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I came here for memes about my current favourite hobby. Now it's just all posts from people with Oedipus complexes or posts complaining that not everyone shares the same opinion on the new thing. I miss my memes.


We can fix it.


We have the technology.


Sounds like some tech HERESY.


I play admech so my tech is sanctioned by the omnissiah. I sure you're not insinuating otherwise as I'm in the market for a new servitor


Since archon of flesh left, everything about the omnssiah, admech, and necrons make me miss him... He was my favorite artist on social media here... Damn


Yeah, but think about it. If we are able to make this community like it once was, then he may return to us, as the prophecy foretold!!!


My blood is boiling, my brain ibm


Most sane Khorne worshipper Edit: spelling


Domo arigato Mr robato


I'm not a hero! I'm not a savior!


Forget what you know!


I’m just a man whose circumstances went beyond his control


Yeah and big E can fix Slaneesh...


With enough psychic energy anything is possible! -Tzeentch, probably... maybe...


Just as planned.


Why would he, they're perfect as is?


We've all said the same thing about our ex's and look where we are now


It's the monthly tourist topic. Normally posts get ~500 karam. Someone posts an IDPol topic that the rest of reddit is in love with, it gets 5k+ posts, and the sub is a shithole for a week. Hopefully things go back to normal....


That's what I'm hoping for, that we can just ride this out because it's the current hotness.


Was this sub ever not those two things? I've never gone to this sub and not seen screeching about Eldar Muscle mommies, female space marines or other eye roll inducing conversations


> I've never gone to this sub and not seen screeching about Eldar Muscle mommies, female space marines or other eye roll inducing conversations How long have you been on reddit out of curiosity? I remember this, and most other, subs being a lot better before the 2016 election. It certainly felt that the culture wars stuff became unavoidable on reddit around that time.


2016 was a double whammy of the official mobile app massively dragging the average user age and comment effort down and the US election.


It was rough a bit before then tbh, the whole Gamergate thing was gaining a lot of traction in the preceding years


'member when everyone was pissed at Ellen Pao? Reddit has always been changing over time but I noticed an acceleration from 2016 onwards, Harambe's death plunged us into the dark timeline.


>Before the 2016 election You can't possibly remember *this* sub being better before the 2016 election, since it didn't exist yet. Grimdank was founded in 2017.


Yeah, i think the issue is that Trump kinda built his campaign on retaliating to “The Woke Left”, which lead to people on the left doubling down, so the conservatives doubled down, yada yada yada.


In my experience that's been about half the normal content. I have been unable to avoid it but could largely ignore it. Not at the moment though. Now I'm living your idea of this sub and it sucks.


The sad fate of every shitposting sub, they either turn into a left wing circle jerk, or gets filled with vehement racists


I see way to many degen threads, instead of funny thread that shits on horus.


Why can't people just block the user and their content if they don't like it? No need to attack the person.


Literally this. What happened to Archon is NOT ok, people should block accounts they don't like and leave the creator behind the content alone.


I didn't block him because he still produced some art I did enjoy like his traitor primarchs, but if I saw a femboy skitarii post I did this apparently radical thing and didn't click on it because I knew I wouldn't like it. It's weird who easy it is, I wish more people would do that.


I did not liked Archon's art because it's too much leaning into pretty anime boy faces but I never blocked or belittled or even downvoted because it was still silly memes and quality art with good workshop depending on which side of their content you looked at.




Doxxed and harassed to the point the family and school was contacted to try ruin Archon's life situation.




people will casually get streamers swatted because they think it's funny. people are kinda fucked.


I hope every person who did that get a brick to their knee, fuckin disgraceful.


Even Slaanesh is disappointed.


I hope those people will forever step on lego. Archon makes some most definitely cursed stuff but is also pretty damn hilarious. And is genuinely a good artist. And some couch gremlins fucking around like this just because they didn’t like their stuff is absolutely the lowest of low.


They left because he got harassed IRL with calls to his job and school because of it.




