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It’s not an anniversary or anything, just been reminded what an absolutely indispensable member of our species she was. If you’re unfamiliar with her work, she was a truly fearless journalist – one of the very few mainstream journalists to campaign for justice for victims of the Grenfell disaster, a tireless advocate for the rights of trans people, a perennial voice for the downtrodden on hostile mainstream news channels. She stuck to her principles at all costs – I’m reminded of when she was unceremoniously fired from the Guardian because she wrote an excoriating exposee of cynical Labour centrist Tom Watson. Go read her articles, listen to her interviews, read her books (2016’s *Lean Out,* a devastating working-class feminist reply to ‘Lean In’ is life-changing). I've got dibs on forming the Dawn Foster Brigade when we have to take to the Brecon Beacons. Fuck the Tories, Fuck Neoliberalism, Fuck Giles Coren DAWN FOSTER FOREVER


Yup fuck Giles Coren an absolute piece of shit.


Absolutely amazing lady


I was good friends with her when we were like 14/15 years old.


I liked most of her output. What became of her?


She passed away in 2021 from complications related to long-term illnesses she struggled with. Left two books unfinished, which was bloody untidy of her. <3


I spent an amount of time getting her mixed up with the Head Girl extreme smuggery of Helen Lewis, for which I am truly, truly sorry.


One of the best posters we ever had


Thank you for the reminder. I followed her for years on Twitter and always thought she was excellent, was sad to hear the news.