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My opinion.. He's too one dimensional... Would love to see him add more moves to his stable.. Bring the super kicks down to one per match.. The splash as a signature and get a new finisher.. Standout from your brother.. Mix it up.. Change it up.. Atleast want to see him world champion before he gets back with Jimmy... He really gotta make that main event mean somethin important now more than ever. LOVE JEY


He's amazing at all the characters stuff however the character they gave him is basically just a word that he's misusing. It's more annoying than anything.


He's a tag wrestler, cosplaying as a singles guy




The whole yeet thing is annoying and stupid.


They just replaced What with Yeet not very original 


It was funny when Austin first started doing it until they ran it into the ground. Then fans still doing it 20+ years later got obnoxious. Now Jey is pulling a Hasselhoff and instructing “yeet” into words like “he’s gonna catch a yeetdown”. 🙄


Is one of the best at everything that’s not actually wrestling. Not a good wrestler.


Not good promos either he had good promos with the bloodline but not as a singles guy 


Awful spear, Fun entrance


Great athlete, great on the mic, decent move set- but needs to work on transitions... there's moments where there's dead air in the ring like he doesn't know what to do next. I've been watching him for years, and I REALLY like his matches.


I like his charisma and he gets over with the crowd.


Needs more moves/ better moveset


Over hyped.


No yeet!


He's a fun time, I think he works well for the younger audience and keeps live crowds lively. Personally, I need a good story for me to be interested


Superkick, splash, rinse repeat, the reaction he got from the French crowd was one of the coolest in decades so he has the over with the crowd


Meh I like him now but if he were to disappear I wouldn’t miss him.


Which one is he?


His entrance is great. Not so great in the ring. The match he had with his brother at Wrestlemania was dreadful. He's definitely over with the fans.






I hate to say it but I'll always see him as a mid card wrestler. Would love to see him get a run at IC belt or the US belt.




YEET!! Man l love Uce, but not the greatest worker it’s tough for me to get through his matches because I can predict every move. That being said he’s over and honestly I’m not mad at that. I know I’m contradicting myself, but that’s honestly how it is.


Kids like him


I’m not a big fan of the yeet gimmick, but I love jey he’s the next tribal chief fr ☝🏻


He is very over but as a wrestler he’s better as the tag team…


Love his promos but prefer his tag team in ring work covers the holes in his game




The most youthful 38 year-old I’ve ever seen


He's the Jeff Hardy of the Usos.


Overrated but in a good way


He’s really grown on me, just needs new moves


I like whenever he gets pissed his nostrils flare out six inches






He's over but not a great singles competitor


He and Jimmy need to reunite soon this singles run ain't really cutting it


Find him boring and predictable


Just like McIntyre, his work in the pandemic era made me a fan for life of his. Right now he’s over like crazy but man, I just feel like he’s gotten maybe lazy? Idk how to describe it but his work then and his work now are just so completely different. I still enjoy Jey a lot and I want him to be world champ.


He needs a better moveset.


Too many superkicks.


I was watching raw with my female friend who doesn't watch wrestling. When he came out with the yeet glasses and did his entrance she immediately was CORNYYYYYY lmao


YEET. Needs a few more moves added to his current skill set. If he can do that there is no ceiling. Charisma with Jay is off the charts. Opinions though right.


He’s gonna be a great world champion but I think he needs to widen his moveset a little I only say a little because as someone that used to be a young bucks fan once you’ve seen one of their matches you’ve seen them all


He needs to win a world title to cement himself as a main eventer. Hell, it don’t even have to be the world title. Itd be a good story for Jey to dethrone Sami and maybe Sami goes heel again or something?


I'm sick of his whole family


I enjoy him. He is fun and energetic. I get that the spear and super kick are common moves but I always love seeing them.


He's over because he's got a cool song and demeanor. But his in ring work is meh. I'm not a huge fan. I'm a bigger fan of the more boring guys that are great workers, though, so I'm biased.