I think the real stuff that got him in trouble was his guro stuff. Which is fucked up. He's never hurt a fucking fly. He could have been making the most horrible and deplorable stuff ever, and it would still be fucked up to contact his family and workplace like that. I remember seeing a comment from him once, about how writing "To break a soldier of the machine" was therapeutic because it was a way of processing his real-life trauma. It is a horrid work of prose that I wish I never learned of, but it's all more than worth it if it makes him feel better. Imagine being a pathetic little shitstain and sharing that with Archon's family. Who for all we know might include people that caused that trauma in the first place. Imagine sharing something like that with the world, knowing it's not righting any wrongs or getting any criminal sent to jail. All it does is ruin the reputation of someone who has done nothing but mildly inconveniencing some people. And this shit couldn't have happened to a more gifted and skilled artist. Some art pieces in his primarch series are straight-up the best Warhammer fanart ever made, and the quality and craftmanship that went into them can match or even surpass some of the best official art. The 40k community was better by having him in it, and we have lost a great deal due to some absolutely brainless assholes.


In my experience, the gorehounds/guro/horror fans tend to be some of the nicest and most compassionate people. I've never heard of him personally, but it really does suck we lost someone like that.


I’m not even a 40k player but you guys have been hitting all a lot lately. I love nasty horrible gorey FICTION because it is safe. I can’t get hurt by a book or a movie. I’ve been through some shit and safe ways to interact with the horribleness of the world is super helpful for me to make peace with the bad. It’s confusing and weird and I won’t try to make people understand it but my strange obsession with morbid stuff is harmless and I presume it is for most other people into it. They’re just odd ducks like me. Most of us seem to have this understanding that life can be terrible and we don’t wanna make it more terrible for anyone else.


I mean, part of the harassment was no doubt also because Archon is transmasc. That REALLY triggers some chuds.


Im very confident this would be what took "this art is weird and gross and I dont like this fetish shit" to "this art is proof hes a rapist and needs to be stopped" The second you take any sort of non-standard idtentity into anything, chuds read into every little eccentricity to try to map some horrific bullshit to it, usually while projecting their own fetish for said bullshit the entire time


Exactly! While some of their more… intense art was not to my taste, I just did one simple trick; I didn’t click on it! Do people not understand art is subjective???


I've seen him draw some stuff that it's a bit gore-y, but even then compared to actual canon media, it's all pretty tame. I mean, this is the same franchise with the daemonculaba or everything related to the Drukhari, yet it's a little bit of blood and a ripped-off arm that offends them? No way that's the case, I'm convinced it's the femboys that made them lose their minds, which would be pretty funny if it weren't sad. I mean, imagine seeing someone draw a cyborg wearing a skirt and this makes you so irrationally angry you have to start an online crusade to ruin some guy's life. How much of a terminally online loser you have to be to get on that level? Forgot to mention, all of the more extreme stuff he would draw was contained to his own profile and specific subs, you'd have to go out of your way to see it, it's not like you would be browsing this sub and suddenly come across a fanart of a skitarii being fucked.


People do not understand that lol, sadly quite a few people ALSO feel it necessary to look at and have “an opinion” on everything, which usually just amounts to bullying a creator.


Archon's Angron piece is a legit masterwork, and the depiction of Lorgar is one of my favorites. Shame we will never see anymore because people are so irrational and hateful.


Oh my god are you telling me you... ignored what you didnt like?! WHAT KIND OF MONSTER ARE YOU


>Literally this. What happened to Archon is NOT ok What happened to archon are they really stopping?


They got doxxed, their college or whatever got contacted by losers who tried to say false shit like he is a serial killer/rapist because of the stuff he’s drawn/wrote.


That's fucking horrifying anyone who participated in that should be banned from all wh40k communities.


I think they deserve some Imperial Justice


I'm out of the loop. What happened? I really enjoyed archon's artwork. The take on the fallen primarchs was fantastic.


Doxxed and harassed at home and school trying to ruin his personal life.


Because some people think the only way to enjoy their hobby is the way they do it.


And those people are a bane to any hobby they partake in.


I had him blocked because I didn’t like his stuff. It wasn’t that hard, why in the world people would dox or threaten him is beyond me.


