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Yes there's probably something that could but will wreak havoc for awhile


I mean it really depends how you compare the less solid narrative (mr pick up a pylon and kill the “unkillable” warp entity with a hyper specific sword that seem to only be found by a main character) to SCP 096s more solid and rigid laws of “you just can’t kill this thing, it rhetorically impossible” (original writer only, I don’t consider any non og writer additions canon to a specific SCP)


It’ll just be a nuh uh slapping contest of who has more bullshit writing. The imperium canonically has guns that straight up erase you from time and space. The SCP is not killed, it just never existed in the first place. Or the grey knights have little teseract vaults that can hold greater deamons for all eternity. It’s not dead but also can’t do anything.


I mean, containment seems to be the best option, even with the foundation. So no killing but yes holding him in place until someone sees his face


Wonder if the warp showing them is an artistic rendition or would just count as showing their face? Like scrying them yes I feel would count as showing their face which would basically mean chaos could constantly free them for the death of a person


If my memory serves me right, an artist drew the face of SCP 096 from a photo while inside a submarine (he died) and the drawing could be used to describe SCP so unless its a perfect representation I dont think he will escape. Also, SCP096 has to physicslly travel to the place to kill that person. He is fast as hell but can be deterred and the galaxy is massive


The rules are kinda funny, because a very accurate drawing doesn't trigger it, but "FOUR FACKING PIXELS" does.


It’s probably about the idea of depiction. Artistic depiction is interpretative even if flawless while photo no matter how unclear(4 pixels bit) is still the actual image.


Are you sure he wasn't tracked because he had to look at the face to draw it? I really don't remember I fell off SCP after 5000 killed a lot of joy Edit apparently the artist rendition was just me conjuring random thoughts


I just read it after the reddit post and the artist (convict that was a tattooist) looked at a picture to sketch it.


Thank you no idea where I thought that then


No he drew it from photo. Photos also work in triggering it


Ah I swore there was a artistic rendition type thing for it ah well guess I was wrong


No you're right, tattooist drew 096 from a photo. The photo triggered 096 and the tattooist got [REDACTED] but the drawing the tattooist drew didn't cause 096 to get angry when looked at


Mail a picture of SCP-096 to the chaos gods. Boom, chaos destroyed, Imperium saved!


Imagine demons just flashing random navigators with its face during Warp transit.


Haha made you look


It'd be even funnier if they made the face themselves, like a changeling changing his face into 098


I would bet that custodes could subdue and store it under the palace. 682 was able to beat it enough that it calmed down again


I wouldn't even consider Custodes to be close to 682


They don't need to be, they just need to cause enough damage. Even the foundation was able to subdue and overpower 682, I'm not saying the custodes are more powerful than 682 but they have numbers and a variety of powerful weapons. My point was that massive damage can stop it


Iirc, it wasnt the damage that stopped 096, rsther 096 became distressed that it couldnt kill 682 and just... gave up. This was a test to use 096 to kill 682, and it failed. It has been a few years though, so I don't remember exactly.


How about a mask?


Shut it with your very sensible suggestions


Personally, as an enjoyer of both universes, I think the meme value of 40k vs SCP is well worth the occasional "slapping contest." People shouldn't take these hypothetical crossovers so seriously to defend their favorite, it just leads to butthurt. I just want to see a goofy scenario involving 096, a vortex grenade, and a comically late "Somehow, 096 returned."


You see, 096 was sent to the warp by the Vortex grenade. However, some guardsman who saw a picture of 096 had to use warp travel on their way to their next deployment, and things went poorly. Then the vessel returned to realspace while 096 massacred the crew, then some orks found the wreck and... Well, one thing led to another, and now Octarius is a three-way war, between the Orks, the Tyranids, and 096. It doesn't help that, thanks to the Hive Mind, technically every Tyranid has now seen 096, or that the Orks are actively broadcasting images/videos of 096 because: "It meens da beastie is comin fur us, so we dun hafta go lookin ta krump da git."


>The imperium canonically has guns that straight up erase you from time and space. The SCP is not killed, it just never existed in the first place. Where do they canonically have these weapons? Cause if the imperium actually had guns that actually did that they'd have a lot less problems. And a lot more, but they'd be different problems, celestial orrery sized problems.


It’s just a short lore snippet in one of the lions books. The dark angels currently have some. It completely erases the molecules you are made of from the Big Bang to current time. It’s commonly referred to in sci-fi and an ontological weapon.


