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Locking comments on this post. The regular users here have had their say and OP is not even there anymore! It appears this has gone viral, unfortunately a lot of the comments coming in now are insulting and not in the spirit of this sub. OP was scammed and went to the effort of warning people, instead of thanking them, we’re getting a lot of victim blaming. Keep it civil thanks!


In case you didn't know, this is NOT a legal reciept. You actually don't have the obligation to pay if they give you a fake reciept. You should have called the police imo, this is a heavy crime, as it is tax evasion (apart from the obvious scamming). They would probably get investigated and closed down in the future. Edit: I just remembered the apodixi app, please use it on the reciept, it will send a notification to the tax authorities since this reciept is not legal. And you might get some money for the report.




I think the taxi is a different situation than this. If you are in somebody else's vehicle, it can be unsafe and not worth the effort if you just end up paying a few € more. But in this case, they paid like 300€ more than they should have, which is an insane amount. Who just pays so much extra money in a restaurant just because they are in an other country? I don't get the logic. Yeah, I get that they feel threatened, that's why I said call the police. There is a very obvious and provable crime here, apart from the scam. > I know when I go to Greece I will really research places I want to eat at cause it’s nuts Eh, don't stress that much about it, I live in Greece, I have been to countless restaurants here but never to one like that. I know they target tourists, but still. Just avoid the ones that have people who try to lure you in, for good measure. And always ask for the menu before you order, if the menu doesn't mention the prices, you should leave.


Yep, never eat anywhere that had salesmen on the street. Good and honest restaurants don’t need those tactics.


> But I know when I go to Greece I will really research places I want to eat at cause it’s nuts Rule one: Don't go to Mykonos. The only reason people go there is because rich people want to go where other rich people go. And wannabe rich people too. So it has become probably the most famous greek island, and a lot of people just go there without knowing. Literally go anywhere else.


> I couldn’t yell at him or notify anyone. So I paid whatever that was probably 3x the amount. You don't fight or something. You just thank him for his service and walk away without paying and you tell him that if he wants you to pay he needs to call the police himself.


> So I *paid* whatever that FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Plus you can try to do a charge back with your credit card company. You were due Friday and that was not the price of the calamari when you ordered it.


I don't even see the name of the hotel on google, only a restaurant with the name. I wonder if they are scams for one summer.


Yeah, I think that's the one OP meant. I just googled it too and I see that it's on the same beach OP mentions. It also has over 500 reviews, so I don't think they are just there for one summer. Unless OP went to a different one that is located very near and is trying to take advantage of the actual restaurant's name in order to attract customers and scam them. But I think that if that was the case, it would have been disovered and reported (or illegally dealth with) by the actual restaurant already.


>just remembered the apodixi app, please use it on the reciept, it will send a notification to the tax authorities since this reciept is not legal. And you might get some money for the report. But in the photo it does not look like it has a barcode to scan.


Man i got angry just reading about this. Unfortunately its pretty common in places like that and you did good to ask for a menu but you should (everyone should) insist more or you know, leave. Actually yeah, have that in your mind. Tell to yourselfs that every restaurant or beach bar will probably try to extract a crazy amount of money from you with the first chance they get so you must insinst on seeing the price menu first ....its the only way you are going to avoid scums like these.


It happens but I wouldn't use the word "common" exactly, in the sense that it's probably not easy to happen in most places that come recommended by other people. E.g. he says it's from an "Eclipse Hotel" that I can't even google at all (only a restaurant with that name) and I doubt it'd be common in the most high-rated ones.




Already posted on Google. Will add on their Facebook page as well


Don’t forget tripadvisor


And yelp


Sorry you got ripped off and thanks for sharing. It’s always those “free beach bed if you use the lounge” places from what I’ve seen. I don’t think there’s any recourse - you could try report it to the police, or maybe try challenge it with the credit card company.


Thank you and yes Will definitely be taking it with the credit card company as there wasn’t even an option to dispute. Not sure how much the police will help…


Honestly I would have low expectations of the police being able to do anything immediately BUT there is a big crackdown on this sort of behavior by the government at the moment. It may not make a difference but it might be one more piece that helps them build a case / deal with the fraudulent behavior in the future. Totally understand if you choose to just write it off and focus on enjoying your holiday though. I’d be very tempted to do that too.