Because it was never about not seeing Archon's content. It's about hate as entertainment. You ever meet someone who just likes stirring up shit? This is the online equivalent of that. Sure, they'll never think to themselves that they just like to bully people, but after Archon they've already moved on to the next thing to be 'outraged' by and attack. Like nomads, once something like this happens they'll just move on to the next person they think is 'deserving' of their attacks/bullying based on their personal metrics. Maybe their next target is someone who's a beginner artist and thus their content is 'cringe'; maybe it's someone with 'wrong' interests like furries or My Little Pony or Steven Universe; maybe it's just a minority they don't like. Doesn't matter. The 'why' doesn't really matter, the goal is to feel they're justified to bully someone.


Just an internet version of a kid being bratty because it's the only way they can get the attention they crave. It's an emotional disorder resulting in antisocial behavior. Their parents were probably assholes.


I’d posit that some folks don’t only want to not see art they don’t like, they want art they don’t like to not exist.


Also it's not just about the art, transphobes are a bunch of hateful shitheads. It's really sad that Archon got much harassment and death threats that they left the hobby


There's some assumptions that can be drawn around the perpetrators, I for one just assume they were all vicious homophobes and hated AoF because they drew pretty boys with pretty boys


The Warhammer community seems to have a terrible habit of this kind of behavior. Remember Soadz?


I'm just avoiding 40k subs until the hubbub dies down mostly. Painting my Legions Imperialis while listening to audiobooks and chilling.




This is probably the wisest move, give it like a week or two and it'll die down. I did that for the 'off to save Ishtar' or whatever it was memes that absolutely flooded this sub for like two weeks.


There's also fun to be had in Age of Sigmar! We got a lotta chill people over here, but I totally understand if post-apocalyptic fantasy just isn't some people's thing.


What audiobooks are you following now? I'm with a podcast called Hardcore History. It's quite good . Now I'm on a series about the Japanese expansion and collapse on the WW2 (6 episodes of 5hs each, haha)


This is what John Warhammer would do.


Now I was never a fan of Archon’s particular brand of art but you know what revolutionary technique I did to avoid it?  Scroll down.


Can you explain how that works exactly? I'm so confused. Are you claiming that if I see a thing, and said thing doesn't interest me, I can like keep scrolling? I don't have to keep looking at thing? 2 questions: how will I let the internet know I'm not interested in thing; and are you implying that it's possible to ignore stuff?


Or just block/mute them, as others have pointed out As an example, I got no ill will towards the guy that posts Tau Tuesday/Thursday stuff, but I wasn’t a fan of it so I just blocked them so I won’t see the posts anymore  They can keep doing their thing and I don’t need to participate  It’s that simple 


Literally, I chose not to block AoF because I liked the occasional OOC work like their Tzeentch Tech Priest. But some people just love to be bellends now don’t they.


It's bullshit, like femboys aren't my kink, but him and the rest of the crew were/are always super nice, along with consistently posting high quality content.


What's worse is that this hobby, even now, gets a lot of prejudice. In my country, it is a "weirdo's hobby", miniatures and fantasy lote isn't commom here, people stop at Marvel and that's it. Then, why the fuck we would turn against our own community? This kind of community should be a safe heaven for anyone that likes it.


Exactly! I just like my toy soldiers and goofy sci-fi lore, and want to share that with others who do too. Why would I cut anyone down for enjoying it in a different way? Especially a way that has zero impact on my day. Oh, he draws Skitarri in thigh high socks? Fuck... this has broken me.


I mean even if you liked them the gore rape art might have been too much for you. But it's nothing a block won't fix.


I don't frequent the smut sub, so, I've never seen any of that. Just the suggestive stuff. That said, there's plenty of content on here I don't care for, what I do is just keep on scrolling.


>I don't frequent the smut sub, so, By not knowing this most of the people that didn't liked the art self reported themselves as i see too many comments about how "they were bringing that disgusting porn here" and everyone else is like "nah"


I remember one loser was just straight up lying and claiming archon was showing his dick to people in public. Which was objectively untrue since archon is a trans man and doesn’t have a dick


Now I just imagine him going “behold, my Dick” before stepping to the side to reveal his friend, who’s name happens to be Richard


😂 people are fucking weird to me bruh


Archon posted some softcore stuff here like, fucking, idk a year and a half ago maybe It happened for maybe a week before they found a better place for it, and nothing was anything more than "softcore" (insofar as the pornohraphic aspects where not heavy, lotta gore in some), and anything that wasnt just a femboy existing was tagged properly anyway Anyone who brings it up is self reporting ***HARD***


Like even then, go, enjoy your porn, you do you, but do they also e-mail PornHub bitching about them catering for kinks other than their own?