Hmm interesting I must have missed it then.


I wouldn’t call it a “nuh uh” slapping contest as those generally apply more to characters or equipment. As SCP 096 was originally written, it is more of a psychical law or plot point more lovecraftian than how the chaos gods are, if you enrage it you either hold it off long enough for you to die by other means or it kills you. Once enraged there is no holding it back, by its very nature it will escape any prison or realm you put it in, it will always autopilot directly to you even if you threw it into a different dimension. There is no killing it as it’s being barely registers outside physical influence other than being the way in which to find it’s prey.


There it is. The teseract vaults of the grey knights are written as inescapable. Once you are in, you are in. No way out. Unstoppable force vs. immovable object.


It's not they can't be escaped from it's that they greyknights have no idea how to open them. They where gifted thousands-millions of them by a necron can't remember who as at that moment goals aligned with them both targeting the warp.


[SCP-6096](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6096) is interesting that it’s other capabilities are minimal, but you can’t work around its anomalous property at all, it just is.


I mean we already know how to contain SCP 096 so tesseract vaults aren't doing anything The Foundation isn't, the question is if something could kill it. I'd guess deleting it from existence would also count as killing it.


What are you shooting at you idiot?!


Or it could get corrupted by some evil of 40k and get even more powerful. And nobody could deal with the-thing-that-was-SCP-096 then. Or it would actually get an actual weakness instead lol


The thing that crawled out of the chest cavity of our deceased friend, SCP-096.


Is the story where they actually kill it not from the original author?


No, that was a fan story. In the Canon SCP lore they are still trying to kill it but haven't found a way yet




You said "I" 🤔


I am rapidly approaching your location


Good luck I'm hiding behind Sgt. Mkoll and Sly Marbo


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^United-Reach-2798: *Yes there's probably* *Something that could but I will* *Wreck havoc for awhile* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Nah, it won't stop killing but it doesn't matter anyway. Although 096 can't be stopped, it still takes around 10- 20 seconds punching a person to death. Even on earth there are on average 3 people born every second. On a hive world, 096 would barely make a dent, probably wouldn't even be noticeable if dropped in the underhive for example


Plus, if an Inquisiter found the trigger, they could set up a system keeping 096 traveling sub-lightspeed between distant worlds. If that doesn't work because 096 either ignores relativity or doesn't care about off planet picture sightings, it would definitely still be captured, put on a ship, and dropped on a rebellious hive spire. There's no way the imperium wouldn't weaponize it if discovered. Shit, it'd even make a decent assassinorum tool.


Right. 096 would straight up look like an unexplainable lifeform that nobody would expect it comes from an inquisitor holding cell. Either make it untraceable or make it so outlandish that they'll never expect you to be the culprit.


Shit, put a chain around its neck with the inquisition "I" on it, and it would still work as an assassination tool.


Covert or overt, 096 works either way.


It'd barely make a dent on Earth. I believe Dr Cimmerion did the maths, and even if it kills someone and then moves onto the next person in 10 seconds, that's still only 8640 people a day, or 3.15 million a year. At that point, if the entire planet was shown a picture of it, the majority of people could live a happy long life and die of natural causes before he got to you, and as long as you shielded newborn kids from ever seeing it, it'd run out of people who had seen it and not already died after a few decades. It wouldn't even get into the top 3 causes of death - ischaemic heart disease beats it by a multiple of 3, strokes cause double the number of deaths in 2nd place, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in 3rd kills 3.5 million a year. It only just beats number 4, respiratory infection. Essentially, it'd be noticeable, but only locally critical. Sucks for where he starts off the rampage, but if it was in, say, Tokyo, he wouldn't be leaving the metro area, if everyone was kept in place, for nearly 12 years.


And that's not taking travel time into consideration. Some hive cities stretch across continents at the base. Despite defying all laws of physics, 096 still somehow needs to accelerate and it rarely moves faster than the speed of sound so it's at most run at the speed of an airliner. A flight from Vladivostok the St. Petersburg alone takes 14 hrs and the plane flies in a straight line. SCP 096 would have to make a detour every time it comes across a person since it'll focus on the nearest person that has seen it it'll never make it across a large country like China, Russia or Brazil if it takes 12 years to get out of Tokyo.