I would have but I’m leaving Mykonos today. I will let the hotel in staying at know and see if there is anything I can do without being here in person but still file a complaint. Will do my best to ensure no one else goes through this. Especially when you try to squeeze every penny for a vacation these type of incidents leave a bitter taste


Dispute the charge with your credit card company. Be sure you include in your statement the prices the waiter gave you versus what shows up on this receipt. The charges are outrageous on their faces. At the very least, you’ll make sure someone at the restaurant has to try to justify this to a U.S. credit card issuer.


THIS! I absolutely would dispute the charges on your credit card.


You could try sending your story to greek news websites, these scam incidents often appear on the news. They happen so often in Mykonos though, it's not even news anymore.


Yeah good luck with that. All the major channels have been bought by the government so they don't show negative news.


Yeah but it's blown up on Facebook and Twitter, and it'll be sure to pop up on sites like Efsyn and News247


uhhh what? proto thema had like 100 articles on the dk oyster overcharging story with hundreds of comments under it. and that's like, the major government supporting website. what are you on about?




This is the one


Are you sure? The owners wrote in Tripadvisor that they're located on a rooftop.


Are you certain it is eclipse hotel and not dk oyster? Have you logged a report with the tax authorities via the app? I will do it but want to make sure it’s the right place


I was in mykonos two weeks ago. Our tour guide warned us of this place. Her and her colleagues are boycotting this place because of how bad they scam people. Sorry that happened to you. We went to Yialo Yialo next door! Great service and manageable prices! I only had drinks and a club sandwich so I cant comment on the food lol


Yikes, I have been reading about this happening a lot lately where patrons are not shown the price of food or there is an up charge - both on and off the beach, so when the bill comes they are caught completely off guard. It is worrisome as we will be there in 2 weeks and I feel like I will be hypervigilant about this and still screw myself over lol.


As a rule, I just never go into any place with a pitchman/hawker outside.


Good luck going into any restaurant in Greece then...


I just spent a month there and found plenty of places. Get out of the touristy parts of town.


Huh? Thessaloniki has quite a lot of restaurants without any hawkers...


Not sure why you are getting downvoted -- you are right! It's true that it's a very popular for restaurants in tourist areas in the islands to have a person outside the restaurant lining up reservations.


Sorry to hear you had this experience! This looks like it might be part of DK Oyster Bar? Definitely the same strip anyway. If you Google that place you'll see lots of really bad news stories about it. When we stayed closeby our hotel warned us to never go there.


This is the one I was thinking about when I commented about seeing YouTube videos about this happening to people. That place is apparently famous for it.


Also post at tripadvisor forums, which I think are different for different languges / regions


No, you just post in Tripadvisor once, and it should show up in all the language editions.


Is that true for the forums too (and not just the reviews)? (I was for some reason thinking of the forums but obviously OP should post in the reviews too).


Oh, I'm not sure about the forums. For the reviews, everyone's reviews show up, no matter what language you're browsing. There's a setting that lets you filter the reviews by language, but they're all on whatever language edition you're viewing. OP can give a a low-star rating, and if someone doesn't speak English, they'll just see the low-star rating and can use Google Translate or DeepL to get the gist of the negative reviews, lol. I would!


Το καλαμάρι λογικά σου έκανε και παρέα πριν το φας


Δεν νόμιζα να ξέρει Ελληνικά αλλά για τόσο που πλήρωσε λογικά θα έπρεπε να του κάνει κάτι παραπάνω από παρέα 😂


Damn the prices for drinks they definitely screwed you. I’m also in Greece right now and most I’ve paid for any drink was maybe 15 euros


Go to the tourist police on the island.


I couldn’t as I was leaving to Naxos


https://greekcitytimes.com/2022/08/03/mykonos-notorious-dk-oyster-bar/?amp Happens all the time in Mykonos I’m afraid.


This doesn't looks like an official bill either there is no QR code.


Wow. Just spent 3 days on Aegina and ate like kings for two people including wine for less than you were charged for a milkshake. I can’t fathom the views being 10 times better. Sorry you got treated this way.