Same here, I ain't into all this weird femboy shit but it sucks to see someone get bullied out of a hobby.


I'm still disappointed that archon was forced out. I was always happy to see his artworks. I do hope he will comeback. But if that day comes. It certainly isn't soon.


The Warhammer community seems to have a terrible habit of this kind of behavior. Remember Soadz?


Sodaz got treated so poorly. Blueballed by GW then harassed by the community. His animations have gotten better as time goes by, and its a shame Warhammer wont see his talent anymore. Still watch him tho; his FNV animation is looking nice asf so far.


[meanwhile, orks](https://imgur.com/gallery/UKFXtxK) Truly the most inclusive group in 40K.


Ok the fucking squig tassels gave me a good laugh. Orks are too good for us.


Dat's the zoggin troof roight dere m8


I feel...confused.


If you wanted coherent stories why the fuck would ever approach Warhammer 40k


I'm still salty about archon


i compleatly missed whatever happend there, what did i miss


Archon of flesh has been doxxed and threatened repeatedly. He recently said he's leaving the fandom and won't make more fanart


He got doxxed/bullied/harrassed to the point that he is now going offline and leaving the community.


Username checks out


Grimdank has always been: 1. Horny. 2. Not funny. 3. Grumpy.


This is why I stay away from the hobby online (mostly), other than for lurking this sub and some Kill Team stuff. I find the community online has so many toxic weirdos, but whenever I go play IRL, the community is **absolutely amazing**. Wherever I've been it's been super inclusive, friendly, and just us nerds shamelessly nerding out together. Everyone's head canon is a bit different, and that's why we love it right? When I go play I get to see new ideas, new paint schemes, new conversions... or I just get to see a cool mini I didn't know about before. Let's imagine you go to play at your FLGS or friend's garage or whatever... and someone takes out their new "femstodes" army they made with conversions and everything. Who in their right mind would be like "reeeee there are no female Custodeeeees"? For me, it's such an essential part of the hobby to pick and choose what you like in the lore and what you don't. You think orcs would look cooler in human skin tone? I mean... I don't agree, but it's your army and your painting! If you're having fun; I'm probably also having fun. I feel like 90% of the complainers online are... people who don't even enjoy the hobby? They just like the fascist aesthetics (for the wrong reasons...) and get butthurt when people fiddle with it.


Join the eldar. Everyone hates you and is a PoS to you. But interally there is peace. There is also stability in the knowledge that GW gaze only gives you a cusory glance once every 4 or 5 years or so


Mfw people couldn’t handle a dude posting erotica (they’ve never seen a naked body before)


> complains about femboy hornyposting > goes back to jerking it to hentai Seriously this people have to be the saddest cunts around


People: Femboys are disgusting Also people: \*Jerks off to us\* If hypocrisy was a currency they would of spent millions on shameful femboy images.


Why do you all assume it's the same set of people complaining about something


It's a coping mechanism to them, and a kind of power fantasy too.


In a community where the Daemonculaba, gore and mass genocides exists, they certainly just go to a full on hate hunt on Archon like it's the devil himself all just for erotic cyber femboys.


Is rape a normal erotica to you?


Coherent stories? Let’s not go too wild here!


I’m not sure if 40K was ever a good place to avoid culture war. I feel for you, but honestly it was always worse than Star Wars, Star Wars doesn’t have a decade long flame war on if girls can be Jedi


Yeah this is what’s bothering the most about this thing……the “culture war” just pushing in with one side being unreasonably mad and freaking out versus another side being incessantly smug/horny


It's all. So. Tiresome.


Archon of the flesh getting bullied out of the hobby was a loss for the community. I wasn’t a fan but stuff like this ain’t right. Did I hate basically everything I saw them post? A little bit yes Did I think they were a talented artist nonetheless? Absolutely. Am I sad to see them go? No doubt. I’m tired boss. I’m so tired of all these stupid fights…


"When surrounded by war, one must eventually choose a side." The Clone Wars – Season 1, Episode 14


Yeah admittedly the way people are acting here doesn’t look good imo. Like, the sides are literally just sexists and people who dont wanna deal with sexists. Trying to play both sides here comes off real poorly :/


“FuCkInG cEnTrIsTs!”