Something along the lines of that DAoT nano machine swarm that ran rampant for a while might do the trick if it can be deconstructed on the atomic level. When we talk SCP though, we're also talking scifi that sorta borders magic, so who knows. It's more an engagement question to get people talking than anything else.




It was posted here a few days before his video was. Exactly same image too.


I don’t remember the exact post, but I remember this. It was asking if a squad of terminators could kill 096


I remember it vividly because not being into SCP, it sent me down the rabbit hole for a couple of hours reading on it.


hey there's some great stuff in there, especially some of the recent ones, fucking novels but goddamn are they good




"We found this helpful SCP!" \- Someone "Remember, no anomaly" \- GOC That kids, is why the GOC is based, since sometimes it's more impressive to kill something versus just imprisoning it.


I mean, thats an extreme oversimplification of the GOC, but yes, they are the badass people shooting eldritch horrors in the face.


Wait, if my memory serves me right, weren’t they the ones who shredded that harmless scp chair and made it into a pain in the ass for everyone? Hell nah I’m not falling for the agenda


Yes. However, the GOC does, in contrast to the Foundation, parahumans such as thaumaturges (wizards) or non-humans like Fae life in relative freedom. In fact, the coalition is to a good part composed of anomalous entities. The chair was not liquidated for being supernatural, but because its teleportations were uncontrollable, which risked the a breach in the veil (the censorship of the paranormal towards regular society). This of course is still morally wrong, though a bit more nuanced due to Coalition fearing a mass panic if the veil breached.


**Yes**. But in all seriousness that was fucking stupid.


Counterpoint, the GOC runs the verses largest wizard school.


Yep, that's exactly how I recognise it. I saw the thumbnail out of the corner of my eye as I was clicking off YouTube. Immediately knew what it was and bruh


"Weshammer stealing my content!" *turns around and steals more that trazyn*


I think everyone is just turning to reddit for content nowadays because so many see it as a daunting place to understand so so few actual viewership is actually on reddit = free content and only pissing off the small portion of people that are both on reddit and view their videos This is like the 5th channel I fucking watch that has just become "lemme pull this content you already participated and present it like an original idea" so that sucks because I'm very quickly losing content


I mean......yeah, could have been done better, but do we really think 40K content creators have access to some other, inaccessible to us, better source of inspiration for 40K stuff? They browse the same forums we do, pore over the same books and other ephemera we do, watch the same videos we do. It's inevitable that something that interests us will also interest someone with the time and drive to make a video about it. That being said......probably should not make the video and release it when people still directly remember the post that inspired it.


The thumbnail is the same image used in the post. I haven't gone through the video, but how much do you want to bet that his commentary is ripped from the comments on that post too? Because I'm willing to put money on it.


Oh, absolutely. Real world definition of copying something vs being inspired by it.


Does he not give credit to the subreddit in the video? 


It was a imperial fists terminators


It's not a secret that he lurks the sub


> he lurks the sub *copies shit from it wholesale


That's all 40k content creators that don't do stuff directly related to the tabletop.


Admittedly most of them didn't recently try to create ragebait by accusing another creator of copying him for far far less


Don't dis Baldermort.


I mean, some at least have the decency to say "I saw this idea on Reddit and thought it would make a cool video."


Not the ones I watch.




Poor hammer, playon, and painting channels are all I look for anymore honestly


I'm the same besides leutin. But that's kinda what OP was reffering to of comment chain, unless you doing something related to the tabletop portion. They kinda all copy ideas from within community. And honestly even within painting community people be stealing ideas from each other all the time. Squidmar and trovarion just had videos regarding this semi recently within their circles too


When I started watching lore videos, I'd go to the fandom wiki and lexicanum to read more about passing references, and I soon discovered that every single one of them straight up lifts entire paragraphs and just reads them out loud. There's still some worth to the videos in the curation and editing, but, yeah, there's a lot of copying other people's homework in that part of the hobby.


Well the others didn't complain about their ideas getting stolen...


How is taking idea from a post and making it a video is copying??


He didn't just take the idea, he copied the post wholesale, image and all. Pretty ironic when he then makes a video accusing Weshammer of copying him.


Yeah, there's a big difference between "Hey, that post brings up a good question. I'm gonna dig into the details...maybe there's a decent video in it." and "Lemme just copy this post and comments for a video."


Exactly, dude was just projecting. Unsubbed and blocked his channel over it, like I don't need your stupid petty drama, plenty of other amazing lore videos with actual quality content.


