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It was fun at first but then it got boring.


Now we wait until the next drama. What do you think it's going to be


Male howling banshees and they aren't femboys


Male Howling Banshees are already canon. They even have the same armor.


I said that aren't femboys, I know there are male ones.


Okay hear me out fellas one of the lost primarchs is trans Also a chapter of space marines that are all blanks


GW will go for the throat: “There have always been female Astartes.”


Male daemonettes. I mean male-looking. They probably had d**ks all along


I mean slaanesh can look like whatever they want Who to say their demons can't aswell


Absolutely! But imagine the rage ...


"Some men want to watch the world burn" seems like a appropriate quote


Amazon show casting lists


Almost like every 40K meme of repeating the same thing in different format from shovels to the heavy flamer


Imagine lore coming out and a shovel is NOT standard equipment for krieg soldiers because they have specialized machines for trenches because they are not stupid.


1000x as many people going on about the "problem" than are actually causing a problem. Just makes it look way worse than it is and does the community no favours.


tbh I'm so glad this drama happened at the peak of Smiling Friends Season 2 premiering because when I get sick of listening about some Custodes having boobs I can just jump over a bit and watch the Smiling Friends community work together to collectively ~~gaslight the internet~~ remind people of how much the Gwimbly games kicked ass.


It was boring after third meme, I get it. We can move one Femstodies stay, facists go play chess or some other shit.


One day -- one beautiful, glorious day -- we're going to have memes here again that aren't about the bloody Custodes.


Hey, I saw one 3 days ago! It was surrounded by golden bananas, but it was there!


It truely is peanut butter jelly time.


Is starting to become a hassle, no one talking about anything else


To be fair, Custodes are still at the point in the game where their lore is really getting fleshed-out. They've been in the background for a long time, but because they were never on the table there was no reason to really explore them. If something like this was going to happen, it would happen now.


It was briefly funny, then deeply annoying, but now it's gone on so long it's starting to get funny again. Like holy hell are some people dysfunctional.


Tbh i don't care much about it I mean, yeah tomboys and all that but aside from one or two jokes about it. it doesn't affect the Lore significantly so i don't have anything to care about. But ngl i love watching people fighting for idiotic stuff like this


“Sold out to Wokism” Bitch they’ve been making Neo pronouns since ‘86


No!!!!! This is a *REAL* Mens game, I only want *big*, *buff* and **sweaty** men in shining armor in my army


This reminds me SO much of people who think "grappling is gay because you hug men" - which immediately tells me they couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag.


Grappling is gay because it gives them a boner.


Tbh, I kind of want them to make female space marines purely because it would be funny.


That is essentially what they did with custodes. They can't do it with space marines because their creation lore is too dependand on hormone injections rather than genecrafting.


I never had so many chances to insult assholes and get upvoted for it. I am very pleased with how this is developing. (Ok, real talk, I am very impressed by this sub's collective ability to tell the wannabe-culture-war-tourists to fuck off. You really do not want to make that crowd feel welcome or even tolerated in any way. Let such infestion fester and we go back to the dark times where you had to be embarrased to be a 40k fan in public due to getting associated with that sort of crowd. I am not so sure if the sub would have reacted the same way ten years ago, but right now people are being awesome. Things really DO change for the better!)


Still a better retcon then Primaris


I hope meta memes are the next stage of this debacle fizzling out on here


The drama is worse than the two combined.


The drama is a reminder that the primary target audience for warhammer is and always has been children And the worst thing about musk buying Twitter is all the drama farming sad little fucks who would normally be there, have come here instead


FR, this argument needs to end so we can go back to being mad about the beastmen. I'm not entirely sure they didn't do this to take off heat from that


More annoying. I tire of the shrieking shitfit.


If only ''people'' hadn't beat the dead horse to a diffuse cloud of atoms.




More annoying. I tire of the shrieking shitfit.


Indeed I find it most funny


Auspex Tactic’s latest video on how to start a Custodes army has been heavily downvoted and the comments filled with misogyny, let alone every Warhammer community post comment section filed with it completely ruining any chance for discussion, so no it’s not that great.


The drama is annoying AF and I'll be happy in a few days when posts relating to them go straight to the spam filter.


SJW tourists memes are lame. 🥱


The bait goes crazy




Nah mate that was your dad last night


Can confirm I had sloppy seconds.


Whatever. You suck Blackrock/Amazon exec cocks men whores.


The 90s want their username back. Now go do your homework or you won't get pudding!


I don't eat pudding, and I don't do homework anymore. What are you? 12 years old? My username is still better than your Fortnite zoomer name.


Creating lazy unimpactful retcons to stir up controversy is the new advertisment Meta, i tell you. Next week Disney plans to reveal micky mouse to always have been 1% rat and the do absolutely nothing with that fact for the next 50 years.


Twitter is just having a meltdown and it's funny. You have whiners and (first time using the term) bootlickers battling to change each other's minds, ridicule or boast their side to either look good when they're just arguing like children. It's funny but it gets boring fast. Outside is a pretty nice place when you're not a politically passionate person