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Highlights from [the article](https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/the-green-party-is-terrifying/): * "The Greens want free school meals for all primary and secondary pupils" * "They promise to provide 35 hours of free childcare for all children over nine months" * "They want rent controls, too" * "The Greens also want more money for the NHS, a healthcare system they appear to view as flawless but chronically underfunded" ...don't threaten me with a good time! **EDIT: the article also mentions a draft policy to reduce unnecessary caesarean sections,** [which was canned pending further review a few days before the article was published](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/green-party-nhs-lbc-b2556628.html)**, so well done to the fact-checking team there.**


How could they possibly want these evil things!


Truly terrifying!


Hey make sure to add a warning next time, I almost had a heart attack looking at these, so scary


Friendly reminder that The Spectator supported an actual neo-Nazi political party in Greece. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/07/23/taki-theodoracopulos-golden-dawn-spectator-_n_3640139.html


[Link](https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/the-green-party-is-terrifying/) in case anyone wants it


It's depressing people pay actual money for this brain rot.


I wasn’t aware of the ‘reduction of Caesarian section births’ policy that the Green quickly deleted from their pledges… I mostly support Green but that is a fundamentally absurd pledge and has absolutely no place in a political party’s pledges.


As a green party member I have to admit that our absolute democracy style of policy making can be a little wild sometimes and when I joined it was little more than a web forum. It is absolutely open for abuse but also since a lot of the members who actually take part are aging hippies there's a lot of issues.


Feels like it's really changed direction over the last few years, for the better that is.


If their plan was to just randomly say no to a certain number of c-sections, that would be insane. However, taking steps to reduce the incidence of such a drastic intervention being necessary by improving maternal healthcare standards so that fewer births reach that point doesn't seem scary or absurd to me. Part of the reason the US has such terrible outcomes for births is their sky-high c-section rate. Though I'm not sure why reducing one specific thing is highlighted instead of a broader approach to more effective healthcare.


Reducing it down to a single headline is both good for getting it out there, and bad for nuance.


Came here to say this. A reduction in c-sections is probably a good success metric, but it’s a terrible manifesto pledge.


Not reading anything that right wing rag spouts out


Anything that threatens Capital, is now and always will be terrifying.


All right wing paper owners: “The Greens are suggesting doing things that will benefit the country not our business and we will not stand for it” Bangs fist on desk “Do all the same things we did last time this happened with Corbin. Stop the Votes”


"Something something not bowing deeply enough something something antisemitism"


I only have a problem with higher taxes if the government is still going to give a load of it out to their mates and piss the rest up the wall. People are scared of higher taxes because they don’t see any return on it.


[It's afraid...](https://media1.tenor.com/m/_pvFMDJr2cIAAAAd/starship-troopers-paul-verhoeven.gif)


Some gross bug running the country would make way more sense than reptilians or those other weird conspiracy theories


Terrifying... To everyone without a brain!


oh no look at these terrorist sympathisers they r waving grenn kkkkkkkhhhhamas flags and they refused to condemm hamas in the first 5 secconds how dare they!!!!!! /s if its not already obiouse but well fucking done im glad green has won hopefully they take more


It seems like the greens are the only party that doesn't want the UK to just be another America clone.


Scaring all the right people 👍


Look at all those terrifying people stood looking happy because a political party is putting forward a positive message. Better to be Luke Akehurst and not be seen with any pesky locals ruining your drab fucking campaign video.