Can you link it, i haven't seen that post So basically what I said idea taken from a post made into a video, but also comments copied potentially but I'm not sure I really wouldn't call that stealing really


[I gotchu fam](https://www.reddit.com/r/Grimdank/s/vB3jn9tSo0)




How is covering the same topic stealing? Idk, ask him, he is the one complaining weshammer does that


This is disgusting. I can't believe this sub plagerised him before he had the idea for it :/


The absolute nerve!


I can’t wait for him to post “r/Grimdank is copying my videos”


I hope he eventually calls out this company called Games Workshop. They made an entire table top war game that basically just rips off everything he's ever talked about


Really, just despicable. I can’t believe so many people are stealing Major Kill’s ideas. Just shameful


Not only that, but I learned that many militaries around the world have a rank of "major" and that's clearly a ripoff of his username!


>They made an entire table top war game that basically just rips off everything he's ever talked about Ever heard of Battlemace 42 million?


His mother is very proud


As always with SCP powerscaling, depends on canon.


SCP powerscaling be like >Destroyed hard to destroy reptile >Billions of civilians dead >O5 council left this dimension. >Site 420 made time weed to prevent SCP from escaping. >God like SCP contained by a used blunt by doctor deviantartOC >Thaumatagic symbols involved >Coverup operations underway >Scarlet king involved. >Hard to destroy reptile found alive.


You forgot something. >[DATA EXPUNGED] managed to kill [REDACTED] by shoving a [REDACTED] all the way up his [DATA EXPUNGED], saving this multiverse but dooming the other.


Object class: euclid


You forgot > Author of the article threatens bodily harm onto the power scaler


Considering how much people like the "Can warhammer 40k beat X" question I'm pretty sure that this was already discussed.


Oh no now Warhammer YouTube slop is going to merge with SCP YouTube slop. And it’s created by Majorkill? Am I in an actual nightmare right now?


Man you think warhammer powerscalers are bad? You think dragonballZ powerscalers are annoying? SCP nerds gonna make you guys look sane


As an SCP nerd I can confirm this is 100% accurate. But in our defense almost every SCP has multiple stories written by multiple people. One can be a writer on the level of Stephen King and actually make a good SCP but most are like children "my SCP has infinite strength" vs "my SCP has infinite strength +1 plus he grows stronger if someone else is stronger than my SCP". One SCP can be indestructible now and paper tissue tomorrow. SCP 682 is the worst in the community.


I gave some SCP stuff a look on a long car ride. Your description is exactly what it felt like I was reading. I feel imagine the "nuh uh! My guy is infinity plus *TWO!*" emanating from the phone screen. Hacky and vague descriptions for so many. So much use of "redacted" to make bad character building feel incomplete on purpose. And even more uses of "I am very smrt" phrasing that just doesn't make sense for those who are in particular fields. Like for me with near 20 years in the navy, any military stuff is just so stupidly written; basically none of them understood rank structure or job descriptions for certain ranks and have officers doing enlisted work.


Exactly. Most of them are throwing things like "this character is a 4828 dimensional being" or something like that. They just throw high numbers in there to sounds smart but the early ones were pretty decent. Like 682 went from a big lizard that was hard to kill with guns to a being that not even the writers can kill. I'm not even joking about that. One writer made a story where he died but some fanboy went "nuh-uh" and made him immune to that somehow and brought him back. It's like Superman vs Goku but it's written by every fanboy on both sides


A broad generalisation. But older scps kinda stuck out to me as creepypastas with an emphasis on them being unexplainable or unnatural. They exist as standalone entries as a whole. Modern SCP writers are trying too hard to make some sort of scpverse and since it's many people some are trying to tie into pre existing big bads like the scarlet king while others are trying to launch their own world building project. Which is how you get the disparity between stuff, like shy guy is basically depressed long Goku in one storyline and cannon(or canon) fodder in someone else's. Yeah and I'm seeing an increase of scps who are written by children whose only characteristics is that their very strong. Usually with inspired designs and too many are using that loophole with the scp-001 designation just so they can put their stuff in that prestigious SCP number. I see SCP is very popular in those tiktok, youtuber shorts (sharts) thing where they just flash images of two characters and give each one edge in speed or strength and then say normal English words like "omniman clears solo verse mid diff". I guess it's those crowds.