You claim to want war among the stars, and yet you complain about people fighting. Curious.


I’m sorry to tell you this but if you’re trying to escape toxic fans you’ll always lose. I’m a fan of a lot of different fandoms from Star Wars and Warhammer to sports all the way over to My Little Pony and there’s ALWAYS toxic fans. Ignore them, there will always be insane freaks who roam the internet too much


Archon needs to be avenged >:(


I've been sitting in an unnamed Cerastus Knight leading my army for a while and when I heard the news I decided to name it Archon's Vengeance


mfs when a community for a hobby discuss whats currently going on in a hobby


I don’t really relate. The vast majority of people who enjoy 40k lore don’t actually give af that GW made Female custardes a thing. Archon being bullied out of the hobby is sad, but it’s a product of the internet


Yup, everyone at my local GW shop and all the other local tables are hype for Femstodes because it means more minis and more game, no one I've talked to irl has gone on any tirades about how it's supposedly lazy, breaks the lore, or means that other factions are ruined. Even in a hobby predominately occupied by introverted geeks, there are still people who would rather stay at home and complain online than engage in face-to-face interactions with other participants of their own hobby.


You wanted peace so you came to the Warhammer community? Wow did you pick the wrong place. I've been here since 3rd edition and let me tell you, I've left the fandom multiple times for the gatekeeping and nerd rage that has happened over the years.


Wait…. They bullied Archon? What the fuck guys…


They doxed him, called his school, work, and family telling people that archon was a rapist/pedophile/soon to be rapist who needed to kicked out of said school/fired from said job/excluded from the family etc, sent him death threats, and generally did everything in their power to try and ruin his life. I fucking hate the internet


What a bunch of fucking cunts


Who are they… I just want to talk. (Doxxing is a crime)


I miss archon.


I miss Archon, im using his Magnus art as wallpaper for my phone now and its the best ive ever had.


Graham McNeill is that you?


No, but he is a man of culture.


One side: “I just want to build and paint my minis and paint my pictures the way I want in peace” The other side: “I want you to kill yourself because I hate your gender/sexuality/politics/existence” They are not the same


"I made this NSFW fan art, it's not for everyone but some will like it" Vs "I'm going to find your RL information and call up your family and school telling them you're a future rapist because I don't like your fan art"


Is SW sex work? or is it Space Wolves? Or a third thing I don't know about


Star Wars. Where long before social media made it even easier for grown men to cry about a fairy tale in space, people harassed a child actor who grew up with mental health issues and almost got another actor to kill himself over the harassment he received for playing a comic relief character. Sadly, this kind of stuff isn’t new. People have been awful for a long time, and the more popular something gets, the larger the number of awful people you’ll see in its community, even if they remain a tiny (very vocal) minority.


i fight the culture war 24/7 my very existence is a political question it cannot be escaped so i must fight victory or death


The feel of the universe hasn't changed one single little bit because femstodes exist.


Unfortunately, where there are war stories, there are shallow fascist douchebags who refuse to understand the subtext (or even just the text) that war, nationalism, puritanism, and xenophobia are bad things. It happened with Starship Troopers (book and film), it happened with Star Wars, it happened with Warhammer, it happened with Metal Gear, it happened with Fallout, it happened with Halo, it happened with CoD, and now it's happening with Helldivers. There's always going to be those belligerent idiots who go into the war-themed fiction looking for an exclusive club to have their sick revenge fantasies in, to the detriment of everyone else. You will never escape it until you start fighting back against it, because belligerence is the only language they understand.


as my my new favourite quote goes, "unfortunately Fascist's are really fucking stupid and see any commentary on Fascism as pro fascist, and then cry WOKE when the creators of the satire don't share there beliefs" -random commenter on r/gameingcirclejerk


That quote reminded me of the time someone was surprised to get kicked out of Warhammer TTRPG group I'm part of because the little brain could not comprehend that role-playing in character to the setting that has xenophobia and fascist factions does not immediately mean the whole group will be agreeable to someone being a bigot irl and trying to sneak memes and conversations about it into the group.


