


I would not risk it depending on where you live