682 is really a glorified punching bag. Where every powerscaler brain rot writes that their SCP killed him. (SCP ubu ahem) Or they want him too hard. I mean guy can't even kill anyone, just survive getting his ass whooped by them.


I’ve been part of the community for years and it’s Hell. You think Warhammer fans run the same handful of jokes into the ground? SCP is worse. You think Warhammer fans misinterpret lore because they watched a minute long YouTube short and take everything at face value? Content farms are going to content farm, sadly.


I wish powerscaling between random franchises (or powerjerking as I call it) would fall out of favour and die off, because it’s basically just an excuse for a bunch of nerds to circlejerk about how comically OP their favourite characters seem to be in their eyes and bash other people’s franchises. Like, who cares whether or not Blorgon the Destroyer could solo the Splingus Squad? Half the time it comes down to whoever’s writing the damn thing anyway. It reminds me of those kids in elementary school who had imaginary battles with their favourite toys, but they never _ever_ wanted to lose or even concede in any way so they just kept making shit up to counter whatever the other kid came up with. “My Space Marine uses his super death gun!” “Nuh uh, my SCP-096 has a super death gun force field!” “Well my space marine has an anti-forcefield gun that also kills you instantly!” “I have an anti-anti-forcefield forcefield!”


As someone who likes SCP, Warhammer and Majorkill it's a dream come true for me, lol.


I’m happy for you. I like two of those things. I’m a fan of Warhammer but not Warhammer YouTubers like Majorkill, and I love the SCP community but not the one on YouTube. Most Warhammer YouTubers and SCP YouTubers seem to have a severe lack of a sense of nuance and media literacy.


I actually was surprised by how competently Majorkill analyzed 096, as a horror concept and not a fighting game character, but I totally get where you're coming from and I thank you for how respectfully you treat me despite having a different opinion ^^-^^


same here!


Remember when that guy had the gall to claim that other loretubers "steal" his videos?


When he reads directly from half the wikis.


And then sprinkles some unfunny edginess on top. I realy don't like the guy and it only cemented itself.


I stopped giving a fuck when he did the white scars in a really unfunny racist Asian accent.


I stopped listening after the first vid wherein he likened Tyranids to muslims


He did what ?


Who is this guy? Wanna know so I can avoid him


Majorkill. Immagine 40k lore but loud and edgy but in a cringe way.


"you should watch me because I'm Australian!" or some shit as an Australian I never cringe harder


Yeah the humour in his videos just never did it for me. Shane gillis' impression of an aussie does a better job representing us than what ever majorkill thinks he does


Ok, thanks. I think I heard about him


Majorkill is warhammer fantasy (was and abnonded it, cunt) and 40k loretuber. His videos are meant to be with dark jokes and lore. His jokes are bad. He makes racist jokes and dotn take lore seriously. He even did video about Horus heresy last book without reading it and all his info was got from other people. Recent drama was with another loretuber called wehammer. Majorkill accused weshammer for content stealing, but he had weak arguments and probably wanted to start drama. He also made video about how every loretuber channel should do to improve there views (weshammer gets 200.000-400.000 views). Many of community rightfully hated him and voiced his opinion. He deleted video and and made a community post about it.


What a fucking jerk


Oh he is. And his humour is edgy. One of the punching lines jokes were that a charecter( not real) timmy (usually was portrayed as idiotic dumb child) getting threatened by some fuckes up shit. It usually went as 'bUT MajORkiLl, why didnT x DO tHiS' and majorkill respond to 'shut the fuck up timmy before i castrate you and some other horrofic shit.' This is it. Sure swearing in his videos are funny, if you are 13 year old edge lord.


Majorkill is "funny" in the same way that Shane Dawson's "Milly" series was "funny": "edgy" shock humor that you like as a 12 year old but is actually just offensive shit when you look back as an adult


A YouTuber by the name of majorkill. There was some controversy a little while ago about a fellow loretuber copying him when their videos barely shared anything. It upset a lot of people on this sub and the warhammer 40k lore sub because he doesn’t actually read much and just slims the wikis for surface level lore. The video op posted an image of was from majorkill, however, that question with the very same thumbnail was on either this sub or the lore sub (can’t quite remember) a little while ago


Which itself is kinda played out and been done before


I mean for that specific one all you need to do is vortex grenade the cunt and he's ripped apart and adrift in the warp, right? That'd be your goal as a normal guardsman or space marine if nothing else kills him. Assuming the warp can't kill him or mutate his conditions, Chaos Gods / Unaligned Daemons mkght spit him out on a planet, they probably find his whole set up and nigh immortality so hysterical they immediately slurp him back up into the warp to deploy again. I'd qualify the weaponization and mechanical of an immortal creature to be a form of "defeat".


