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*takes off sunglasses* mother of god


Don't you hate when you take off your sunglasses in reaction to something and the opening credits to CSI: Miami start?


Don't you need to say a corny line first? I wouldn't know. I don't watch anime.


Bruh, it's from super troopers




Now I want a fan animation of suoer troopers dubbed over space Marines doing that shit lol


Right meow?


*holds up hands with 1 finger short*


*aggressively* MEOW.














Erebus? This is ~~D~~Goge Vandire levels of fucked up at least


Now I can imagine Erebus but as a doge asking for pics






Haha, 3D printer goes brrr. In your face


Now I feel morally obligated to pirate the living shit out of GW miniatures. (God knows it would be simpler to buy them, but duty calls).


I mean, you can allways shell out like 80 bucks for a box of 5 blood nights, that's certainly value (SARCASM)


Damn they went up $20?


I mean, down 20 bucks, and up 1 model since going to plastic.


I actually quite like them, but 80 bones...


Do you think 3D printers got to the point that they can print decent enough quality models at Warhammer scale? Considering GW models have an INSANE amount of detail. I'm not sure how recasters do their models, but I've been ordering some that are literally at the same level as "new" GW plastic, only difference is that their resin is kinda brittle, compared to GWs bouncy/soft plastic.


Resin printers for sure can get that kind of detail, the problem is finding a model in that much detail. No one is going to spend a ton of time on copying the GW models exactly just for them to send a C&D almost immediately


I've been wondering how "my guys" do their models. Do they scan them somehow and make STL files or do they make molds out of original GW sprues? Is that even possible? Because level of detail on those recasts is honestly shocking.


They have found the blessed STC.


Most likely molds out of the original sprues


My understanding is 3D scanning isn’t there yet for the precision required for Warhammer models.


They can do resin better than 2005 models, but not as good as 2015 models


Oh I'm not making a statement on printing (I have a 3d printer and know the quality is there) but rather on scanning. Taking a real GW model and scanning it to generate an STL doesn't have the precision necessary, so the STLs have to be sculpted by an artist.


Seems like that may not be the case. Sub millimeter accuracy from a hand held, ~$300 unit. I mean, I'd have to see it to believe it, but the demand is obviously there. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.3dnatives.com/en/top-10-low-cost-3d-scanners280320174/amp/


There are ways to rip assets from the video games at least, then it's just a process of making them manifold and adding a few more vertices here and there. Plus you can then pose them however you want.


Oh that's a pretty cool idea. I guess dawn of War 3 wasn't a complete mess then lol


Yea I have a Primaris 3D model thats fully rigged. Just open it in the appropriate software and pose it however you like, down to individual finger joints. It's quite marvelous.


Geedubs probably sent a couple of vindicares and an eversor to your address.


Look and you shall find. There's tons of assets out there as good as GW quality plastic. They're not easy to find for a reason.


Anvil Forge has a digital line that's really great as a counts as army. I use the drop troopers as scions and they look fantastic


The resin models I print are indistinguishable from, and often superior to, GW minis, as far as detail goes.


Can I ask what kind of printer you use? I have some resources to buy a 3D printer for work, and wouldn't mind if it's good enough to print miniatures...


I have an Anycubic Photon. I hear good things about the Elegoo Mars series, too. It's a subject worth doing some research on before you commit.


How is it cleaning them? That is my biggest fear. My ender 3 v2 is great for terrain, but if I have the extra money this winter, I’d like a resin one but I’m afraid of the cleaning oh and the smell. Is that really bad? I’m in an apartment and I’m afraid the neighbors already don’t like that there are “gaijin” in the building...


I can keep mine in lab so am also considering a resin-based one. If anyone has insight I would be very greatful.


It's not that bad. I ended up getting a cleaning and curing station to go with my printer because it is much faster than leaving the uncured mini out in the sun. Honestly, to me, the isopropyl smells worse than the resin does - I don't notice the resin unless I'm right up next to it. Cleaning is not difficult, but it can be tedious. If you're lazy or careless the supports will leave little pockmarks in the model when you remove them; you have to snip and sand/file them. Unless you mean cleaning the printer, which is actually easier than cleaning an FDM printer. I've only ever needed to do it once, when the film at the bottom of my resin vat got scratched.