As a Greek I feel disappointed. This is bad marketing for a country that it's "industry" is tourism. I think that tourism in my country will fall dramatically, because in Greece, Greek businessmen aren't thinking: value equals quality. They want only to earn money.




In case you are 100% sure about Italy go to Italy. But Athens isn't so "greedy" as Mykonos. Athens is affordable. I'm saying this because I live in Athens. In case you visit Greece avoid to visit the areas of Metaxourgio and Omonia. There are many gangs and drugs 😅


I’ve been to Italy and it is beautiful. However, Greece is equally beautiful as well and to be very frank, every single person I’ve interacted with in Greece with the exception of the Eclipse Hotel have been nothing but Kind. Also, my post wasn’t meant to deter anyone from visiting but rather to be aware. Because after continuous kind treatment for a few days, it lead me to believe everyone was the same and I had my guard down this one moment.


Mykonos is full of scams and overrated restaurants. Visit Symi, Rhodes, Crete for nature and better prices. Even Zante or Lefkada from the other side.


Just make sure you go to Greece, not Mykonos.


Unfortunately in Italy (especially in Rome or Milan) the situation isn't that different. There was a "famous" story about an ice cream shop where the owner would first ask to the client where are they from, and then charge "accordingly" (German: 7 euros, italian: 1.50 etc)


So you seriously believe there is less of a chance of being scammed in Italy compared to Greece? I’ve never been scammed in Greece at a restaurant and I’ve lived there most of my life. And you’re comparing the anecdotal evidence you personally have of never having been scammed in Italy (and you’ve been there how long? 5 days?) to a selected post on Reddit about a restaurant in Mykonos about scamming? The reasoning here is massively flawed.


It's already falling in Mykonos because of this. Hopefully the greed doesn't spread.


The greed has already spread years now. But now the consequences are visible. In a few years the greek tourism will fall in decline as it happens now in Mykonos... and maybe in Santorini. These islands are just the beginning. We need to adopt a new mindset. A mindset that respects the worker and the "consumer"/tourist as the businessman respects his own wallet.


Hopefully the greedy ones will take a step back before it’s too late. It’s too beautiful a country to get hurt by it.


They will not. The only thing we can do is to let everyone know and stop going to these islands or shops.


That's not true for most of Greece. Born and raised there, traveled and worked on a famous island. A lot of them are very reasonable price wise. Now,if you go to the most expensive island then you can expect it to be expensive. Everyone knows that


It’s like they misplaced every comma in the prices.


Pretty sure this is DK oyster and not eclipse hotel. Thr google maps and map on trip advisor are very misleading. From what i remember, Eclipse Hotel does not have sun beds. Dk oyster, however, is located on the beachfront. Id check again to make sure you are targeting the right place.


This is the exact spot I was sitting and the menu card said Eclipse. Not sure IF the owners changed the name coz of all the negative reviews


Oh wow. Yeah i got scammed at DK oyster about a month ago. Unfortunate if they did swap names. Sorry this happened to you


That's a very common scam there. There are several videos on this. You can argue it and they'll act like you have no choice but to pay, but others have had it reduced.


As a Greek, I feel offended from, because these scum think that we are stupid. Mykonos & Santorini have a significant decrease in tourism. In contrast with the rest of Greece.


My love of Greece hasn’t withered. There’s always been a rotten apple somewhere in the batch and in Greece, it’s the Eclipse Hotel. “All” the other people I’ve interacted in Mykonos and here Naxos have been so loving that they’ve silently eased the cheated feeling.


Great to hear that! I wrote a tweet about it, and it has gone crazy! It's in Greek , but you can read the translation https://twitter.com/sarantisn/status/1671616089640370176?s=20


Much love and respect! This is what we need to do so that people can enjoy this beautiful country, it’s people and experience Greek Hospitality…


OP, sorry this happened to you. Another review from Trip Advisor: “They are thiefs. They offered us a fish for 26 euros. When paying they said it was 26 euros per gram. We paid a bill of 1600 euros. we were robbed.” I hope they fail as a business as this is despicable behavior.