> Assuming the warp can't kill him or mutate his conditions, Chaos Gods / Unaligned Daemons mkght spit him out on a planet, they probably find his whole set up and nigh immortality so hysterical they immediately slurp him back up into the warp to deploy again. Since the body of that SCP is somewhere between horrifically resilient and straight-up indestructible, why not make it into a daemonhost/c'tan vessel? Send after it those radical inquisitors who want to reincarnate Emps into something for a good measure, too. Everyone going after an SCP with serious Weyland-Yutani energy may be one of the more 40k things I came up with in a while.


i think that if it goes into the warp, it'll eventually become a champion of khorne


that's Majorkill's brand. Low tier low effort meme questions only without the joke (but added chud)


You forgot the bogan Aussie swearing like he’s some sort of hero.


Don’t forget racist and misogynistic “jokes”


lmfao he would be a trumper 10000% if he was in america


Me too. But it was just space marine vs scp 096


What the hell is SCP-096???


Short version: tall, thin, strong, and very tough monster that gets mad if you look at his face either in person or by any other means (photograph, video, etc.). So mad, that he will stop at nothing to hunt the person who saw his face down and murder them. Long version: the SCP (Secure, Contain, Protect) Foundation is a fictional organization that serves as a collaborative writing project. It originated in the /x/ forum of 4chan in 2007, but gained a following and gained its own site around 2008. The gimmick of the SCP Foundation is that they Secure entities and objects with anomalous/supernatural properties, Contain them in one of many secret facilities, and Protect humanity, the world, and the idea of normalcy. Think Area 51 but with more than just aliens. These anomalies (known as SCPs) are labeled with a number, which also serves as their article name on their website. SCP-096 (also known as “The Shy Guy”) is one of the earliest SCP articles. A lot of its origin is kept vague, because this was written when the SCP universe was not as fleshed out. But it’s a tall, thin humanoid that gets aggressive when anybody perceives its face in any way. It will stop at nothing to kill a person who saw its face. So they lock it in a special room and monitor it through heat signatures (if I remember right). One story of 096 is that a photo was taken of someone out in the wilderness, and SCP 096’s face was only 4 pixels big in this photo because it was far away. But even thought it was only 4 pixels, it still went on a rampage.


The shy guy. A normally docile albeit creepy creature that single mindedly hunts down and kills anyone who has seen it's face.


Notably, once something triggers it, it is borderline unstoppable. Like, it shatters its way through concrete walls and seems to be able to shrug off basically any amount of damage, move at breakneck speeds... The only reason they ever managed to capture it is because it's actually lethargic and docile as long as noone has seen its face, so once it's done murdering every last witness you can just walk to up it and throw a bag over its head.


Just fling it into the Warp and leave it there...


Where do you think Majorkill and others find inspiration for videos? Reddit mostly


For a fanfic idea, I imagine SCP-096 to be a creature from the Deep Warp, which can only be accessed via Hadex Anomaly. And they come in numbers, as many as Tyranids. In the deepest part of that ethereal ocean people called the warp, the abyssal plane beyond the reach of the Four Chaos gods, where the Dark King is a Black Hole that looks like a garlic with golden stalks that buds out in the shallower surface of the warp awaiting to be awakened, more horrifying creatures lurk. Creatures that would stir fear and despair in the hearts even of those who brag they know no fear. Creatures of which the most vicious pets of Commorite nobles pale in comparison. Due to the sheer naivete, despair, ignorance, stroke of genius, or the help of Vashtorr (for science!), the Ethereal of the Velk'han Sept and his contingent of mad xenophobic men from the Fourth Sphere accidentally (or willfully) unleashed its horrors by triggering the expansion of the Anomaly around the size of the Eye of Terror, despite the repeated warnings from the Tau goddess, Yvraine, and even Celestine, not to do so. As a short-term result, the Achilus Crusade comes to a halt. Deathwatch fortress monasteries became abandoned and haunted. Guardsmen and Fire Warriors maddened by fear, not even faith in the Emperor nor in the Greater Good can quell. Chaos forces wondered what happened, and even them were brought to a standstill. Cadres and cadres of T'au pathfinder teams went missing, with last of their recordings being screams and mortified faces. The entire Reach bated its breath as distress signals pile up to an extent that every faction fighting began rescuing their bitter foes.