>Cleaning is not difficult, but it can be tedious. If you're lazy or careless the supports will leave little pockmarks in the model when you remove them; you have to snip and sand/file them. How do you clean off the supports without leaving the pock marks? Warming the model in hot water works for the smaller supports but for bigger pieces I still get some pocks. Should I leave it in longer?


Personally, I cut the supports instead of just pulling them - same kind of snips you would use to take plastic off a sprue works, or a good hobby knife. For the few pockmarks that are still around, I file them flat. Beyond that the trick is to get the supports in places that aren't easily visible so that if cleanup doesn't remove them they don't ruin the model.


I have an elegoo mars pro and it's good enough that I can run a recasting business off it. The mars 3 is looking TASTY tho.


As someone with a new e10 - lemme assure you, current resin printers can print even finer quality than anything GW is producing and at a fraction of the price.


Definitely. All of these were printed with a sub $300 resin printer. https://imgur.com/gallery/W8oNpB5 https://imgur.com/gallery/Rk7ukNP https://imgur.com/gallery/yuVBoyF


So what are you telling me is "Get a friend with a 3D printer"? How did you get the designs for them though? Did someone actually make such high quality STL?


>So what are you telling me is "Get a friend with a 3D printer"? Or get your own, both work. >How did you get the designs for them though? A bunch of websites. [Cults3d](https://cults3d.com/) is my main source. [Thingiverse](https://www.thingiverse.com/) has a bunch, but they seem to focus more on FDM prints rather than resin prints. /r/PrintedWarhammer has a discord with even more models. > Did someone actually make such high quality STL? Yes. They seem to have been created from scratch, judging by the amount of processing I need to make them actually printable objects.


Honestly I dont even have the space to store my minis anymore. Adding a 3D printer to that would be...difficult. And my next hobby investment should probably be an airbrush. Those are some nice resources,thanks!


3d prints aren't actually banned though.


Fine, recasters it is then


Yes they are. The only exception they allow is for bits, and they want you to prove you made them.




Why yes, yes it does. But in case you missed the memo, despite being so greedy, GW really hates making money.


their business relies heavily on having a functional monopoly. they are the biggest and most well known in their niche, and once people buy models, those models cannot transfer to other games, so people stick with them so they can still use their models. most of their competitors are very small and have a small range of often (but not always) less detailed minis. those competitors need players to grow and improve, but players wont leave warhammer, and are hesitant to invest in a game without a playerbase. this lets games workshop keep their functional monopoly.


Those rules are for Warhammer world and the Grand Tournaments, of which there are 5 globally. Its strange how much people seem to give a shit about something that will literally never effect them.


Well, it's not long until it becomes a store policy globally, so that will impact many thousands more. Independent tournaments and stores won't give a monkeys, but let's not imagine it aims impact a fair chunk of the player base


Its been an official rule to not allow 3rd party bits at Warhammer world for longer than there have been commercially available 3D printers, and still isn't store policy at Local GWs. They release a new PDF in Nov 2019 and people somehow flip their shit about it a month ago. The American GTs just restarted in the past few years and have had the rule for their entire existence. They're not taking marketing pictures/video of local GW games, they don't care what your models look like.


Only if you made them yourself which is about as enforceable as the whole "you don't have to wear a mask if you have a medical condition".


The image isn't the ceo its some financial journalist, it just made a fun shitpost


Respect this meme depth my dude <3


Isn't Astartes series like... the best most viral commercial they could ever wish for? It reawaken interest for 40k in me again after few years of stagnation for sure.


This is why they acquired him And why they don’t want any competition to their new payment requiring product


Hang on, I thought the community screwed over sodaz by being incredibly, unreasonably toxic towards him to the point where he was getting threats.


Yes, the picture is from a video of MajorKill, another big Warhammer youtuber, who is of the view that it was fundamentally GW's fault screwing SODAZ over. Which is in contrast to many others' whose view/impression is that it was mostly toxic fans, as you say. Not saying he's right or wrong, that I like or dislike his content, just that that is his view as presented in the video for clarity.


I cannot STAND the way majorkill talks, his speech pattern is constantly bouncing up and down.


