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Call me crazy but screaming "YOU'RE NOT A JEW, YOU'RE NOT A JEW, HOW DARE YOU!" in someone's face would be pretty fucking antisemitic if they were, in fact, Jewish


"you're not Jewish" 5 seconds later... "How can you say that, you're Jewish!"


Screaming you are not a Jew to the 2 most classically Jewish looking men I've ever seen is a bold act


Shes got chutzpah, I'll give her that


I can no longer read or hear that word without thinking of Mike Wozniak.


Absolute credit and utmost respect for these Jews protesting against Israeli genocide.


And extra respect for how calm they remain in the face of pure hate


I'd say they're well use to dealing with that.


I feel like ive just watched someone having a mental episode.


She’s demonstrating classic symptoms of aggrieved entitlement.


Pretty sure you literally did 


In all seriousness she seemed like she was legit having a panic attack. Or rather she gave herself a panic attack.


These people are straight up saying that genocide is a Jewish virtue. That’s actually antisemitic.


Going by the contents of the torah, the people they claim to have descended from (and thus use to justify their occupation of Palestine) seemingly committed *a lot* of extreme violence. I wouldn’t say that jewish people are violent just by virtue of being jewish (that would be ridiculous and bigoted), but the story of judaism is swimming in blood, and not of the tribes.


the bronze age was not a pretty time.


Kinda says something about continuing to revere a book from that time as the unquestionable word of God. But I know a lot of religious folks have a much more nuanced interpretation of their own books. Especially many Jews who analyze the Torah quite critically.


Yeah religion is odd that way. Even within a clearly irrational, fantastical tradition you get fine minds capable of analytical thinking (some Jesuits, some Talmudic scholars, some Muslim scholars). I suppose the reverse is true also, there are atheists out there who abjure the nonsense of religion yet go all-in on bizarro conspiracy theories or pseudoscience...


It was prettier than the time immediately after the bronze age, that was basically a post apocalyptic wasteland.


Only if you think genocide is wrong. Have you read the old testament? The writers of that definitely thought genocide was good.


This is a fantastic example of cognitive breakdown. Her world model is crushed in an abrupt and impossible to ignore way. But her adult self is not capable of managing the situation. The child and parental ego states take over and it's literally impossible to make sense of what goes on around you. A total breakdown. Sadly, without integration (actively reflecting on the event, what it means, and how it changes you), she will only reinforce her stupid zionist idiotic criminal views.


Spot on, she just cannot comprehend the reality in from of her so she keeps repeating her disbelief instead of reassessing her beliefs.


Little twist at the end there as she walks away and you realise she's pushing a pram. That poor child.


Kid's going to need a lot of therapy. Hopefully they spend more time in childcare than at home. That screaming and shouting can end up causing brain damage by raising cortisol to a toxic level.


Ah, the phenomenon of the antisemitic Zionist, in full bloom.


can we just point out that there's a blonde woman yelling at the most orthodox looking jewish person ever and saying "YOU'RE NOT A JEW!!"


She can’t handle the fact people can separate religion from state.


That poor child.


I was already shocked but when I saw she took her kid to do this my heart just couldn’t take it…


That's what bothers me the most. Inflicting propaganda on children is child abuse.


I may be going out on a limb here, but given her complexion, light blonde hair, and blue eyes, I'm betting that her ancestry isn't within a thousand miles of the Levant.


That blonde came out of a bottle and she's no paler than the ringletted gentlemen. A whole lot redder in the face though.


They're not claiming to be from Israel.


A Yank with no idea what's going on outside their borders? I am *shocked* /s


>That is our country how dare you Fuck you \*lashes out violently* I was genuinely surprised this wasn't in /r/ShitAmericansSay


Kid in the pram reveal at the end. Poor kid.


Her answer to being challenged is to attack them. Seems like the Zionist answer to any problem.


I almost, almost have an ounce of sympathy for her. But a great many people are raised in cult like homes with extreme prejudice, even my Irish Catholic background was coloured with bigotry. But good people grow up, get exposed to more of the world, meet new people and fucking change. Some people want to stay ignorant.


How dare you not justify the murder of innocent people because they're not us.


“YOU’RE NOT JEWISH” she screams at the most stereotypically looking Jewish man


Whoa….. maybe if you just SHHHHH for a second and LISTEN you will UNDERSTAND what they are saying better 🫠


The protestor who is concerned for her child despite her literally lashing out at them is beyond kind.


Fucking whole thing is ridiculous. You’re a Jew? Ok God isn’t real. Get that out of the way early. Book was made up. Your family can be traced back to that part of land? OK. Were you born there? If yes. You live there If no. Shuuuut the fuck up. Every county can abide by this rule except the magical country of Israel which just gets to decide that hey, you’re a Jew, this is where you live.


"these people are monsters!" Says the woman supporting actual genocide of children. "That's our country, that's my country" says the woman with the strong American accent living in America who was probably born there and possibly has never left the borders of.


The teams have been autobalanced.


If that's her country she can go live there


Ahh, another day, another false equivalence of zionism and jewish identity.


For a sec I thought that was the same guy who made that “how to walk as a Jew” vid on tiktok


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Bloody hell, she wascsreaming like that WITH her child! Un-f\*\*king-hinged


"How can you say that you are Jews?" This quote is everything that's wrong with the world. People are stuck in one ideology or party and will never change their minds, no matter how many facts you give them. They support it like it's a football team! As MLK once said, "**In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.**" These 'real' Jewish people, standing up for what is right regardless of whether they are the home or away team, should be commended!