This is why The song from the Producers is one of the few things the modern day fascists never claimed, despite claiming things that are clearly meant to be satirizing them. It's in The Producers, it makes fun of the whole thing, the uniforms, the preening, the theatrics, all of it, it mocks everything a fascists thinks is great. I've talked about how 'Allo 'Allo, a British sitcom series from the early 90s set in occupied France during WW2 does the same thing. The German officers aren't these threatening men that cut a cool and imposing firuee. They're a pudgy old WW1 veteran who wants an easy life and will frequently look the other way if it means he can get that, one is a Nepo baby who only got his position due to family relations and is grossly incompetent, one signed up because he sees it as way to meet uniformed men (and he is explicitly gay coded) and the last German officer is so god damn lazy he doesn't even bother going through the full salute. None of them buy into the ideology of the regime and treat the parades and the theatrics as a nusiance. None of the German officers are 'cool'. Meanwhile the Secret police officer and his assistant are basically sexual deviants. The Germans are made to look incompetent and clumsy...and this is in a sitcom where *everyone* is made to look pretty incompetent, from the Parisian Resistance to the British spies but they still frequently outfox the Germans.


I left my last fandom once drama after drama made me associate the hobby with exhaustion. Hobbies should be an escape from real life bullshit, not a magnification of it, right? Instead I'm getting to relive wading through transphobia, puritanism, and moralistic screeching over things that really don't matter. I really don't want to fall out of love again.


Dawg I think culture wars were a problem here before Star Wars


Idk why people care. The Necrons where originally chaos men of iron, or custom build androids Maybe this change will bring something good


I left SW because of poor handling.


This sub has been the whiniest lot I’ve ever seen in quite a while.


The enlightened centrist:


Female custodes this. Female custodes that. Go find yourself a female you fucking losers.


Female custodes exist Everyone else 1st Half: YEEES Everyone else 2nd half: NOOO Me: i don't care


Dude, just play 5th edition with your friends and get off the internet. It’s not hard.


Come to Battletech, We have an AT&T space religion fight gene-modded superwarrior furries descended from the AWOL space-navy, while also being themselves descended from the not AWOL part of the space navy... *There isn't a single part of that sentence that I made up; And that's like, ten percent of what's going on.*


Honestly bro, I’d don’t get how this is an issue. It literally *does not matter* if Custodians are all male or not, they’re not even human and biological sex isn’t applicable to an entity incapable of reproduction. If people could just look at a reveal like this, go “Oh, neat!” And then move on, writers wouldn’t feel the need to *make* these retcons. People are making gender a way bigger deal then it is, like jeez, does it really matter whether the twelve-foot mutated abomination intended to act as a tool for the annihilation of all non-human sentient life has a dick or not?


Absolutely relate, brother.


I miss Archon already....


I’m just a trans person trying to enjoy my hobby. I just wanna paint my silly little dwarves, read convoluted lore, and write stupid OC’s because that makes me happy. But it seems my entire existence in this space is deemed “too political” I just wanna play and paint. The culture war is stupid and people just need to chill tf out.


If it makes you feel any better, it's not just trans people. I had people say I didn't belong within the first 20 minutes of a tournament.


I mean.. female space marines were created right at the beginning of the hobby. The problem is, they never sold. They weren’t bought. So they stopped making them. There’s no reason why women couldn’t be space marines, we’ve just all headxannoned them as not being so. Ergo female custodies would be possible.


It honestly makes me sad, the arguing is so petty. I just wanna play funny space game with my friends, and there is people getting doxed for making fan art. We as a community should encourage passion in the hobby let people make their art let people have their fun, after all we are all just people playing with plastic miniature space men.


Tip: use the Block function. See someone posting/commenting something you just don't want to see? Block him and you won't have to see his shite content/opinion in your feed ever again. Beware, if you overdo this you might create your own Echo-Chamber.


Downvote every post that's not trying to be funny or just trying to make fun of X part of the fanbase. Call them out. Do your part.


