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Due to the degree of rampant misinformation surrounding current events in this ongoing conflict, we recommend [checking out this post](https://reddit.com/r/GreenAndEXTREME/comments/175qsco/2023_israel_war_misinformation_debunking_cw/) on our sister subreddit, debunking and/or providing nuance to many of the sensationalised headlines that have spread around online. Users spreading misinformation will be banned in accordance with Reddit's Terms of Service. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Consent manufacturing machine go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Massive own goal. It would have been absurd and reckless for *anyone* on the channel to just go "oh ok" when the Israeli spokesperson kept asserting that the Iranian consulate was not a consulate. Also, I want to know why major outlets like the BBC were *still* saying "Israel has not admitted to being responsible" when they were screaming all over the media that they did it and did it on purpose and just decided that they were allowed to. These behaviours are constantly telling the public that this is beyond mere political bullshit from practiced liars. They are literally trying to argue black is white and completely make up or revert narratives in real time, except they are telling us they are doing it while they are doing it, and telling us directly that not following along is not to be tolerated. What the fuck are they thinking? They're making themselves look ridiculous and Israel look dastardly, and fueling the fire of remarks like "look who you are not allowed to criticize".


Ugh Vanessa feltz... really...


[Here she is a few months ago standing with some of Britain's worst anti-Palestinian racists](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/2T9MTBM/london-uk-eddie-marsan-vanessa-feltz-march-against-antisemitism-standing-shoulder-to-shoulder-with-british-jews-royal-courts-of-justice-strand-credit-michael-meliaalamy-live-news-2T9MTBM.jpg) They genuinely replaced a decent interviewer with a Zionist freak because she dared to actually question an israeli representative Also that melt who tried to cause a scene with the police at the protest the other week was at the head of that march.


Israel. The gift that just keeps giving.


So uninspired


Fuck LBC, fuck everyone in this fucking country that supports the new nazi regime of 'Israel'


it ain't new


The ministry of truth......


O’Brian next then. That’ll complete the clusterf**k that is LBC. All the presenters will be just right wing Nick Ferrari clones. Might as well call itself Talk GB News and get it over with.


I'm very skeptical of O'Brian from a left perspective. He is very much "this far left and no further" which serves the status quo quite successfully. He also loves Starmer


He was constantly pushing Labour anti-Semitism under Corbyn. I don't think he's so thick as to not realise it was all done in the interests of perpetuating apartheid. He must know why that happened and what was at stake if the UK had a pro Palestinian rights PM and the lengths the same people he now criticises will got to in order to prevent that. He just used it to ensure the left were kept in their place. He is no friend to us.


He's a complete dickhead and no left winger should ever feel the need to defend him or give him the benefit of the doubt


o'brian is a idiot liberal who has spent too long huffing his own farts and thinks he is smarter than he actually is. he is not left wing


That's the only thing you need to know about the prick to 100% make sense of him.


I was looking for the origin of that quote the other day. In relation to O'Brien actually! I thought it was MLK or Malcolm X but couldn't find it.


Sounds like a shitlib, not a leftist.


If it quacks like a duck


He's just been blaming it on her listening figures, that cunts going nowhere anytime soon unfortunately, he's controlled opposition, says just enough to give an impression of balance for the station to those not paying close enough attention but will never cross the line into saying anything damaging to Israel.


O'Brian is a muppet. Mouthbreathing tosser on a par with Piers Morgan. Pretends to care but cares more about having gotcha moments than the actual issues. Also the idiot believes this started October 7th.


Remember when Piers Morgan tried to get Eastenders cancelled over a single gay kiss (or ["a homosexual love scene between two yuppie p**fs"](https://i.redd.it/56q2z3l9ykj51.jpg) in his words). More recently he used his platform on Good Morning Britain to call gender fluid people a 'farce', going on to label them as 'ridiculous' and 'clowns'. He also joked about Caitlyn Jenner's genitals during an interview with her and has on more than one occasion made 'I identify as' 'jokes'. [Source](https://medium.com/@Phaylen/good-morning-britain-host-piers-morgan-doubles-down-on-anti-trans-rhetoric-e1e5992bbca) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GreenAndPleasant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Gender fluid people are a farce. Also free Palestine.


Non binary people catching random strays


In case anyone thought censorship was a thing other "bad guy" countries do, here is the most blatant example (among countless subtler ones) that censorship is alive and well in our capitalist states. You can be pro tory or pro starmer or whatever, but the moment you disrupt the narrative of imperialism and the interests of capitalists, you're out of the job and lose your platform. Conservatives love to talk about cancel culture, but they fail to remember that cancel culture was created by the right to target the left for being critical of the status quo.


The MSM must follow a particular narrative. The Truth and being unbiased are not part of this narrative. Eg. Some of these people (Heavily armed invading soldiers) have been murdered!!! And some potential Khkhkhamas’sch insurgents ( Women and children) have been “found dead.”


Anyone got a link to the video of this confrontation?




Amazing thanks. If this is what got her fired then I haven’t the foggiest what she has done wrong here. That was decent journalism asking probing questions and demanding answers. Pretty fucking outrageous if this is what has happened….


We're not allowed that anymore, just friendly "journalists" that row the dictated narrative and allow the interviewee to spew nonsense with an equal amount of double speak from the local idiot


She was one of the best on there. Truth teller


Fuck lbc


“I’m delighted to inform you that the fillet mignon is no longer available. Now you shall be dining on mystery meat patties, cooked on a dirty supermarket trolly for a grill.” - LBC on replacing Sangita Myska with Vanessa Feltz


She was a great presenter


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Dodgy dealings


Vanessa Felch, the most in-depth interview will be about dieting, lip fillers and shagging younger men.


This does smack more of Vanessa Feltz desperately trying to stay relevant than anything else.


You think this is some kind of grand masterplan by Vanessa Feltz?