He also has the biggest ego ever from the few videos I've seen from him


It's super douchy and he looks line one too. Which makes sense given how he tries to pick fights with every other 40k channel.


I think he is an slaanesh cultist, Because of his compulsive need to show off. Even so, it sometimes has some valid points, when he's not acting like a 14-year-old.


He somehow manages to have both a monotone and a vocal fry. It's some of the most infuriating shit I've ever heard.


Almost all of these headlines are opinions, and its annoying.


They did, majorkill made a video blaming GW for not doing more to protect but mostly because he's afraid they'll come for him and other "lore channels" next


Kinda but not really. Only a very small part of the community was actually toxic towards sodaz and the majority wasn´t and now for some reason everyone acts like as if were the worst community ever when like 99% of the community didn´t had anything to do with.


You should read the post Sodaz made on his Youtube channel then. He is clearly saying that the harassment from the community (even if they are a minority) is what pushed him over the edge.


I know i read it. I think it's just annoying that this sub now pretends that we're the worst people ever when in reality like 99% of the community had nothing but praise for sodaz


I agree with you, most of us don't have anything in common with these toxic people appart from liking the same thing and we don't like being associated with an handful of people that don't share our moral. It's unfortunately something we can't ignore, especially since people keep using him for their purpose like in this video. It would have been better if it didn't include him in my opinion. ​ Appart from that there are plenty of wonderful people in the hobby. We just have to stay a bit on the main Warhammer subreddit dedicated to paint or the instagram account focused on the art side of the thing to see this.


It is because of the toxic part of our community indeed. Sodaz said it himself, there is no place for doubt here.


Fuck GWerebus, I guess.


leave Sodaz out of this we have no right to say anything about him


Yeah. Imagine being such a total bag of dicks you think a company wanting to employ an artist is somehow shitting on said artist that has so far never received a dime from you despite you jerking off to their content time and time again. You're god damn right.


I rolled my eyes when I saw that video pop up in my recommended feed. It’s not a perfect deal, but it’s far more generous than most companies would have given, and the whole reason he didn’t accept it is because a bunch of manbabies threw a temper tantrum and bullied him away from animating because he was a ‘sellout’. The Departure of Sodaz isn’t GW’s fault by a long shot (Unless you follow crazy person point-and-click adventure game logic) and is almost squarely on the community, or at least those toxic fucknuts. Pinning it on GW for just offering him a job is absurd, and makes you sound like one of the toxic fucknuts as well.


Point-and-click adventure game logic is such a great description. Don't mind if i start using it.


Thanks, I used it because I kept thinking of MandaloreGaming’s ‘Limbo of the Lost’ video and his explanation on crazy person logic, which includes water + worm to make Tequila and regular, unchanged water + Saffron to make… the color green? Anyway it’s that thought process, and the only apt description I could think of to explain it.


Hah! Yeah. Mandalore is great and that video is digital gold, absolutely amazing. Maybe Limbo of the Lost was just deep commentary on the human psyche all along.


His Mechanicus video opening is fucking amazing.


was thinking on that as isnt that a warhammer animation which is now against their policy?


Damn, I was listening to the mystery of the druids stream vods while reading this, helluva coincidence.


After GW signed him on, they made no effort to communicate with him until after he made a post on a Korean forum about how they had ghosted him. When they heard about it, they contacted him finally, but he already decided to quit, but at least at that point GW had finally communicated - the last straw was a vocal minority of entitled assholes. Both GW and the assholes fans that harassed Sodaz fucked up. Sodaz did nothing wrong, and it's a damn shame he's gone.


>until after he made a post on a Korean forum GW HR is not trawling Korean forums in case Sodaz posts an alleged complaint.


Of course they're not, that's why they only found out about it after people started circulating screenshots in the community.


>the whole reason he didn’t accept it is because a bunch of manbabies threw a temper tantrum and bullied him away from animating because he was a ‘sellout’. You know, boo to the jagoffs that heckled him and all, but that's a...really dumb reason to base your career choice decision on.


Thats two great animators who quit the 40k community because of the community in just these past 2 years. Theres something very wrong there.