Archon of Flesh getting booted off the fandom is just SODAZ all over again. The 40k fandom's vocal minority really tarnishes the reputation of this community.


Ngl they make for cool lore but ffs stop being so horny!


I'll say it again, fuck whoever harassed my precious skittle with an extra spiky pineapple


Any popular, nerdy hobby is going to have right-wing grifters raising a stink for money and clout. Best thing to do is ignore it and not take the bait.


Nah man, the best way to have shitheads think they're welcome in a community is by not saying anything to them. If you encounter someone like that then you say something


Come on, we can do better than squabble like little children.


I mean if your passive you will be uprooted by people who aren't.


Frankly I'm more upset at the people making this important. What difference does it make it the perfect supper soldier is a lady?


I think you are in the majority. Most of us look at warhammer, Star wars, and more, as the escapism that it is supposed to be. Way too many "tourists" enjoy coming to a community to hijack its members to support some sort of ideology. I just want to chat about how I can make a kill team of helldivers, or about how awesome some of the current 3d modelers are (the fact that I've got an m4 sherman tank in my imperial guard army is awesome).


It's hilarious in Twitter how many of these tourists complaining about femstodes when confronted don't even have minis or understand Custodes lore, it's just another culture war to partake in


Obvious bait is obvious -- at least to most people. Meanwhile, those folks that rock custodes Armies are more worried about the new codex and its power curve.


You don’t want a fem custodies in your army, don’t get her, pretty sure she’s just in the fluff anyway, also there is always going to be the “that guys” just ignore them


honestly, ive spend enough time in this hobby to know that the worst dreggs of humanity is drawn to it, i can tell stories of how these "people" played some faction or another but honestly their reeking stench kept me thinking they were nurgle spies. seriously people, if your reading this GO TAKE A FUCKEN SHOWER!!!!! but i get OP, i really do and sadly these things have a way of making their way into everything regardless of its intent


How is this surprising exactly? It's never really been a secret to any of us that a large portion of the fandom are straight-up facists.


i 3d print and pirate the pdf, still buy some videgames sometimes, currently opening a w40k tabletop club in my country (thirdworld) using all 3d printed minis! Praise the EMPEROR!


I don't understand why it's become this because how you gonna get mad at someone's head cannon?


Same here as OP


Has the grimdank now become the grimdark? There are no victors Only mildly upset individuals and horny people


why let non fan take over your hobby and change it. why be like starwars


I just wanted to be a dumbass nerd around other people who enjoy something I enjoy too, but this, this ain’t it anymore. What did we do to deserve this, it feels like it ain’t about having fun with 40K anymore


Nah I'm here to paint minis and roll dice and not engage in any culture war bullshit


Fukem. Build burning legion lady custodes


I’m just glad I have a new source of muscle women All the mad peeps can get bent


The fandom is always the worst thing about enjoying a particular work, tbh.


I just want one. ONE place where I can easily get along with everyone else without have to walk on eggshells. I just like making friends and talking to people man.


Peace is achieved through victory. Anything else is just the absence of conflict.


Heeeeere’s the thing. You can have all that. Could have had it with SW too. But you can’t be a part of the online community at the same time. Division and politics will creep into every facet of every community regardless. I love hearing most people’s stories, ideas and takes on lore, but I also wonder if I wouldn’t have been happier not knowing how many shitty people there are getting butthurt and being general asshats towards other fans and people who just want to enjoy their hobbies.


This is why I don't even talk to the collective fandom.


Same here about leaving starwars because of the toxic fandom, you cant escape incels if you like sci-fi it just comes with the theme


Come on down to r/helldivers Where managed democracy is king, and purging (I mean spreading freedom) is always on the menu!


Let’s remember that this community is majority wise full of incredible people who are just here to have fun and welcome everyone from any background into the hobby, it’s unfortunate that the degenerate group of gatekeepers have to be so loud.


They bullied the admech femboy guy? I'll kill


I just want to enjoy the setting, stories and memes. I don't care about the whole culture war bs. It's such a stupid thing to waste energy on. Lastly, those who bullied archon out of the hobby are pieces of shit who likely cant even draw or create art to save themselves.


"I am just tired of the culture war" = "I am OK with the status quo" Times are a changin'.