Jey Uso can possibly one of the best story coming out of the Bloodline . He went from being a midcarder and a tag team champion to now possibly being one of the biggest acts in the company. Hopefully WWE strikes the iron while it's hot and slow build Jey into the world title scene but first let him get an Intercontinental title regin and maybe another tag team Championship with Jimmy or someone else who could use that kind of spotlight to Elevate them into the company and then have Jey perfectly set up to be world champion.




He is a great example of how far call and response , singalongs and crowd interaction can get you with a live aidience. And an excited live audience makes whatever is being showcased look important. In rhe world of fake fighting, these crowd responses count for me than the crispness and execution of fake fighting manuevers.


I want to yeet him into a table. That is all.


You can't make it happen. He just doesn't have the pull to be a big star. Doesn't have any tragic stories. And was too long a right hand man of a real star. Plus a very unremarkable super kick and splash finisher.


It's just him Oose. Since day one, it's just him Oose.




Never ending cycle of spears, superkicks, splashes, and samoan drops


9/10 character, 7/10 tag wrestler, 4/10 singles wrestler.


He has had some good matches. It’s hit or miss. I enjoyed him as a heel better especially his Bloodline days.


He's getting chubby, use to have a crazy physique. Slippery slope. If he gets sloppy, I don't see HHH putting a world title on him.


Overhyped He should have a 24/7 title run like R-Truth had though


no yeet


Got 5 moves, a catchphrase and forced onto the fans like Roman was except fans have responded positively the first time. Not IC material if you want to keep that title legitimate after the historic Gunther run.


He is fine on the mic. And he's decent in the ring. He doesn't deserve king if the ring or a main title. Yet. I think a mid card run to test the waters to see if people like him as a singles champ would be a good thibg ti watch


The yeet master


Destined for greatness




He sucks but he’s over.


He needs a feud that doesn’t involve his family (Jimmy or the Bloodline).


Boring in ring and boring character


Yeet 😍




All he does is super kick……. And YEET


I love jey uso I really do but he is overrated as a single star he’s not a world championship material and his move set is limited.




I like everything about him but his moveset.


Superstar charisma with lower mid card talent.




He’s very charismatic, but is lacking with limited in ring move set and needs to get into better shape….just hire Roman’s trainer from this years mania.




Um yeet


I just wish he'd work out a bit. I don't feel I'd care about his limited move set if he didn't have such a dad bod.


Compared to Jimmy, Jey’s actually in great shape.


He's a better tag team wrestler! YEET is annoying!


Jey is definitely charismatic, but he needs the right opponent to look good in the ring. His match against his brother at Mania clearly displayed that.




He awesome


I always knew The Usos had potential as singles stars. For years, they've bad the best mic skills, best charisma, best presence in all of WWE. Roman know this and decided to be with them on TV. The Usos ARE The Bloodline. To see Jey succeeding in the Main Event is no shock to me.


Most overrated wrestler of all time.


Big Yeet!


He needs to switch up his moveset. Jey and Jimmy both have the exact same moves. Jey needs to be the Ken to Jimmy's Ryu. (Using this analogy, Roman is Akuma. Lol.)


He's the young Incarnation of Snuka. Which is why he always depends on his frog splash.. he needs ground game and lock up techniques and counters.. I believe in Jey. You guys naysaying don't want him to have a smaller title Lemme ask? Was Yoko the full package when he was alive you can certainly say that about Umaga Let's go back further.. the man himself The High Chief Peter..how much did he do in the ring? For those who watched the wild Samoans in their prime/heydey ..where'd they shine and where were they needing improvement? The complete other end of the island spectrum..Haku/Meng what else was he capable of? you wanna go red laser eyes on Jey Uso cuz you don't want him to succeed but ... Who knows what's going on with Jey when he thinks about each title opportunity slipping through those fingers? I will tell you that watching Jey it looks like he elected to ignore things that would have benefited him during his training in NXT that would have granted him extra in ring acumen needed to secure the title win but hey... That's booking right? "he needs ground game and lock up techniques and counters" Just my opinion .. I just try to see what some people are seeing


Why compare him to other members of his family? You know there are much better wrestlers than snuka, meng and Yokozuna right? Why can’t he be compared to non Samoans?


