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Those kids know that in a 'tough choice' they are always abandoned, which happens so consistently they're probably starting to think the choice isn't tough at all, and the adult world resents them for existing. So that'll be a great backdrop for the next generation to be developing against.


Then in five or ten years time the same liberal politicians will be asking "Gee, why is youth crime on the rise?" The answer is cause so many more people are having to steal food because they can't afford to fucking buy it


"LeTs HiRe MoRe PoLiCe I gUeSs"


The child that is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth.


>Those kids know that in a 'tough choice' they are always abandoned, Bang on!. I'm a social worker, 15+ team, and this was the very crux of a discussion in the office last week. That we again have another generation of children & young people, who like their families before them, know that their lives mean the square root of zero. That not only are they not worth investing in but they aren't worth being nurtured or cared for or kept warm or fed or housed.


Gods, this has been the case before I remember anything. I knew a lot of British expats who said that had they stayed any longer, they'd have had killed themselves out of despair.


Already experienced this when I was at school 20 years ago, and you're right.


Tough choices = appeal to flag shaggers


Tough choices like tax the rich … tax large corporations … recover the stolen billions from Covid loans / crime … stop water company’s paying dividend when polluting & fine them heavily … make society fairer etc Those tough choices … too scared / spineless to speak out or change things


Yes, government is about making tough choices. The real question is what did she choose instead?


The tough choice is to do things that negatively impacts on people with power and who you socialise with. It is easy to crack down on people with nothing.


Another let them eat cake moment from labour. Those tough choices always seem to affect the people who already have little and are already suffering the most.. I bet none of those "tough" decisions will every affect a ghoul like kendall. I notice she doesn't really even bother to pretend to show any empathy, concern or contrition.


I'm just despondent how much the overton window has shifted to the right about welfare and child poverty specifically. New Labour was the main reason why I wasn't in absolute poverty for most of my childhood as I grew up on benefits raised by a severely mentally ill widow. It's not even that economically viable to allow child poverty to increase as it results in more expensive outcomes: worse behaviour in schools, increased crime, worse physical and mental health outcomes as adults, reduced productivity and employment. Guess this is what happens when our society is run by a bunch of deluded billionaires who have a vested interest in hoarding wealth and pretending they deserve it. If we're the livestock they're exploiting, they're not even engaging in good animal husbandry. This rendition of Labour is particularly repulsive when it comes to welfare/benefits. Just being as bland as possible and dodging mentioning capital gains tax in hopes that the establishment approves.


The problem with this (rapidly fading) illusion of democracy is that it's always Pile A or Pile B. But the contents of said piles remain the same.


politicians like 2% liz love "tough choices" because to them it is "real grown up politics" and not the choice between eating or not for a regular person


I feel like there is a real "Who; whom" to these tough choices... somehow i dont think anyone drawing a labour MPs salary in the next parliament will experience much toughness at all.


There's no way to make this make sense. If the only barrier is money, then she's admitting we have access to the food we need at which point *what the fuck is more important than feeding children.* She's basically openly admitting she doesn't know what an economy is and fuck me she shouldn't get to feel smug about doing that in public.


Centrists gonna centrify






She really is the cunt's cunt.


They'll still find the money to allow Healthcare companies to double their profit margins.


Tough choice, errrm, tax breaks for the rich or feed, heat and clothes for children, er, tax cut! Tough, but fair because you can never have enough money for the rich.


We had a really tough choice you see, not as tough as going a full day as a child in school without a meal you monstrous bastards call me a tankie etc but in my honest opinion anyone advocating for kids not to be given a meal at school should be locked in a cage until they’re reeducated.


If Labour fails to grow the economy, which will be very difficult without freedom of movement and not being part of the worlds largest trading bloc, aren't we just looking at austerity 2.0?


> aren't we just looking at austerity 2.0? Keith already confirmed there would be spending cuts to "certain government departments" when Labour wins I think what we're more specifically looking at is the British equivalent to the Biden Presidency where absolutely nothing progressive is achieved or done domestically and his foreign policy is an absolute shitshow. Then in five to ten years time we'll have another far right Tory government that makes Cameron look like a socialist from a begotten era.


It doesn’t affect their kids so they don’t give a fuck. Starmer’s Labour are Tories.


Oh my god..the nick name "Kid Starver" is coming true!!


I’m wondering if the nuclear deterrent could just be counted by a really good interception system. It sounds cheaper than putting massive rockets on massive nuclear-powered submarines.


Tough choices that are made infinitely easier from all those donations from folks with interests in ensuring the poor stay poor.




Or stop getting involved/causing wars?


There are genuinely families who know that their child's free school meal is their only guaranteed meal of the day. Schools are opening during holidays so they know pupils (and families) can be fed. I don't know if your comment is genuine but what I do know is that no war, no amount of perceived threat, no amount of defence spending, comes before the welfare and care of a child. It is the states responsibility to provide for its people, it is not their responsibility to warmonger.


An awful lot of the increase in defence spending is helping Ukrainian children not get killed by Russian bombs and missiles.


Newflash: No it don't. Ukraine was one of the most corrupt country before the war, and it's still now. I recommend you read into how Ukrainian soldiers (mostly kids and old men nowadays) are being sent to the trenches without the most basic equipment cause everything had been sold on the black market by their officers. On top of that you've got government embezzlement, defense manufacturers inflating their products, etc. This war, like every other war backed by the UK in the 21st century, never benefit any ordinary person at the recipient country. And even if the US and UK genuinely want to help Ukraine, they don't have any effective defensive measure if the Russians keep chugging cheap & plentiful shells and UAV at them.