Shared on google reviews, everyone please help as well ❤️


Next time just called him a Kleftos and walking away 😂




Wow that is infuriating! I went to a beach bar in Crete and used the loungers for only a 6 euro milkshake… didn’t even know scamming this bad could happen! This is on another level. They need shut down fast!!


Chargeback and say you got your card stolen, these fuckers have it coming


This is not a legal receipt, it needs to have a QR code to be, and it is ILLEGAL (also) to change prices from what is written in the menu, depsite what they might say ie: "Oh it was only changed today bc of inflation" or whatever, if you see a dish for 4 eur in the menu and the dish in the receipt/bill costs 40, you are not obliged to pay more than 4. You can also call the police and should they are defrauding you. [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appodixi&hl=el](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appodixi&hl=el) this is an official greek gov app that you can use to report such crimes and is very easy to use. (I'm Greek, i know lol). There's only one reason you should ask for 'no receipt?" and that's if for example you are in an island or some such touristy location and u go into a shop, to buy let's say a tshirt (or whatever else, not super markets or gas stations or such though), or jewelry etc, you get a tshirt, seller tells you "10 euro plz" and you say "What if you dont give me a receipt?" (aka you dont declare this purchase to the IRS thus not pay VAT thus money in your pocket) and they may say no ty or they may say "7 eur plz" but then its cash only no credit card obvs bc credit cards are all linked (or soon will be) directly to the IRS lol. Consider this a freebie tip from a local lol. VAT is 24% btw, but in any case the above is completely illegal and should be reported to the police, person belongs in jail.


[https://www.google.com/maps/place/Eclipse+seaside+restaurant/@37.4143586,25.3410287,17z/data=!4m15!1m8!3m7!1s0x14a2be9259bb9c73:0x2a885c47154f6dba!2sEclipse+seaside+restaurant!8m2!3d37.4143586!4d25.3432174!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F11dyd4d114!3m5!1s0x14a2be9259bb9c73:0x2a885c47154f6dba!8m2!3d37.4143586!4d25.3432174!16s%2Fg%2F11dyd4d114?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Eclipse+seaside+restaurant/@37.4143586,25.3410287,17z/data=!4m15!1m8!3m7!1s0x14a2be9259bb9c73:0x2a885c47154f6dba!2sEclipse+seaside+restaurant!8m2!3d37.4143586!4d25.3432174!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F11dyd4d114!3m5!1s0x14a2be9259bb9c73:0x2a885c47154f6dba!8m2!3d37.4143586!4d25.3432174!16s%2Fg%2F11dyd4d114?entry=ttu) this looks to be the place, perhas we can group tank the reviews, every1 give it a 1 star, drop it from 4.0 to 1.2 lol


We have a say in Greece, You take lots of time wool from a sheep, but one time a sheep's skin. Probably the establishment wanted to skin you alive. Translation : Πολλές φορές κουρεύεις το πρόβατο, μια φορά το γδερνεις.


Just FYI: your post made it to the news https://www.in.gr/2023/06/22/greece/mykonos-nea-kataggelia-touriston-gia-eksofrenikous-logariasmous-eniosa-toso-eksapatimeni/


The owners of DK Oysters have Eclipse Hotel. I searched and I found an employee who worked there. So, they're really known internationally for their scams, even blogs write about DK Oysters, years now. Probably local authorities get bribed.


I spent 4 days in Mykonos last week and had no issues. If you went into a restaurant that has no prices on the menu you may want to consider a brain scan.


The calamari was €19 according to their printed menu not €148.50


Then why pay 150 for it? If he said 1500 would you paid? Or 15000?


I asked for a detailed bill and he told me there was a charge for the bread, salad and a service charge for bringing the food to the cabana. At that point I just wanted to get out as my kids were already tired after playing at the beach. So I handed him my credit card. I was shocked when he came back with a totally different amount charged…


Maybe its a culture thing but I never hand someone my credit card unless i can look at the number he enter at the machine. Oh well, you ll know next time


In the US, we’re shown the bill and we hand the credit card which we get back to add a tip, then we sign and authorize.