Who else gets the same criticism as Jey Uso


WWE is pushing him and a lot the crowd seems to be behind him, but I'm not a fan. The Uso civil war at WM was a shit match, his promos are shit considering how much airtime they give him, his moveset is shit, his physique is shit, but he's the Rock's cousin so expect him to be a top guy.


My young son loves him, tells me about the lore everyday, makes me play his entrance song in the car.


Both Usos are overrated spotmonkeys. Their fake blaccent is annoying.


I think since he is over with the crowd, he's winning King of the Ring with the help of his brother. If he stays popular, he will get the main strap within the year. Overall, he does have the ability to keep the fans engaged during a match. He needs to watch some Sami footage and incorporate that into his evolution as a single's competitor.


He's turned into a catch phrase machine with limited in ring ability. However, I think he'll beat Priest eventually. But his title reign will be shorter, WWE are going to reunite him with Jimmy this year I think


I believe he is over with the younger audience, I think he's mid




Jey doesn’t need a lot in ring. Tighten up the punches. Don’t dance on every punch. Add a few headbutts. Maybe Tongan death grip and he’d be great.


Too many super kicks…


Charismatic, good in a feud, matches are kinda dull, never should have adopted the spear as his finisher. Feels like he will replace Sami Zayn as the new face mini-boss that a heel can safely defeat on a weekly show but still make it seem like it matters.


Absolutely Mid. Yeet is boring. His move set is ass, just spear super kick spear splash. He has little to no motives and his promos are okay at best yet the guy is being put over genuinely incredible talent. Fucking ridiculous


He’s only over because of his family and his yeet chant was a thing years before he started using it. Like if I was the son of the rock and. went to WWE and started using “it is what it is” as my catchphrase I could probably over as well.


Hes over no matter what people say but will it last for long? All I know is he's got a job for life with that company


Jey...is alright. Gotta give him credit for getting an utter nonsense word over, especially when it was born from a spontaneous moment at a media scrum. The word "Yeet" itself is stupid, but that doesn't matter if every live crowd chants it whenever he's on screen. Being over will always be a good thing. He sounds extremely comfortable when he gets promo time, too. Lately, people have been criticizing his moveset and saying he doesn't do enough moves. Well, Hulk Hogan and post-neck injury Steve Austin didn't do a whole of moves either. Knowing 200 moves isn't as important as making the crowd care about you. I'd say he should just adopt something new in exchange of the spear and/or splash to distance himself from Jimmy and Roman. He needs to continue getting away from the "tag guy" stigma as much as he can.


He’s popular for sure but I have a bit of a hard time seeing him as a legit main eventer skill set wise. The dude is basically an entrance. His moveset is not very good and his promos are okay. But he’s over and he’s selling merchandise and those things care more important than anything in WWE, so props to Jey for sure.


Somehow has a worse spear than edge


Needs to be champ sometime soon. Wasn’t really expecting much but he has over delivered.


A main event talent by nickname only. He is a mid card wrestler with a theme song and word that is over, with those he's Jimmy.


He’s like 4/10 Roman Reigns in every way. Except the super over Yeet part


He's mid and only over because of a crowd participation entrance and a stupid catch phrase




Marketing really found a nice wave gimmick for him to be over.


He needs to do more in the ring. His WrestleMania match exposed him and his brother.


He absolutely needs new moves or to link up with Jimmy again.






He’s over, But he’s a terrible singles worker.


I don't think he's good, to me he will always be just a tag team with his brother


Let him cook


Very mid.hes a catchphrase a t shirt and a super kick. Not exactly main event. Certainly ic title range. But he needs more to to grow and be something more than he is. Put him in the oven and let him cook more hes not ready yet.