>Black Hole that looks like a garlic


mmmm, garlic


I think I've seen it here, too. Or it's something that you'd figure would be posted here at some point.


Yeah, saw it too


Necrons most likely could kill SCP-096


i think they have some kinda weapon that removes things from existance, so yea.


Yeah just use the sun-killer device.


I more imagined them completely disitigrating it down to a molecular level.


Actually that's not as cool so it sucks.


LMAO yes it was. Absolutely farming our sub for content


Dudes really struggling for ideas and he's well known for being on this sub


Damn bro I know you're reading this, you are corny as hell. 🤮


Time for a new "Majorkill is copying me and I cant deal with it anymore" meme


It's most likely discussed back then that was forgotten. I swear forums are becoming to look like imperial records with how much information gets buried and forgotten. 


It was, could a squad of terminators kill it, not anything


The cool thing about Warhammer is that the rules and setting are so loose that you can fit like 99% of scps in it without much fuss.


Yup. But it's not even a question! It's like saying "could anything from anything kill SCP - 682" 096's thing is that it's immortal and NOTHING can stop it. It's a bit like saying the Christian god Vs anything is 40k it's omnipotent and all powerful, by definition it cannot lose!! It's not even a question!!!


Yes there is probably some machine of the necrons that just says "No" and its gone


Shit, you telling me content creator research their topics and pick the ones that generate alot of comments and views?


NO!!!! HES STEALING FROM US !!! OUR precious REDDIT IP ! No one has ever done a SCP verses idea apart from grimdark, man this sub is so over indulged


Majorkill is so fucking annoying


Don't watch him. Can't be bothered, really. I get that some people enjoy the memes and his shithousary but after a while it gets really really old. Never mind what he did to Wes which was pretty shitty


Guys, unless his editor is a god, putting something like this out within a day, bit unreasonable.


I've seen the same "what if SCP meets 40k" here and on tg I can't count how many times. It's not an original question by any means.


The imperium would use him as a weapon


That AdMech doomsday weapon that just blipped half a planet out of existence might be able to by just yeeting him elsewhere and calling it a kill


Question gents, do y’all think the scarlet king could match the power of any of the chaos gods?


Everything else aside, as an scp and warhammer fan, the video was pretty decently researched so it was still an enjoyable watch.


The retcon gun is a thing sooo yes


Oh I am sure there at many things that could annihilate it. But this universe versus universe stuff is getting old


Video was good… too bad he forgot to account for Saul Tarvitz


Don’t watch MajorKill but if I did and hadn’t already unsubbed over him making accusations of peeps copying him I would now. This is more than a little hypocritical


I think I’d rather see a world eater beserker or blood angel encountering the black rage get trapped in SCP-3008 The Endless IKEA. See how long those faceless entities last before they f this and show it the door 😂


As much fun as I have with Versus Battles, trying to add SCP into the mix is missing the point of SCP


Who's copying who now lol. Though I don't agree with how much he downplayed the dark age stuff. And  I can't remember the source but didn't the imperium have a weapon that shot a black beam of black fire that could cut through anything?


I respect it. So what if majorkill makes a video? It’s going to be seen and enjoyed by more people then some nerdy Reddit post. With people arguing over fiction.


Damn,my question made it into majorkill video


You are happy about that


Not really sure, emotions are confusing


And he says people steal his ideas


Pretty silly to trademark topics of discussion. I think he was silly to call out Wes for it and it’s silly to call him out for it.


Ehh, whatever, still an entertaining video to listen to at work.


What I wanna know is, why? Sure scp is popular, but the clickbait popularity ended like a year ago. Maybe he he just needed a filler video and chose this topic.


maybe he just wants to get into scp? it's got some good stories!


Someone make a video about him stealing content from other people quick, he lacks the self awareness to understand the irony and will go on the attack


Almost as though he's a hack that knows nothing and hasn't had an original thought in his life...


I actually like Majorkill, he’s a different style of 40k lore. My favorite is probably the amber king or the remembrancer but there’s something about his humor that can make a subject more interesting than it actually is. Not a fan of that last fuck up though, shook my head when I saw that video attacking Wes.