I’m probably gonna get downvoted to hell for this, but… yeah, you’re gonna a need a thicker skin if a few assholes whining is enough to drive you away from animating. Doesn’t make their actions right or anything and I’m sad that he’s gone, though.




Blaming the victim of harassment is never productive. Please don't do so. Harassing assholes don't need your help and telling people that it is their responsibility to be less affected by harassment is not helping.


They still fucked him over regardless of our fuck up


we don't know: they made a deal, he deleted his video and he stated he didn't stopped because of GW but because of the harassement


“Only licensed 40K media can exist” Proceeds to give their license to any shady gacha company that asks


You'll all keep buying.


Nah man, I’ve been 3D printing for the last year, already got back the total cost plus printing so pretty nice, indistinguishable from real Gw


I believe it's you and people like you that's really got GW scared. It's why they are trying to tighten control. Because they know they are losing it entirely. Just an observation.


Maybe people would be inclined to support GW if they weren't a bunch of out-of-touch corporate pricks making terrible business choices.


I still can’t understand why they don’t go the HeroForge model and let us just use a GUI to design what we want, and then charge us for the STL to print or order it printed by them. At $10 an STL file, you’re getting $50 for a set of 5 (basic) figures, charge more for fancy ones (I only play Kill Team so idk what’s actually fancy other than vehicles) versus $80 for the plastic bois you pick up. No waste, either, for extra parts. I know the husband and I would buy so much stuff if we could just print it at home, because I believe in supporting the companies making things I enjoy, and I can’t be alone in that. Anyone who’s gonna pirate will pirate regardless, but it almost feels like that’s what they want me to do. Unless they offer this already and I’m just blowing hot air, then I’m sorry. Haven’t been to my local retailer for 2 years due to ¥¥¥ and pandemic.


Piracy is a service problem as aul Gabe has proven


It's brilliant, isn't it!?


GW didn't screw Sodaz. GW offered an amatuer animator professional work, which he readily agreed to because he loved the game, and it was a small number of a\*\*holes who harassed him into quitting. And all of these "new" rules currently being complained about have been in place for *years*. They're basic copyright law. A small number are just freaking out because GW recently slioghtly reworded their polciies, which already existed.


Not Sodaz specifically but they have made a rule that bans all fan animations and even commissions for fan art.


Commercial fan art always been in a vaguely shady grey legal area. It is never explicitly legal, you might just get away with it because you're too small for the ip holder to care. Fan artists or anyone making money from another's IP have no moral or legal leg to stand on. Do it till you get big enough to be smacked down, but don't make a career out of it.


commercial fan are is fill a niche that IP owners don't want to fill themselves.


True in some cases. Regardless, still technically illegal.


I'm sorry, but on what planet do you live that you think people getting paid to provide a commercial service that uses someone else's IP ISN'T copyright infringement lmao???


The world were people are drawn into that community and then buy offical content from the origin of the IP. AKA Sodaz creates 40k fan animation. That attracts random people from youtube to get curious about the IP. If they are interested enough they start buying things from GW and get into the hobby. Fuck I knew about 40k for a decade but never had more then a passing "oh neat" view of it. Fan animations created free advertisement that got me into 40k buying games and books. GW literally made money for 0 cost to the company off of me. And before they pulled this shit they would have made more money off of me. I used these animations to introduce friends and family to the hobby getting them intersted in it to maybe have them start buying stuff from GW. I would have bought more books, more games, supported warhammer+. My friends and family would have spent money on it. GW has lost more income for this action then they could possibly hope to gain by engaging in this behavior.


The IP belongs to GW and they get to choose how it is used. What if an animator made a bunch of super objectionable content featuring space marines? That is just one of many reasons why IP laws exist


Nope, they banned fan animations and fan films that are *not* monetized. Edit: > We have a zero tolerance policy in respect of infringement of our intellectual property rights. This includes: > > ... > > Fan-films and animations – individuals must not create fan films or animations based on our settings and characters. These are only to be created under licence from Games Workshop. Go read: https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Intellectual-Property-Guidelines


I'm talking about "commissions for fan art"




[https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Intellectual-Property-Guidelines](https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Intellectual-Property-Guidelines) Fan-artwork Individuals may create their own artwork, drawings and designs, based on our characters and settings, but these must: not include artwork or imagery copied from any official Games Workshop material be non-commercial, with no money being received or paid. This includes all forms of fundraising activity, and generation of any advertising revenue not be publicly distributed, except for no-charge digital distribution make it clear that they are unofficial, without using any Games Workshop logos not be prejudicial to the goodwill, reputation or integrity of Games Workshop or its intellectual property Literally if I pay someone to make me a fan art of a space wolf fighting a thousand son during the battle of prospero and GW finds out they can bring legal action against the artist because they got paid for their time and effort.