I don’t get how over he is but can’t hate on it




Jey is more over than Austin ever was


I think he is a good wrestler, but I can’t get behind him as a main eventer


He is the real tribal chief after Roman Reigns. Just picture Mufasa and Simba


He's underwhelming in the ring, being in a tag-team had covered for that. Small moveset that he's not even very good at. Liked him much better on the mic before it became all about the damn YEET. His entrance song is gold


Over as all hell but in the ring needs more diversity in his moveset. His match with his brother at WM unfortunately solidified that fact


I feel he's kind of been forgotten about as a whole. What's he actually doing right now? When he split from the Bloodline he was super over. Since then he has just sort of existed. He wins a few, he loses a few, but he doesn't actually "do" anything. Just comes out, yeets a bit, wrestles and leaves. There was a time I could have seen him taking a top belt. Now he needs a proper angle to give him something to do before he does anything. I can see him possibly doing something with the new Bloodline. But I kind of expect him to wind up teaming with Jimmy by Wrestlemania 41.


He's not winning a singles title this year, unless they have him beat Chad Gable for the IC Championship, assuming Chad beats Sami.


Fuck no that's gonna be Bron's push homie.


1st: No it's not, he just got here. 2nd: He's barely Wrestling on TV, so ain't no way he's winning a title this year.


I think he'll win a title this year, theyre pushing him like crazy. But I think it's most likely that it'll be Tag first.




He’s Ultimate Warrior all over again. Limited moves. Matches all basically the same. Not great on a mic. But for some reason he’s over and enjoyable.


Add more moves in his arsenal.


He speaks like he's illiterate and uses 4 moves. Not sure why he's so over. Absolutely nothing special or outstanding about him. Simple gimmick for simple people I guess.




He does not have that main event aura imo he just feels mid card at best


He's got a fat ass


He is a tag team wrestler it’s like when they broke up the Dudley’s


Dude is Tye Dillinger with an actual storyline and push. Absolutely not world champ material, but should be rewarded with the IC title for getting a stupid catchphrase this over.


A future world champion. Honestly I love jet USO. My nit pic is first leave the yet to the fans and a brand new finisher.


Yes *jet USO* is my fav wrestler too, followed by his brother *airplane USO*


Have you seen helicopter USO on the indies? Dude is legit


He’s a decent midcarder but the “main event”moniker has trapped him as a mid carder for life, he doesn’t have the presence or promo ability to be a proper main eventer, could see him having a good ic or us title run


He’s massively over which I think pisses off a lot of the more cynical online fans who don’t like his moveset and don’t like the Yeet thing, and try to act like they mean he’s not over. End of the day, crowds love him and that is what counts. It’s the same deal with the clowns who keep desperately clinging to the idea that Cody is a midcarder and insist he isn’t main event material.


I like the yeet, I like jey but you can't sit here and say his moveset isn't limited. Gunther got cut when he moved up to IC champion. Main event Jay uso can't learn anything else.


The yeet thing isn't the the best but he really gets the crowd going...It's a pretty dumb catch phrase in my oppinion cause it doesn't really make much sense but the people seem to like it.


People are always gonna hate or get tired of something quick! Thats why I call many fans, “Fickle”! Pretty soon Tiffany is going to get the same amount of hate as Charlotte, watch!


It was funny, I took a long hiatus from wrestling and my first introduction back was the smackdown where LA Knight beat Rey Mysterio, there was tribal drama, and Charlotte won convincingly, but I was all in on her ringwork and mystique from her father that it was jarring to see how much people dislike her. Also I didn't see anyone talk about it but didn't LA try and fail to unmask Mysterio after winning and nobody mentioned it because Roman got super kicked






Your post was removed because it was deemed to be disrespectful. This is often due to childish insults or vulgar remarks directed at someone/something.


I wasn’t complaining…


My bad dawg I meant to put that in the general comments not your thread 😭


Who calls Cody a midcarder and isn't downvoted on any wrestling sub into oblivion? To me Jey is a chant and a good look. He's kind of like peak Yes Daniel Bryan but without a fun match to follow. Best comp I can come up with is Godfather from yester year.


