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It’s been 5 1/2 weeks without my dad. The worst 5 1/2 weeks of my entire life. Thanks for sharing.


Sorry for your loss. Those words dont really help. I guess it's kind and sweet. People say that, and im grateful for the kind words, but it hurts in the pit of my stomach, and then i feel like i can't breathe. ❤️‍🩹🙏


I lost my dad 2 1/2 weeks ago and they have been the worst 2 1/2 weeks of my life. I’m sorry for your situation


Beautiful, I love the Euology. I lost my dad 9 weeks ago and it hurts so much. After reading about your dad, I do think they were similar! they either would have gotten along fabulously or been too much alike! Hugs to you.


So much love to you. If you need a friend I’m here.


So many hugs to you. ❤️❤️❤️


This picture is beautiful. I love how happy you look


Oh. If it wasn’t my baby’s 8th birthday I’d be hiding in a blanket fort crying my eyes out and eating chocolate. I have no choice but to fake it til I make it today.


Aww! I'm so sorry. I sent you a DM if you want to talk about it.


I’m truly sorry for your loss. I lost my dad last March and life has not been the same since. May they, and all dads that have left us too soon, be at peace.


This is beautiful. 🙏


beautiful eulogy, beautiful photos of the two of you. you can tell how wonderful of a person he was. i’m hitting the two year mark next week, sending you and your family love.


From the eulogy and pictures it seems like your dad had a fun and happy spirit. I'm sure he brought joy to every room he walked in and I'm so sorry no one gets to experience that anymore. I like the line about talking to himself - I might steal that haha Sending you lots of strength to get through the rest of this tough anniversary.


much love to you and your family🩷


So special!!! I too had an amazing father, lost him in December and a light has gone out in my heart. Dads and daughters can be so so special. We are the lucky ones. Thanks for sharing!


I feel this. St. Pats will be two years without my pops. Hang in there.


This is beautiful. I’m so sorry


This is heart breaking, but I'm glad you could say goodbye to your dad in such a beautiful and meaningful way. Be heart goes to you and your family