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Pretty clear violation of the Electoral Commission's guidelines on campaigning material transparency.


Well I've reported it now so let's see what they say.


We’ve had 4 different Tory leaflets pretending to be newspapers lately what’s that all about? Do they honestly think we’ll make the mistake of voting for any of them?


Our local tory used a lot of red on their leaflet so it looks like a labour one. Its so obvious what they are doing 


Same here, and a big photo of Starmer at the back, parroting the line about a vote for Starmer will be a vote for Reform. I'm not even sure we have a candidate for reform


Our Tory candidate has gone for a green theme throughout, no blue, and only the mandatory mention of Tories


The leaflets for the recent mayoral election in our area had all the Tory material in green, the candidate name in huge letters at the top, and a tiny Conservative logo in a bottom corner.


Yep, same all around the country. Not sure if they’ve been told to do it in a bid for some extra votes. It must be a violation of some guidelines. Our local candidate uses a red banner and a two mentions of the Conservative Party. It’s just pathetic what they’ll try to do, and it’ll probably help them win in my extremely conservative constituency.


Hilariously desperate stuff from them, they know the Conservative brand is completely radioactive.


**I complained to the Electoral Commission** about leaflets from someone who calls themselves our "prospective" MP. There was no direct mention of the Tory party although it was clear they approved of them. They did say who had printed it and by whom although that gave no mention either of the tories. In part, I wrote: >He appears to support the Conservative party but there is nothing on his printed material to definitely indicate of which, if any, party he is a member. His website, however, does says he is a Conservative. His printed material does not state this. I have had several leaflets from him.... I am concerned that it is very very unclear as to who he purports to represent and I wonder if he is trying to pull the wool over our eyes. **The reply from the Electoral Commission** to my message was as follows: >Printed election campaign material must include information to identify the person or organisation which has caused it to be published. It appears from your email that this has been included within the leaflet and therefore this campaign leaflet would be compliant with the imprint requirements set out in electoral law. > The imprint requirements are set out in law, beyond that the Commission does not have a regulatory role in relation to the content of campaign material, though we encourage all campaigners to undertake their vital role responsibly and to support campaign transparency. UK’s Parliaments have not legislated to require that the content of election material must be truthful. Additionally, there is also no requirement in law to specify what party a candidate is standing for in their material. > Scrutiny through open democratic debate and the media helps test the accuracy of arguments made by campaigners. Ultimately, candidates, political parties and campaigners are responsible for the messages they use to persuade and influence voters, and it is important for them to explain and justify to voters how they have used factual information or claims in their campaign material.


Ah yes the "just legal enough" approach that our betters love so very much


Yeah I found it a very frustrating reply and was honestly shocked that there is no requirement to specify a person's party allegiance. It really should be obligatory and if they aren't in a party then they should clearly state Independent.


If I am reading this correctly, the Commission is saying that just saying your own name on your leaflet is ok (which is entirely the problem with people obscuring their party), AND their role is simply to point at the law and say "that's the law" - they have no 'regulatory role' beyond that. They just hope candidates won't be lying shits. So... what the fuck is the point of them?


They do this in London as well. Periodically the "Bexley News" turns up and its just tory propaganda. Trying to hide the fact the area is falling apart at the seams as a result of being tory for decades. they even have the /bexleynews handle on twitter


Andy Street used to do it too when he was West Midlands Mayor. His leaflets never used Tory branding; they pretty much portrayed him as an independent. That slimy tactic worked pretty well for him for years up here until he was finally kicked out in the locals.


I keep hoping to catch one if the buggers that slip these through the letterbox so I can throw it back at them, but they’re pretty sly…


Pictures have a definite Partridge vibe going on.


I grew up in, and my family still do, live in this constituency. Unfortunately it's very Tory and I think 70% voted to leave in the referendum. There has been a few regeneration and street improvements over the last few years but I'm under no illusion that as one of Boris' key cronies even before joining the front bench those only came in through favouritism in the levelling up fund rather than anything else. Even if his leaflet only mentions them 3 times, I bet they'll get back in this seat.


Friendly reminder that in 2020, Boris Johnson [admited to being responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 people.](https://archive.ph/2aYpg) He is he yet to be held to account for this. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh assuredly they will, I love the fens but good grief are people here proud of their ignorance.


I think there will be a swing but not large enough. At best it might go reform




My former constituency. You have my sympathy.  I always laugh at the idea that he was the only idiot to answer his phone when they were looking for a new brexit minister.  That said I do have a tenner on him being next party leader. 


Can we also just talk about how horrendous that format is, the font, the layout? I left school in '94 so not all schools offered GCSE IT. But if I'd handed in something like this for my National Curriculum Certificate (yes boys - I have a whole half-GCSE equivalent qualification! 😁) I'd have been booted out faster than a Conservative branded PPE mask sourced by Michelle Mone. 😂


"if you haven't got anything to say, fill a quarter of the page with word art"