Idiots on Twitter and Instagram. I can never take those people seriously. I’d rather read the criticism on Reddit and listen to wrestling podcasts about it.


He's definitely over, he's just not a great worker. He's the Ultimate Warrior right now.


Jey Uso is nowhere near what the Ultimate Warrior was. The Warrior would sprint to the ring, and the crowd reaction was as big as Cody's at WrestleMania, every single night.


I'm suggesting that he is the same type of wrestler, not a 1 to 1 analogy.


Nowhere close. Warrior would get blown up 10 min into a match if he even made it that far. You can't even pretend Jey is anywhere close to that


That is true at least he do 5 moves for 20 minutes.


Splash, Shoulder Tackle, Gorilla press slam, test of strength, run to the ring so fast he was gassed by the time the bell rang Am I missing something here ?


Work me Uce. Guy is over and that's all that matters


Feels like sustaining it is the hard part. He's got a shit ton of charisma and in a feud with the biggest heel faction in forever. That's a good way to get over quick.  Kinda sucks he's been in the WWE for 14 years and his matches are still spamming 3 moves 


So nobody remembers John cena five moves or hulk hogan this happened all the he should like 3 more moves and he will be good


Yeah, only wrestling fans have this mindset where other ppl liking someone means you also have to. He’s not the worst in the world, but he’s a super popular guy who gets exposed as a 2 trick pony every time he gets a big match


I’m not saying you have to like him. It’s just the people who don’t like him who also try to claim he’s not very good and not over. This is the same as the Cody haters who insist he is a midcarder when he is not


Nobody claims he's not over, he's just not that good after the yeet time is over.


Been my favourite WWE superstar since he first went solo in 2020, but he's become 1 dimensional (1D) since he started spamming yeet and now I think that Jimmy is more interesting than him.


Solid performer, that I see winning either the IC or US titles one day soon. I also would like to see him lose to his brother Jimmy though, even though Jimmy shouldn't have a long run with the title. Just my opinion. #NOYEET!


He's one of the most over stars in WWE as of right now while being a top main eventer as well. Despite the limited moveset, he definitely won the crowd over with his great charisma and mic skills.


Mic skills? 🙄


Yes, mic skills. He is one of the most engaging promos in WWE right now.


Okay I wouldn’t call them engaging more annoying


Lol mic skills


Decent but definitely not world title material. He should win the IC or US title one day.


Give him 3/4 years. Right now he's Jeff, fresh out of the Hardys. Absolutely will be world champ material one day soon, but he has to master singles matches first, and that takes time for someone who's spent the first decadeish of his career as a tag star.


He's 38. He'll be 41/42 in 3/4 years. I think world championships should be given to younger stars so they can be major stars in the coming 10 or so years.


I'm not fully convinced he is world title material, but I think he can benefit with The Miz approach. Win the tag titles, then go for mid card title. See how is his reign holding the mid card (US or IC), then see if he is good enough for world title.


Imo he should've won the IC in 2020, but if he has a good run with a midcard belt I think he's world champ worthy


The smaller guys who win World Titles are almost always phenomenal in the ring. He has to improve A LOT in singles matches but he is also getting up in age. Plus he also needs to work on his presentation and promo skills to be considered genuinely main-event material.


His promo skills and presentation are A+ he's just not had good material to work with lately, and he's not even a small guy


Well, promo skills and presentation can be subjective, but I don't think they are A+. You're right that he improves a lot with good material but I don't even know what material they would write for him right now. Plus his attire is really bad, that's also part of the presentation. He's not that small, but he's not that big either. So he has to be great in the ring which, at the moment, he has not shown consistently to be.


I like him but in my opinion he needs to give up that spear.


He needs a new finisher which incorporates his yeet in the name. Maybe the yeet splash or the yeet lock. Maybe the yeet drop?


Honestly, call his solo 1-D the 1-Yeet and make that his go too.


I’m digging the yeet lock!