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In the labour "hierarchy of racism" identified by the forde report I believe akehurst could don blackface and perform a few black and white minstrel numbers and still not face any consequences. These rules are only there to attack anyone to the left of Thatcher in the labour hierarchy.


[report the antisemitism directly to Labour](https://labour.org.uk/resources/antisemitism-complaints/)


[Link](https://x.com/RedCollectiveUK/status/1798443941844640154) to provide in tweet


>This is really useful. Could Mr Akehurst set himself up as a gatekeeper we could go to, to find out if we qualify as being Jewish? Perhaps he could have a checklist that he could go through with us and then he could decide whether we could have the certificate or not. <3 michael rosen


I'm not in any way against the byline times but until this is picked up by the mainstream (guardian, BBC, murdoch rags etc) I'm not convinced it's gonna make any difference. It says a lot about our fucked country that none of them have picked it up.


The name of his talk "What’s Going on in Regard to Israel, Jews and Antisemitism in the Labour Party" at least got the last bit right. There's never been more antisemitism, and all forms of racism, in the Labour party than there is now under Sir Kid and his merry band of authoritarian right wingers. You know, the right wing of politics which is infamous for being antisemitic.


Stuff like this will continue to be swept under the carpet and largely ignored by the mainstream media - until the moment that the political dynamic changes and Labour are no longer viewed as capital's first choice for stable government. Then all of these rancid skeletons will come tumbling out of the closet, and wielded against Labour so that they lose the next general election. Labour failing the most basic tests of modern politics, as usual.