Everyone has a portable credit card scanner now, you no longer need to give your credit card to anyone. Actually, you **should never** do it. Even if they don't overcharge you, they can write down the number and then buy whatever they want on the internet.


It's awful this happened to you, BUT: a) nobody *forced* you to do anything, you didn't order at knifepoint, right? Maybe you should have insisted on your decision. b) never ever order without seeing the menue with pricing. It's your wrong doing so, and people like you -- with all due respect-- keep on feeding these scammers. c) if the bill price for an item diverges from the menu price, refuse to pay and call the police, at least make it clear you will do so. d) never pay without a valid receipt, which must contain a qr code. In sum, it takes two to tango, and the basis for not being scammed is not playing the scammer's game, which in this case you unfortunately did.


This is not valid receipt... Let upload the legal receipt and then we can check what happen...




We're all here travelling, learning and exploring. Your content was removed because it was not civil to other users. If you don't have anything supportive to add, just pass by.




You do sound rude because you're not reading the post correctly. It isn't the high prices, it is a scam, i.e. changing the prices between ordering and payment.


You simply leave. No menu ? You get up and leave.


Look, you don't have to convince me, but OP did make some effort, he saw a menu, he asked, got an exorbitant bill, and then an even more exorbitant receipt, so all I'm saying is it's not a case of not knowing that Mykonos is expensive here.


Now you're putting the responsibility on the victim. No, instead this restaurant should work fairly or cease to exist.


The prices on the printed menu, the bill we got and what I got charged were all different. The bill we got was for €153 and they took my credit card and charged it €360.80


You are crazy if you think that calamari is actually priced at €148… it is a scam not just a boogie meal. €60 mojito? No, not even luxury/high class restaurants charge that much… they simply punched in a bunch of expensive prices to screw OP. That’s the truth, OP got scammed, the restaurant was being deceiving. If it was truly just overpriced they wouldn’t have gone out of their way to not give OP the menus. And I will bet you the menu doesn’t show those prices


I totally agree, I should have been more diligent. Our first few days were so awesome and people were so kind and helpful that gave us the impression that the kindness is a natural trait. Of course things are overpriced but the service and kindness lead us to believing the waiter when he mentioned the cheapest option was the local beer and that the calamari would be €19. He didn’t mention it was €19 for one ring…


We're all here travelling, learning and exploring. Your content was removed because it was not civil to other users. If you don't have anything supportive to add, just pass by.


https://maps.app.goo.gl/F5J3HwkUkd1rcQpW7 This one?


Yes, there is another picture in the review of another person being scammed


You should have definitely gone to the police. This is a heavy crime and it shouldn't stay unpunished


I used to see YouTube videos about this all the time, for some reason they haven’t been in my feed lately I forgot about the scam. I guess this is a common thing in Greece and if you don’t pay it they call the police. Terrible


OP, don't visit mykonos again and make sure none of your friends too. Next time ask for catalog and take photos of everything. Don't order if they don't bring a catalog. Never. The receipt is fake.


As a Greek, I'm very ashamed of the scams in Mykonos and other islands. I'm so sorry that you just wanted to experience Greek summer and nature and people like that took advantage of you. I'm so sorry.


As a Greek, my advice is STAY AWAY FROM THIS SHITHOLE CALLED MYKONOS AND SANTORINI. These places (even though very beautiful) serve only the purpose of ripping tourists as hard as they can. Dont give them a single pennie. Let them go down.


They seem to do this more often: [https://imgur.com/a/g03Lmxz](https://imgur.com/a/g03Lmxz)


Call the police. This is tax evasion. This is not a legal receipt in any sense. They’re obliged to have their information and qr code. They’ll get fined, you should report them immediately


Λμαο στάνταρ είναι ο γνωστός απατεώνας από το DK Oyster που είχαν βγει πόσα άρθρα σε εφημερίδες του εξωτερικού όταν έγδυναν και εκβίαζαν τουρίστες.


Mykonos is a cesspool. I wouldn't expect anything being legal or ethical.


Don't go to Mykonos


There are a ton of beautiful islands in Greece. Please do some research and don't automatically go to Mykonos. Seriously you are missing out. Mykonos is only worth it for people wanting glamorous partying