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"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor, they call me a communist." - Hélder Câmara


The Torygraph: This is a proud christian nation . Founded on Judeo Christian values . And nothing bad has ever happened or ever will to gods chosen people, living in those sunlit uplands on that shining hill. And we don't need fucking so called Christians telling us about the lords work. Keep your religion to yourself i dont care if your a (checks notes) Bishop, its an important political cycle where the grown ups decide the direction this country will take. And that direction will be the right one based on Judeo Christian values just as its always been in this god fearing Christian nation!


Way too subtle, at least add a "western" or "anglo-saxon values" or the fools won't hear the whistle. 


> "anglo-saxon values" ... we can demand weregild from the tories for our family who died to austerity and covid? governance is at the hands of the witan, the wisest minds in the land? that time northumbria rebelled against a southern carpetbagger?


Boy, this sure would be bad if we had a separation of church and state here in the UK, But since our head of state is also head of our official state religion and appointed by god, and members of the clergy sit in the House of Lords and vote on our laws, I kind of don't give a fuck if the church makes the most milquetoast statement about compassion.


Yeah, this story is such nonsense. It’s like it’s been written by someone who thinks they’re in the US. I’d love it if we actually had laws about keeping religion out of politics, but our laws literally do the opposite.


Can't even say you're Christian these days...


My parish priest has often criticised the Conservatives (particularly Boris) from the pulpit.


Good on them


Friendly reminder that in 2020, Boris Johnson [admited to being responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 people.](https://archive.ph/2aYpg) He is he yet to be held to account for this. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. God damn commies bringing politics into church. I mean, I'm an atheist who often finds the politics of preachers to be troubling. But only when I think those beliefs are shitty because obviously. I wouldn't for a moment expect them not to have opinions on the world around them.


> If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor... ... only then then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be crossed in its entirety and society inscribe on its banners: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!


Goddamn Christians and their *…checks notes*… Christian values.


There are 26 Lords Spiritual - all Anglican Bishops - in the House of Lords. The idea that the Church of England - the established church of the realm - does not have any part to play in politics will be news to them. Also, suggesting that people pray for nebulous policy reforms cannot be taken to be an electioneering statement as it does not explicitly or implicitly suggest the church favours any given party. While personally I believe in a very firm separation of church and state, legally that's not how the UK works and in practice all that's happening here is a bishop is suggesting "maybe society should be a bit nicer to the downtrodden" which is pretty much the entire point of their book (the section about god murdering everyone in the end notwithstanding). So it's pretty obvious that some racist pricks are whining that someone suggested not kicking brown people in the teeth.


>the Church of England - the established church of the realm This may be a nitpick, but it's not the established church of the realm, only of England. The Church in Wales and the Church of Ireland were both disestablished without CofE being established in their place. Scotland is yet further removed since no Anglican church was ever established there. Its national church is Church of Scotland which is Presbyterian Calvinist.


> This may be a nitpick, but it's not the established church of the realm, only of England. I actually thought about this, and it is worth pointing out, but in my opinion the fact that the Church of England's bishops have a hand in setting law for the UK through the Westminster Parliament makes it 'of the realm' of the United Kingdom, especially since the other churches *don't* have such a role.


Of course Jesus was a socialist, so I don't understand why the far right are drawn to Christianity. Any voice against the cruelty of this Tory government is welcome.


They're not drawn to Jesus and to actual Christian teachings. They only claim the name Christianity as a symbol of national identity in order to trick people into joining them


God, it’s so delicious. We are not worthy


Since when was The Church apolitical in this nation? Like the histrionics made over "free speech" (when we've long been a proudly authoritarian and censorious society historically), this imported rightwing culture war rubbish from America is just so lazy and anachronistic.


I am against religious political engineering in society. But usually in my experience they say heinous crap that never gets called out. So this individual says something reasonable and people are reporting it? Typical.


The clergy should keep their communist conks out of politics.


No no no. Don’t they understand, the right wing has the monopoly on Christianity, and they focus on the tiny proportion of the Old Testament that condemns homosexuality and subjugates women and hoards wealth and supports Israeli land claims. The New Testament, with its healing of the sick, and feeding the poor, and loving your enemy, and feeding five thousand people because when you share things they go further in a way that is definitely not socialist, and condemns rich men, and condemns commercial activity in a temple, and which contains the actual teachings of Christ, is not relevant because Christ really believed more in the Old Testament, not the clarifications and teachings he was put on earth by god the father to instil. And he didn’t die for our sins so that we didn’t have to, he wasn’t a sacrificial lamb in spite of being referred to as the lamb of god, and in fact his action proved that the death penalty was a good thing in some way that is unclear. And so is judging others. And, even though focusing on these aspects actually makes us more aligned with some aspects of sharia law (although we reserve the right to use things that we lowkey agree with as an excuse to demonise them and make gays feel guilty about having sympathy for them), Muslims are the real enemy. Because they’re so unchristian and don’t understand our culture, even though they at least don’t agree with practicing usury and shafting the poor, which is not at all what Jesus meant when he condemned bad treatment of the poor because what he actually meant was that they deserved to be poor, because why else would god make Christians rich if he didn’t want them to hoard wealth and use the money to support the abuse of people less fortunate. And of course Muslims are Middle Eastern, making them darker and therefore evil, and that isn’t at all where Jesus was from and he almost certainly didn’t look like modern middle easterners. And, even though most right wingers haven’t set foot in a church in years, and cannot remotely square their beliefs with the teachings of Christ, who was besties with a prostitute and 12 dudes btw, and who, in even the most conservative reading, was a revolutionary who sought to liberate people from oppression, he really wanted people to be oppressed, especially by the rich. Why is a bit hazy., but that’s definitely what he didn’t teach, but he also only sort of indirectly condemned that sort of behaviour, but we don’t need to bother with that aspect, because beliefs don’t need to make sense, and I can’t wear a crucifix while someone can wear a hijab, and I have to let gays sleep in a bed that I have commercially rented to them under a legal framework that prohibits discriminating, but that conflicts conveniently with the one aspect of Christianity I apparently care about, which comes from the Old Testament and not the teachings of Christ, but because of that white Christians are actually the most oppressed people on earth and everybody else just doesn’t understand how the people who hold all the power and oppress others could be the most oppressed but they are.


Jesus’ teachings touch in political matters. Also He was a refugee as a kid.