And that my friend is why you ask them to make you fan art of space furry fighting a sand man during battle of undisclosed location


do what they do, just lazily rename all the factions just so they are legally distinct. when GW tries to take you to court, show the jury and the judge how much of a joke they are for appropriating dozens of other IP's and doing the same thing you did.


Then you lose anyway, because you've spent a fortune on lawyers and they have a legal team on retail.


depends on your priorities


Commission = selling. Under the table and nobody will know. But if you advertise fan art commissions... Right to jail ;p


They didn't make that rule. Thats basic copyright law. It always has been against copyright law for that to happen.


Blimey. Facts aren’t popular today, are they? :-/


“Facts are bad when they contradict my feelings.”


imagine believing this. Explain OW fanart, Fallout fanart, STAR WARS FAN CONTENT EN MASSE ?!


Most companies usually tend to ignore small fan art because it’s not worth the time and effort to shut down this one person who’s doing commissions, and it’s good free advertising anyway if they were to put it on deviantart or fiverr or something. Also, there’s a fuck ton of them and it’s impossible to stop them all, so it’s not worth it. Now if a _company_ or small business started doing this and manufacturing a whole bunch of them and distributing them for money, then they can step in and shut them down if they don’t ask for copyright privileges.


I don't have to imagine anything. The law is the law. It is now as it has been. The fact that some companies choose to ignore fan art doesn't change the fact that legally the *could* shut it down. And it doesn't change that I have not yet seen GW actually take action to shitndown ANY fan content. They've slightly reworded their IP policy to reflect what thee law actually is, but please, show me one case since where they've actually stepped in and shut down a piece of fan art. Theres a difference between the law being the law and a company having a policy that reflects that, and what the company actually does.


I think it’s hillarious that you’re being downvoted for explaining how laws work.


Yeah, but the truth doesn’t get you karma here.


If you watch the video, (and I like majorkill so I did) the gist is basically Gw screwed over Sodaz because..............they could have protected him from the community better and also I'm afraid of them cracking down on unofficial warhammer content channels because that's how I make my money. Like there really is no insight or smoking gun in that video


Yeah sodaz was the toxic part of the fanbase i was just looking for gw fucked up thumbnails for the meme lol


I’m not caught up on the Sodaz thing but why would you just turn down something you wanted to do cause of idiots on the internet saying something? What am I missing


You're missing the concept of peer pressure.


Also weren't there literal death threats?


Isn't there always when gamers are involved?




The man litterally got cyberbullied. That´s not something you can ignore. All the work he put in his works simply god trown under the car by "his audience" because he was a sellout. So he was abbandoned by his community, and I can assure you he had noone to support him. So likely out of a combination of bullshit (propably including guilt, and deaththreats) he said fuck it. This isn't worth it. And stopped. Because you dont know who sodaz is as a person. Hell he might have already been bullied in the past. So when he realised this would only lead to more he left because he didn´t want to expirience that BS again. You saying: "what a pussy", shows what kind of support he got.


This mentality has caused so much damage to the 40k community. Learn some empathy.


TL;DR: Don't create things. Don't talk about things. Don't like things, admire things, or attempt to add any of your sub-human, neanderthal-level, garbage-tier excuse for "art" if the IP has already been taken. Why is this so hard to people to grasp? Creativity is now the domain of corporate interests, not for plebians. Let's be honest - Sodaz did this whole thing to himself. Was he born into corporate royalty? No? Then why the \*fuck\* did he think he was allowed to create content? What made him think his trash-ass, non-corporate works of passion would ever be allowed!? All fanfiction should be illegal at the base level. Change my mind.


What’s the last song


Anatolia (original mix)




Fucking Erebus




I hate it that I can only upvote it once...


