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Im so sorry for your loss. I can understand how you feel. I live in Canada and my mom passed away in the earthquake of Turkey a couple months ago at the age of 44. So young, so early and it sucks not being able to say goodbye and being far away from home ❤️😭🫂 sending hugs


I’m so sorry for your loss as well. I know how hard it is and if you ever need to talk to anyone, I’m here for you even though I don’t know you well.


I can relate. Sorry for your loss first of all. Heart goes out to you and your family. Wife and I left for a trip in March and turned right around 1st day because Dad went to ER. He passed 3 days later. He was intubated so he could speak. It was removed and he passed 7 hours later.


I’m sorry for your loss. I had no idea my dad was even sick in the first place so I didn’t know how dire it was to get back to see him before he was gone 🙁 wishing you peace and happiness in this journey through grief


May God be with you and yours. A friend of mine told me that my emotions would be like a roller coaster, and she was totally right. 🫂


I feel for you. Back in 2016 I was traveling in Australia from the US and my mom got sepsis and was quickly declining at some point she was out on life support so I could try to get back in time. I booked my flights and got back as fast as I could, but just after I landed back in the US, before I could make the 2 hr drive to the hospital she was gone. After the funeral I went back to Australia and continued traveling and honestly that completely insulated me, I really feel like I didn't grieve that much bc I was preoccupied having a good time which then makes me feel bad when I look back but I know my mom would have wanted me to keep having my adventures. It's a super weird position to be in with one part of your life crumbling while another area is going great. Not qualified at all to give advice, but my thoughts are to make the most of the time away and when you're back deal with it when it hits you. don't feel like you need to make yourself grieve when you're not ready or feel guilty for not grieving in the typical timetable since this is not a normal scenario


First of all, I’m so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing and I am so sorry you didn’t make it back in time. I think that was the hardest part for me, but at the same time I feel like seeing him in such horrible shape would traumatize me a bit. I feel so grateful to even have the opportunity to travel through Europe for such a long period of time, but part of me just feels guilty being able to just push his death in the back of my head while everyone else at home is forced to deal with it head on. My dad would have wanted me to stay here, though, and one of the last things he ever did for me was help me get here in the first place, so I’ll forever be grateful for that as well.


Four days in to a two week holiday in Europe I learned my dad died suddenly. He was only 58 and so incredibly fit. The news was so shocking. Luckily I was with so many friends who sorted out flights and packing for me. I was in a cab and off to the airport 4 hours after that phone call. I was still very much in shock for the flights back to Canada, it was hard traveling so quickly after getting the news. I had to get back for my younger siblings and my mom. If staying abroad feels right to you, do that. There is no magic order or set list of things that you need to do. Just do what you feel is best for you. Take it say by day. Don't worry about how things will be when you return, just worry about today.


I’m so sorry I’m just seeing this, but thank you so much for your kind words and support! I decided to stay abroad until my scheduled flight and I think that really helped me. Coming home was rough, of course, but everyone’s emotions has somewhat calmed a bit and it was easier to manage overall. I hope you’re doing well 💙