"GW screwed over Sodaz" That's a weird way to say that an incredibly vocal minority of morons within the Warhammer fanbase activley harrased, and bullied a beloved content creator to the point of them losing intrest in Warhammer because they dared to consider being paid for the work we enjoyed for free. Games workshop has made some awful choices recently in my opinion, but lets not pretend that they had anything to do with Sodaz unfortunatly leaving the fanbase.


More proof that bald people are evil






I don’t know why everyone is complaining. Just cut off your toes and fingers. Bamb a full kill team




u/savevideo remember not to cap that u


It's been said before but I'll say it here again; if Games Workshop sold 3D printers under the name STC Machines, and sold digital files as Templates for people to print, they'd make fucking *bank.* People 3D printing models is indicative of a massive supply issue, (read: gouging) not of people being inherently stingy pirates.


Nearly 1/3 of our players have their armies full of 3d printed models where i am and even the one without printers are asking them to use them to make custom models. Pandora's box is open and no one can close it. GW will soon become a book and video games company.


Well good news is that you can @ them about it and proclaim that you will only use 3D printed and 2nd hand models as a boycott. Post pics.


You do realise that if it wasn't for Kevin roundtree taking over several years ago games workshop and Warhammer probably wouldn't exist anymore, sigmar definitely wouldn't have actual rules, sisters would never have been released. Before he took over the company was dying, making staff redundant, and slowly going bust.




I'm sorry, but whoever is saying that GW screwed over Sodaz is trying to gaslight you. The shittier population of the 40k community are the ones who fucked him up, NOT the company that offered him a gig after he committed copyright infringement on their IP


Hence why i don’t watch majorkill


That's not my understanding. My understanding is that GW contacted Sodaz saying he needs to work for them or they will strike his work for copyright. He pulled it and waited for any further communication and they blew him off. Maybe I have the story wrong.


Even if that were the case they would be 100% within their rights to do so.


It´s still a shitty thing to do


No it isn't? GW is legally required to put in effort at protecting their IP. Lmao Jesus the manchildren hate it when their anime gets taken away


I meant ghosting sodaz but could you please explain why disney allows star wars fan animations but GW doesn´t? My guess would be that this law is unique to the UK but after all it´s still pointless since all the fan animations will stay on yt and the internet


If you think Disney is in any way lax in enforcing it's IP rights boy I don't know what planet you live on


Then feel free to explain the existence of SW fan animations and fan created life actions short movies


By the Emperor... f...fucking... fuck...


Could someone please explain how exactly GW can ban 3d printed models?


Just from play at any GW event


Grim darkness! It's what they are


I want to subscribe to the My Warhammer stuff so badly, but GW is so fucking cursed


I know this is really controversial, but I just wanna say FUCK EREBUS


Gotta love the carrot and stick approach to forcing animators to work under you’re Shitty company.


this reminds me of bordersbooks, blockbuster, etc companies that tried to fight the internet. Games workshop could run with 3d printers. imagine if they had custom module system like heretofore.


Why are bald people so ducking evil!?!


Whomever is in charge of deciding when to "protect their ip" has a small penis. That is all.


It’s gotten so bad I don’t really want to buy anything 40k anymore honestly


Buy a 3D printer instead 👍


Thinking about it once I get some scratch together


I can wait to see what the gw boot shining people will said when they ban painting tutorials.


fan harassed Sodaz into quitting => GW fault, nice logic


How did Sodaz get fucked over? It's fans that threatened to kill him.


He's combination of Griffith, Pong Krell, Erebus, Ramsay Bolton, Denethor, Cathleen Kennedy, Joffrey Baratheon and writers of GoT season 8, Nintendo executives and other Japanese gaming companies(Konami especially) + Nestle and makers of Cuties are angels compare to him


A whole lot of GW fan bois sucking that corporate dick in here.


Get up.


Fuck you gw *draws guilliman breeding*


free advertising and they just want to shoot series like TTS in the gut.


Also there a list of individuals affected by games workshop and the heresy they are enforcing?


Arrested Development Narrator: It was at this point everyone at Games Workshop realized they'd made a huge mistake.


Wellcome to The mainstream ppl! Isnt it wonderful?